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👏 Give money to a street musician / 🏯 Visit the Buddhist Monuments in the Hōryū-ji Area JAPAN / Visit Kyoto National Museum / See Skara Brae, a preserved Neolithic village SCOTLAND / Visit Petroglyph National Monument NEW MEXICO / Explore the Mogao Caves - Gansu China CHINA / Visit an Aboriginal art community AUSTRALIA / Visit the National Folk Museum of Korea SOUTH KOREA / Visit the National Palace Museum CHINA / See the remains of the Haida villages in B.C CANADA / Discover Ottoman architecture in the historic town of Safranbolu TURKEY / Discover Aztec relics at the Museo Nacional de Antropologia MEXICO / See the archaeological sites at Grand-Pre at Nova Scotia CANADA / See the site of Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump in Alberta (UNESCO) CANADA / Visit Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery GEORGIA / Discover the UNESCO protected monastaries of Haghpat and Sanahin ARMENIA / Visit the Historic Centre of Macau CHINA / Visit the Museum of the Cherokee Indian NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Chaco Culture National Historical Park NEW MEXICO / Visit Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park on the Big Island HAWAII / Visit Taos Pueblo NEW MEXICO / See the oldest man-made structures in the world - the Brewarrina Fish Traps AUSTRALIA / See the Historic Monuments of Tlacotalpan MEXICO / See the relics retrived from the seabed at the Alexandria National Museum EGYPT / Tour the Inuit workshops at the West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative CANADA / Stroll through the Inuit Museum in Qaqortoq GREENLAND / Visit the Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox COLOMBIA / Explore the folk museum at Geysir ICELAND / Visit Krobo Odumase Glass Bead Village GHANA / Visit the historical site of Babylon IRAQ / Learn about different indigenous cultures at the Centro Neotropico Sapapiqui COSTA RICA / Attend the Jongmyo Daeje ancestral rite (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Visit SGang Gwaay (Ninstints) CANADA / Explore Sgaang Gwaii in Anthony Island (UNESCO) CANADA / Visit Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park HAWAII / Work for an NGO / See the mosaic floors of the excavated St. Stephen church in Um er Rasas (UNESCO) JORDAN / Explore the Coptic Musem at Old Cairo EGYPT / Visit the Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom CHINA / See traditional arts and crafts in Fianarantsoa MADAGASCAR / Visit the Zafimaniny arts village MADAGASCAR / Visit the National Museum of Bhutan in Paro BHUTAN / Visit the Geghard Monastery ARMENIA / Pop into the open-air museum and see relics of Jamaican history at Columbus Park JAMAICA / See pre-historic paintings in the Padah-Lin Caves MYANMAR / Visit the ruins of the once-stupendous Mandalay Palace MYANMAR / Participate in the Mayan New Year Celebration GUATEMALA / Explore Gef Pago Park, a living museum that showcases Chamorros lifestyle GUAM / Explore the Mogao Caves in Gansu CHINA / Visit Juanita, the perfectly preserved Incan girl in the Museo Santuarios Andinos PERU / Visit the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center NEW MEXICO / Learn about native cultures at Circle of Life Thunderbird House CANADA / Visit some of Japan's indigenous Ainu people at Hakkaido JAPAN / Stroll through the preserved centre of Coro (UNESCO) VENEZUELA / Meet tapestry makers at the Uqqurmiut Centre of Weaving and Printmaking in Pangnirtung CANADA / Explore the El Pilar archaeological ruins BELIZE / See Joya de Ceren, a town buried volcanic ash (UNESCO) EL SALVADOR / Watch masters of 18 different crafts demonstrate their work at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum LATVIA / Visit the Jongmyo Shrine SOUTH KOREA / See traditional dances by the Wasukuma tribe at the Sukuma Museum TANZANIA / Visit The Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site COLORADO / Visit Kahoʻolawe HAWAII / Visit the Sacred Encounters at Cataldo Misson State Park IDAHO / Visit the Effigy Mounds National Monument IOWA / Explore the deserted black basalt city of Um al Jimal JORDAN / Visit the Kabaka Tombs on Kasubi Hill UGANDA / Visit the Museum of History of the Jewish Community in Bucharest ROMANIA / Visit the Ethnography Museum HUNGARY / Learn about traditional arts and crafts of the Burundians at Giheta BURUNDI / Buy local hand-woven textiles at San Antonio Aguascalientes GUATEMALA / Visit the bronze and early Iron Age settlements in Karkarala Oasis KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the State Museum of Armenian History in Yerevan ARMENIA / See the Ateni Sioni Church GEORGIA / Discover local history at the Georgian State Museum GEORGIA / Discover the islands' history at the Carriacou Museum in Hillsborough GRENADA / Discover local history and culture at the Museum of Antigua & Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / 🏛️ Visit Historiska Museet (Swedish Museum of National Antiquities) SWEDEN / Visit Chogha Zanbil IRAN / Visit the Armenian Monastic Ensembles in Iran IRAN / Discover Cameroon culture at the Musee des Arts et des Traditions Bamoun CAMEROON / Visit Alele Museum & Public Library MARSHALL ISLANDS / Visit King Sobhuza II Memorial Park SWAZILAND / Visit the National Museum of Belarusian History and Culture BELARUS / Visit the Museum of Old Belarusian Culture BELARUS / Experience Liberian culture at Kendeja National Cultural Center LIBERIA / Discover Mossi artefacts at the Ethnography Museum in the capital BURKINA FASO / Observe Samoan culture and traditions at the Tutila Festival AMERICAN SAMOA / Visit the 4th century monastery of Mt Zuqualla Maryan ETHIOPIA / Visit Kechen Women's Pottery Cooperative ETHIOPIA / Visit the Jos Museum of Traditional Nigerian Architecture NIGERIA / Witness sacred Mayan rituals being practiced by tribes in El Altiplano GUATEMALA / Watch a performance of the Danza de la Conquista GUATEMALA / Visit the Musee Vivant, a reconstructed open-air village displaying Burundian culture BURUNDI / Visit the exhibition of the slave trade at Albreda and Jufureh THE GAMBIA / Visit the Arts and Crafts School in Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / See indigenous forest tribes living in the Lobaye Region CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Attend Sayri Guli Lola TAJIKISTAN / Explore the palaces of the old Kingdom of Buganda at Kampala UGANDA / See indigenous elders in full traditional clothes at the Entrega de Varas ceremony PERU / Visit the National Museum of China CHINA / 👨✈️ Tour the Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site ALABAMA / Visit the Haskell Museum KANSAS / Visit the West Baton Rouge Museum LOUISIANA / Visit the Galesville Heritage Museum MARYLAND / Visit the John G. Neihardt State Historic Site NEBRASKA / Visit Tanzania's National Museum & Village Museum TANZANIA / Celebrate T'boli culture with the people of Lake Sebu PHILIPPINES / Celebrate the Aymara New Year BOLIVIA / Witness a Carib craftsman carving a traditional canoe at the Carib Indian Territory DOMINICA / Visit the Joya de Ceren Archaeological Site EL SALVADOR / Learn more about El Salvador's Mayan heritage in San Andres EL SALVADOR / Spend time with an Indigenous Mayan group at El Altiplano GUATEMALA / Celebrate Garifuna Settlement Day BELIZE / Visit the Kuna indigenous people of Panama in San Blas Islands PANAMA / Explore the Museum of the Panamanian Man in Panama City PANAMA / Attend the National Festival of the Pollera (traditional female dresses) PANAMA / Learn about the Dene culture during an educational tour CANADA / Celebrate the Dia de la Tradicion in San Antonia de Areco ARGENTINA / Visit the indigenous Wayúu (or Guajiro) settlements on stilts in the Guajira Peninsula VENEZUELA / Visit the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site NORTH DAKOTA / Attend the Texas Folklife Festival TEXAS / Visit the Waveland State Historic Site KENTUCKY / Attend the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics ALASKA / Attend the World Championship Hoop Dance Contest ARIZONA / Visit the Kaw Mission State Historic Site KANSAS / Visit the Hongcun Ancient Village CHINA / Attend the Spear Dancing Festival SOLOMON ISLANDS / Visit the Cultural Landscape and Archaeological Remains of the Bamiyan Valley AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Malawi National Museum MALAWI / Visit the Landscape of the Pico Island Vineyard Culture PORTUGAL / Visit the Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde PORTUGAL / See the traditional mud Takienta tower-houses in Koutammakou TOGO / Visit the Walter Roth Anthropological Museum GUYANA / Learn about the culture of indigenous people at the Musee des Cultures Guyanaises FRENCH GUIANA / Learn about the history and heritage of colonial Honduras at Comayagua HONDURAS / Visit Museo Etnografico Andres Barbero PARAGUAY / Discover archaeological remains around Lake Amatitlan GUATEMALA / See traditionally dressed men at the village of Todos Santos Cuchumatan GUATEMALA / Observe Ghanaian tribal rituals during an ancestral remembrance festival GHANA / Stroll around the Malay Technology Museum BRUNEI / See the Ethnological Museum in Porto Novo BENIN / Explore the Koryo Museum in Kaesong NORTH KOREA / Attend the Cultural programmes of the Moussem des Femmes MOROCCO / Participate in the Heritage and Cultural Festival at Janadriyah SAUDI ARABIA / Buy a traditional embroidered head dress at Souk al-Nahaas YEMEN / Visit Belau National Museum PALAU / See the Badrulchau Monoliths PALAU / Visit the Likiep Village Historic Site MARSHALL ISLANDS / Learn about the Sarh culture at the National Museum CHAD / Catch gerewol festival of the the Wodaabe tribe NIGER / Visit aboriginal sites in Australia / Be a resident at a living museum / Learn Maori language / Visit Karaites Ethnographic Museum LITHUANIA / Witness traditional dancing and singing at a maneaba, a community meeting house KIRIBATI /