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Learn to dance / 🩰 Watch a ballet / Learn how to dance / Go to an Aboriginal dance festival / Feel the passion of flamenco, in music, dance and song throughout Andalucia SPAIN / Spend a Carnival in Recife BRAZIL / 🎊 Attend the Notting Hill Carnival LONDON / Attend the Fiesta de la Tirana (Region de Tarapaca) CHILE / Attend World of Music, Arts and Dance (WOMAD) in Taranaki NEW ZEALAND / Attend The Cork Festival, a St. Patrick's Day event IRELAND / Attend the Festival de Marseille FRANCE / Attend the FNB Dance Umbrella SOUTH AFRICA / Attend the Amsterdam Roots Festival NETHERLANDS / Participate in the Apokries Carnival GREECE / Attend the Red Earth Native American Cultural Festival OKLAHOMA / Attend the Morija Arts and Cultural Festival LESOTHO / Attend Cubadanza, the winter festival of Cuban Dance CUBA / Attend Notting Hill Carnival / Attend Hakata Dontaku Minato Matsuri (port festival) in Fukuoka JAPAN / Attend the Yogya Arts Festival INDONESIA / Attend the Festival of Contemporary Dance in Avignon FRANCE / Watch traditional dancing in Bukoba TANZANIA / Take to the streets during Jamaica's carnival JAMAICA / Attend the Hala Festival celebrating spring KUWAIT / Watch traditional Nepali Folk Dance NEPAL / Participate in the Chuseok (Harvest Moon) Festival NORTH KOREA / Attend the Midsummer Scandinavian Festival OREGON / Attend the Irish Fair Minnesota MINNESOTA / Attend the Ohrid Summer Festival NORTH MACEDONIA / Attend the Kansas City Irish Fest MISSOURI / Attend the Al Bustan International Festival of Music and the Arts LEBANON / Watch traditional plays and dances at Accra's National Theatre GHANA / Attend the Vilnius Salsa Festival LITHUANIA / Attend Las Llamadas – Mardi Gras URUGUAY / Attend the musical harvest festival, Kambala SUDAN / Participate in the Festival Palmares COSTA RICA / Learn the Danze de los Vaqueros (Dance of the Cowboy) GUATEMALA / Attend the big April Fool's Day street parade UKRAINE / Attend the international musical folklore festival, the Kraina Mryi UKRAINE / Attend the Fiesta de la Candelaria PERU / Celebrate Lohri Festival INDIA / Attend San Pacho Festival Choco COLOMBIA / Attend the Shoko Festival ZIMBABWE / Cheer on your favourite team at the Festival Flamenco SPAIN / Celebrate T'boli culture with the people of Lake Sebu PHILIPPINES / Take part in the annual Kiev Days celebrations UKRAINE / Celebrate the Inti Raymi festival in Sacsayhuaman PERU / Attend Gadatirgus, the annual festival of arts and craft LATVIA / Watch the weekly folk-dancing at the Masaya Market NICARAGUA / Experience Liberian culture at Kendeja National Cultural Center LIBERIA / Attend Festival International Echternach LUXEMBOURG / Attend Zeltik Festival in Dudelange Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG / Attend the Budapest Festival of Folk Arts HUNGARY / Go to a tango club in San Telmo ARGENTINA / Attend the Pittsburgh Folk Festival PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the Greek Food Festival of Dallas TEXAS / Attend Folkmoot USA NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the Taste of Polonia festival ILLINOIS / Attend the Great Lakes Folk Festival MICHIGAN / Attend Kaay Fecc SENEGAL / Attend the Spear Dancing Festival SOLOMON ISLANDS / Attend the Iowa Irish Fest IOWA / Attend the Malipenga Dances MALAWI / Attend the Riverfront Irish Festival OHIO / Attend the New Jersey Folk Festival NEW JERSEY / Attend the National Folklore Festival of Cosquin ARGENTINA / Celebrate Losar (Tibetan New Year) NEPAL / Attend the National Festival of the Pollera (traditional female dresses) PANAMA / Observe local rituals at the Fête du Dipri in Gomon CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Attend the Festival National des Arts et de la Culture (FENAC) CAMEROON / Attend a Fia Fia feast AMERICAN SAMOA / Join in the street party at the annual Bolivian Carnival BOLIVIA / Attend the International Dance Festival AURA LITHUANIA / Witness traditional dancing and singing at a maneaba, a community meeting house KIRIBATI / Attend the Sikhotabong Festival LAOS / Attend the Virgen del Carmen Festival PERU / Attend the Deer Dance Festival BELIZE / See displays of traditional dancing at the Bomas cultural centre KENYA / Attend the Cultural programmes of the Moussem des Femmes MOROCCO / Celebrate folk traditions at the Jornadas de Folklore Gallego (Galician Folklore Days) SPAIN / Attend the Love for Bogota Festival COLOMBIA / Attend the Corpus Christi festivities COLOMBIA / Visit Natal BRAZIL / Attend the Dancing Devils of Yare festival VENEZUELA /