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Religious Pilgrimage
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Visit Vatican City / 🌄 Experience the sunrise at Borobudur INDONESIA / 🏯 Visit the Buddhist Monuments in the Hōryū-ji Area JAPAN / Travel to Israel / 🙏 Stand at the feet of Christ the Redeemer BRAZIL / Travel India by train INDIA / 🕌 Visit the Shwedagon Pagoda MYANMAR / Light a candle in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna AUSTRIA / Discover Delphi, a pagan religious complex GREECE / ⛪ Visit the Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira COLOMBIA / Explore the Mogao Caves - Gansu China CHINA / Walk to Santiago de Compostela / Visit the Konark Sun Temple INDIA / 🏰 See the Miraculous Staircase at the Loretto Chapel NEW MEXICO / Visit the Dome of the Rock ISRAEL / Visit the Temple of Preah Vihear CAMBODIA / Light a candle at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes FRANCE / Visit Delphi GREECE / Visit the Holy Land / See the largest mosque outside Mecca in Casablanca MOROCCO / Walk across the sand to Mont St Michel FRANCE / Visit the Basilica of St Stephen HUNGARY / Discover the Temple of Aphrodite at Kouklia CYPRUS / Visit the Valencia Cathedral that claims possession of the Holy Grail SPAIN / 🕊️ Visit the Western Wall ISRAEL / Visit Bethany where it is believed that Jesus was baptized JORDAN / Visit Salvation Mountain CALIFORNIA / Visit the Shrine of Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo ITALY / Visit the holy site of Capernaum on the Sea of Galilee ISRAEL / Visit Nazareth Village ISRAEL / Visit Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery GEORGIA / Visit the Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range JAPAN / Attend the Fiesta de la Tirana (Region de Tarapaca) CHILE / Visit Galilee ISRAEL / Light a candle at the Cathedral of St. Basil RUSSIA / Visit the Mogao Caves CHINA / Visit the Temple and Cemetery of Confucius CHINA / Visit the Cathedral of St Vladimir UKRAINE / See the cave where Abraham is said to have been born TURKEY / Visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Knock in County Mayo IRELAND / Visit the site of the Burning Bush at St. Katherine's Monastery at Sinai EGYPT / Pay a visit to the temple of Karnak and it's Great Hippostyle Hall EGYPT / Walk the Shikoku Pilgrimage JAPAN / See the Cruz del Tercer Milenio in Coquimbo CHILE / Discover the three surviving icons painted by Apostle Luke in Kykkos CYPRUS / Visit Khor Virap (Armenian Apostolic Church monastery) ARMENIA / Retrace Martin Luther's footsteps around Lutherstadt Wittenburg GERMANY / See the Sanctuary of Asclepius at Epidaurus, an old religious and healing centre (UNESCO) GREECE / Visit the Ellora Caves in Maharashtra INDIA / Visit Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas BRAZIL / Attend the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve at St Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / Visit the Baha'i Gardens ISRAEL / Visit Chartres Cathedral FRANCE / Visit Mount Sinai EGYPT / Attend the Feast of San Gennaro NEW YORK / Visit Kandy SRI LANKA / Visit the Monuments at Pattadakal INDIA / Climb the stupas at Leh INDIA / Get your head shaved at the Tirumala Temple in Andhra Pradesh INDIA / Discover Meteora, a group of monasteries after Mount Athos GREECE / See the Tripitaka Koreana at Haeinsa temple (UNESCO) SOUTH KOREA / Catch a boat out to 10th century Armenian Church on Akdamar Island TURKEY / Camp at Elijah's Basin on Mt. Sinai EGYPT / See the tomb of St. John the Baptist at Ummayyad Mosque in Damascus SYRIA / Go looking for the Ark of the Covenant in Axum ETHIOPIA / Visit Buddha's “Great Awakening” temple in Bodhgaya INDIA / Explore the Mogao Caves in Gansu CHINA / Visit Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park INDIA / Visit the Nerezi monastery and the Church of Pantelejmon near Skopje NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit the Shrines of Ganesh at Kathmandu valley NEPAL / Climb Mount Tabor to visit the monastery at the top ISRAEL / Attend a mass at the Vatican / See the pope at the Vatican VATICAN CITY / Visit Carthage Jail ILLINOIS / Visit Liberty Jail MISSOURI / Visit Bethlehem / Visit the Geghard Monastery ARMENIA / Visit the Guishan Guanyin of the Thousand Hands and Eyes statue / Visit the Kailashnath Mahadev Statue NEPAL / Visit Mount Ararat TURKEY / Visit the Independence Temple Lot MISSOURI / Visit Winter Quarters NEBRASKA / Visit the Alexander Nevsky Lavra RUSSIA / Visit Martin's Cove WYOMING / See the House of Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib where Muhammad was born SAUDI ARABIA / Participate in the Semana Santa celebrations in Antigua GUATEMALA / Celebrate Dia de San Jose with the locals COSTA RICA / Witness the candlelit procession during the Feast of the Assumption at Aglona's Basilica LATVIA / Attend the Rath Yatra in Orissa INDIA / Visit the Snake Temple in Penang MALAYSIA / Light a candle at the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator ARMENIA / Marvel at the Baha'i Gardens in Haifa ISRAEL / Visit Camino Real de Tierra Adentro MEXICO / Visit the Golden Temple of Amritsar INDIA / Join the Rath Yatra in Orissa INDIA / Visit Lourdes FRANCE / See the Icon of the Black Madonna reputed to have been painted by St. Luke POLAND / See the place where St. Paul hid, the House of Hanania in Damascus SYRIA / Visit the church in the Damascus Wall from where St Paul escaped in a basket SYRIA / Visit the Tomb of Sultan Bayazid Bostami at Chittagong BANGLADESH / Watch the light show at Chartres FRANCE / Visit the golden Shwezigon Pagoda MYANMAR / Visit Belen during the Easter week COLOMBIA / Pay homage to Tu Dao Hanh by attendting the Thay Pagoda festival VIETNAM / Visit the 4th century monastery of Mt Zuqualla Maryan ETHIOPIA / Visit Mount Abu, a hill resort in the middle of the Rajasthan Desert INDIA / See Jain temples on the Shratrunjya hills on a moonlit night at Palitana INDIA / Visit the land of silks, Kanchipuram INDIA / Celebrate Easter Sunday in Warsaw POLAND / Join the pilgrims travelling to Kerbala, the spiritual home of Shi'ia Muslims IRAQ / Attend the Orthodox Epiphany in Kiev UKRAINE / Visit the Tashilhunpo Monastery in Tibet TIBET / Visit the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa TIBET / Visit the Confucius Temple in Qufu CHINA / Visit the Fasting Buddha at the North West Frontier Province PAKISTAN / Visit the Osun Sacred Forest shrine of the Yoruba religion NIGERIA / Visit Sheikh Safi al-Din Khānegāh IRAN / Attend the Good Friday gathering at Saint Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / Make a pilgrimage to the Geghard Monastery ARMENIA / Visit Lot's cave where Prophet Lot lived JORDAN / See Machaerus, the fortress of Herod Antipas JORDAN / Explore Dečani KOSOVO / Visit Kaabah, the Mountain of Light SAUDI ARABIA / Visit the monasteries in Snagov, Cernica and Pasarea ROMANIA / Explore St. Mariam's Cathedral in Tualud ERITREA / Visit Adam-ondi-ahman MISSOURI / Visit Seifa Utaki JAPAN / Visit Trinity Lutheran Church MISSOURI / Visit the Shrine of St. Joseph MISSOURI / Visit the Black Madonna Shrine and Grottos MISSOURI / Visit Prado do Repouso cemetery in Porto PORTUGAL / Witness Yom Kippur at the Western Wall ISRAEL / Explore the Batu Caves MALAYSIA / Visit Oruro BOLIVIA / Visit the Christ the King statue POLAND / Visit the city of Salvador during the Festival of Bonfim BRAZIL / Take a cable car ride up to Monserrate in Bogota COLOMBIA / Visit Ayacucho PERU / Attend Attukal Pongala festival in Thiruvananthapuram INDIA / 🕍 Visit the Russian Orthodox Church in Sitka ALASKA / Visit Beit She'an ISRAEL / Visit the Dashashwamedh Ghat INDIA / Visit the grave of the Rastafarian diety, Haile Selassie I ETHIOPIA / Visit Kyevo-Pecherska Lavra UKRAINE / Visit the Boudhanath Stupa NEPAL / Visit the Dattatreya Mandir in Carapichaima TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit the Treveni Mandir in Hardbargain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Attend a mass at St Peter's in the Vatican City / Visit the Keur Moussa Monastery SENEGAL / Visit Togoville TOGO / Visit Grand Bassin MAURITIUS / Attend Thaipoosam Cavadee MAURITIUS / Visit the Bald Knob Cross ILLINOIS / Visit the Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial VERMONT / Attend Qoyllur Rit'i PERU / Visit all 21 Spanish Missions in California CALIFORNIA / Visit the Shwedagon Stupa MYANMAR / Visit Alaverdi ARMENIA / Visit Punakha BHUTAN / Visit the Tomb of Said Abu Bakr el Mirgani and the Mariam de Arit ERITREA / Visit the Jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque BRUNEI / See the gold-leaf domed Nevski Memorial Church BULGARIA / Attend an Orthodox Easter Celebration BULGARIA / Explore the Pak Ou Caves LAOS / Visit Kidron Valley ISRAEL / Visit Saint Gayane Church ARMENIA / Explore the archaeological sites of Paharpur BANGLADESH / Witness the icon of the Black Christ at the Basilica of Esquipulas GUATEMALA / Join the Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the Black Christ at Esquipulas GUATEMALA / Pay a visit to the shrine of Hazrat Shah Jalal BANGLADESH /