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🇫🇷 See the Arc de Triomphe FRANCE / 🕯 Visit Auschwitz POLAND / Visit the Ground Zero memorial NEW YORK / 🇺🇸 Visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🌊 Visit Pearl Harbor HAWAII / 🕊️ Visit Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park JAPAN / Go to the Holocaust Museum / See the Gateway Arch in St. Louis MISSOURI / 🕯️ Visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum WASHINGTON, D.C. / Go to a Holocaust museum / See Mt. Rushmore / 🕯️ Light a candle at the Notre Dame Cathedral FRANCE / Visit Arlington National Cemetery VIRGINIA / Visit the Korean War Veterans Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🚢 Visit the USS Arizona National Memorial on Oahu HAWAII / Visit the Berlin Wall GERMANY / Visit a national monument / Visit the 9/11 Memorial NEW YORK / Have a star named after me / Visit the Crazy Horse Memorial SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit the Washington Monument WASHINGTON, D.C. / Place flowers on all my great-grandparents graves / Visit Gettysburg National Cemetery / Visit the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial OKLAHOMA / Visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit a concentration camp / Pay homage to the victims of the Holocaust at Auschwitz POLAND / Pay homage to Anne Frank at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp GERMANY / Visit the Auschwitz Concentration Camp POLAND / 🙏🏼 Visit the Holocaust museum in Richmond VIRGINIA / Visit the Freddie Mercury statue in Montreux SWITZERLAND / Visit Hiroshima JAPAN / Visit Gallipoli TURKEY / Visit Waterloo, the scene of Napolean's defeat BELGIUM / 🎖️ Visit the Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Battleship New Jersey NEW JERSEY / Pay homage at the Flanders Fields BELGIUM / Witness history at the remains of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp at Oranienburg GERMANY / 🏛️ Visit the National World War II Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the World War II Monument WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🇫🇷 Touch the sand of Normandy Beach FRANCE / Visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🏛️ Visit the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Liberty Memorial / 🏰 Pay homage at the Kilmainham Gaol where the rebels against the British were executed IRELAND / Visit the Tuol Sleng museum of tribute to the Khmer Rouge genocide CAMBODIA / 🕯️ Pay homage at the former Nazi concentration camp in Terezin CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit Oscar Wilde's grave FRANCE / Visit the World Trade Center NEW YORK / See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the War Remanants Museum in Saigon VIETNAM / Visit Auschwitz-Birkenau POLAND / Pay homage at the Killing Fields outside Phnom Penh CAMBODIA / Visit the Will Rogers Memorial Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit John Lennon's memorial in New York NEW YORK / Visit Beethoven's Grave in Vienna AUSTRIA / Visit the battlefield of Normandy FRANCE / Visit Vicksburg National Cemetery MISSISSIPPI / Tour the WWI battlefields and memorials in the Gallipoli Peninsula TURKEY / Visit Hachiko's statue at Shibuya station JAPAN / See Elliott Smith's memorial wall / Visit the D-Day Beaches FRANCE / Visit Ypres BELGIUM / Visit the Cementerio Nacional in Santiago CHILE / Walk through the Warsaw Rising Museum POLAND / Visit the Bendlerblock GERMANY / Visit the Atomic Bomb Museum in Nagasaki JAPAN / Visit the tsunami memorial in Phuket THAILAND / Visit Topography of Terror GERMANY / Visit the National September 11 Memorial & Museum NEW YORK / Visit the mausoleum of Che Guevara at Santa Clara CUBA / Visit Florida National Cemetery FLORIDA / Visit the Canberra War Museum / Visit the National Mall WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Johnstown Flood Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe GERMANY / Visit the Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site ILLINOIS / Visit the Andrew Johnson National Historic Site TENNESSEE / Visit Audrey Hepburn's grave SWITZERLAND / Visit the WWII battle sites at the Pacific National Historical Park GUAM / See the National Memorial Arch in Valley Forge National Historical Park PENNSYLVANIA / See the giant Motherland Calls statue in Volgograd RUSSIA / Trek the Kokoda Trail PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Visit the USS Arizona Memorial on Pearl Harbor Day HAWAII / Pay homage at Red Square in Moscow RUSSIA / Discover the Statue of the Unknown Slave in Port-au-Prince HAITI / Visit the DFW National Cemetery TEXAS / Visit Mount Jerome IRELAND / Visit Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum CAMBODIA / Visit the Kigali Memorial Centre RWANDA / Visit Warsaw Uprising Museum POLAND / See the tomb of Robert Louis Stevenson on top of Mount Vaea SAMOA / Visit a cemetery at night / Visit Oradour sur Glane FRANCE / Visit the Käthe Kollwitz Gallery GERMANY / Visit the Che Guevara Mausoleum and Museum CUBA / Visit the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Museum CHINA / Visit Vimy Ridge FRANCE / Visit D-Day National Memorial VIRGINIA / Visit the Holocaust museum in St. Petersburg FLORIDA / Visit the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific HAWAII / Visit the Ntarama Memorial Site RWANDA / Find the Dog Statue at the Franklin Roosevelt Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Oklahoma City National Memorial OKLAHOMA / See Bruce Lee's statue in Hong Kong HONG KONG / See the sarcophagus that holds Christopher Columbus's remains in the lighthouse DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / See the Lion of Lucerne SWITZERLAND / Visit National Heroes Square in Bridgetown BARBADOS / Visit the Kyffhauser Monument in Bad Frankenhausen GERMANY / Get lost in Guernica SPAIN / Visit the Virginia Holocaust Museum VIRGINIA / Read the Gettysburg Address / Visit the Constitution Gardens WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit National Museum of Funeral History TEXAS / Visit the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Museum NEW JERSEY / Visit the site of the Halifax Explosion CANADA / Visit the Billy Graham Library NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Dallas Holocaust Museum TEXAS / See the JEATH War Museum in Kanchanaburi THAILAND / Pay respects at Kiev's eternal flame and the tomb of the Unknown Soldier UKRAINE / Pay homage at the Freedom Monument LATVIA / Witness a RCMP sunset ceremony at the Saskatchewan CANADA / Pay homage at the memorial at Khatyn that commemorates its desctruction during WWII BELARUS / Visit the Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War BELARUS / Visit King Sobhuza II Memorial Park SWAZILAND / Visit the Kigali Memorial Site RWANDA / Visit the King Memorial GEORGIA / Visit Jefferson Barracks Historic Park and National Cemetery MISSOURI / Visit Soldier's Memorial MISSOURI / Visit The National Cemetery of the Pacific (The Punchbowl) HAWAII / Visit the Puteaux cemetery FRANCE / Light a candle for a past loved one at The Christ Redeemer in Brazil / Tour the USS Missouri HAWAII / Visit the Marais des Cygnes Massacre State Historic Site KANSAS / Visit the exhibition of the slave trade at Albreda and Jufureh THE GAMBIA / Pay homage at the South Pacific Memorial Park GUAM / Visit the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site COLORADO / Visit the West Virginia Veterans Memorial WEST VIRGINIA / Attend the Anniversary of Battle of Horseshoe Bend ALABAMA / Pay respects at the Armenian Cemetery and the Jewish Cemetery in Chisinau MOLDOVA / Visit the Women in Military Service for America Memorial VIRGINIA / Visit the Museum of the Army and Tomb of Napoleon PARIS / Visit pearl harbor / Visit the 9/11 Memorial (Ground Zero) / Attend the funeral of someone you didn't know that well / Visit the concentration camps / Watch titanic 3d in theaters on the 100th anniversary of the titanic sinking / Visit the Piskariovskoye Memorial Cemetery RUSSIA / Spend ANZAC Day in Gallipoli / Visit the Murambi Memorial Site RWANDA / Climb the Stairs up to the Lincoln Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Put flowers on Ibsen's grave NORWAY / Visit the Panteon Nacional de los Heroes PARAGUAY / Visit the Vulu War Museum SOLOMON ISLANDS / See the gold-leaf domed Nevski Memorial Church BULGARIA / Pay homage at the Memorial of the Unknown Soldier at Accra GHANA / Visit National Heroes Acre ZIMBABWE / Visit the Mausoleo de Artigas URUGUAY / Visit Panfilov Park KAZAKHSTAN / Visit Paneriai Museum LITHUANIA / Visit the Museum of Deportation & Resistance LITHUANIA / Visit the slave port of the ancient town of Bagamoyo TANZANIA / Visit the Hao lo Prison VIETNAM / Visit the National September 11 Memorial and Museum NEW YORK / Visit the Gallipoli Cemeteries TURKEY / Visit the Waterloo Monument UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Che Guevara Mausoleum in Santa Clara CUBA /