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🏙️ Go to the top of the Empire State Building NEW YORK / 🎡 Go on the London Eye LONDON / 🎡 Ride on the London Eye ENGLAND / 🎡 Ride the London Eye LONDON / Visit the Empire State Building NEW YORK / Go to the top of the Space Needle WASHINGTON / Visit the CN Tower CANADA / Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower at night PARIS / See the view from the 'Top of the Rock' observation deck NEW YORK / Climb to the top of the Empire State Building NEW YORK / Go to the top of the Sears Tower ILLINOIS / Go up the CN Tower CANADA / Visit Skydeck Chicago ILLINOIS / See the Busan Tower SOUTH KOREA / Enjoy a panoramic view of the city from the observation platform of Tokyo tower JAPAN / Explore the Schlossberg (Castle Hill) and it's clock and bell towers AUSTRIA / Take an elevator to the observation deck of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw POLAND / Go to the observation deck of Macau Tower / Visit the Willis Tower ILLINOIS / View Reykjavik's skyline from the top of Hallgrimskirkja church ICELAND / Walk to the top of Tokyo Skytree JAPAN / Ride the high-speed lift up Euromast in Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / Explore the Jinmao Tower in Shanghai CHINA / See Minneapolis from the observation deck at the Foshay Tower MINNESOTA / Ride the Great Wheel in Seattle WASHINGTON / See the Narikala Fortress GEORGIA / See Plaza de Oriente from Opera's balcony SPAIN / Visit the roof of the IFC Mall HONG KONG / Take a ride on the Melbourne Star AUSTRALIA / Have a drink on the top of the Rex Hotel VIETNAM / 🚡 Ride on Mi Teleferico in La Paz BOLIVIA / Visit Lindenhof Hill SWITZERLAND / Take in the view from the observation deck of Dubai's Burj Khalifa UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit the John Hancock Tower MASSACHUSETTS / Climb to the top of Baltimore's Washington Monument MARYLAND / Visit the El Panecillo statue in Quito ECUADOR / Visit the Carew Tower Observation Deck OHIO /