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Volunteer at an animal shelter / Adopt an animal from a shelter / 🦒 Visit the San Diego Zoo CALIFORNIA / Go horse riding / 🐍 Wrap a snake around my neck / Buy a zoo membership and use it at least 4 times a year / Visit the Saint Louis Zoo MISSOURI / 🦒 Visit the Cincinnati Zoo OHIO / Go to the dog park / Visit Oakland Zoo CALIFORNIA / Adopt a dog from an animal shelter / Visit the Central Park Zoo NEW YORK / Adopt a pet from an animal shelter / Visit Farm Sanctuary NEW YORK / Visit the Houston Zoo TEXAS / Visit the ABQ BioPark Zoo NEW MEXICO / Visit Fort Wayne Children's Zoo INDIANA / Take a ride on one of the horse-drawn caleches in Montreal CANADA / Wrap a snake around my neck / Visit the San Antonio Zoo TEXAS / Watch the Cats Parade and Throwing of the Cats BELGIUM / Sleep in a stable on a haystack / Visit the Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto CANADA / Go swimming with the dogs / Visit Diergaarde Blijdorp NETHERLANDS / Visit Sedgwick County Zoo KANSAS / Visit Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens FLORIDA / Visit Western Plains Zoo AUSTRALIA / Visit the Virginia Zoological Park VIRGINIA / Visit Bird Kingdom CANADA / Visit the Nashville Zoo TENNESSEE / Visit the Dog on the Tuckerbox AUSTRALIA / Visit the Atlanta Zoo GEORGIA / Donate dog food to a shelter / Sleep in a barn / Visit Kalimba Reptile Park ZAMBIA / Visit Dakota Zoo NORTH DAKOTA / Visit the Philadelphia Zoo PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Cleveland Zoo OHIO / Visit Beardsly Zoo CONNECTICUT / Learn to fold ten different origami animals / Visit Topeka Zoological Park KANSAS / Visit the Great Cats World Park OREGON / Explore the Snake Museum in the Collège de la Salle BURKINA FASO / Visit Zoo Miami FLORIDA / Visit Nagasaki Bio Park JAPAN / Visit Reptile Gardens SOUTH DAKOTA / Attend the Devon Horse Show PENNSYLVANIA / 🐢 Visit Parc des Reptiles BURUNDI / Go on a dog sledding expedition / Visit the Scott Kingdoms of the Seas Aquarium NEBRASKA / Visit Alligator Adventure SOUTH CAROLINA / Own an Irish Wolfhound / Visit the Greater Vancouver Zoo CANADA / Hold a dangerous snake around my neck / Attend the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show ARIZONA / Visit Blank Park Zoo IOWA / Visit Amarillo Zoo TEXAS / Ride a thoroughbred in Mysore INDIA /