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🐢 Watch turtles enter the sea for the first time / Photograph an endangered animal / Visit the Zoo / 🐼 Visit a Panda breeding facilty in China / 🐢 See Costa Rica's Turtles and Birdlife COSTA RICA / 🐵 Visit London Zoo ENGLAND / 🐧 See penguins in their natural habitat / See the Amazon Rainforest / Hold a koala / Watch baby turtles hatch / 🐢 Visit the Galapagos Islands National Park ECUADOR / 🐵 Visit Chester Zoo ENGLAND / 🦒 Visit Melbourne Zoo AUSTRALIA / See a Galapagos giant tortoise in person ECUADOR / Visit a bat sanctuary / 🐼 See the pandas at Edinburgh Zoo SCOTLAND / 🦁 Visit the San Diego Wild Animal Park / See a manatee / 🐘 Watch baby elephants play at Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage KENYA / 🐘 Visit Bristol Zoo ENGLAND / Visit the Auckland Zoo NEW ZEALAND / Visit Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve MEXICO / Hug a koala / Help an endangered or injured animal / See gorillas in the wild / Pet a giant panda in Chengdu CHINA / Visit the Tasmanian Wilderness AUSTRALIA / Look out for Killer Whales in the B.C. Coast CANADA / Explore the Metro Toronto Zoo CANADA / Track Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda RWANDA / Visit the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries CHINA / Feed a koala bear / Visit the Minnesota Zoo MINNESOTA / Go turtle Watching in Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / See wild gorillas / Visit Lake Baikal RUSSIA / Visit the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument HAWAII / Visit Oakland Zoo CALIFORNIA / Visit Cocos Island National Park COSTA RICA / Visit Smithsonian National Zoo WASHINGTON, D.C. / Witness marine turtles laying their eggs in soft sands along both Caribbean and Pacific shores COSTA RICA / Visit Gandoca Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge COSTA RICA / 🦍 Visit Virunga National Park DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Adopt a manatee / Spot mountain gorillas in the forest at the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (UNESCO) UGANDA / Visit Alejandro de Humboldt National Park CUBA / Hug a penguin / Visit Gunung Leuser National Park INDONESIA / Visit the Brandywine Zoo DELAWARE / Visit the ABQ BioPark Zoo NEW MEXICO / Visit Monkey World ENGLAND / Visit Zoo Atlanta GEORGIA / See a sloth / Try to spot a jaguar at the Manu National Park PERU / Go river-dolphin spotting at Kratie CAMBODIA / See tortoises, iguanas, penguins and other wildlife on the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / See baby turtles swim to the sea at the Tortuguero National Park COSTA RICA / Hold a baby tiger / Visit Twycross Zoo ENGLAND / Visit an elephant sanctuary / Visit Yorkshire Wildlife Park ENGLAND / See Komodo Dragons in the wild INDONESIA / Visit Whipsnade Zoo ENGLAND / See a kiwi in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Watch turtles hatch and run for the ocean / Hug a panda / See a koala bear / Spot manatees in the Swallow Caye Marine Sanctuary BELIZE / Spot wildlife at the Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve MADAGASCAR / See a koala / Watch turtles being released back into the wild at the Auala Green Turtle Conservation SAMOA / Explore Inagua, an eco-lovers paradise BAHAMAS / See the 700-year old Dragon's Blood trees and the Socotra Desert Rose YEMEN / See a polar bear in the wild / See a kiwi in the wild NEW ZEALAND / Look for Rhinos at the Kaziranga National Park in Assam INDIA / Go wildlife spotting in Pantanal BRAZIL / See a whale shark / Go Turtle watching at the Ras Al Jinz Scientific and Visitor's Centre OMAN / Volunteer for a wildlife conservation project and protect endangered species / See sea turtle eggs hatch / Visit Morne Seychellois National Park SEYCHELLES / See the giant tortoises of Curieuse Island SEYCHELLES / Visit Manas Wildlife Sanctuary INDIA / Watch Humpback whales arrive to calf in the Tongan waters TONGA / Go on a safari at the Corcovado National Park COSTA RICA / Spot lemurs and rare orchids in the Montagne d'Arbe National Park MADAGASCAR / Witness the ‘Song of the Indri', Lemur jungle calls in the Perinet Nature Reserve MADAGASCAR / Spot wildlife is the Yala National Park SRI LANKA / See the endangered Olive Ridley Turtles swim to sea near Bhubhaneshwar INDIA / Look for tigers in the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Sanctuary CAMBODIA / Visit the Duke Lemur Center NORTH CAROLINA / Catch a glimpse of manatees (sea cows) at the lagoons of Chocon Machacas Biosphere GUATEMALA / Discover the sea turtle nesting areas near Cayo Largo CUBA / Spot a quetzal at the Monteverde Cloud Forest COSTA RICA / Support conservation activities by running the high altitude Lewa Marathon KENYA / Spot red colobus monkeys at Jozani Forest TANZANIA / Watch Paslama turtles come ashore to lay eggs in the Rio Escalante-Chacocente Wildlife Refuge NICARAGUA / Visit Malpelo Island Fauna and Flora Sanctuary COLOMBIA / Visit Lorentz National Park INDONESIA / Spot orang-utans in Tanjung Puting National Park INDONESIA / Track endangered black rhinos in Damaraland NAMIBIA / See Tassie devils in the wild AUSTRALIA / Visit Wingham Wildlife Park ENGLAND / See giant pandas in Sichuan province CHINA / Visit Galapagos National Park ECUADOR / Visit the Wind Animal Sanctuary COLORADO / Visit the Nashville Zoo TENNESSEE / Visit a sloth sanctuary / Scout for tigers while riding an elephant at the Corbett Tiger Reserve INDIA / Hold an exotic animal / Visit Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park INDONESIA / Visit Ujung Kulon National Park INDONESIA / See a tiger in the wild / See a tiger / Visit Atlantic Forest BRAZIL / Visit Jaú National Park BRAZIL / Trek the Semien Mountains / See a platypus in the wild / Traipse through the Tarkine AUSTRALIA / See the Playa las Tumbas biosphere on the Guanhacabibes Peninsula (UNESCO) CUBA / Spot a rare flying fox at Kolovai TONGA / Go wildlife spotting in any of the sanctuaries dotting the island SRI LANKA / See Leatherback turtles nesting on the Gabonese Coast GABON / Spot wildlife in the Sapo National Park LIBERIA / Visit the pandas at Edinburgh Zoo SCOTLAND / Go wildlife spotting in the Selous Game Reserve (UNESCO) TANZANIA / Go gorilla and okapi sighting in the mountains of Ruwenzori DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Trek in the Kasyoha Kitomi Forest, near the Albertine Rift Valley UGANDA / Keep an eye out for snow tigers in the Chatkalsky Reserve UZBEKISTAN / Spot a Rhinoceros Unicornia at the Kaziranga Wildlife Reserve INDIA / Spot a Bengal tiger at the Royal Chitwan National Park NEPAL / Visit the Dallas World Aquarium TEXAS / Watch turtles hatch / Visit Keoladeo National Park in Rajasthan INDIA / Visit Kerinci Seblat National Park INDONESIA / See a turtle in the wild / Visit Tanganyika Wildlife Park KANSAS / Visit the Zoo d'Amneville FRANCE / See a blue whale in the wild / Help protect the country's flora and fauna AUSTRALIA / Photograph penguins in Antarctica / Visit Seneca Park Zoo NEW YORK / Pet baby Tigers at the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo ALABAMA / Visit Zoo Miami FLORIDA / Visit the Seacrest Wolf Preserve FLORIDA / Visit Taman Negara Gunung Tahan MALAYSIA / See a Kiwi in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Hug a Chimp / Visit a wildlife rescue center / Spot an eagle in South Africa SOUTH AFRICA / Hug a Koala Bear / Spot a Mountain Gorilla in the Wild / Visit Wildlife World Zoo ARIZONA / Become a zoologist / Visit the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary SIERRA LEONE / See a basking shark in the wild / Visit Cougar Mountain Zoo WASHINGTON / Visit Adelaide Zoo AUSTRALIA / Visit Colorado Wolf COLORADO / See zebras in the wild / Visit the Endangered Wolf Center MISSOURI / Visit Topeka Zoological Park KANSAS / Visit the Pwudoi Sanctuary MICRONESIA / Visit the local animals at Northwest Trek WASHINGTON / Visit the International Crane Foundation WISCONSIN / Visit Vallee de Mai SEYCHELLES / Look for the Royal Bengal Tiger at the Sundarbans National Park BANGLADESH / Volunteer to conduct a head count of the endangered tamaraw at Mt Iglit Baco National Park PHILIPPINES / See a Komodo Dragon in the wild / Visit Emas National Park BRAZIL / Spot a manatee off the Vilanculos coast MOZAMBIQUE / Go wildlife spotting in Zinave National Park MOZAMBIQUE / Visit the Marromeu National Park MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Pingüino de Humboldt National Park CHILE / Bird-watch at the Prespa Lakes in Macedonia GREECE / Discover the rare orchids grown in the Frere Gillet Botanic Gardens in Kisantu DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Go wildlife spotting at Puerto Jimenez COSTA RICA / See the island's protected green turtle in the marine reserve off Moheli's southern coast COMOROS / Discover giant turtles at Niumashuwa Bay COMOROS / Go wildlife spotting in the wilderness around Lake Abbe DJIBOUTI / Spot hippos in the Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Go wildlife-spotting in the Bamingui-Bangoran National Park CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Spot a rare black-necked crane in the Phobjikha and Bumdeling valleys BHUTAN / Spot a rare black palanca antelope at the Kissama National Park ANGOLA / Look for the black rhino at the Bouba Ndjidah National Park CAMEROON / Explore Korup National Park CAMEROON / Look for wildlife in the Lobeke National Park CAMEROON / Spot rare species of birds around Sevan National Park ARMENIA / Spot rare breeds of African birds in the countryside CAPE VERDE / Explore the 'W' National Park BENIN / Discover gorillas in Bayanga National Park CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Go on a safari in the Monte Alen National Park EQUATORIAL GUINEA / Discover wildlife at the Mouragues Nature Reserve FRENCH GUIANA / Feed a Komodo Dragon / Spot wildlife at the Cantanhez Natural Park GUINEA-BISSAU / Spot a black iris, Jordan's national flower at the Um Qais JORDAN / Visit the Tripoli Zoo LIBYA / Spot indigenous flora and fauna in the Stanca-Jeloboc forest MOLDOVA / Visit the Aksu-Zhabagly UNESCO biosphere reserve KAZAKHSTAN / Explore the Kalinzu Forest Reserve UGANDA / Explore the Al-Areen Wildlife Park & Reserve BAHRAIN / Visit the Bomfobiri Wildlife Sanctuary GHANA / Discover wildlife at the Bia National Park GHANA / Spot the big five at the Virunga National Park DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Spend the day with rescued Chimpanzees at Calabar NIGERIA / Go birdwatching on Aride Island SEYCHELLES / Visit Obo National Park SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / See the sea turtles at Praia Jale SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit Niokolo Koba National Park SENEGAL / Search for the Pygmy hippo on Tiwai Island SIERRA LEONE / Visit Outamba-Kilimi National Park SIERRA LEONE / Visit Mamunta Mayosso Wildlife Sanctuary SIERRA LEONE / Visit Mkhaya Game Reserve SWAZILAND / Visit Chimpanzee Eden SWAZILAND / Visit Boma National Park SOUTH SUDAN / Visit Akagera National Park RWANDA / Visit Okapi Reserve DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Mesker Park Zoo INDIANA / Visit Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge ALABAMA / Visit the Baiyer River Wildlife Sanctuary PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Visit Reserva Faunistica Peninsula Valdes ARGENTINA / Visit the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary SIERRA LEONE / Visit Gola Forest National Park SIERRA LEONE / Visit Doñana National Park SPAIN / Become a wildlife photographer / Hold a baby monkey / Hold a Baby White Tiger / Visit Sunderbans National Park INDIA / Work on a wildlife reserve or conservation project in Africa / Visit Cangandala ANGOLA / Visit Wasur National Park INDONESIA / See baby penguins in the wild / 🦏 Feed a rhino by hand / Take a photo of a rare animal in the wild / Visit Myrtle Beach Safari SOUTH CAROLINA / Say ni hao to the giant pandas at Zoo Atlanta GEORGIA / Read a book from Madagascar /