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🏠 Visit the Anne Frank house NETHERLANDS / 🐼 Visit a Panda breeding facilty in China / Take a family vacation / Visit the UK / Visit Washington UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🏛️ Visit a UNESCO World Heritage Site / 🏞️ Visit Natural Bridge Caverns TEXAS / Visit Helen Keller's Home ALABAMA / Visit Vicksburg National Military Park MISSISSIPPI / Tour Robben Island where Nelson Mandela and other anti-apartheid activists were jailed SOUTH AFRICA / 🏰 Visit San Salvador EL SALVADOR / See dino skeletons in the Dinosaur Provincial Park in southern Alberta CANADA / Visit the Ashfall Fossil Beds NEBRASKA / Take a tour of the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Wilson's Creek National Battlefield MISSOURI / Visit the Russell Cave National Monument ALABAMA / Pay homage at the Killing Fields outside Phnom Penh CAMBODIA / Visit The Legacy Museum in Montgomery ALABAMA / Visit Alnwick Poison Gardens ENGLAND / Visit the Lewis & Clark Trail Museum NORTH DAKOTA / Study abroad for a semester / Visit the American Precision Museum VERMONT / Retrace Martin Luther's footsteps around Lutherstadt Wittenburg GERMANY / Visit the Joggins Fossil Cliffs CANADA / Explore the country's first university, Leiden NETHERLANDS / Visit Plimoth Plantation MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Cave of Altamira SPAIN / Visit the Birmingham Civil Rights District ALABAMA / Visit the Booker T. Washington National Monument VIRGINIA / Visit the Gyeongju National Museum SOUTH KOREA / Learn all the countries and capitals in Europe / Visit the Civil War Park in Vicksburg MISSISSIPPI / Visit Fort Robinson Museum NEBRASKA / Visit the Tuskegee Airmen National Historical Museum MICHIGAN / Take my kids on a dream vacation / Visit the Cu Chi tunnels VIETNAM / Visit In Flanders Fields museum BELGIUM / Visit the George Washington Carver National Monument MISSOURI / Visit the Vent Haven Ventriloquist Museum KENTUCKY / Visit the Valle de los Caidos SPAIN / Visit the Naples Holocaust Museum FLORIDA / Walk the Selma To Montgomery National Historic Trail ALABAMA / Visit Colossal Cave Mountain Park ARIZONA / Visit the Sveshtari Tomb near Razgrad (UNESCO) BULGARIA / Visit Gettysberg PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Vimy Ridge FRANCE / Visit West Virginia Independence Hall WEST VIRGINIA / See the JEATH War Museum in Kanchanaburi THAILAND / Visit the Museum of History of the Jewish Community in Bucharest ROMANIA / Visit The Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site COLORADO / Visit Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLAND / Visit the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum ILLINOIS / Visit Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument TEXAS / Visit the University of New Mexico Art Museum NEW MEXICO / Visit the Fort Laramie National Historic Site WYOMING / Visit the Holy Land in Jerusalem / Visit the Missouri History Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Missouri Civil War Museum MISSOURI / Visit San Ignacio Mini ARGENTINA / Visit the New England Maple Museum VERMONT / Visit every zoo in New York NEW YORK / Visit Oxford Castle UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Arecibo Observatory PUERTO RICO / Visit the Sweden Solar System SWEDEN / Visit the Soudan Underground Mine MINNESOTA / Visit Chogha Zanbil IRAN / Visit the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola FLORIDA / Visit the Abay Museum KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Lublin Historical Museum in Cracow POLAND / Visit Pea Ridge National Military Park ARKANSAS / Visit the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial INDIANA / Visit History Quest MARYLAND / Visit Navajo National Monument ARIZONA / Visit the Japanese Wartime Communication Centre at Xavier High School in Chuuk MICRONESIA / Visit the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MICHIGAN / Visit the National Museum of Natural Science CHINA / Visit Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site ILLINOIS / Visit Shantiniketan INDIA / Visit the California Missions CALIFORNIA / Visit the International Museum of Surgical Science, Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit the Confucius Temple in Qufu CHINA / Visit the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian CHINA / Explore the Koryo Museum in Kaesong NORTH KOREA / Learn about the Dene culture during an educational tour CANADA / Visit the madrassas (traditional Muslim school) at Sharia al-Gamaliyya EGYPT / Visit the Shiloh National Military Park TENNESSEE / Visit Wickliffe Mounds State Historic Site KENTUCKY / Visit the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center COLORADO / Visit the National Museum at Gitega BURUNDI / See the neo-Ottoman campus of the American University of Beirut in Hamra LEBANON / Visit Sucre (UNESCO) BOLIVIA / Visit the Lexington History Museum KENTUCKY / Visit the Iowa and Sac & Fox Mission State Historic Site KANSAS / Visit Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site COLORADO / Visit the Old Florida Museum FLORIDA / Visit George Rogers Clark National Historical Park INDIANA / Visit Madrassat al-Founoun Wasana'a al-Islamiya LIBYA / See all of the Sweden Solar System SWEDEN / Visit Bekhzod National Museum TAJIKISTAN / Visit the National Museum of Antiquities of Tajikistan TAJIKISTAN / Visit Whyalla AUSTRALIA / Visit the National Archaeological Museum of Spain MADRID / Visit Monocacy National Battlefield in Frederick MARYLAND / Visit First State National Monument DELAWARE / Visit Ben Franklin's grave in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Visit Benjamin Franklin's Grave PHILADELPHIA /