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🚶♂️ Walk the Freedom Trail in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / 🎆 Spend the 4th of July somewhere of historical importance / Go to Independence Hall (Liberty Bell) PHILADELPHIA / 🌳 Visit Mount Vernon VIRGINIA / 🏛️ Visit Independence Hall PHILADELPHIA / Visit Luang Prabang LAOS / 🔒 Visit Old Newgate Prison CONNECTICUT / 🏛️ Visit Independence National Historic Park PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Colonial Annapolis Historic District MARYLAND / Visit the Churches of Chiloe CHILE / Visit the Australian Convict Sites AUSTRALIA / Tour the Morgan Lewis Mill BARBADOS / Visit Batsto Village NEW JERSEY / Visit the Colonial City of Santo Domingo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / 🗝️ Visit Historic Jamestowne VIRGINIA / Visit the New Castle Historic District DELAWARE / Visit Fort Moultrie SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit the Historic Centre of Macau CHINA / Visit the Churches and Convents of Goa INDIA / Visit the Jesuit Block and Estancias of Cordoba ARGENTINA / Visit French Guiana / Stand at the landing place of Columbus' ‘New World' trip at San Salvador BAHAMAS / 🌊 Visit Freetown SIERRA LEONE / Visit Castillo de San Marcos FLORIDA / Visit the Roger Williams National Memorial RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Dutch Antilles NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / Dig deep into Hill End's rich gold and art history AUSTRALIA / Learn about Mexican history at the Palacio Nacional MEXICO / Stroll around the historic area of Willenstad, Inner City and Harbour, Curacao (UNESCO) NETHERLANDS / Tour the beautiful colonial buildings of the city of Granada NICARAGUA / Stroll through the history rich Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Visit Jamestown VIRGINIA / Visit Minute Man National Historical Park MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Schuyler Mansion NEW YORK / Visit the Historic Bethabara Park NORTH CAROLINA / Discover the ruins of Fort Shirley and Fort George on the Cabrits Peninsula DOMINICA / Visit the Zona Colonial DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / 🏛️ See the Independence Arch in Accra GHANA / Explore the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales in Old Havana CUBA / Visit São Tome SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit the Karen Bixen museum in Nairobi KENYA / Visit Sans-Souci Palace HAITI / Visit the Tasmanian Museum of Old AUSTRALIA / Visit the Peranakan Museum SINGAPORE / Visit West Virginia Independence Hall WEST VIRGINIA / Visit Brattonsville SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Walnut Grove Plantation SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Jamestown SAINT HELENA / Visit Salvador da Bahia BRAZIL / Visit Connecticut's Old State House CONNECTICUT / Visit the colonial town of Santa Fe de Antioquia COLOMBIA / Explore the historic fortresses of Santiago de Cuba CUBA / Visit Nuestra Señora de Loreto ARGENTINA / Visit Fort Mifflin PHILADELPHIA / See the new shipwreck museum at Castillo de la Real Fuerza CUBA / Explore the colonial past in Santa Fe, Pampas ARGENTINA / Explore the Victorian era tea factories in Nuwara Eliya SRI LANKA / See the Fort San Felipe DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Walk along the old Dutch canals of Georgetown GUYANA / Discover the Portuguese castle in Dilli EAST TIMOR (TIMOR-LESTE) / Dig deep into Hill End's rich gold and art history AUSTRALIA / Learn about the islands' colonial history at Betty's Hope ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit the Old Swedes Church DELAWARE / See the oldest racecourse in the southern hemisphere - Champ de Mars in Port Louis MAURITIUS / Explore the compact maze of alleyways at Zinder NIGER / Visit Benson-Hammond House MARYLAND / Visit Charles Carroll House MARYLAND / Visit Chase-Lloyd House MARYLAND / Visit Hammond-Harwood House MARYLAND / Visit the Old Treasury Building MARYLAND / Visit Shiplap House MARYLAND / Visit the port town of Massawa ERITREA / Attend the Dutch Fort of Galle Literary festival SRI LANKA / 🏰 Visit Fort St. Jago (UNESCO) GHANA / Discover the ruins of the Manhyia Palace GHANA / Explore Independence Square MALAYSIA / Discover the birth place of Canada in the Province House CANADA / Visit the slave port of the ancient town of Bagamoyo TANZANIA / Visit Reduccion de Santa Maria la Mayor ARGENTINA / Visit the ruins of São Miguel das Missoes ARGENTINA / Visit San Ignacio Mini ARGENTINA / Visit Tryon Palace NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Christ Church BARBADOS / Visit the Commonwealth Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Historic Center of Macao CHINA / Visit Panama Viejo and HIstoric District of Panama City PANAMA / Visit Cooch's Bridge, site of the only battle ever fought in Delaware DELAWARE / Visit Île de Goree (Goree Island) SENEGAL / Watch the reenactment of Washington Cross the Delaware in Washington Crossing NEW JERSEY / Visit Bunce Island SIERRA LEONE / Visit and ride on the Kalmar Nyckel DELAWARE / Visit Fort San Cristobal PUERTO RICO / Visit Cottle Church SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit the Museum of Newport History RHODE ISLAND / Visit Ben Franklin's grave in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Visit Mbanza-Congo ANGOLA / Read a book from Belize / Visit the La Compania de Jesus church in Quito ECUADOR / Climb Torre de Manaca Iznaga CUBA / See Tyrol Cot, the heritage village BARBADOS / Stroll around Independence square in Accra GHANA / Take a walk around the Spanish colonial town of Rivas NICARAGUA / Celebrate St George's Caye Day BELIZE / Discover Panama's Spanish legacy in Portobelo PANAMA / Visit Bondoukou, one of the oldest settlements in the country CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Explore the colonial town of Bueau CAMEROON / See the Portuguese quarter and Mediterranean style houses of Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU / See the ruined fort at James Island THE GAMBIA / Visit Iglesia Matriz URUGUAY / Visit the Malawi National Museum MALAWI / Wander N'Djamena's historic quarter CHAD / Visit the Musee Departemental Franconie FRENCH GUIANA / See the Spanish wall and the Catholic Bell Tower in Pohnpei MICRONESIA / Visit the Mohegan Burial Ground CONNECTICUT / Visit Old Fort Western MAINE / Visit the Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm MASSACHUSETTS /