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🎭 Go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Attend the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Attend the Pingxi Lantern Festival in Taiwan TAIWAN / Visit the Historic Centre of Oaxaca MEXICO / Attend the Festival of Giants FRANCE / Participate in the Nice Carnival FRANCE / Attend Lord Mayor's Parade ENGLAND / Attend the Galway Arts Festival IRELAND / Assist in the Venetian 'Great Carnival' ITALY / Attend the Lajkonik Pageant POLAND / See the parade at the Limon Carnival COSTA RICA / Welcome summer by attending the Hi Seoul Festival SOUTH KOREA / Attend the Seoul Fringe Festival in Hongdae area SOUTH KOREA / Walk around the city during the Bloomsday Festival IRELAND / Attend Hakata Dontaku Minato Matsuri (port festival) in Fukuoka JAPAN / Join the carnival at the city of La Vega DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Participate in the Water Festival CAMBODIA / Attend The Holi Festival in Spanish Fork UTAH / Attend the Fiesta del Fuego at Santiago de Cuba CUBA / Attend the Festes de la Merce in Barcelona SPAIN / Attend the Moji Port Festival JAPAN / Attend the festival of travelling arts, Namur BELGIUM / Attend the Bouake carnival CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Attend the Hiragasy Carnival MADAGASCAR / Go to the Lantern Festival in Taiwan TAIWAN / Attend the Christmas Eve 'Pas del Niño' parade in Cuenca ECUADOR / Celebrate Chinese New Year in Beijing / Attend the Covent Garden May Fayre and Puppet Festival ENGLAND / Take part in the annual Kiev Days celebrations UKRAINE / Celebrate La Diada de Sant Jordi SPAIN / Celebrate Autumn Festival in Hong Kong HONG KONG / Attend the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts SINGAPORE / Attend the Budapest Fringe Festival HUNGARY / Attend the Lowell Folk Festival MASSACHUSETTS / Participate in the Independence Day festivities BAHRAIN / Attend the Sonepur Mela in Bihar INDIA / Participate in Mela Chiranghan, the festival of lights PAKISTAN / Participate in the New Years Eve Pahela Baishak celebrations in Dhaka BANGLADESH / Attend La Carlota's street party - Kabankalong Sinulog PHILIPPINES / Attend the traditional Colombian Christmas fairs COLOMBIA / Attend the Love for Bogota Festival COLOMBIA / Party during the Ghent Festival | Gentse Feesten BELGIUM / Attend the A-Ma Festival MACAU /