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Take an art class / 🏺 Take a pottery class / Get a new hobby / Start a collection of some kind / Make something to sell on Etsy / Learn a new craft / Make 5 things from / Buy something on Etsy / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / Make something out of clay / Take a ceramics class / Start a new hobby / Open an Etsy store / Paint something at a ceramic place / Do a craft project every month for a year / Make a clay sculpture / Decorate a mug with a sharpie / Work on a potters wheel / Try pottery / Try a new form of art, such as painting, sculpting, or pottery / Take a sculpting class / Explore numerous finds at the Delphi Archaeological Museum GREECE / Take pottery classes / Build something with my own two hands / Buy something from Etsy or an online craft store / Watch the skills of the porcelain makers at the Royal Delft pottery in Delft NETHERLANDS / Learn how to use a pottery wheel / Visit the Temple City of Bhaktapur NEPAL / Take a pottery course / Visit Bardo Museum TUNISIA / Visit Essaouira MOROCCO / See traditional arts and crafts in Fianarantsoa MADAGASCAR / Attend an Ann Arbor Art Fair MICHIGAN / Visit the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History NEW MEXICO / Visit the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center NEW MEXICO / Discover traditional handicrafts in Ahuachapan Village EL SALVADOR / Take a clay sculpting class / Watch local potters at work at the wheel at Chalky Mount BARBADOS / Admire local ceramic craftsmanship at Jocotenango GUATEMALA / Learn to throw a pot / Discover the art of the Olmecs at Villahermosa MEXICO / Discover traditional arts and crafts at Patan NEPAL / Explore the Delhi Haat, a crafts market INDIA / Watch masters of 18 different crafts demonstrate their work at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum LATVIA / Visit Samarkand UZBEKISTAN / Visit the market in Chichicastenango GUATEMALA / Visit the Musee Ariana SWITZERLAND / Visit Koh Kred THAILAND / Attend the International Arts and Crafts Fair in Ouagadougou BURKINA FASO / Learn about traditional arts and crafts of the Burundians at Giheta BURUNDI / Visit the Rafael Coronel Museum MEXICO / Visit Raquira COLOMBIA / Visit Arizona State Museum ARIZONA / Visit the Museum of Appalachia TENNESSEE / Visit the craft market in Suchitoto EL SALVADOR / Discover traditional arts & crafts at the Musee d'Art Cameroonais CAMEROON / Visit the Maghreb / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Visit Museo del Barro PARAGUAY / Attend the Allentown Art Festival NEW YORK / Attend the Santa Fe Indian Market NEW MEXICO / Buy souvenirs at the Masaya Market NICARAGUA / Unlock the past at the Bahrain National Museum BAHRAIN / Look for traditional handicraft souvenirs at Ayacucho PERU / Go shopping in traditional souks around Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA / See a large collection of Ghanaian art at the National Museum in Accra GHANA / Survey local handicrafts at Salama GUATEMALA / Join a pottery class / Shop for pottery in Mata Ortiz MEXICO / Shop for crafts at the Msasani Slipway TANZANIA / Discover ancient crafts and pottery markets in Jebel-al-Qara SAUDI ARABIA / Attend the Seagrove Pottery Festival NORTH CAROLINA / Explore the Tolkuchka Bazaar TURKMENISTAN / Go market shopping in Morocco / Visit A'ali BAHRAIN / Visit Museo Taller de Casapueblo URUGUAY / Attend Brimfield Antique Market MASSACHUSETTS / Discover Cameroon culture and history at the National Museum in Yaounde CAMEROON / Explore the Museum of Cotonou BENIN / Look for souvenirs and local crafts at Eteke GABON / Stroll around the the Small and Great markets at Niamey NIGER / Attend the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festival NEW MEXICO / Attend the Mesa Verde Country Indian Arts COLORADO / Visit Natal BRAZIL /