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Marine Conservation
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🐬 Swim with dolphins / 🐳 Go whale watching / 🐢 Watch turtles enter the sea for the first time / 🐟 Go to an aquarium / 🐠 Visit an aquarium / 🦈 Swim with sharks / 🐬 Swim with a dolphin / 🐬 Go swimming with dolphins / Go snorkeling/scuba diving / 🤿 Go snorkelling / 🐢 Swim with sea turtles / 🐢 See Costa Rica's Turtles and Birdlife COSTA RICA / 🐟 Take photos underwater / Swim in every ocean / 🐋 Go whale-watching / 🤿 Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🦈 Cage dive with sharks / 🤿 Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / See a narwhal in real life / Watch baby turtles hatch / 🏊♂️ Swim with whale sharks / Dive with sharks / Visit the aquarium / Swim with a whale shark / 🐠 Visit Saba Marine National Park NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / 🏝️ Visit the Bu Tinah Shoals UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / 🤿 Scuba dive with manta rays / See a coral reef / Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Witness a sardine run on South Africa's coast SOUTH AFRICA / Look out for Killer Whales in the B.C. Coast CANADA / Explore the Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park GRENADA / Spend the day at the Georgia Aquarium GEORGIA / 🐟 Swim with a school of fish / Visit the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument HAWAII / Dive in the red sea / Visit the Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino MEXICO / See dolphins at Moray Firth SCOTLAND / 🌊 Swim with stingrays / Walk the sea floor around the Bay of Fundy islands CANADA / See Killer Whales in the Moray Firth SCOTLAND / Watch for whales where the Saguenay River meets the St. Lawrence CANADA / Adopt a manatee / Sea Kayak the San Juan Islands WASHINGTON / Swim with whales / Kiss a sea lion / Visit Heard and McDonald Islands AUSTRALIA / Dive in some of the underwater gardens in Montego Bay Marine Park JAMAICA / Visit the Melbourne Aquarium AUSTRALIA / Paddle Santa Cruz Island CALIFORNIA / Visit Dubai Aquarium & Underwater Zoo UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Swim with the nurse sharks in the waters of Hol Chan Marine Reserve BELIZE / Interact with sea-lions at the Blue Lagoon Island BAHAMAS / Watch turtles being released back into the wild at the Auala Green Turtle Conservation SAMOA / Scuba dive to find seahorses and giant sand eels BARBADOS / See bottlenose and spotted dolphins at Drake Bay COSTA RICA / Snorkel in the waters around Prison Island TANZANIA / See the Aquarium La Rochelle FRANCE / See a whale shark / Find a starfish / Visit Somes Island NEW ZEALAND / Go Turtle watching at the Ras Al Jinz Scientific and Visitor's Centre OMAN / See sea turtle eggs hatch / Visit the Clearwater Marine Aquarium FLORIDA / Watch migratory humpback whales in Ile Ste-Marie MADAGASCAR / See a shark in the wild / Visit Rocas Atoll (Atol das Rocas) BRAZIL / Dive with seals / Swim with dolphins in the wild / Dive with the sharks in the aquarium at Bangkok's Siam Ocean World THAILAND / Go scuba-diving in Kenya's Coral Coast KENYA / Go snorkelling in the Palolo Deep Marine Reserve on Upolu island SAMOA / Watch for fruit bats, parrots and marine turtles around Fiji FIJI / Visit Malpelo Island Fauna and Flora Sanctuary COLOMBIA / Touch a whale / Spot loggerhead turtles at the Palm Islands Nature Reserve LEBANON / Discover varied marine life and underwater gardens in the dive site of Toliara MADAGASCAR / Explore fields of coral at Cinque Islands in the Andamans INDIA / See the endangered Olive Ridley Turtles swim to sea near Bhubhaneshwar INDIA / Visit Aquarium of the Pacific CALIFORNIA / Swim with the sharks at Exmouth AUSTRALIA / See a humpback whale / Visit Maritiem Museum Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit Madagascar to watch Humpback Whales MADAGASCAR / Listen to the male whales sing at Neiafu TONGA / Explore the shipwrecks sunk off the island of Vis CROATIA / Watch sperm whales, pilot and pygmy whales around the Dominican coast DOMINICA / Visit Baltimore Aquarium MARYLAND / Volunteer in Belize / Dive at the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO) COLOMBIA / 🐠 Visit Hol Chan Marine Reserve BELIZE / Dive near islands off Costa Brava SPAIN / Pet a sea cucumber at the Shippagan Marine Centre CANADA / Scuba dive off the Mediterranean coast of Syria SYRIA / Watch the dolphins at Kizimkazi TANZANIA / Make a boat trip through the mangrove forest along the Viti Levu coast FIJI / Find the Stavronikita ship in the waters near Folkestone Marine Park BARBADOS / See a turtle in the wild / Dive with a whale shark / See Leatherback turtles nesting on the Gabonese Coast GABON / Visit the Albuquerque Aquarium NEW MEXICO / Dive in the thriving coral reeds around Bentota SRI LANKA / Snorkel in the coast off the Dahlak Archipelago ERITREA / Visit Tubbataha Reef PHILIPPINES / See a blue whale in the wild / Visit Curieuse Marine National Park SEYCHELLES / Snorkel around Ile Cocos Marine National Park SEYCHELLES / See a basking shark in the wild / Visit the Oregon Coast Aquarium OREGON / Visit Danjugan Island PHILIPPINES / Spot a school of hammerheads off while diving off the coast of Layang Layang MALAYSIA / Sail around the British Virgin Islands / Dive with hammerhead sharks / See the island's protected green turtle in the marine reserve off Moheli's southern coast COMOROS / Look for spinner dolphins at the shallow bays of Guam GUAM / Explore a shipwreck / Try snorkelling at the sea near Bamburi beach KENYA / Harvest seaweed with the locals in the tidal flats of Bwejuu TANZANIA / Snorkel during the sardine migration SOUTH AFRICA / Dive with Great White sharks in South Africa SOUTH AFRICA / Swim with seals in the Sound of Mull SCOTLAND / Spot a dolphin in the wild / Snorkel with sea lions / Visit US minor outlying islands UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Snorkel with mako sharks / Visit Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park PHILIPPINES / Visit the Hatfield Marine Science Center OREGON / Handle eels at the eel pool in Pwudoi MICRONESIA / Visit the Museum of Marine Biology in Inhaca MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Bijagos Archipelago GUINEA-BISSAU / Go whale-watching along Gabon's South Coast GABON / Discover corals and wrecks while diving off the coast GUAM / Visit the Malapascua Islands PHILIPPINES / Visit Cabrera Archipelago Maritime-Terrestrial National Park SPAIN / Visit Milne Bay PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Cage dive with Great White sharks / Snorkel in Ustica ITALY / Visit the Hong Kong Maritime Museum HONG KONG / Visit Palau Aquarium PALAU / Dive WWII wrecks in Gizo SOLOMON ISLANDS / Go swimming with the dolphins / Scuba dive around coral reefs / Visit Bamfield Marine Station CANADA / Scuba dive the Sardine Run SOUTH AFRICA / Do underwater photography / Dive to the Christ of the Abyss ITALY / Dive to a shipwreck / Visit the King Penguin rookery, St Andrew Bay SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS / Dive in the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary AMERICAN SAMOA / Go scuba diving in Sal's underwater world CAPE VERDE / See the Tropical Aquarium with underwater exhibits from the Red Sea DJIBOUTI / Visit the Funafuti Marine Conservation Area TUVALU / Go turtle spotting in Montjoly Beach FRENCH GUIANA / Go spear fishing with the locals SAMOA / Visit Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AUSTRALIA / Go whale watching in Puerto Lopez ECUADOR /