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🖼 Visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art NEW YORK / Visit the National Museum of Natural History WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Guggenheim Museum NEW YORK / 🏛️ Visit the Seattle Art Museum WASHINGTON / Visit the Andy Warhol Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the National Gallery of Art WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit LACMA LOS ANGELES / Visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art INDIANA / Take a tour of the KGB museum in Karosta LATVIA / Visit the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum NEW YORK / Visit the Akron Art Museum OHIO / Take a tour of the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Freer and Sackler Galleries WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the torture museum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit the Asheville Art Museum NORTH CAROLINA / 🖼️ Visit the Frick Collection NEW YORK / Visit the Hunter Museum of American Art TENNESSEE / Visit the National Museum of Western Art JAPAN / Visit the Tel Aviv Museum of Art ISRAEL / Tour the National Museum of the American Indian WASHINGTON, D.C. / See the ethnographic and archaeological exhibits of the National Museum at Nairobi KENYA / Visit the High Museum GEORGIA / Visit the State Tretyakov Gallery RUSSIA / Visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Mimara Museum in Zagreb CROATIA / Visit the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Visit FOAM NETHERLANDS / 🏥 Visit the Glore Psychiatric Museum MISSOURI / Visit the Getty Centre in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the Legion of Honor CALIFORNIA / Tour the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Visit the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum MINNESOTA / Visit the Ulrich Museum of Art KANSAS / Tour the Molly Brown House COLORADO / Visit El Museo del Barrio NEW YORK / Visit Crystal Bridges Art Gallery ARKANSAS / Visit the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Visit the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art DENMARK / Visit the Los Angeles County Museum of Art CALIFORNIA / Visit the Lane Motor Museum, Nashville TENNESSEE / Visit the Museum of Osteology, Oklahoma City OKLAHOMA / Visit Maritime Museum of the Atlantic CANADA / Visit Clown-Museum Leipzig GERMANY / Visit the Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / Visit the Museum of Islamic Art EGYPT / Walk around the Boerhaave natural sciences museum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Maldives National Museum MALDIVES / Visit the Dayton Art Institute OHIO / Visit the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Spencer Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit the Zimmerli Art Museum NEW JERSEY / Visiit the Seattle Asian Art Museum WASHINGTON / Visit the Headley-Whitney Museum KENTUCKY / Visit the Blanton Museum of Art TEXAS / Visit the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum TEXAS / Visit Allentown Art Museum PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Grassi Museum (Shoe Exhibition) GERMANY / Visit the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art ILLINOIS / Visit the Cahoon Museum of American Art MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Denver Museum of Art COLORADO / Visit the Stedelijk Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Greensboro Children's Museum NORTH CAROLINA / Walk through the Walk-Through Heart at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Kazakhstan Museum of Arts KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Hungarian National Museum HUNGARY / Walk around the pre-historic and ethonological museums at Kinshasa University DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Learn about traditional art at the State Art Museum in Tashkent UZBEKISTAN / Visit the Neue Galerie in the Herbenstrein Palace in Graz AUSTRIA / Explore the Museum of Cotonou BENIN / Visit the Kimbell Art Museum TEXAS / Visit the National Palace Museum TAIWAN / Take a tour of the Guayasamin Museum ECUADOR / Visit the Hagley Museum, Wilmington DELAWARE / 🏛️ Visit the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland MAINE / Take a tour of the Larco Museum PERU / Visit the Crocker Art Museum CALIFORNIA / Visit the National Museum at Gitega BURUNDI / Learn about the Sarh culture at the National Museum CHAD / See the marble basin referred to as Buddha's Begging Bowl at the National Museum AFGHANISTAN / Tour the National Museum in Taherir Square YEMEN / Visit the National Museum in Windhoek NAMIBIA / Visit the State Museum of East Timor in Dilli EAST TIMOR (TIMOR-LESTE) / Visit the National Museum in Libreville GABON / Visit the South County Museum RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Perez Art Museum FLORIDA / Experience the sounds of urban life at the Tenement Museum NEW YORK / Visit the Vermont History Museum VERMONT / Visit Togo National Museum TOGO / Visit St Francis Museum SAN MARINO /