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🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🚣♂️ Go white water rafting / 🛶 Visit Alaska UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Visit Colorado UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🌲 Visit Denali National Park ALASKA / Visit Washington UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Denver COLORADO / Visit Khao Sok National Park THAILAND / Visit Wyoming UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Idaho UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Explore South America / Row Down the Grand Canyon ARIZONA / Visit Estes Park COLORADO / Raft the Navua River - Fiji / 🏰 Visit San Salvador EL SALVADOR / 🏞️ Visit Nahanni National Park CANADA / Float the Tatshenshini-Alsek River CANADA / Visit Zambia / Visit the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan CHINA / Raft the Mangoky River - Madagascar / Visit Talkeetna ALASKA / Float the Big Bend of the Rio Grande TEXAS / Raft the Gauley River WEST VIRGINIA / Take a white-water raft trip on the Pacuare COSTA RICA / Visit Yellowstone (also see Old Faithful) / Visit Steamboat Springs COLORADO / Travel to a state I haven't visited before / Visit Cherokee National Forest TENNESSEE / Visit the Catskills NEW YORK / Go white-water rafting through the canyons of Osumi River ALBANIA / Travel to Albania ALBANIA / 🚣♂️ Go white-water rafting in the Reventazon COSTA RICA / Visit Jalapão BRAZIL / Go white-water rafting along the rapids in the White Nile UGANDA / Live in Alaska / Visit Jinja on the shores of Lake Victoria UGANDA / Raft the Rogue River OREGON / Visit Flathead National Wild and Scenic River MONTANA / Raft the Forks of the Kern CALIFORNIA / Go white water rafting in Oulanka National Park FINLAND / Try river rafting in the Mongoky River MADAGASCAR / Go white-water rafting in the Neretva mountain river BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Go rafting on the rapids of El Chiquibul GUATEMALA / Have a go at any water sport along the coast PORTUGAL / Watch the moon rise while rafting through the River Beas INDIA / Raft along the Li River in Yangshuo CHINA / Visit Kanchanaburi THAILAND / Visit Royal Gorge COLORADO / Visit Bihać BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Raft Arkansas River COLORADO / Indulge in a variety of water-sports at the Gauja River LATVIA / Go rafting on one of Chile's rivers CHILE / Experience white-water rafting on the Dalaman River TURKEY / Go rafting on the Drina River SERBIA / Go whitewater rafting along the Bela River SLOVAKIA / Visit Tonto National Forest ARIZONA / Go whitewater rafting in Hells Canyon IDAHO / Raft the Rogue River in Southern Oregon OREGON / Indulge in watersports in Soufrière DOMINICA / Go white-water rafting in Lempa and Paz EL SALVADOR / Raft the rapids of Kukkolankosi FINLAND / Go white-water rafting in Kitulgala SRI LANKA / Raft in the waters of Trisuli River NEPAL / Indulge in watersports in Costinesti ROMANIA / Indulge in watersports in Mayumba and Cap Esterias GABON / Go rafting in the Una River BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Try a variety of watersports in the Italian Riviera in Liguria ITALY / Go white-water rafting at Vall de la Noguera Pallaresa SPAIN / Go rafting on the wild rapids of the Chico River PHILIPPINES / Raft on River Atuel ARGENTINA / Go rafting on the Angren and Pskem UZBEKISTAN / Visit San Luis Potosi MEXICO / Raft the Futaleufú River CHILE / Whitewater raft down a river / Go white water rafting in the Maipo River CHILE / Go white water rafting on the Rio Negro COLOMBIA / Raft down the Napo River ECUADOR / Visit Wangdue Phodrang BHUTAN / Visit Pucon CHILE / Go river-rafting in the Marsyangdi River NEPAL / Raft the rapids on the Rio Negro in Cundinamarca and Fonce COLOMBIA / Go white-water rafting along the Cangrejal River, near La Ceiba HONDURAS / Indulge in watersports at River Ili KAZAKHSTAN / Go white-water rafting in Voss NORWAY / Whitewater raft on the Lehigh River PENNSYLVANIA /