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🏅 Attend the Summer Olympics / 🎭 Go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / ⚽️ Attend the FIFA World Cup / 🏂 Attend the Winter Olympics / Attend the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Attend the Sapporo Snow Festival JAPAN / 🎶 Attend the Montreal International Jazz Festival CANADA / Attend the Salzburg Festival (Salzburger Festspiele) AUSTRIA / Attend the Fantasporto fantasy film festival PORTUGAL / 🐲 Attend the Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong HONG KONG / Attend Eurovision / 🏉 Attend the Hong Kong Sevens HONG KONG / Attend the Dubai World Cup UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the 2014 FIFA World Cup BRAZIL / 🎺 Attend the Cape Town International Jazz Festival SOUTH AFRICA / Attend the IAAF World Championships in Athletics / Attend the Seoul Fringe Festival in Hongdae area SOUTH KOREA / Attend the Cork International Choral Festival IRELAND / Attend the Danza de los Zancos (Stilt Dancing) Festival SPAIN / Attend the Kimchi Expo in Seoul SOUTH KOREA / Attend the International Ballet Festival of Havana CUBA / Attend the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival CHINA / Attend the Göteborg International Film Festival SWEDEN / Attend the Festwochen Wien (Vienna Festival) AUSTRIA / Participate in the Perth International Arts Festival AUSTRALIA / Attend the Rockwave Festival in Malakassa GREECE / Attend the Cairo Internation Book Fair EGYPT / Attend the Istanbul Music Festival TURKEY / Attend the International Kite Festival THAILAND / Attend the Le Mans French Moto Grand Prix FRANCE / Participate in Andorra Ultra Trail ANDORRA / Attend the Havana International Guitar Festival CUBA / Attend the Cascais Summer Festival PORTUGAL / Attend the International Flower Show in Damascus SYRIA / Attend the Rome International Choral Festival VATICAN CITY / Attend the White Nights Festival RUSSIA / Attend the Vilnius Salsa Festival LITHUANIA / Attend the Qatar Grand Prix QATAR / Attend the International Mariachi Festival MEXICO / Attend the Macao Lotus Flower Festival MACAU / Attend Ghadames International Festival LIBYA / Witness the Wife-carrying World Championships, an ancient Baltic tradition ESTONIA / Attend the Harare Jazz Festival ZIMBABWE / Attend the Victoria Falls International Jazz Festival ZIMBABWE / See the Merdeka Millennium Endurance races MALAYSIA / Attend the Grande Premio do Porto (Vintage Formula One Race) PORTUGAL / Attend the Gran Premio de Espana de Formula One SPAIN / Attend the Cultural programmes of the Moussem des Femmes MOROCCO / Attend the Rokolectiv electronic music festival ROMANIA / Go to the Qufu International Confucian Festival CHINA / Attend the FIFA World Cup 2014 / Attend the Kaunas Jazz Festival LITHUANIA / Attend the Abu Dhabi International Jazz Festival UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the Dubai Formula F4 Powerboat Race UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the International Festival of Carthage TUNISIA / Attend the International Festival of Sousse TUNISIA / Attend the Ljubljana Jazz Festival SLOVENIA / Attend Bratislava Jazz Days SLOVAKIA / Attend the International Folk Costume Dolls Festival SLOVAKIA / Attend the Supernatural Festival SERBIA / 🏎️ Attend the Bahrain Grand Prix BAHRAIN / Attend the Azerbaijan Grand Prix AZERBAIJAN / Attend the Austrian Grand Prix AUSTRIA / Attend the Seoul Food and Hospitality Expo SOUTH KOREA / Go to the summer Olympics (as a spectator) / Watch a Formula 1 Grand Prix live / Attend the Copenhagen Jazz Festival / Attend Summer in the City Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG /