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Colonial Architecture
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🇸🇬 Visit Singapore / 🚶♂️ Walk the Freedom Trail in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / 🚶♂️ Walk the Freedom Trail MASSACHUSETTS / 🏰 Visit Colonial Williamsburg VIRGINIA / Visit Madagascar / Visit New England / Go to Peru / Visit New Hampshire UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Merida MEXICO / Visit the Historic Centre of Mexico City MEXICO / 🌳 Visit Mount Vernon VIRGINIA / Visit Ecuador / 🌄 Visit Cusco PERU / 🏛️ Visit Independence Hall PHILADELPHIA / Visit Sri Lanka / 🇳🇮 Visit Nicaragua / Travel the Mountain Railways of India INDIA / Travel to Ecuador / Experience the beauty Cartagena, South America's most romantic city COLOMBIA / Go to Nicaragua / Visit Bolivia / Visit Quito ECUADOR / Visit the Historic Centre of Oaxaca MEXICO / Visit the Ruins of São Miguel das Missoes BRAZIL / Visit Trinidad CUBA / 🌺 Visit Antigua Guatemala GUATEMALA / Visit New England in the fall UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Enjoy a cigar in Cuba / Explore Trinidad (UNESCO) CUBA / Visit the Colonial Annapolis Historic District MARYLAND / Visit the East Coast SRI LANKA / Look into Australia's convict past at Port Arthur AUSTRALIA / Visit Valley de los Ingenios CUBA / Visit the Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia BRAZIL / Eat Mexican food in Mexico MEXICO / Visit the Cartagena Heritage Sites COLOMBIA / Tour the Morgan Lewis Mill BARBADOS / Visit Colonia del Sacramento URUGUAY / Explore Colonial architecture at St Nicholas Abbey BARBADOS / Visit the Colonial City of Santo Domingo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Visit the Historic Centre of San Francisco de Quito ECUADOR / Visit Cartagena COLOMBIA / 🗝️ Visit Historic Jamestowne VIRGINIA / 🏰 Visit Historic Yorktown VIRGINIA / Explore Mount Vernon WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🏠 Visit Longfellow House MAINE / Visit Sovereign Hill AUSTRALIA / Visit Guyana / Visit the Historic Town of Ouro Preto BRAZIL / Visit Senegal / Visit the Historic Centre of Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca ECUADOR / Visit Puerto Plata DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Have a Singapore Sling at Raffles Bar in Singapore SINGAPORE / Visit the Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama PANAMA / Visit Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit Annapolis MARYLAND / 🇸🇱 Visit Sierra Leone / Visit Equatorial Guinea / Visit the Jesuit Block and Estancias of Cordoba ARGENTINA / Visit the Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo PANAMA / Visit the Historic Centre of Olinda BRAZIL / Explore the colonial villas and the streets of the Dutch Fort of Galle (UNESCO) SRI LANKA / Stroll through Santa Teresa BRAZIL / Take a trip to former capital Antigua Guatemala GUATEMALA / Visit the Historic Centre of São Luis BRAZIL / Explore the capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco (UNESCO) PERU / Visit the former gold-mining town, Pilgrim's Rest SOUTH AFRICA / Admire the striking churches along the Jesuits Missions Trail (UNESCO) BOLIVIA / Visit the Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox COLOMBIA / See the Historic Monuments of Tlacotalpan MEXICO / Visit the Historic Centre of Morelia MEXICO / Visit Ilocos PHILIPPINES / Visit Georgetown GUYANA / Visit Angola / Visit Cali COLOMBIA / Visit Potosi BOLIVIA / 🛬 Visit Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU / Visit the Historic Inner City of Paramaribo SURINAME / Visit Santa Ana de Coro VENEZUELA / Visit San Francisco de Campeche MEXICO / Visit São Francisco Square in São Cristovão BRAZIL / Visit Antigua ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Portobelo PANAMA / See all of the places on the Australian National Heritage List AUSTRALIA / Take a walking tour of Old Town, Alexandria WASHINGTON, D.C. / Explore the port town of Trujillo HONDURAS / Visit Santa Marta COLOMBIA / Dig deep into Hill End's rich gold and art history AUSTRALIA / Attend an art and food fiesta in San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / Tour the beautiful colonial buildings of the city of Granada NICARAGUA / See the stone forts of Portobelo PANAMA / Visit the Ruins of Leon Viejo NICARAGUA / Visit Stanley FALKLAND ISLANDS / Visit the Historic Centre of Goias BRAZIL / Visit Benin / Visit the Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis BRAZIL / Visit San Ignacio Mini mission ARGENTINA / Cycle across Cuba CUBA / 🌴 Visit Conakry GUINEA / Visit the Zona Colonial DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Discover the ruins of Fort Shirley and Fort George on the Cabrits Peninsula DOMINICA / Stroll through Lima's Colonial Centre PERU / Stroll through the preserved centre of Coro (UNESCO) VENEZUELA / Explore Panama City's Old Town (UNESCO) PANAMA / Discover Yangon the city of temples MYANMAR / Explore the historical centre of Cali COLOMBIA / Visit Galle Fort SRI LANKA / Visit Villa de Leyva COLOMBIA / Visit Betsy Ross's house PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia COLOMBIA / Explore the windswept relics of ghost towns Kolmanskop and Elizabeth Bay NAMIBIA / Visit West Virginia Independence Hall WEST VIRGINIA / Visit Shimla INDIA / Visit the colonial town of Paraty BRAZIL / Explore the historic fortresses of Santiago de Cuba CUBA / Visit Nuestra Señora de Loreto ARGENTINA / Visit the Old Swedes Church DELAWARE / Visit Captain Salem Avery House MARYLAND / Visit Ibague COLOMBIA / Visit Walnut Grove Plantation SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Chiapas MEXICO / Visit Fort Mifflin PHILADELPHIA / Visit Connecticut's Old State House CONNECTICUT / Visit Filandia, Quindio COLOMBIA / Visit Mystic Seaport CONNECTICUT / Visit the colonial town of Villa de Leyva COLOMBIA / Visit the colonial town of Santa Fe de Antioquia COLOMBIA / Explore the historic center of Quito ECUADOR / Visit Entebbe UGANDA / See the Capilla del Sangrario on the Plaza Bolivar COLOMBIA / Discover the restored colonial architecture in Popayan COLOMBIA / Dig deep into Hill End's rich gold and art history AUSTRALIA / See the Gingerbread houses and the Defly Mansion in Port-au-Prince HAITI / See the Monastery of Santa Catalina in Arequipa PERU / Participate in the Semana Santa celebrations in Antigua GUATEMALA / Wander around the Castillo de la Real Fuerza CUBA / Ride a horse down the cobbled streets of Trinidad (UNESCO) CUBA / Visit the restored George Washington House and Museum BARBADOS / Light a candle at the Iglesia San Francisco in Lima (UNESCO) PERU / See the dramatic Fortaleza Real de Sao Filipe CAPE VERDE / Walk along the old Dutch canals of Georgetown GUYANA / Visit Cayenne FRENCH GUIANA / 🌊 Visit Banjul THE GAMBIA / Visit Camino Real de Tierra Adentro MEXICO / Visit the Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Gorda of Queretaro MEXICO / Visit the Sanctuary of Atotonilco MEXICO / Visit the Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesús de Tavarangue PARAGUAY / See the 17th century fort in Maubara EAST TIMOR (TIMOR-LESTE) / See the Iracoubo Church painted by hand by the famous convict Huguet FRENCH GUIANA / Visit Kourou FRENCH GUIANA / 🏰 Visit Fort St. Jago (UNESCO) GHANA / Explore Independence Square MALAYSIA / Visit the mines and the former Royal Mint at Potosi BOLIVIA / Make like the good, the bad or the ugly among the old western buildings of Levuka FIJI / Witness Euro-Fijian architecture at the Church of Saint Francis Xavier FIJI / Explore the mountain town of Cajamarca PERU / Visit Belen during the Easter week COLOMBIA / Take a boat to Santa Cruz de Mompox COLOMBIA / Celebrate Easter in Antigua Guatemala GUATEMALA / Explore the unique highlands region in Western Guatemala GUATEMALA / Explore the former British Hill Station Maymyo MYANMAR / Visit Panama Viejo and HIstoric District of Panama City PANAMA / Visit Morelia MEXICO / Visit San Luis Potosi MEXICO / Visit the Old British Consulate LIBYA / Visit Ouro Preto BRAZIL / Visit Ouidah BENIN / Visit the historic city of Ouro Preto BRAZIL / Visit the historic town of San Juan ARGENTINA / Visit Fort Washington / Visit Tryon Palace NORTH CAROLINA / Live in Guatemala / Visit Popayan COLOMBIA / Visit Boyaca COLOMBIA / Visit Magdalena COLOMBIA / Visit Turmeque COLOMBIA / Visit Benson-Hammond House MARYLAND / Visit Charles Carroll House MARYLAND / Visit Chase-Lloyd House MARYLAND / Visit Maryland State House MARYLAND / Visit Shiplap House MARYLAND / Visit William Paca House and Garden MARYLAND / Visit St Eustatius / Visit El Morro (Fuerte San Felipe del Morro) PUERTO RICO / Visit the Antigua Naval Dockyard ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit the historic city of Olinda BRAZIL / Visit the Pumapungo ruins in Cuenca ECUADOR / Visit the historic city of Potosi BOLIVIA / Visit La Serena CHILE / Visit the ruins of São Miguel das Missoes ARGENTINA / Visit Ica PERU / Visit Cajamarca PERU / Visit Sullana PERU / Visit Loja ECUADOR / 🌴 Visit Maldonado URUGUAY / Visit Leon MEXICO / Visit the La Merced church in Quito ECUADOR / 🏰 Visit the San Francisco church in Quito ECUADOR / Visit Natal BRAZIL / Visit Aguascalientes MEXICO / Visit Fort San Cristobal PUERTO RICO / Visit Fort São Sebastião SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit the Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm MASSACHUSETTS / Explore Banjul THE GAMBIA / Visit Fort Oranje BONAIRE / Visit Jesuit missions of Trinidad and Jesus PARAGUAY / Visit the San Francisco Church in Santiago CHILE / Visit Taxco MEXICO / Take a tour of the Arequipa Historic Center PERU / Visit the La Compania de Jesus church in Quito ECUADOR / Visit Santa Cruz BOLIVIA / Visit Tarija BOLIVIA / Visit Trinidad BOLIVIA / Visit Cúcuta COLOMBIA / Visit Lobito ANGOLA / Visit Namacunde ANGOLA / Visit Old Road ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Tucuman ARGENTINA / Visit San Salvador de Jujuy ARGENTINA / Live in a colonial house at the Darjeeling hill station INDIA / Visit the La Merced and Jalteva churches in Granada NICARAGUA / Celebrate Independence Day in Granada NICARAGUA / Visit Sucre (UNESCO) BOLIVIA / Explore the capital port-city of Bujumbura BURUNDI / Wander around Cidade Velha, the first European settlement in the tropics (UNESCO) CAPE VERDE / See Fort Sao Miguel near the coast ANGOLA / Explore the colonial town of Bueau CAMEROON / See the old Portuguese fort at Ouidah BENIN / Explore the university town of Merida VENEZUELA / Stroll the colonial Portuguese Ilha de Mocambique MOZAMBIQUE / Discover Panama City's blend of old Spain and modern America PANAMA / Stay at the Hotel Santa Leticia, a working plantation in Apaneca EL SALVADOR / See the Portuguese quarter and Mediterranean style houses of Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU / See the wooden houses supported on stilts in Georgetown GUYANA / Explore Malabo EQUATORIAL GUINEA / Explore Cayenne, French Guiana's capital and chief port FRENCH GUIANA / Learn about the history and heritage of colonial Honduras at Comayagua HONDURAS / Explore historic Potosi BOLIVIA / Visit Baucau EAST TIMOR (TIMOR-LESTE) /