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Traditional Architecture
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🌿 Visit the Tranquil Zen Garden of Kyoto JAPAN / 🌊 Visit Jeju Island SOUTH KOREA / Visit South Korea / 🌸 Visit the Shrines and Temples of Nikkō JAPAN / 🏰 Visit the Main Market Square (Rynek Glowny) in Krakow POLAND / 🚶♂️ Walk the Nakasendō JAPAN / Visit the Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama JAPAN / Visit the lakeside village of Hallstatt AUSTRIA / Explore Chinatown / Visit Bhutan / Visit the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto JAPAN / Visit the Zen rock garden of Ryoanji JAPAN / 🏯 Visit the Meiji Shrine JAPAN / Visit the Faroe Islands / Visit a traditional Korean Folk Village SOUTH KOREA / Visit Lofoten NORWAY / Explore the old city of Chiang Mai by bicycle THAILAND / Explore the pre-historic and Christian monuments at Aran Islands IRELAND / Visit Nozawa Onsen JAPAN / Stay at a real Aussie pub AUSTRALIA / Visit Santiago de Tequila MEXICO / Go live in a yurt in Mongolia / Do the Chomolhari Trek - Bhutan / Visit the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan CHINA / See the remains of the Haida villages in B.C CANADA / Explore the Joseon palace at Seoul SOUTH KOREA / Explore the scenic shrines and countryside of the Nikko National Park JAPAN / Visit Pyeongchang SOUTH KOREA / Visit the Changdeokgung Palace Complex SOUTH KOREA / Visit Batanes PHILIPPINES / Visit the Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui CHINA / Visit the medieval town Hida Takayama in the mountains of Gifu Prefecture JAPAN / Visit Hallstatt AUSTRIA / Visit the Siwa Oasis EGYPT / Visit Kinderdijk NETHERLANDS / Visit the Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range JAPAN / Visit Mount Everest NEPAL / Visit Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan CHINA / Stay on a houseboat in Shikara in Kashmir INDIA / Discover the Socotra archipelago YEMEN / Stroll around the Siida museum and the wilderness church in Inari FINLAND / Visit Trulli di Alberobello ITALY / Visit Ameland NETHERLANDS / Visit Robin Hood's Bay ENGLAND / Visit Wulingyuan, Hunan CHINA / Visit the Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal MEXICO / Visit Little Tokyo LOS ANGELES / Take a trip to the Zona Cafetera COLOMBIA / Explore the seaside town of Southwold ENGLAND / Visit the Gretna Green village SCOTLAND / Learn about Korea's Buddhist heritage by staying at one of Korea's many Buddhist Temples SOUTH KOREA / See the Uros islands that are made from reeds PERU / Walk in the narrow streets of the Chandni Chowk bazaar in Old Delhi INDIA / Visit Arashiyama JAPAN / Take in the sights of Antananarivo's Zoma Market MADAGASCAR / Visit the Madriu valley (UNESCO) ANDORRA / Stay on a Scottish Island SCOTLAND / Visit Meiji Shrine JAPAN / Visit Ollantaytambo PERU / Visit Moulay Idriss Zerhoun MOROCCO / Take a Yangtze River cruise CHINA / See the longhouse homes of the Iban tribe in Borneo MALAYSIA / Explore Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Drive around Inland Istria and its hill towns CROATIA / Visit the traditional village of Kalinago Barana Aute DOMINICA / See old fishing villages and historic manor houses in Vilsandii National Park ESTONIA / Visit Katara Cultural Village QATAR / Visit SGang Gwaay (Ninstints) CANADA / Explore Sgaang Gwaii in Anthony Island (UNESCO) CANADA / See Koh Pannyi, the village built on stilts THAILAND / Stroll through the white-sand beaches and traditional villages of Aleipat SAMOA / Visit the Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine JAPAN / Sleep in a Viking longhouse at Stikelstad (Stiklestad) NORWAY / Visit Souq Waqif QATAR / Explore Lakeland FINLAND / Visit the Wat Phu temples and traditional villages LAOS / Stay in a Malaysian longhouse along the rivers in Sarawak or Sabah MALAYSIA / Stroll through the streets of Little India at Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Visit Lamu KENYA / Visit the Zafimaniny arts village MADAGASCAR / Discover the stunning landscapes around the Haa Valley BHUTAN / Visit the National Museum of Bhutan in Paro BHUTAN / Visit the Chi Lin Nunnery HONG KONG / Visit the 'Traditional' Cypriot house in Paralimni CYPRUS / Visit Guilin and Lijiang River National Park CHINA / Visit Naritasan Park JAPAN / Visit Røros NORWAY / Visit Les Contamines-Montjoie FRANCE / Visit Shuri Castle JAPAN / Visit Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden CANADA / Visit the Classical Gardens of Suzhou CHINA / Visit Enoshima JAPAN / Visit Arashiyama's Bamboo Grove JAPAN / Explore Paro BHUTAN / Go hiking in mountain town of Lahic AZERBAIJAN / Discover the remote mountain village of Xinaliq AZERBAIJAN / Explore the old world traditions of Colonia Tovar VENEZUELA / Discover the Kampong Ayer water village on stilts BRUNEI / Visit Shirakami-Sanchi JAPAN / Visit the tribal villages of Kutch in Gujarat INDIA / Visit Torshavn FAROE ISLANDS / Do a temple and market tour of Arts Village FIJI / Explore the oasis town of El Golea, the pearl of the desert ALGERIA / See the Folk Park on the grounds of the Bunratty Castle IRELAND / Visit the 14th century Wat Suthep temple on the mountains overlooking Chiang Mai THAILAND / Explore the City of Flower-lined streets , Haiphong VIETNAM / Visit the Kościeliska Valley POLAND / Visit the Kabaka Tombs on Kasubi Hill UGANDA / See the Sri Siva Subramaniya Temple FIJI / Explore Manono Island SAMOA / Live on a houseboat on the backwaters of Kerala INDIA / Get a taste of rural Hungary at the Sostoi Open-Air Museum HUNGARY / Explore the ancient ruins of Nan Madol in Pohnpei MICRONESIA / Stroll around the ruins of INSARU in Kosrae MICRONESIA / Spend a night on a junk boat in Halong Bay VIETNAM / Visit Burnmouth SCOTLAND / Visit the Chinatown Heritage Centre SINGAPORE / See the Royal Mausoleum in Kumasi GHANA / Visit the stilt town of Tiagba CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Discover Star Mounds on the Samoan archipelago AMERICAN SAMOA / See the traditional covered bridge at Paro BHUTAN / Explore the Punakha Valley BHUTAN / Mountain bike along the Paro Valley BHUTAN / Visit Chengdu CHINA / Visit Koni-Djodjo COMOROS / Visit Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens FLORIDA / Visit the Ifugao (Banaue) Rice Terraces PHILIPPINES / Go to a Japanese tea house / Visit the Jongmyo Shrine SOUTH KOREA / Spend the night in an Onsen Town JAPAN / Visit Koyasan JAPAN / Visit the Qingxudong Arch in Guizhou Province CHINA / Walk around Old Taipa Village MACAU / Visit Takaragawa Onsen Osenkaku JAPAN / Visit Gansu CHINA / Visit Ghardaia ALGERIA / Visit M'Zab Valley ALGERIA / Visit mount Yoshino, Japan / Visit Netherlands Open Air Museum NETHERLANDS / Visit Ryukyu Mura JAPAN / Visit Fukushen Gardens JAPAN / Visit the Gion District JAPAN / Visit Kaya BURKINA FASO / Visit Tenkodogo BURKINA FASO / Learn about traditional crafts and lifestyles at the Dudutki Museum of Material Culture BELARUS / Look for onion-shaped domes of the Russian Orthodox churches in Logoysk BELARUS / Stroll around the Museum of Folk Architecture in Ozerto BELARUS / Explore Tashi Yangtse BHUTAN / Explore the holy sites of Bumthang BHUTAN / See the Sultan's Palace in Foumban CAMEROON / See the Sadu House, made of coral and gypsum KUWAIT / Visit Kaesong NORTH KOREA / Hike in Hordaland NORWAY / Experience the world's oldest Chinatown, Binondo, in Manila PHILIPPINES / Visit the Man Mo Temple HONG KONG / Visit the Walsermuseum LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit Dogon Country MALI / Travel back in time at Hollokő ethnographic village HUNGARY / See traditional African villages on the Nimba Range GUINEA / Visit the Musee Vivant, a reconstructed open-air village displaying Burundian culture BURUNDI / Visit Jiufen TAIWAN / Go to the Wutai during their Mountain Tourist Month CHINA / Visit the Jos Museum of Traditional Nigerian Architecture NIGERIA / Build a log cabin / Explore the ancient village of Chivay PERU / Explore Kerala in the monsoon INDIA / See the giant wooden waterwheels of Hama SYRIA / Spend some time at a chai-khana (tea house) near the mountains of the south UZBEKISTAN / Visit Tanzania's National Museum & Village Museum TANZANIA / Enjoy a sunset drink on the zocalo of Cuetzalan MEXICO / Try Altbier at the Alstadt beer hall in DusseldorfVisit the lofty cathedral Cologne's Dom GERMANY / Catch a sunset from the rooftop Qeysarieh Tea Shop IRAN / Watch the sunset behind wooden lenges in a Bandari village IRAN / Spend the weekend in the small Black Sea coastal town of Giresun TURKEY / Consult a traditional Korean Geomancer SOUTH KOREA / Discover the wind towers of Muharraq's old houses BAHRAIN / Discover Banjarmasin at dawn from the canals of the city INDONESIA / Explore Maiana KIRIBATI / Visit Qasr al-Hosn UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Frunzwe House-Museum KYRGYZSTAN / Visit the Kampung Ayer Cultural & Tourism Gallery BRUNEI / Stroll around the Malay Technology Museum BRUNEI / See the Twelve Roofs House BRUNEI / Visit Sheikh Faisal's Museum QATAR / Visit Bassari Country SENEGAL / See the traditional mud Takienta tower-houses in Koutammakou TOGO / Visit the indigenous Wayúu (or Guajiro) settlements on stilts in the Guajira Peninsula VENEZUELA / Explore Foumban CAMEROON / Explore the district of Wangdiphodrang BHUTAN / Visit Soarta, an Alpine-style village BOLIVIA / Drive to Drametse Goemba BHUTAN / Learn about the Somba people at Boukombe BENIN / See the houses on stilts in Ganvie BENIN / Explore Pabre, an ancient Mossi Village outside Ouagadougou BURKINA FASO / Visit Lijiang CHINA / Visit El Oued ALGERIA / Visit Tsirang BHUTAN / Visit Pemagatshel BHUTAN / Visit Wangdue Phodrang BHUTAN / Visit Samdrup Jongkhar BHUTAN / Visit Jakar BHUTAN / Visit the Longsheng Rice Terraces CHINA / Visit Djemaa El-Fna MOROCCO / Visit Nitobe Memorial Garden CANADA / Visit the Hongcun Ancient Village CHINA / Visit the Likiep Village Historic Site MARSHALL ISLANDS / Tour the monasteries in Tibet TIBET / 🍻 Visit a traditional British pub UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Taghazout MOROCCO /