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🏛 Go to 5 different museums / 🖼 Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art NEW YORK / 🏛️ Visit the British Museum LONDON / Visit 5 museums / 🏛️ Explore Ancient Ephesus TURKEY / Visit the ancient ruins of a fallen civilization / Go to 3 different museums / Make myself a time capsule / Visit 10 Museums I have never been before / See the Pyramids of Giza EGYPT / Visit a museum on a free day / Visit five different museums / Visit the Louvre Museum FRANCE / Visit the Victoria and Albert Museum ENGLAND / Visit every museum at my city / See the tomb of Tutankhamen at West Luxor EGYPT / Visit every museum in my city / Explore the ruins of Knossos, a 3000 year old Minoan Palace GREECE / Visit the Valley of the Kings, Luxor / Visit the Acropolis Museum GREECE / Visit ancient Pompeii ITALY / Go on an archaeological dig / Walk around the Valley of the Queens EGYPT / See the Parthenon GREECE / Explore the Valley of Kings EGYPT / Visit Museu Picasso SPAIN / Find a treasure with a metal detector / Touch a pyramid / Discover egyptian relics in the Egyptian Museum at Cairo EGYPT / Visit the Pergamon Museum GERMANY / Take part in an archaeological dig / Learn about ancient Greek history at the New Acropolis Museum in Athens GREECE / Visit the tomb of Ramses IX EGYPT / Visit the National Palace Museum CHINA / Visit the Ashmolean Museum UNITED KINGDOM / 🏛️ Visit the Neues Museum GERMANY / Vist the Shanghai Museum CHINA / Explore the Great Pyramid of Khufu EGYPT / Explore numerous finds at the Delphi Archaeological Museum GREECE / Explore the tomb of Nefertari EGYPT / Visit the Egyptian Museum of Berlin GERMANY / Discover the Graeco-Roman theatre in Kourion CYPRUS / See the Rosetta Stone at the British Museum ENGLAND / Visit the Great Pyramid of Giza EGYPT / Pay a visit to the Archaeological Museum in Iraklio GREECE / Visit the Egyptian Museum EGYPT / Visit the National Museum in Phnom Penh CAMBODIA / Visit the Pyramid of Menkaure EGYPT / Visit the Museum of Ancient Art in Brussels BELGIUM / Visit the ancient treasure house in Portobelo PANAMA / Discover the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Citadel and Archaeological Museum in Amman JORDAN / See the relics retrived from the seabed at the Alexandria National Museum EGYPT / Find the Mask of Agamemnon and Nestor's Cup in Mucenae GREECE / Go metal detecting / Visit Samarra Archaeological City IRAQ / Visit the new Deryneia Folkloric Museum CYPRUS / Visit Bardo Museum TUNISIA / Visit the excavation museum near Epidaurus GREECE / Visit the Valley of the Kings EGYPT / Visit Umm Qais JORDAN / Visit the Museum of World Treasures in Wichita KANSAS / Explore the Great Pyramid of Giza EGYPT / Visit Allard Pierson Museum NETHERLANDS / Peek at the blackened mummies in the Dom St. Petri's lead cellar GERMANY / Visit the Archaeological Museum in Antalya TURKEY / Stroll through the history rich Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Explore the mystical Red Pyramid in Dahshur EGYPT / Visit the Mimara Museum in Zagreb CROATIA / Visit the ancient city of Hatra IRAQ / Visit Luxembourg City History Museum LUXEMBOURG / Discover Pakistani history by spending time in the Lahore Museum PAKISTAN / Visit Lao National Museum LAOS / Stroll around the Yerevan library of ancient manuscripts, Materadaran ARMENIA / See the mummies and other embalmed animals at the Antiquities Museum at Kharga Oasis EGYPT / Visit the Mausoleum of Mausolus TURKEY / Seek out the Museum of Anatolian Civilisations in Ankara TURKEY / Visit Abingdon Museum ENGLAND / Discover Stone Age artefacts at the American University Archaeological Museum LEBANON / Visit Bijbels Museum NETHERLANDS / Discover the ancient Greek city ruins of Histria, Tomis and Callatis ROMANIA / Visit the Museo Del Oro COLOMBIA / Visit the Museum of Colonial Religious Art PANAMA / Visit the Museum of Islamic Art EGYPT / Visit Museo di Stato (State Museum) SAN MARINO / Discover the Ottaman ruins in Bitola NORTH MACEDONIA / 🏛️ Visit Historiska Museet (Swedish Museum of National Antiquities) SWEDEN / Explore the archaeological sites of Apolloina ALBANIA / Visit the Cyrene archaeological site LIBYA / See old coins, manuscripts, carvings and pottery at Sultani Museum AFGHANISTAN / See the Great Ziggurat in Ur IRAQ / Explore the Great Temple of Bel in Palmyra SYRIA / Visit the Museum of History and Archaeology in Brest BELARUS / Visit the Sotira Museum CYPRUS / Visit National Museum of History and Art LUXEMBOURG / Unlock the past at the Bahrain National Museum BAHRAIN / Stroll through the Kuwait National Museum KUWAIT / Explore the archaeological areas of Bairawiya SUDAN / Discover the Roman excavations at Eschen-Nendeln LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit a museum on a rainy day / Explore the Hermitage Museum in Russia / Go Inside a Pyramid / Visit the pyramids of Egypt / Visit the Museo Egizio, Turin ITALY / Visit National Museum of Funeral History TEXAS / Visit the World Museum at Columbus Lighthouse DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Visit the National Palace Museum TAIWAN / Visit the museums of Caracas VENEZUELA / Discover the Temple of Jupiter in the Bekaa Valley LEBANON / Visit the Old Museum (Altes Museum) GERMANY / Visit the Bristol Museum UNITED KINGDOM / Learn about the country's history at the art and archaeology museum in Guatemala City GUATEMALA / Discover archaeological remains around Lake Amatitlan GUATEMALA / Find out about Moldova's history in the History and Regional Lore Museum in Chisinau MOLDOVA / Visit Bosra SYRIA / Visit the Museum of Turkmen Values TURKMENISTAN / Visit Atyrau History Museum KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Old Florida Museum FLORIDA / Go on an archaeology dig in egypt / Visit the Museum of Jurassic Technology LOS ANGELES / Tour the National Museum in Taherir Square YEMEN / See archaeological treasures dating back to 4000 BC at the National Museum SUDAN / Visit Bekhzod National Museum TAJIKISTAN / Visit the National Museum of Antiquities of Tajikistan TAJIKISTAN / Walk around the Iraqi National Museum in Baghdad IRAQ / See murals, plaster carvings and other artefacts at the Archaeological Museum MYANMAR /