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🍽 Host a dinner party / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / 💰 Leave a 100% tip / 🚗 Visit all 50 states / Do a random act of kindness for a stranger / Make breakfast in bed for someone / Visit Greece / 🍪 Bake cookies for someone / Visit Europe / Host a tea party / Go to Japan / 🛫 Visit a friend in a different country / Give a 100% tip / Take my parents out to dinner and pay for it / Stay at a bed & breakfast / Perform a totally random act of kindness / Send my parents on a vacation / Go to Greece / Visit another country / Have a tea party / 🇹🇭 Visit Thailand / 🗼 Visit Tokyo JAPAN / Stay at a Bed and Breakfast / Tip someone 100% / Visit a foreign country / Go to Africa / Visit Mexico / Visit India / Visit all 50 US states / 👨🍳 Cook dinner for my friends / Stay in a bed and breakfast / Visit China / Tip 100% / Go to Thailand / Visit the USA / Visit Wales / Stay at a B&B / Travel to Africa / Visit Asia / 🏙️ Visit Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Thank the chef at a restaurant / Visit Russia / Get a part-time job / Visit Portugal / Cook for friends / 🇨🇺 Visit Cuba / Host a holiday dinner / Hold a door open for a stranger / Visit Turkey / Visit Morocco / Go couchsurfing / Travel to India / ⚽️ Attend the FIFA World Cup / Visit South Africa / Visit a friend out of state / Visit Africa / Visit Denmark / 🐎 Attend the Kentucky Derby KENTUCKY / Visit Bangkok THAILAND / Hold a dinner party / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / 🇮🇱 Visit Israel / Treat my parents to lunch at a nice restaurant / Visit Poland / Visit a friend from another country / 🧭 Get lost in a different country / Host Thanksgiving dinner / Visit Georgia UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit the United Kingdom / Leave an obnoxiously large tip / Visit Nepal / Go to Turkey / Host a foreign exchange student / Work as a bartender / Stay in a hotel / Make a three course meal for my family / Start a new hobby / Travel to all 7 continents / Visit Belfast NORTHERN IRELAND / Deliver homemade holiday treats to someone unexpected / Meet one person from every country I visit and keep in touch / Buy a drink for a stranger / Visit Santa Fe NEW MEXICO / Visit Northern Ireland UNITED KINGDOM / Host a couchsurfer / Visit the Philippines / Visit Marrakech MOROCCO / 🏯 Visit a Japanese Ryokan JAPAN / 🕌 Visit Abu Dhabi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Malaysia / Visit Indonesia / Travel to the Middle East / Leave a 100% tip for a server / Visit Newfoundland / Attend the 2012 Olympics / Visit Kenya / ⚽️ Attend the UEFA European Football Championship / 🐎 Attend the Melbourne Cup AUSTRALIA / Visit the Pacific Islands / Enjoy coffee and cake at a local Kaffeehaus AUSTRIA / Visit Cappadocia TURKEY / 🏉 Attend the Rugby World Cup / Order room service / Go to the Philippines / 🏙️ Visit Lima PERU / 🍵 Attend a traditional tea ceremony JAPAN / 🏭 Explore the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin IRELAND / 🎾 Attend the US Open Tennis Championship NEW YORK / 🏟️ Attend a Liverpool vs. Manchester United match at Old Trafford ENGLAND / 🏎️ Attend the 24 Hours of Le Mans FRANCE / Bring baked goods to a neighbor / Work in a pub or bar / Work at a coffee house / Cook dinner for someone / Visit Sri Lanka / Visit Tajikistan / Visit Ukraine / 🇲🇲 Visit Myanmar / Visit Kathmandu NEPAL / Visit Kerala INDIA / Visit Beirut LEBANON / Visit Macedonia / Visit Jordan / Visit Cyprus / Visit Bulgaria / Visit Serbia / Visit Nairobi KENYA / 🏌️♂️ Attend a Major Golf Championship / Visit Iran / Visit Chennai INDIA / See a rugby game in New Zealand / Visit Ethiopia / Visit ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärv SWEDEN / Pick up a hitchhiker / Visit Shanghai CHINA / Go to the Australian Open / Road trip across America UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Mozambique / Visit New Delhi INDIA / Visit Osaka JAPAN / Experience the beauty Cartagena, South America's most romantic city COLOMBIA / Visit San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / Visit Rabat MOROCCO / Visit Tbilisi GEORGIA / Learn how to perform a Japanese tea ceremony / Visit Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA / 🏛️ Visit Amman JORDAN / Visit Rwanda / 🏌️♂️ Attend The Masters Tournament GEORGIA / Volunteer at a festival / Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina / Visit Lebanon / Visit Haiti / Go to Nigeria / Visit Ghana / Visit Goa INDIA / Visit Crete GREECE / Go to Istanbul / Visit Bangladesh / Visit Antigua and Barbuda / 🇦🇪 Visit the United Arab Emirates / Visit Jakarta INDONESIA / Go to an Australian Open tennis match / Grab a seat at the Australian Open AUSTRALIA / Visit Thessaloniki GREECE / Visit Saudi Arabia / 🇧🇾 Visit Belarus / 🏏 Attend the Cricket World Cup / Visit Zimbabwe / Visit Syria / Visit Tunis TUNISIA / Visit Cebu PHILIPPINES / Visit Latin America / Visit Cordoba SPAIN / Visit Luxor EGYPT / Drink a margarita in Mexico MEXICO / Visit Gurudwara Bangla Sahib INDIA / Visit Hangzhou CHINA / Visit Kazakhstan / Host a dinner party for friends / Go to the Melbourne Cup AUSTRALIA / Visit Subotica SERBIA / Explore Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Celebrate Thanksgiving / Visit Moldova / Visit Oman / Visit Port-au-Prince HAITI / Visit the Medina of Marrakech MOROCCO / Visit St. George's GRENADA / Visit Malawi / Visit the health resort of Pärnu ESTONIA / Explore Amman JORDAN / Feast and stay with the Bedouin JORDAN / Visit the Grand Bahama Island BAHAMAS / Have a pisco sour in Peru PERU / Stay in a five star hotel / Visit Yerevan ARMENIA / Attend the Dubai World Cup UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Take a vacation to France / Visit Uzbekistan / Visit Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Visit Damascus SYRIA / Visit Swaziland / 🛬 Visit Accra GHANA / Visit Albania / Visit Bahrain / 🌴 Visit Cote d'Ivoire / Take a vacation to Ireland / Attend the 2014 FIFA World Cup BRAZIL / Visit Muscat OMAN / Watch a Football Match in South Africa SOUTH AFRICA / 🏰 Visit Hue's Imperial City VIETNAM / Visit Lahore PAKISTAN / Attend a Punjabi wedding INDIA / Attend a Tennis Grand Slam Tournament / 👫 Visit Burkina Faso / Visit Azerbaijan / Visit Senegal / 🇶🇦 Visit Qatar / Visit Kyrgyzstan / Visit Kampala UGANDA / Get to know my neighbors / Visit Chinatown in New York / Visit Poznań POLAND / Visit Veracruz MEXICO / Visit the Middle East / Visit Southeast Asia / Visit Jaipur INDIA / Visit Gaborone BOTSWANA / Visit Pakistan / Visit Tashkent UZBEKISTAN / Buy everyone at the bar a round of drinks / Visit Nigeria / Visit Baku AZERBAIJAN / Visit the Guinness Storehouse IRELAND / Visit all Canadian provinces / Travel to Bangladesh / Tour the Anheuser-Busch Brewery MISSOURI / Stay at a capsule hotel in Japan / Visit Ameland NETHERLANDS / Visit Almaty KAZAKHSTAN / 🏟️ See a sporting event at Millennium Stadium WALES / Visit Waikiki HAWAII / Explore the capital city Tbilisi GEORGIA / Visit Guadalajara MEXICO / Sip a perfect pint at Kehoe's IRELAND / Tour Konya the capital of the Selcuk Empire TURKEY / Attend the Melbourne's Spring Racing Carnival AUSTRALIA / Stay with a Cuban family CUBA / Spend time with Berber people at the Rif Mountains MOROCCO / Visit Afghanistan / Visit Hanover GERMANY / Cook dinner for parents / 🇸🇱 Visit Sierra Leone / Visit Harare ZIMBABWE / Visit Doha QATAR / 🇱🇷 Visit Liberia / Visit Chad / Visit the Republic of the Congo / Visit Djibouti / Visit Equatorial Guinea / Visit and have a meal at the Golden Temple in Amritsar INDIA / 🛬 Visit Ouagadougou BURKINA FASO / 🏙️ Visit Managua NICARAGUA / Visit Windhoek NAMIBIA / Visit Tehran IRAN / Visit Tripoli LIBYA / 🏙️ Visit Tegucigalpa HONDURAS / Celebrate Durga Puja in Kolkata INDIA / Take a vacation to Greece / Take a vacation to India / Take a vacation to Germany / Visit a friend in another country / Visit Kuwait / 🌵 Visit Niger / Visit Khartoum SUDAN / Visit Sudan / 🇹🇬 Visit Togo / Visit Turkmenistan / Visit Lanai HAWAII / Visit Iraq / Order room service in a fancy hotel / Visit Burma / Visit Cali COLOMBIA / Wander through the streets of Meknes MOROCCO / Bake cookies or brownies and share with a neighbor or colleagues / Visit Aswan EGYPT / Visit the Barossa Valley AUSTRALIA / Visit Ras al Khaimah UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Alentejo PORTUGAL / Visit Western Japan JAPAN / Attend a British and Irish Lions' tour match / Travel to Albania ALBANIA / Relax at a local cafe and take in the culture IRAQ / Visit a friend in a foreign country / Explore Kathmandu NEPAL / Visit the Vulcan Tourism CANADA / Visit Limburg NETHERLANDS / Visit Lublin POLAND /