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Traditional Clothing
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🍺 Go to Oktoberfest GERMANY / 🍺 Attend Oktoberfest GERMANY / Celebrate Oktoberfest / 🇳🇱 Participate in the Queen's Day Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Attend a Cherry Blossom party JAPAN / Visit a traditional Korean Folk Village SOUTH KOREA / 🪔 Celebrate Diwali in India INDIA / Visit the National Folk Museum of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Learn about Korean culture by attending the Hangeul Day festivities SOUTH KOREA / 🏴 Wear a kilt SCOTLAND / Visit Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Visit Damascus SYRIA / Shop at the road side bazaars and chichi boutiques in Delhi INDIA / Explore markets and shops in the backstreets of Chinatown PHILIPPINES / Attend a Punjabi wedding INDIA / Visit Thimphu BHUTAN / Celebrate Juhannusvalkeat (Midsummer) with bonfires and folk music FINLAND / Celebrate the Harvest Moon Festival by participating in Chuseok SOUTH KOREA / Attend the La Feria de Abril at Seville SPAIN / Go shopping at the Smugglers' Market in Harar ETHIOPIA / Attend the Jongmyo Daeje ancestral rite (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Buy a kilt / Learn how to tie a Lungi from a local at Kerala INDIA / Stroll through the lively bazaar at the Gorkha hill town NEPAL / Buy and wear a kente (traditional cloth) outfit GHANA / Stroll around the Makola Market GHANA / Celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr in Zanzibar TANZANIA / Stroll through the lively Saturday market at Jinja UGANDA / Attend a Camel Race in Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Explore Castries Market SAINT LUCIA / Visit an Arabian country / Attend The Holi Festival in Spanish Fork UTAH / Stroll around the central market of Treichville CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Observe Austrian traditions at the Lederhosen Festival in Windischgarsten AUSTRIA / Look for souvenirs in the indigenous Otvalo and Saqisili markets ECUADOR / Attend the Palms and Flowers festival in Panchimalco EL SALVADOR / Celebrate Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, in Hanoi VIETNAM / Buy an authentic silk saree from Kancheepuram INDIA / Observe Lebanese rituals during the Eid al-Adha festival of sacrifice LEBANON / Take part in an Eid al-Fitr feast AFGHANISTAN / Celebrate Ramadan in Riyadh SAUDI ARABIA / Explore the old world traditions of Colonia Tovar VENEZUELA / Stroll through the Sailoame Market in Neiafu TONGA / Celebrate Aidilfitri MALAYSIA / Learn how to wear a Sari from a local at Karnataka INDIA / Wear a Pollera (Panamanian traditional dress) PANAMA / Attend the ancient midsummer celebration called Wianki POLAND / Participate in the Teuila Festival SAMOA / Dress in a Jalabiya SUDAN / Attend the Ommegang Festival in Brussels BELGIUM / Go bargain shopping at Cox's bazaar BANGLADESH / Celebrate Eid Ul Fitr PAKISTAN / Shop at the early morning Jankara Market NIGERIA / Visit Sanaa YEMEN / Buy a traditionally painted Kanga TANZANIA / Join in the Africa Day festivities in Luanda ANGOLA / See a traditional indiginous ceremony in Colombia COLOMBIA / Go To Octoberfest in Munich GERMANY / Celebrate Makar Sankranti INDIA / Wear a Korean Hanbok / Attend Sayri Guli Lola TAJIKISTAN / Shop on Olvera Street LOS ANGELES / Host a Diwali party / Discover Yamoussoukro's lively market CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Explore the streelife in La Paz BOLIVIA / Celebrate the Aymara New Year BOLIVIA / Visit the Musee Vivant, a reconstructed open-air village displaying Burundian culture BURUNDI / Stroll around the Mount Bouet Market GABON / Shop in Albert Market, Banjul's open-air bazaar THE GAMBIA / Discover traditional arts & crafts at the Musee d'Art Cameroonais CAMEROON / Celebrate the Nyem-Nyem Festival with the locals CAMEROON / Attend the Nowruz (Persian New Year) festivities ALBANIA / Attend the Hungarian Festival in New Brunswick NEW JERSEY / Attend Eid-Ul-Fitr MAURITIUS / Travel to north of Khentii aimag to witness the home of Ghengis Khan MONGOLIA / Attend the Budapest Festival of Folk Arts HUNGARY / Visit a Masai Market at Monduli TANZANIA / Wear a goralski highlander dress POLAND / Shop at Minab's Thursday Market IRAN / Participate in the Queen's Birthday Celebrations THAILAND / Celebrate the Burmese New Year at the Maha Thingyan Festival MYANMAR / Buy a Longyis, a traditional Burmese sarong MYANMAR / Buy and wear a tartan skirt / Watch the ritual warfare (Pasola) that marks Nusa Tenggara's harvest festival INDONESIA / Attend the Pakistani spring festival, Bassant PAKISTAN / Celebrate the Return of the Sun in Seqinniarfik GREENLAND / Celebrate Greenland's National Day with the locals GREENLAND / Buy a traditional, hand-woven poncho at Momostenango (City of Altars) GUATEMALA / Buy Kikoi's at the Makupa Market in Biashara Street in Mombasa KENYA / See indigenous elders in full traditional clothes at the Entrega de Varas ceremony PERU / Celebrate Liberation Day the local way KUWAIT / Dress in the national costume of flower leis, grass skirts and tapa cloth FIJI / Participate in the Yemeni Eid al-Fitr festivities YEMEN / Go shopping in traditional souks around Saudi Arabia SAUDI ARABIA / Participate in the Heritage and Cultural Festival at Janadriyah SAUDI ARABIA / Stroll through the Maputo Market MOZAMBIQUE / Buy a traditional embroidered head dress at Souk al-Nahaas YEMEN / Attend the National Festival of the Pollera (traditional female dresses) PANAMA / Dress up for Belize's Halloween Celebrations BELIZE / Celebrate Garifuna Settlement Day BELIZE / Celebrate San Juan (John the Baptist's Day) in Iquitos PERU / Observe African fashion trends at the Kenya Fashion Week expo KENYA / See traditionally dressed men at the village of Todos Santos Cuchumatan GUATEMALA / Participate in the Independence Day festivities BAHRAIN / Celebrate Tabaski and attend the cavalry procession NIGERIA / Dress up in a vibrant costume for the Barranquilla Carnaval COLOMBIA / Attend a traditional Ugandan wedding UGANDA / Discover Pemba's culture TANZANIA / Attend Thaipoosam Cavadee MAURITIUS / Visit the open air markets in Katikan GUINEA / Visit Jayma Bazaar KYRGYZSTAN / Attend the Chabana (cowboy) Festival KAZAKHSTAN / Haggle in the Carmel Market, Tel Aviv ISRAEL / Attend the Nomads Day Festival MONGOLIA / Celebrate the end of the rainy season with the Peulh people's lively knees up festival NIGER / Stroll around the the Small and Great markets at Niamey NIGER / Attend the Iowa Irish Fest IOWA / Attend the Navajo Nation Fair ARIZONA / See the Pancho Indians at Panchimalco EL SALVADOR / Pay a visit to the Morning Market in Vientiane LAOS / Attend the Soweto Market ZAMBIA / Visit Museo del Indio y del Gaucho URUGUAY / Stroll around the central market of Bujumbura BURUNDI / Attend an Orthodox Easter Celebration BULGARIA / Observe local rituals at the Fête du Dipri in Gomon CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Attend the Festival National des Arts et de la Culture (FENAC) CAMEROON / Attend a traditional gaucho festival ARGENTINA / Visit the Pisac Market PERU / Visit the Otavalo market ECUADOR / Attend a traditional Bolivian wedding BOLIVIA / Go market shopping in Morocco / See an Amish town / Visit Barakat Bazaar TAJIKISTAN / Explore the Sandaga Market SENEGAL / Visit Lome Grand Market TOGO /