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Coastal Tourism
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Visit a lighthouse / Swim in every ocean / Go to a lighthouse / Go horse riding on the beach / 🐋 Visit Oregon Coast Aquarium OREGON / Snorkel / Meet the dolphins at Monkey Mia AUSTRALIA / Go turtle Watching in Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / 🤿 Scuba-dive off the coast of Greece GREECE / Take a ferry across to Isla Cozumel MEXICO / See Killer Whales in the Moray Firth SCOTLAND / Visit the Maine Lighthouse Museum MAINE / Go Whale-watching in Hermanus SOUTH AFRICA / Kiss a sea lion / Learn how to paddleboard / Visit the Aran Islands IRELAND / Discover the sea turtle nesting areas near Cayo Largo CUBA / Visit the Fortress of Louisbourg CANADA / See orcas in the wild / Attend the Klaipėda Sea Festival LITHUANIA / Visit Castillo de San Pedro de la Roca CUBA / Explore the shipwrecks sunk off the island of Vis CROATIA / Go scuba-diving and snorkelling in the waters near the ancient city of Tyre LEBANON / Visit the Greek/Byzantine port of Constanta ROMANIA / Pet a sea cucumber at the Shippagan Marine Centre CANADA / Scuba dive off the Mediterranean coast of Syria SYRIA / Swim in the coastal resorts of Isla de Margarita VENEZUELA / Climb a light house / Visit Mississippi Aquarium IOWA / Visit Mobile Bay Middle Ground Light, Mobile ALABAMA / Dive off the shore Isla de Plata VENEZUELA / Spot a manatee off the Vilanculos coast MOZAMBIQUE / Take a boat to Inhaca Island MOZAMBIQUE / Learn techniques at the sandcastle workshops during the Iles de la Madeleine event CANADA / Try snorkelling at the sea near Bamburi beach KENYA / Visit the Waterfront Museum at Poole ENGLAND / Go swimming in the Eforie Nord and Sud beach ROMANIA / Dive in the Gulf of Tadjoura DJIBOUTI / Build sand-castles on the Akrotiri Peninsula's Mile Beach CYPRUS / Swim in the Ekwata Beach GABON / Indulge in watersports in Mayumba and Cap Esterias GABON / Go whale-watching along Gabon's South Coast GABON / Indulge in watersports in Costinesti ROMANIA / Visit Ghana's Slave Forts GHANA / Live in a lighthouse / Snorkel with sea lions / Visit North Carolina Aquarium NORTH CAROLINA / Go whale watching in Puerto Lopez ECUADOR / Visit Umpqua River Light, Reedsport OREGON / Participate in the Praia Grande Beach Games PORTUGAL / See Fort Sao Miguel near the coast ANGOLA / Indulge in water sports at Ouidah BENIN / Indulge in watersports in Lumut Beach near Tutong BRUNEI / Go skindiving in Cedar Beach LIBERIA / Participate in the Nyale Fishing festival INDONESIA /