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🦁 Go to the zoo / Go berry picking / 🎡 Go on the London Eye LONDON / Go to a zoo / 💦 Go to a water park / 🎡 Ride a ferris wheel / Find a drive-in and see a movie there / Go to the drive-in / Walk through a corn maze / Ride on a ferris wheel / Visit the Zoo / Go to a drive-in movie theater / Go to the strawberry farm and pick my own strawberries / 🐵 Visit London Zoo ENGLAND / 🎆 Go to a fireworks display / Go on a ferris wheel / Go on a waterslide / See a film at a drive-in theater / Go blueberry picking / Visit the National Museum of Natural History WASHINGTON, D.C. / Fly a kite on the beach / 🐒 Go to the Bronx Zoo NEW YORK / 🐟 Visit the Shedd Aquarium ILLINOIS / 🐵 Visit Chester Zoo ENGLAND / Visit an Alpaca farm / Go to London Zoo ENGLAND / Feed a giraffe / 🐅 Go to the Toronto Zoo CANADA / 🐼 See the pandas at Edinburgh Zoo SCOTLAND / Go cherry picking / 🦁 Visit the San Diego Wild Animal Park / Visit the Bronx Zoo NEW YORK / Buy a zoo membership and use it at least 4 times a year / Go to Shedd Aquarium / 🐋 Visit Mystic Aquarium CONNECTICUT / 🏟️ See a game at the Rogers Centre CANADA / 🐘 Visit Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / Go to the Field Museum ILLINOIS / Visit the Detroit zoo MICHIGAN / Visit the Auckland Zoo NEW ZEALAND / 🦒 Visit the Cincinnati Zoo OHIO / Visit Burgers' Zoo NETHERLANDS / Go to Yankee Stadium / 🎃 Go to a pumpkin patch and pick out a pumpkin to carve / Visit the Minnesota Zoo MINNESOTA / Visit the Edinburgh Zoo SCOTLAND / Ride on a double decker bus / Spend the day at the Georgia Aquarium GEORGIA / 🍎 Visit a farm and go apple picking / Visit the Milwaukee County Zoo WISCONSIN / Go to Brookfield Zoo ILLINOIS / 🐬 Visit the Newport Aquarium KENTUCKY / 🎡 Attend a county fair and eat funnel cake / Go to Schlitterbahn TEXAS / 🏛️ Visit the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Quebec CANADA / Relive history at the Het Spoorwegmuseum (Dutch National Railway Museum) in Utrecht NETHERLANDS / Go to the Milwaukee zoo / Cut down a Christmas tree / Visit the Wisconsin Historical Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the Roger Williams Park Zoo RHODE ISLAND / Visit Comerica Park MICHIGAN / Visit the Oklahoma City Zoo OKLAHOMA / Visit the Central Park Zoo NEW YORK / Go to a water park and ride all the water slides / Visit the Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum OKLAHOMA / Visit the ABQ BioPark Zoo NEW MEXICO / Visit the Jurong Bird Park SINGAPORE / Visit the Brandywine Zoo DELAWARE / Visit the Harry Potter experience in London ENGLAND / Ride a ferris wheel at night / 🚂 Ride a steam train on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway ENGLAND / Visit Hagenbecks Tierpark GERMANY / Visit Hogle Zoo UTAH / Visit Twycross Zoo ENGLAND / Visit the Melbourne Aquarium AUSTRALIA / Visit Werribee Zoo AUSTRALIA / Visit Whipsnade Zoo ENGLAND / Visit the Kansas City Zoo KANSAS / Go to a theme park and ride the rides that I enjoyed as a child / Visit the Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto CANADA / Visit Bishop's Palace (Gresham's Castle) TEXAS / Go to Chapultepec Zoo MEXICO / Visit Kansas City Zoo MISSOURI / Visit the Maple Grove Farm in Saskatchewan CANADA / Go down a water slide / Visit Barcelona Zoo SPAIN / Visit Ouwehand Zoo NETHERLANDS / Visit Staglands Wildlife Reserve NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Sea Life London Aquarium ENGLAND / Visit Cotswold Wildlife Park ENGLAND / Visit the Sarah P. Duke Gardens NORTH CAROLINA / Ride every roller coaster at Cedar Point OHIO / Visit Diergaarde Blijdorp NETHERLANDS / Visit Butterfly Creek NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Denver Aquarium COLORADO / Visit the CNE CANADA / Attend a professional baseball game / Visit Lincoln Park Zoo ILLINOIS / 🦁 Visit the Phoenix Zoo / Visit the Denver Botanical Gardens Trail of Lights COLORADO / Visit the Nashville Zoo TENNESSEE / Visit the Virginia Zoological Park VIRGINIA / Visit Stratford Butterfly Farm ENGLAND / Visit Dublin Zoo IRELAND / Visit the Anniston Museum of Natural History ALABAMA / Visit the Reid Park Zoo ARIZONA / Visit the Global Wildlife Center in Folsom LOUISIANA / Visit Baton Rouge Zoo LOUISIANA / Eat ice cream at Neveria Roxy MEXICO / Visit St Stephen's Green Park IRELAND / Visit Kinderboekenmuseum NETHERLANDS / Visit Trentham Monkey Forest ENGLAND / Visit Knoxville Zoo TENNESSEE / Visit Dakota Zoo NORTH DAKOTA / Visit the Henry Doorly Zoo NEBRASKA / Go to the Mill Mountain Zoo in Roanoke VIRGINIA / Visit the Toledo Zoo OHIO / Visit the Zoo d'Amneville FRANCE / Visit Zoo Basel SWITZERLAND / Visit the Albuquerque Aquarium NEW MEXICO / Visit the pandas at Edinburgh Zoo SCOTLAND / Visit Newstead Abbey UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Cleveland Zoo OHIO / Visit the Fort Worth Zoo TEXAS / Have a picnic at Fourgasse Falls FRENCH GUIANA / Visit the Scientastic Museum in Brussels BELGIUM / Visit Safaripark Beekse Bergen NETHERLANDS / Visit Cougar Mountain Zoo WASHINGTON / Go apple picking in Charlottesville VIRGINIA / See the bears at Maymont Park VIRGINIA / Visit the Belle Isle Aquarium MICHIGAN / Visit Southern Nevada Zoological-Botanical Park NEVADA / Visit the Museum of Osteology, Oklahoma City OKLAHOMA / Visit Mississippi Aquarium IOWA / Ride the Nene Valley Railway ENGLAND / Visit Gresharth Hall Gardens ENGLAND / Visit Peveril Castle ENGLAND / Visit Clown-Museum Leipzig GERMANY / Visit the Descanso Gardens LOS ANGELES / Visit DierenPark Amersfoort NETHERLANDS / Visit Cottage Road cinema ENGLAND / Visit Adelaide Zoo AUSTRALIA / Go to a Philadelphia Phillies game PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Dierenpark Emmen NETHERLANDS / Visit Billings Estate CANADA / Visit Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Allsup's Pumpkinville & Cornmaze IOWA / Visit Topeka Zoological Park KANSAS / Visit Beardsly Zoo CONNECTICUT / Visit Minnetonka Cave IDAHO / Visit the Waterfront Museum at Poole ENGLAND / Spend the day at Labadi Pleasure Beach GHANA / Visit the New Britain Youth Museum CONNECTICUT / Visit Columbian Park Zoo INDIANA / Visit the Strategic Air and Space Museum NEBRASKA / Visit Charmingfare Farm NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit Reed Gold Mine NORTH CAROLINA / Visit every zoo in New York NEW YORK / Visit SeaCity Museum ENGLAND / Visit Bannerghatta National Park INDIA / Visit the Tripoli Zoo LIBYA / Visit Jurong Bird Park SINGAPORE / Visit Sea Life Minnesota Aquarium MINNESOTA / Visit Tropenmuseum Junior NETHERLANDS / VIsit the Lincoln Park Zoo ILLINOIS / Visit the Krohn Conservatory OHIO / Visit Lone Elk Park MISSOURI / Visit Featherdale Park AUSTRALIA / Visit the Queensland Museum AUSTRALIA / Visit Hanover Zoo GERMANY / Visit Leipzig Zoo GERMANY / Visit a Christmas tree farm and chop down my own tree / Visit Mother Shipton's Caves ENGLAND / Visit the Wakarusa River Valley Heritage Museum KANSAS / Visit Andrew's Scenic Acres CANADA / Visit the Scott Kingdoms of the Seas Aquarium NEBRASKA / Visit Mesker Park Zoo INDIANA / Attend a Detroit Tigers game at Comerica Park MICHIGAN / Visit Antwerp Zoo BELGIUM / Visit the Greater Vancouver Zoo CANADA / Visit an Alpaca/Llama Farm / Visit the North Carolina Aquarium NORTH CAROLINA / Say ni hao to the giant pandas at Zoo Atlanta GEORGIA / Ride on the toy train from Echo Point in Maharashtra INDIA / Visit the Oklahoma Aquarium OKLAHOMA / Visit Rancho San Rafael Park NEVADA / Visit Blists Hill ENGLAND / Visit Amarillo Zoo TEXAS / Visit Darley Park / Visit Nationaal Zwemcentrum de Tongelreep NETHERLANDS / Visit Whipkey Tree Farm WEST VIRGINIA / Go to Magic Waters ILLINOIS / Visit Billings Farm and Museum VERMONT / Visit the Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum WEST VIRGINIA / Visit the Ashgabat Zoo TURKMENISTAN / Ride a roller coaster at Michigan's Adventure MICHIGAN / See the Musical Fountain in Grand Haven MICHIGAN / Visit Vancouver Aquarium CANADA / Take a ride on the Anaconda at the Luna Park ISRAEL /