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Observation Deck
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🗼 Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower FRANCE / 🏙️ Go to the top of the Empire State Building NEW YORK / 🗼 Climb the Eiffel Tower PARIS / 🎡 Go on the London Eye LONDON / Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower FRANCE / Go up the Eiffel Tower PARIS / Visit the Empire State Building NEW YORK / Kiss on the top of the Empire State Building NEW YORK / Climb the Eifel Tower / See the Gateway Arch in St. Louis MISSOURI / Go to the top of the Space Needle WASHINGTON / Go to the top of the Statue of Liberty / Go up the Empire State Building NEW YORK / Visit the CN Tower CANADA / See the Empire State Building at night NEW YORK / Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower at night PARIS / Go to the top of the Empire State Building at night NEW YORK / See the view from the 'Top of the Rock' observation deck NEW YORK / Stand atop the Eiffel Tower FRANCE / Climb to the top of the Empire State Building NEW YORK / Go to the top of the CN Tower / Go to the top of the Washington Monument / See Hong Kong from Victoria Peak HONG KONG / Visit the Space Needle WASHINGTON / Go to the top of the Sky Tower NEW ZEALAND / Go up Auckland's Sky Tower NEW ZEALAND / Visit the top of the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Go to the top of the Sears Tower ILLINOIS / Go up the CN Tower CANADA / See the Petronas Twin Towers MALAYSIA / Visit Skydeck Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit the CCTV building in Beijing CHINA / See the Busan Tower SOUTH KOREA / Ascend N-Seoul Tower, a viewing spire on top of Namsan Mountain SOUTH KOREA / See the Empire State Building / Visit The Shard UNITED KINGDOM / See the lit up N-Seoul Tower at night SOUTH KOREA / Enjoy a panoramic view of the city from the observation platform of Tokyo tower JAPAN / Visit the Rockefeller Center NEW YORK / Check out the views of the city from the Reichstag Cupola GERMANY / Visit the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit the Gateway Arch in St. Louis MISSOURI / Take an elevator to the observation deck of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw POLAND / Go to the observation deck of Macau Tower / Ride the Elevator to the Top of the Washington Mounument WASHINGTON, D.C. / Stroll on the viewing deck of the Blackpool Tower, the Walk of Faith ENGLAND / Walk the ledge of the Willis Tower ILLINOIS / Take the funicular to the top of Mount Washington PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Willis Tower ILLINOIS / Visit the Cathedral of Ulm GERMANY / View Reykjavik's skyline from the top of Hallgrimskirkja church ICELAND / Visit the John Hancock Observatory ILLINOIS / Visit the Mori Art Museum JAPAN / Visit the N Seoul Tower SOUTH KOREA / Walk on the glass floor at Blackpool Tower ENGLAND / See the Astoria Column OREGON / Take in the views of NYC from Hoboken NEW JERSEY / Walk to the top of Tokyo Skytree JAPAN / Ride the high-speed lift up Euromast in Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / Explore the Jinmao Tower in Shanghai CHINA / Climb up the Faro de la Moncloa SPAIN / See Minneapolis from the observation deck at the Foshay Tower MINNESOTA / Visit the Eureka Tower, Melbourne AUSTRALIA / Visit the One World Observatory NEW YORK / Visit Tokyo Skytree JAPAN / Visit the roof of the IFC Mall HONG KONG / Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty / Visit the John Hancock Signature Room ILLINOIS / Kiss at the top of the Rockefeller Center (Top of the Rock) / Visit Burj Khalifa UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit the Transamerica Pyramid CALIFORNIA / Visit Lake Point Tower in Chicago ILLINOIS / Visit the Time Warner Center NEW YORK / Visit the Woolworth Building NEW YORK / Visit the Petronas Twin Towers MALAYSIA / Visit the John Hancock Tower MASSACHUSETTS / Climb to the top of Baltimore's Washington Monument MARYLAND / Be at the top of the tallest building in the world / Go at the top of the highest building of the world / Visit Khan Shatyr KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Heublein Tower at Talcott Mountain State Park CONNECTICUT / Visit Canopy Tower PANAMA / Take in the view from the observation deck of Dubai's Burj Khalifa UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Stand on top of the empire state building / Photograph the Eiffel Tower / Stand on the top of the Eiffel Tower / Go to the top the Statue of Liberty / Visit the Carew Tower Observation Deck OHIO / Walk the Arenal Skywalk COSTA RICA / Climb to the revolving observation deck at the Liberation Tower KUWAIT / Ascend to 185m with the Euroscoop experience NETHERLANDS / Visit the IDS Center (IDS Tower) in Minneapolis MINNESOTA / Visit the Citicorp Center NEW YORK / Visit the Williams Tower (Transco Tower) in Houston TEXAS /