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Ancient Civilization
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🐪 Visit the Pyramids at Giza EGYPT / 🕌 Visit Petra JORDAN / 🏛️ Visit the British Museum LONDON / 🐫 See the pyramids in Egypt EGYPT / 🇪🇬 Visit Egypt / 🐒 Visit Tikal National Park GUATEMALA / 🐪 Visit the pyramids in Egypt EGYPT / 🏛️ Explore the Maya temples of Palenque MEXICO / 🏯 Stand on the Great Wall of China CHINA / See the pyramids and the Sphinx / See the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx EGYPT / 🏔️ Trek the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu PERU / 🌞 Visit Chichen Itza MEXICO / 🥾 Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu PERU / Visit the Mayan ruins in Central America/Mexico / Go to Stonehenge ENGLAND / 🐪 Visit Cairo EGYPT / Learn about Greek Mythology at the Temple of Zeus in Olympia GREECE / Visit the Nazca Lines PERU / Visit the Valley of the Kings, Luxor / Visit the Bibliotheca Alexandrina EGYPT / Pay a visit to the Teracotta Warriors in Xi'An CHINA / Go to a toga party / See Skara Brae, a preserved Neolithic village SCOTLAND / Visit Iran / Visit the Nile Valley of Egypt EGYPT / Tour a Mayan Ruin / Touch a pyramid / Visit the Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan MEXICO / Understand 1st century Roman lifestyles through the remains at Pompeii ITALY / Visit the Ancient Maya City of Calakmul MEXICO / Visit the Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi INDIA / 🏛️ Visit the Maya Site of Copan HONDURAS / 🏞️ Visit San Agustin Archaeological Park COLOMBIA / Visit Syria / See the largest site of Roman remains in North Africa at Volubilis MOROCCO / Visit the Temple of Ramses III EGYPT / Visit Mount Taishan CHINA / Visit the Elephanta Caves INDIA / See the stone ruins off Bimini, rumoured to be the remains of Atlantis BAHAMAS / Find ancient marble statues at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens GREECE / Visit Choirokoitia CYPRUS / 🏛️ Wander through the exquisitely carved Xunantunich ruins BELIZE / Visit the Egyptian Museum of Berlin GERMANY / See the cave homes carved into the hillsides near Goris ARMENIA / 🏛️ See the temples of the Valle dei Templi at Agrigento ITALY / Visit the Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui CHINA / See Nefertiti and her entourage at the Altes Museum GERMANY / Visit Libya / Visit the Chan Chan archaeological site PERU / Visit the Archaeological Site of Monte Alban MEXICO / Visit the ruins of the Roman town of Conimbriga PORTUGAL / 🏛️ Explore the ruins of Roman Trier GERMANY / Take a flight over the Nazca Lines PERU / Witness the Nabatean tombs glowing red during a sunset over Petra JORDAN / Visit the Sacred City of Caral-Supe PERU / Visit Baghdad IRAQ / Visit the archaeological site at Tiwanaku BOLIVIA / Visit Yin Xu, Henan (Ruins of Yin) CHINA / Visit the Qin Terracotta Warriors CHINA / Visit Teotihuacan MEXICO / Climb a Mayan temple in Tulum MEXICO / Visit Qal'at al-Bahrain BAHRAIN / Stroll among the ancient burial mounds at the Valley of the Thracian Kings BULGARIA / Visit the Museum of Ancient Art in Brussels BELGIUM / Visit the historical cliff city of Al Hajjara YEMEN / See the Leptis Magna archaeological site LIBYA / Find the Mask of Agamemnon and Nestor's Cup in Mucenae GREECE / Visit the Archeological Zone of Paquime MEXICO / Visit the Longmen Grottoes, Luoyang, Hena CHINA / Visit the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor CHINA / Run the Egyptian Marathon EGYPT / Visit the old ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization (Mohenjo-Daro) INDIA / Peek at the blackened mummies in the Dom St. Petri's lead cellar GERMANY / Hike across the Theban Hills from the tomb of Seti I to Deir al-Bahri EGYPT / Visit Samarra Archaeological City IRAQ / Learn a few words of the ancient Mayan language at El Altiplano GUATEMALA / Visit the historical site of Babylon IRAQ / See the Terracotta Soldiers in China / Visit Bardo Museum TUNISIA / Explore the Great Pyramid of Giza EGYPT / Visit the Valley of the Kings EGYPT / Visit the Gyeongju National Museum SOUTH KOREA / See the ruins of the Valley of Tombs and the Monumental Arch in Palmyra SYRIA / Visit the Pre-Inca capital Tiahuanaco BOLIVIA / Visit the ruins of ancient Palaia Pafos at Kouklia CYPRUS / Visit the Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom CHINA / Visit the terraces at the Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut EGYPT / Go looking for the Ark of the Covenant in Axum ETHIOPIA / Discover Pakistani history by spending time in the Lahore Museum PAKISTAN / See the Nazca Lines PERU / See Joya de Ceren, a town buried volcanic ash (UNESCO) EL SALVADOR / Explore the monasteries of Erdene Zuu and Gandan MONGOLIA / Visit the pyramid temples of the sun and the moon in Chan Chan (UNESCO) PERU / Discover Inca ruins in Puca Pucara PERU / Admire the Arch of Ctesiphon IRAQ / See the mummies and other embalmed animals at the Antiquities Museum at Kharga Oasis EGYPT / Visit Baalbek LEBANON / Visit Caracol BELIZE / Watch the sun rise over the jungle from the top of an ancient Mayan pyramid in Tikal GUATEMALA / Hike Ciudad Perdida COLOMBIA / See the rock paintings at Laas Gaal SOMALIA / Visit the bronze and early Iron Age settlements in Karkarala Oasis KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Ciudad Perdida Archaeological Site COLOMBIA / Visit the ancient ruins of Tiwanaku BOLIVIA / 🏛️ Visit the Statue Of Ramesses II in Cairo EGYPT / Explore Chaco Canyon National Historic Park NEW MEXICO / Visit Volterra ITALY / Visit Hatra, the ancient capital of the first Arab Kingdom in Mesopotamia (UNESCO) IRAQ / Discover the tombs of Tierradentro National Park COLOMBIA / Explore the ceremonial funeral site of San Agustin COLOMBIA / Explore the Great Temple of Bel in Palmyra SYRIA / Explore the ancient Sumerian city of Ur with buildings dating back to 4000 BC IRAQ / See the Pyramids of Meroe SUDAN / Visit the archaeological sites of Naga and Musawarat Es Sufra SUDAN / See the 'pearl of the Euphrates' at Deir ez Zor SYRIA / Visit the State Museum of Armenian History in Yerevan ARMENIA / Explore the walled desert city of Shibam (UNESCO) YEMEN / Explore the archaeological sites of Apolloina ALBANIA / Visit Bamiyan AFGHANISTAN / See old coins, manuscripts, carvings and pottery at Sultani Museum AFGHANISTAN / See the ruins of the ancient Illyrian city of Ulpiana KOSOVO / See the ancient city of Copan HONDURAS / Explore the deserted black basalt city of Um al Jimal JORDAN / Go to the chariot races at Jerash JORDAN / Visit the Behistun Inscription IRAN / Walk though the ruins of Paquime MEXICO / Explore the excavated mounds at Mahasthangarh BANGLADESH / Discover the art of the Olmecs at Villahermosa MEXICO / Visit the Museum of Islamic Art EGYPT / Visit Assur IRAQ / Visit the Khajuraho Group of Monuments INDIA / Visit the Joya de Ceren Archaeological Site EL SALVADOR / Visit Cahokia Mounds ILLINOIS / Take an excursion to the Royal Tombs in Peristerona CYPRUS / Explore the Copan Ruins Archaeological Park for glimpses of Mayan Indian culture HONDURAS / Discover the Roman excavations at Eschen-Nendeln LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument COLORADO / Discover Crater, the oldest part of Aden, built on the crater of an extinct volcano YEMEN / Learn about Afghani history at the Kabul museum AFGHANISTAN / See the Garni Temple above the Azat River ARMENIA / Explore the archaeological areas of Bairawiya SUDAN / Visit the 5000 year old city of Caral PERU / See Mosul, the site of the ruined city of Nineveh IRAQ / Explore the well preserved ruins of the Abbasid Empire at Samarra (UNESCO) IRAQ / See the collection of Sumerian and Abbasid artefacts at the Erbil Museum IRAQ / Visit the Museo Egizio, Turin ITALY / Visit Great Zimbabwe ZIMBABWE / Visit the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum MALTA / Visit the San Agustin Archaeological Park COLOMBIA / Visit the Tierradentro Archaeological Park COLOMBIA / Visit the pyramids of Egypt / Go Inside a Pyramid / Go on an archaeology dig in egypt / See the Great Wall Of China / See The Mayan Ruins / Travel the Karakorum Highway CHINA / Visit Angkor Thom CAMBODIA / Visit the Chavin de Huantar archaeological site PERU / Visit the Sacsayhuaman archaeological site PERU / Visit Metsamor ARMENIA / See Assyrian bas reliefs in Nineveh IRAQ / Visit the ruins of the old ksar fort in El Golea ALGERIA / Explore the old ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire, Persepolis IRAN / See the pyramids at the Caral Complex PERU / Visit Bosra SYRIA / Look at Maya-carved stelae at Mirador GUATEMALA / Marvel at the remains of great stone heads around the fields of Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa GUATEMALA / Visit Karez-i-Amir AFGHANISTAN / Tour the National Museum in Taherir Square YEMEN / Stroll around Mari's Royal Palace SYRIA / Explore the temple and burial site ruins of Medain Saleh SAUDI ARABIA / Discover traces of the old town by visiting the Masmark Fort and the Najdi palaces SAUDI ARABIA / Visit the Cahokia Mounds ILLINOIS / Visit Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site KENTUCKY / Visit Shushtar IRAN / Explore the archaeological sites of Paharpur BANGLADESH /