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Boat Trip
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Visit the UK / Take a canal boat along the waterways of Bruges BELGIUM / Take a cruise on Lake Titicaca BOLIVIA / Take a boat out to see the Blue Hole BELIZE / Take a ferry across to Isla Cozumel MEXICO / Travel the Amazon River by boat / Take an Amalfi Coast to Capri Boat Excursion ITALY / Go to Zanzibar by boat TANZANIA / Take a Black Sea boat trip TURKEY / Take a boat trip from Marina Grande to the Blue Grotto ITALY / Go deep-sea fishing in the Red Sea SUDAN / Take a boat to the Xakanaxa lagoon BOTSWANA / Visit Berlengas PORTUGAL / Take a boat trip on Lake Victoria UGANDA / Catch a boat out to 10th century Armenian Church on Akdamar Island TURKEY / Make a boat trip through the mangrove forest along the Viti Levu coast FIJI / Ride the ferry through spectacular Lysefjord NORWAY / Sail the Manitous MICHIGAN / Cross Todos los Santos Lake by boat CHILE / Sail down Lake Tanganyika on the MV Liemba TANZANIA / Take an overnight boat trip on the Rocket paddle-wheel boat BANGLADESH / Visit Monhegan Island MAINE / Visit Havergate Island ENGLAND / Sail down the Volga RUSSIA / Raft and explore Pengunugan Meratus INDONESIA / Sail along the British Virgin Islands BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS / Go island hopping between Elaphite Islands, Lopud and Sipan CROATIA / Take a boat to Santa Cruz de Mompox COLOMBIA / Take a traditional boum and sambuk out to sea KUWAIT / Visit Norrbyskär SWEDEN / Take a boat to Sheikh Said Island ERITREA / Take a boat trip along the winding canals of the Cuero y Salado Wildlife Refuge HONDURAS / Take a long-distance boat trip on the River Gambia THE GAMBIA / Travel somewhere by river boat / Go deep-sea fishing off La Guaira VENEZUELA / Take a boat trip from Livingston to Amatique Bay GUATEMALA / Discover the Sinnamary River FRENCH GUIANA / Take a day trip from Panama City to the island of Barro Colorado in Gatun Lake PANAMA / Visit Kampong Cham CAMBODIA /