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Folk Dance
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Learn how to dance / Go to a ceilidh / 👞 Attend a traditional Morris dance festival ENGLAND / 💃 Dance at a ceilidh / Perform a belly dance in a public venue / Learn to dance the traditional Korean farmer's dance, the Samullori SOUTH KOREA / Watch traditional dance at Siem reap CAMBODIA / Participate in the Hellenic Festival in Athens GREECE / Learn how to dance the Meke FIJI / Sing and dance with local artists at the Great Northern Arts Festival in Inuvik CANADA / Observe Austrian traditions at the Lederhosen Festival in Windischgarsten AUSTRIA / See Monks recount Buddhist history and myths through folk dances BHUTAN / Watch traditional dancing in Bukoba TANZANIA / Join an Indonesian line dance (Poco Poco) at a Maluku village disco INDONESIA / Watch a performance of Cuban Dance, Habanera CUBA / Learn to square dance / Learn the Danze de los Vaqueros (Dance of the Cowboy) GUATEMALA / Participate in the festival of dance in Madhya Pradesh INDIA / Learn Bugobobobo, a traditional Sukuma Snake Dance TANZANIA / Participate in the Coban Folkloric Festival in Cobis GUATEMALA / Watch a performance of the Danza de la Conquista GUATEMALA / Learn to dance La Cueca (Chilean National dance) CHILE / Watch the weekly folk-dancing at the Masaya Market NICARAGUA / Attend the Alaska Folk Festival ALASKA / Attend the Ozark Folk Festival ARKANSAS / Attend Folkmoot USA NORTH CAROLINA / Attend Sayri Guli Lola TAJIKISTAN / Catch a display of joropo, the national dance VENEZUELA / Learn to dance the hora / Attend the Malipenga Dances MALAWI / Attend the Philadelphia Folk Festival PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the “Kyrgyz Kochu” festival KYRGYZSTAN / Attend Navroz Festival KAZAKHSTAN / See the traditional dances of the tribes of Manipur INDIA / Sample Bulgarian folklore at the Pirin Pee Festival BULGARIA / See the Pirin Folk Ensemble perform BULGARIA / Participate in the New Years Eve Pahela Baishak celebrations in Dhaka BANGLADESH /