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See a Shakespeare play at the Globe UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Mark Twain House in Hartford CONNECTICUT / Visit the Green Gables at Cavendish CANADA / Attend the Bath Literature Festival ENGLAND / Visit Jane Austen's house ENGLAND / Visit Hemmingway's suite at the Hotel Ambos Mundos where he wrote ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls' CUBA / Visit Jane Austen's Birth Place ENGLAND / Visit Poets Corner ENGLAND / Visit Stratford-upon-Avon UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Edgar Allan Poe's grave MARYLAND / See the grave of Hans Christian Anderson at the Assistens Cemetery DENMARK / 🧙♂️ Go on a Harry Potter-themed walking tour in Edinburgh SCOTLAND / Visit the Poe Museum VIRGINIA / Visit Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the birthplace of Shakespeare ENGLAND / Visit the Edgar Allen Poe house MARYLAND / Visit the Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum, Springfield MASSACHUSETTS / Visit La Chascona (Pablo Neruda's house in Santiago) CHILE / Visit Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society Historic Homes SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Steepletop NEW YORK / Visit Thomas Hardy's house ENGLAND / Go on Edgar Allen Poe Tour MARYLAND / Visit the F. Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald Museum ALABAMA / Visit Newstead Abbey UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Dostoevsky Museum RUSSIA / Visit the Karen Bixen museum in Nairobi KENYA / Visit Milton's Cottage ENGLAND / Visit the birth place of Zora Neale Hurston FLORIDA / Visit Cartuesti Bookshop ROMANIA / 👒 Visit the Jane Austen Centre in Bath ENGLAND / 📚 Go on a literary pub crawl in London ENGLAND / Visit Mystery Pier Books CALIFORNIA / Go to all the Harry Potter locations / Follow in the footsteps of a favorite book / Visit Eudora Welty House MISSISSIPPI / See Dumfries, former home of Robert Burns SCOTLAND / Visit the Pushkin House where the poet spent his exile working on Eugene Onegin MOLDOVA / Visit the Willa Cather State Historic Site NEBRASKA / Explore the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum near Vailima SAMOA / Visit the poet Rimbaud's house ETHIOPIA / Read a book from Bahamas / Visit Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library INDIANA / Visit Mark Twain's Boyhood Home in Hannibal MISSOURI / Visit the Pablo Neruda museums CHILE / Visit the Brontë Parsonage Museum ENGLAND / Visit Kerouac House FLORIDA /