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🏯 Visit the Great Wall of China CHINA / 🏯 Visit Angkor Wat CAMBODIA / 🏯 Walk on the Great Wall of China CHINA / Walk the Great Wall of China CHINA / 🐪 Visit the pyramids in Egypt EGYPT / 🙏🏽 See 'Christ the Redeemer' statue in Brazil BRAZIL / 🏯 Stand on the Great Wall of China CHINA / See the Leaning Tower of Pisa ITALY / 🕊️ Visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park JAPAN / See the Great Barrier Reef / See the Taj Mahal INDIA / 🌞 Visit Chichen Itza MEXICO / Visit Hagia Sophia TURKEY / See the Pyramids of Giza EGYPT / Visit Red Square RUSSIA / Go to the Great Barrier Reef / See Stonehenge ENGLAND / Visit the Sistine Chapel VATICAN CITY / 🕌 See the ancient architecture of Fatehpur Sikri INDIA / See the Roman Colosseum ITALY / 🏰 Visit the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela SPAIN / 🏯 Visit the Buddhist Monuments in the Hōryū-ji Area JAPAN / 🏝️ Visit Fraser Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Mungo National Park AUSTRALIA / 🦕 See the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site ENGLAND / Explore the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bruges BELGIUM / Explore Quebec City's old buidings and cobblestone streets (UNESCO) CANADA / 🏛️ Visit Chichen-Itza MEXICO / Visit the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg RUSSIA / See a show at the Sydney Opera House / See where the rainforest meets the sea in the Daintree AUSTRALIA / Explore the Hagia Sophia TURKEY / Visit Shark Bay, Western Australia AUSTRALIA / See the Parthenon GREECE / Visit the Wet Tropics of Queensland AUSTRALIA / Attend a show at the Sydney Opera House / 🕌 See the Temple of Karnak at Petra / Go to an opera at the Sydney Opera House / Explore the Mogao Caves - Gansu China CHINA / Visit the Ancient Maya City of Calakmul MEXICO / 🏯 Visit Borobudur Temple INDONESIA / Visit the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia AUSTRALIA / 🏰 Visit the 11th century Durham Cathedral ENGLAND / Visit Macquarie Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Greenwich ENGLAND / Visit the Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi INDIA / 🏛️ Visit the Maya Site of Copan HONDURAS / Visit Granada SPAIN / Visit the Churches of Chiloe CHILE / Explore the Great Pyramid of Khufu EGYPT / 🕌 Visit the Mezquita, the Great Mosque (UNESCO) SPAIN / Visit the Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra INDIA / 🏛️ Wander through the exquisitely carved Xunantunich ruins BELIZE / Visit Persepolis IRAN / Visit the Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie ITALY / Visit Port Arthur AUSTRALIA / 🏰 Visit the Kremlin RUSSIA / Visit Saint Petersburg RUSSIA / Visit Hanga Roa EASTER ISLAND / Visit the Qin Terracotta Warriors CHINA / Explore Tyre (UNESCO) LEBANON / Visit the Kamasutra Temples (Khajuraho) in Madhya Pradesh INDIA / Visit the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka INDIA / Visit the Willandra Lakes Region AUSTRALIA / Take in the Belfry of Tournai (UNESCO) BELGIUM / Explore Daintree Rainforest AUSTRALIA / Visit Canterbury Cathedral UNITED KINGDOM / See the Terracotta Soldiers in China / Visit the Valley of the Kings EGYPT / Explore the Gunung Mulu National Park (UNESCO) MALAYSIA / Attend a musical festival at Bosra's Roman amphitheatre SYRIA / Visit the Baha'i Gardens ISRAEL / Discover Mtskheta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site GEORGIA / Visit Potala Palace CHINA / Visit the terraces at the Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut EGYPT / Visit the Mausoleum of Mausolus TURKEY / Visit the largest monolithic church of Bete Medhane Alem ETHIOPIA / Visit Abu Simbel EGYPT / See the Franz Josef Glacier NEW ZEALAND / See Angel Falls VENEZUELA / Visit Langi, the Terraced Tombs made from coral TONGA / Visit the Grotte De Lascaux FRANCE / Visit Tubbataha Reef PHILIPPINES / Visit Burgos Cathedral SPAIN / Visit the Historic Centre of Oporto PORTUGAL / Go wildlife-spotting in the Rocky Mountains Parks World Heritage Site CANADA / Visit the pyramid temples of the sun and the moon in Chan Chan (UNESCO) PERU / Visit the Hypogeum of the Three Brothers in Palmyra SYRIA / Explore the Great Temple of Bel in Palmyra SYRIA / 🏛️ Visit the world heritage listed city of Djenne MALI / Hike in the Daintree Rainforest AUSTRALIA / See the Great Pyramid in Egypt / Visit Atapuerca SPAIN / Visit the Jongmyo Shrine SOUTH KOREA / Visit Palais des Nations SWITZERLAND / Visit Hierapolis-Pamukkale TURKEY / Straddle the Prime Meridian line at the Greenwich Conservatory LONDON / Visit Macao CHINA / Explore Aleppo (UNESCO) SYRIA / Visit the Mayan site of Yaxha GUATEMALA / Visit the Shah Mosque IRAN / Visit Naqsh-e Jahan Square IRAN / Visit Ngerulmud PALAU / Visit the Historic Center of Macao CHINA / Visit the historic town of San Juan ARGENTINA / Visit the San Agustin Archaeological Park COLOMBIA / Visit the Tierradentro Archaeological Park COLOMBIA / Visit Maeshowe In Orkney SCOTLAND / Visit Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park PHILIPPINES / Visit the Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley ANDORRA / Visit the Budj Bim heritage areas AUSTRALIA / Visit the State Hermitage Museum RUSSIA / Visit Karnak EGYPT / Visit the amazing temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia / Visit Chinguetti MAURITANIA / 🌅 Visit Stonehenge during the Summer Solstice ENGLAND / Visit the Wangdiphodrang Dzong BHUTAN / See the ancient city of Copan HONDURAS / Explore the Copan Ruins Archaeological Park for glimpses of Mayan Indian culture HONDURAS / Explore the desert oasis town of Palmyra SYRIA / See the Pul-e Khishti Mosque AFGHANISTAN / Visit Vredefort Dome SOUTH AFRICA / Visit The Taj Mahal, India / Visit Angkor Thom CAMBODIA / See the Great Wall Of China / Visit Jurassic Coast UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AUSTRALIA / Visit the ancient ruins of Chan Chan PERU / Visit Naqsh-e Jahan IRAN / Visit Sheikh Safi al-Din Khānegāh IRAN / Explore the old ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire, Persepolis IRAN / Visit Jameh Mosque, the largest in Iran IRAN / Discover the Kolo-Kondoa rock paintings TANZANIA / Visit the Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamyan Valley AFGHANISTAN /