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Coral Reefs
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🤿 Go snorkeling / 🤿 Dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🐠 Visit the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🐠 Visit an aquarium / 🐠 Go to the aquarium / Take pictures with a disposable underwater camera / 🤿 Go snorkeling in a shipwreck / Swim in an ocean / Go snorkeling/scuba diving / 🤿 Go snorkelling / Go snorkeling or scuba diving / 🐟 Take photos underwater / See the Great Barrier Reef / 🤿 Scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / 🤿 Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Go on a tropical holiday or cruise / Go to the Great Barrier Reef / Go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef / Get an aquarium / Visit Komodo National Park INDONESIA / Snorkel or Scuba dive / 🐠 Obtain a scuba diving license and visit at least one coral reef / Visit the aquarium / 🐠 Visit Saba Marine National Park NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / Scuba dive off Australia's Great Barrier Reef / 🏝️ Visit the Bu Tinah Shoals UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / 🤿 Scuba dive with manta rays / Snorkel the reefs in Barbados BARBADOS / Swim with whale sharks on Ningaloo Reef AUSTRALIA / Visit the Great Barrier Reef Islands AUSTRALIA / 💦 Dive the Red Sea / Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Travel to Fiji / 🐠 Visit Belize Barrier Reef BELIZE / Try snorkeling / Snorkel / 🤿 Go Scuba Diving in the Cancun Underwater Museum MEXICO / 🤿 Scuba dive in Hawaii / Learn to snorkel / 🏊♂️ Go snorkeling in Belize / Sail the Whitsundays AUSTRALIA / 🏝️ Spend a few days at a Great Barrier Reef island AUSTRALIA / Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Go deep sea diving / 🤿 Scuba dive on Koh Tao THAILAND / Swim with turtles / Visit Biscayne National Park FLORIDA / 🤿 Scuba dive in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Go snorkeling at Great Barrier Island NEW ZEALAND / Explore the Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park GRENADA / Dive in the Seychelles / Spend the day at the Georgia Aquarium GEORGIA / 🐟 Swim with a school of fish / Take a boat out to see the Blue Hole BELIZE / 🤿 Scuba-dive off the coast of Greece GREECE / 🏝️ Visit the Whitsunday Islands AUSTRALIA / Dive in the red sea / Go diving in Sardinia ITALY / Swim in the Great Barrier Reef AUSTRALIA / Visit Coral Bay UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / Scuba dive in Belize / Discover ship wrecks in Carlisle Bay BARBADOS / 🐠 See the giant coral boulders in Bathsheba BARBADOS / Snorkel in the Belize Barrier Reef BELIZE / Visit Whitehaven Beach AUSTRALIA / Dive in Palawan with Dugongs - The Phillippenes / Visit the Ningaloo Coast AUSTRALIA / Take the family to a Great Barrier Reef island AUSTRALIA / Visit Hanauma Bay HAWAII / Swim in the shallows of Half Moon Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Snorkel in Hawaii HAWAII / Swim in the Pacific / Go whale watching at Ogasawara Islands JAPAN / Visit the Melbourne Aquarium AUSTRALIA / Swim with the nurse sharks in the waters of Hol Chan Marine Reserve BELIZE / Discover the Socotra archipelago YEMEN / Dive in some of the underwater gardens in Montego Bay Marine Park JAMAICA / 🤿 Snorkel in the waters off Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Go diving in the Raja Ampat Islands INDONESIA / Visit the Cocos (Keeling) Islands AUSTRALIA / 🤿 Go snorkeling in Hawaii HAWAII / Swim in the otherworldly turquoise shades of Jambiani's waters TANZANIA / Go sailing in the Caribbean coast off Belize BELIZE / Visit Palau / Live in Hawaii / Snorkel at Hanauma Bay HAWAII / Go snorkelling in the coral reefs TONGA / Go snorkelling in Ambergris BELIZE / Cruise the Kimberley in the wet season AUSTRALIA / Snorkel in the waters around Prison Island TANZANIA / See the Aquarium La Rochelle FRANCE / Scuba dive to find seahorses and giant sand eels BARBADOS / Visit El Nido PHILIPPINES / Explore Inagua, an eco-lovers paradise BAHAMAS / Visit the marine sanctuary of Pigeon Island SRI LANKA / Walk around the exposed reefs during low tide at the Tula Village AMERICAN SAMOA / Go snorkelling in Leone Bay AMERICAN SAMOA / Snorkel in the waters near San Blas Islands PANAMA / Snorkel in Hikkaduwa SRI LANKA / Snorkel or scuba in the Red Sea, Eilat ISRAEL / Swim with sharks in the the Maldives MALDIVES / Visit the Sea Life London Aquarium ENGLAND / Visit Stingray City Antigua ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Go scuba-diving in Kenya's Coral Coast KENYA / Explore Folkestone Marine Park BARBADOS / Go snorkelling in the Palolo Deep Marine Reserve on Upolu island SAMOA / Visit Rocas Atoll (Atol das Rocas) BRAZIL / Snorkel at Las Sirenitas in Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park MEXICO / Visit the Cook Islands / Visit Raja Ampat / Go diving at the Malapascua Island PHILIPPINES / Visit Tarawa KIRIBATI / Watch for fruit bats, parrots and marine turtles around Fiji FIJI / Explore fields of coral at Cinque Islands in the Andamans INDIA / Explore the underwater peaks at dive sites around Pulau Weh INDONESIA / Explore the Islas del Rosario COLOMBIA / Visit Aquarium of the Pacific CALIFORNIA / Kiteboard the Keys FLORIDA / Explore Santo's caves and Blue Hole VANUATU / Go snorkeling at Hideaway Island VANUATU / Discover varied marine life and underwater gardens in the dive site of Toliara MADAGASCAR / Dive in Nossi Be MADAGASCAR / Discover the underwater preserve of Pelican Cays Land BAHAMAS / Go snorkelling in Bocas del Toro PANAMA / Go diving in the coral reefs around Pantemakassar EAST TIMOR (TIMOR-LESTE) / Go snorkelling in the White Island Marine Park and Martin's Bay GRENADA / Snorkel in the coral reefs of Bay Islands HONDURAS / Snorkel in the waters of Ypao beach GUAM / Go snorkelling in the waters of the Red Sea DJIBOUTI / Go diving in the archipelago of Los Roques VENEZUELA / Go diving at Aqaba JORDAN / Visit Vaadhoo Island MALDIVES / Visit Perhentian Island / Swim with the sharks at Exmouth AUSTRALIA / Visit the Waikiki Aquarium HAWAII / Dive at the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO) COLOMBIA / Dive in the clear waters of Anilao PHILIPPINES / Dive in the Coral reefs of the Red Sea Coast SUDAN / Swim in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean in Playa Ancon CUBA / Dive into the deep around Isla de la Juventud at Varadero CUBA / Snorkel in the coral reefs off Langkawai Island MALAYSIA / Snorkel the reefs off the Perhentian Island MALAYSIA / Scuba dive off the islands of Sipadan MALAYSIA / Snorkel in the western coast of Viti Levu FIJI / Explore the palm fringed beaches and coral reefs of Little Corn Island NICARAGUA / Snorkel Rowley Shoals Marine Park AUSTRALIA / Dive in the Blue Hole BELIZE / Visit Kiribati / 🐠 Visit Hol Chan Marine Reserve BELIZE / Snorkel in the reeds of the Banda Islands INDONESIA / Scuba dive in Bunaken INDONESIA / Scuba dive off the Mediterranean coast of Syria SYRIA / Swim at Oholei Beach TONGA / Stroll the white sandy beaches on the Ha'apai Group of Islands TONGA / Snorkel at Maria la Gorda in Pinar del Rio CUBA / See the shoreline nested by Hawksbill Turtles BARBADOS / Take a trip to local coral islands off Cartagena COLOMBIA / Dive near islands off Costa Brava SPAIN / Dive at Providencia and San Andres COLOMBIA / Snorkel in Algeria's Mediterranean coast ALGERIA / Go snorkelling with manta rays in Bora Bora FRENCH POLYNESIA / Visit the Lavena Coastal Walk FIJI / Explore the Whitsundays AUSTRALIA / Visit Tubbataha Reef PHILIPPINES / Visit Curieuse Marine National Park SEYCHELLES / Snorkel around Ile Cocos Marine National Park SEYCHELLES / Go reef swimming off Little Tobago TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Dive the SS President Coolidge, Espiritu Santo VANUATU / Dive in the thriving coral reeds around Bentota SRI LANKA / Scuba-dive on the Pamanzi islet off Mahore COMOROS / Go scuba-diving in the waters around Bay Islands HONDURAS / Swim in the Red Sea coast at Ras Kuba beach ERITREA / Snorkel in the coast off the Dahlak Archipelago ERITREA / Go diving in the Trou du Prophète in Misamiouli on Ngazidja COMOROS / Dive in the waters of Niumashuwa Bay on Mwali COMOROS / Dive in the Gulf of Tadjoura DJIBOUTI / Dive in the Red Sea off Yemen's coast YEMEN / Go diving in Nossi Lava MADAGASCAR / Visit Tumon Bay GUAM / Dive Bikini Atoll MARSHALL ISLANDS / Visit Arno Atoll MARSHALL ISLANDS / Visit the Scott Kingdoms of the Seas Aquarium NEBRASKA / Snorkel off the coast of Yap Island MICRONESIA / Scuba dive the Florida Keys FLORIDA / Visit Danjugan Island PHILIPPINES / Swim with whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef AUSTRALIA / Visit Mo'orea FRENCH POLYNESIA / Visit Bonaire / Visit Wakatobi National Park INDONESIA / Snorkel at Kailua Beach Park HAWAII / Snorkel at Malaekahana Beach Park HAWAII / Visit Los Roques VENEZUELA / Go scuba diving in Kadavu's Great Astrolabe Reef FIJI / Go wreck- diving at the Isla de la Juventud CUBA / Explore the Red Sea Coast from the Arous Tourist Village SUDAN / Try snorkelling at the sea near Bamburi beach KENYA / Visit the twin islands of Perhentian Besar and Perhentian Kecil MALAYSIA / Spot a school of hammerheads off while diving off the coast of Layang Layang MALAYSIA / Snorkel at Parque Nacional Mochima VENEZUELA / Spend the weekend at the beaches of the twin islands of Pulau Perhentian MALAYSIA / Snorkel in the reefs of Inhambane MOZAMBIQUE / Dive in the reefs of Quirimbas National Park MOZAMBIQUE / Explore the natural wonders around Aleipat SAMOA / Surf the reefs around Cloud Nine PHILIPPINES / Visit Bocas del Toro PANAMA / Snorkel in the Maldives MALDIVES / Visit Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park PHILIPPINES / Take a boat tour of the Rosario Islands COLOMBIA / Go diving off the Vava'vu Islands TONGA / Go diving in one of the biggest reefs at Cayo Coco CUBA / Dive in the Beqa Lagoon FIJI / Go scuba diving in the Sodwana Bay near Durban SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Lovina INDONESIA / Visit Peleliu PALAU / Check out the reef fish snorkeling off Buck Island UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / Scuba diving in Tonga / SCUBA dive the Great Barrier Reef / Dive the famous Blue Hole of Belize / Go snuba-ing in tahiti / Visit Koror PALAU / Swim the great barrier reef / Snorkel at Shark's Cove HAWAII / Snorkel at Kuilima Bay HAWAII / Snorkel in Ustica ITALY / Visit Kralendijk BONAIRE / Go snorkelling in Sri Lanka SRI LANKA / Explore Kane'ohe Bay HAWAII / Visit Ningaloo Marine Park AUSTRALIA / Visit Malindi KENYA / Swim in the crystal clear waters of Fernando de Noronha BRAZIL / Visit the Malapascua Islands PHILIPPINES / Visit Glover's Reef BELIZE / Visit Oranjestad BONAIRE / Visit the Bay Islands HONDURAS / Visit the Blue Hole BELIZE / Scuba Dive Aruba ARUBA / Go snorkelling in the coral reefs of Kosrae MICRONESIA / Dive at Fish Head (Mushimasmingali Thila) MALDIVES / Dive at the unspoiled Ant Atoll MICRONESIA / Go diving in Pakin Atoll MICRONESIA / Go snorkelling in the waters of Abemama KIRIBATI / See the underwater caves and shipwrecks in Hikkaduwa SRI LANKA / Go diving in the Molinière Reef near St. George's GRENADA / Dive in the waters of Carriacou GRENADA / Discover corals and wrecks while diving off the coast GUAM / Go reef and spear fishing in Hagåtña GUAM / See the Tropical Aquarium with underwater exhibits from the Red Sea DJIBOUTI / Go snorkelling in the waters of Com Beach Resort EAST TIMOR (TIMOR-LESTE) / Go scuba diving in Sal's underwater world CAPE VERDE / Dive in the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary AMERICAN SAMOA / Explore Tarawa KIRIBATI / Go skindiving in Cedar Beach LIBERIA / Scuba-dive in the Black Coral in Pohnpei State MICRONESIA / Dive at the Banana Reef MALDIVES / Dive the wreck of the Maldive Victory MALDIVES / Take an ocean-trolling tour off Kolonia MICRONESIA / Visit the Funafuti Marine Conservation Area TUVALU / Visit Funafala Islet TUVALU / Visit the Oklahoma Aquarium OKLAHOMA / Attend the Tobago Underwater Carnival TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Dive WWII wrecks in Gizo SOLOMON ISLANDS / Visit Flying Fish Cove CHRISTMAS ISLAND / Visit West Island COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS / Visit Upper Hell's Gate BONAIRE / Scuba dive in Mexico MEXICO / Visit Andros Island BAHAMAS / Visit Anse Vata NEW CALEDONIA / Go on a scuba diving expedition in Fernando de Noronha BRAZIL / Snorkel a tropical reef / Swim in the Carribean / Read a book from Maldives / Go Scuba Diving in the Cancun Underwater Museum / Attend the Underwater Musical Festival in the Florida Keys FLORIDA / Scuba dive in Bonaire NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / Scuba dive around coral reefs / Dive the Christ of the Abyss / Visit Palau Aquarium PALAU / Visit Babeldaob PALAU / Snorkel the Bight Reef Trail TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS / Take a scuba lesson at Coco Beach PHILIPPINES / Discover wrecked tankers and reefs off Qeshm Island IRAN / Dive in Taveuni's Somosomo strait FIJI / Dive off the coast of Carlisle Bay BARBADOS / Go diving off the Isla Grande near Portobelo PANAMA / Go diving off the beaches of Safotu SAMOA / Snorkel off Kyona beach HAITI / Go on a luxury trip to the Maldives MALDIVES / Visit Great Barrier Reef Marine Park AUSTRALIA / Go scuba diving in Bali INDONESIA /