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🕍 Visit Notre Dame Cathedral FRANCE / 🏰 Visit the Sagrada Familia SPAIN / 🕯️ Light a candle at the Notre Dame Cathedral FRANCE / Visit the Great Cathedral and Mosque in Cordoba SPAIN / 🏰 Visit St Paul's Cathedral / Visit Siena Cathedral ITALY / 🏰 Visit the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela SPAIN / Visit La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona SPAIN / 🏰 Visit Salisbury Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit Antwerp BELGIUM / 🏰 Visit Cologne Cathedral GERMANY / 🏰 Visit the Washington National Cathedral WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Malaga SPAIN / Visit the Piazza del Duomo in Pisa ITALY / 🏰 Visit the lofty cathedral Cologne's Dom GERMANY / Marvel at the medieval architecture of York ENGLAND / Visit Ghent BELGIUM / 🏰 Visit Lincoln Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit Brasilia BRAZIL / Light a candle in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna AUSTRIA / Visit Milan's Duomo ITALY / Visit the cathedral of St. John the Baptist GEORGIA / 🚶♂️ Travel the Pilgrim's Way and visit the Canterbury Cathedral ENGLAND / Climb the tower of the 14th-century Dom (cathedral) NETHERLANDS / 🏰 Explore the Wawel Castle in Cracow POLAND / Visit Strasbourg FRANCE / Visit Cologne GERMANY / See the Cathedral of the Holy Saviour in Bruges BELGIUM / 🏰 Visit the 11th century Durham Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit Salisbury ENGLAND / Visit St Patrick's Cathedral NEW YORK / Light a candle at the York minster ENGLAND / Visit St. Paul's Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit La Sagrada Familia SPAIN / See the cathedral of Alcazar and it's El Greco paintings at Toledo SPAIN / Visit the Milan Cathedral ITALY / Visit the Valencia Cathedral that claims possession of the Holy Grail SPAIN / Visit the university town of Salamanca SPAIN / Witness the Domkirche in Vienna AUSTRIA / Visit the old town of Mdina MALTA / Visit the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis MISSOURI / See the ancient Cathedral of St Sophia in Ohrid NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit Aachen Cathedral GERMANY / Visit York Minister ENGLAND / Visit St. Patrick's Cathedral NEW YORK / See the Romanesque cathedrals in Mainz GERMANY / Visit the Cathedral of Our Lady in Tournai (UNESCO) BELGIUM / See the baroque churches, cathedral and Roman ruins of Braga PORTUGAL / Visit Winchester Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit the Cathedral of Ulm GERMANY / Visit the Notre Dame Cathedral at Reims FRANCE / Visit the Old City of Salamanca SPAIN / Visit the Historic City of Toledo SPAIN / Visit the Cathedral of St Vladimir UKRAINE / Visit Canterbury UNITED KINGDOM / 🏰 Visit St David's City WALES / Visit Canterbury Cathedral UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Köln GERMANY / Visit Saint Basil's Cathedral RUSSIA / Visit Strasbourg Christmas Market FRANCE / Visit the Cathedrale de Lausanne SWITZERLAND / Visit the Almudena cathedral SPAIN / See the murals in St. Barabara's Cathedral in Kutna Hora CZECH REPUBLIC / Attend the Semana Santa in Seville SPAIN / Visit the Sacre Coeur Cathedral VANUATU / Climb up the tower and onto the roof of Trondheim Cathedral NORWAY / Visit Vilnius Cathedral LITHUANIA / Visit La Mezquita (Cathedral of Cordoba) SPAIN / Visit Santiago De Compostella SPAIN / Climb Florence's Duomo ITALY / Visit St Davids WALES / Visit Burgos Cathedral SPAIN / 🏰 Visit Alexander Nevsky Cathedral BULGARIA / Visit the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg RUSSIA / See the Hall of the Vicars Choral at the Rock of Cashel IRELAND / Climb the Duomo in Florence ITALY / See Brunelleschi's design for the Duomo ITALY / Visit Durham Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit the Alexander Nevsky Lavra RUSSIA / Light a candle at the Catedral Metropolitana at San Jose COSTA RICA / See the wooden columns of the Cathedral of St. Michael carved by a blind craftsman GABON / Visit the Historic Center and Cathedral of Cologne GERMANY / Visit Rochester ENGLAND / Visit the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore ITALY / Visit the Cathedral of St. John the Divine NEW YORK / Visit Durham Castle ENGLAND / Visit Westminster Cathedral LONDON / Climb to the top of Peterborough Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit Christ Church Cathedral MISSOURI / Visit Piazza Del Duomo, Pisa ITALY / 🏰 Visit the St. Magnus Cathedral in Orkney SCOTLAND / Visit Freiburg GERMANY / Hear a choir in one of the great cathedrals / Visit Domkyrkan SWEDEN / Visit Sheffield Cathedral ENGLAND / Try Altbier at the Alstadt beer hall in DusseldorfVisit the lofty cathedral Cologne's Dom GERMANY / Light a candle at the Leon Cathedral NICARAGUA / Light a candle at the Cathedrale Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Light a candle at St. John's Cathedral ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Light a candle at the Cathedral in Guatemala City GUATEMALA / Visit Linkoping Cathedral SWEDEN / Visit Roman Catholic Kathedraal SURINAME / Visit Ljubljana Cathedral SLOVENIA / Visit the Baltimore Basilica MARYLAND / Visit the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame INDIANA / Visit the Catedral de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes URUGUAY / Visit the Cathedral of the Madeline UTAH / Visit Reims FRANCE / Visit the Salvador da Bahia Cathedral BRAZIL / 🏰 Visit Arequipa PERU / Visit the Notre Dame, Paris / Visit the Playa de las Catedrales SPAIN / Visit Santa Maria La Real De La Almudena MADRID / Visit Vagharshapat ARMENIA / Visit Florence Cathedral (Duomo Santa Maria di Fiore) ITALY /