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🏕️ Sleep under the stars / 🏕 Go camping / 🧺 Go on a picnic / 🪁 Fly a kite / 🧺 Have a picnic / 📚 Spend an afternoon reading at the park / 🥾 Go for a hike in the woods / 🥾 Go hiking / 🏕️ Go camping with a group of friends / 🌳 Climb a tree / Make a snow angel / 🍂 Jump into a pile of leaves / Go on a hike / Hug a tree / 👀 Stay awake for 24 hours / 👼 Make snow angels / Go for a walk in the rain / 🧺 Have a picnic in the park / 🏕️ Sleep in a tent / 🏕️ Go camping with friends / Stroll through a public garden / Go camping for a weekend / 🎶 Go to an outdoor concert / Go for a run in the rain / 👀 Stay awake for 24 hours straight / 🚲 Go on a bike ride / Take a walk in the rain / 🍂 Roll in a huge pile of leaves / 🚶♀️ Go for a walk every day for a month / Go for a walk in a forest / 🎶 Attend an outdoor concert / 🤸♀️ Jump on a trampoline / 🛼 Go rollerskating / 🧺 Have a picnic in a park / Picnic in the park / Go on a camping trip / Spend an afternoon reading in the park / 🏕️ Go on an overnight hiking trip / Walk in the rain / Go to an outdoor movie / Go a week without caffeine / 🌺 Go to a botanical garden / 🏔️ Hike to the top of a mountain / 🥾 Hike up a mountain / Have a picnic in a forest / 🛼 Go rollerblading / 👦🏼 Ride on a tire swing / Have a traditional picnic in a park / 🚴♂️ Go for an all day bike ride / Sleep in a hammock for one night / Have a picinc / Spend an afternoon reading at a park / Stay in a cabin in the woods / Go bike riding for a day / 🌅 Hike a mountain and watch the sunrise / 🚵♂️ Go mountain biking / 🚴♂️ Ride my bike to work / Spend an entire day outside / Have a picnic in a tree / Go on a nature hike / 🏕️ Go camping in my backyard / Go for a run everyday for a week / Have a picnic in the park with friends / Make a kite and fly it / Sleep under the stars for a night / Have a picnic in Central Park / Sit outside during a thunderstorm / Go on a long bike ride / 🥏 Play frisbee / 🚣♂️ Go river rafting / Wake up in a tent to a phenomenal view / 🚴♂️ Go on a day long bike trip / Canoe down a river / Plant a tree somewhere I'll be able to visit often / Buy a new bicycle / 🚴♂️ Ride my bike every day for 30 days / Visit the Alps / Plant a tree somewhere I'll always be able to visit / Participate in a 5k race / Plant a tree in our backyard / Get outside for at least one hour each day / Sleep on a trampoline / Take my kids camping / Sleep in a tent in the backyard / 🥾 Go hiking with friends / Go on a hike one day every month for a year / Visit a local park or playground / Hike the trails at Mount Rainier WASHINGTON / Go for a long walk every month / Climb the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes MICHIGAN / Get a house plant and keep it alive / 🏔️ Go hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains VIRGINIA / Go on a hike or bike ride through a forest with beautiful autumn foliage / Start a game of tag with a group of strangers / Take a cruise to Alaska / 🏔️ Hike the Austrian Alps AUSTRIA / Walk to work / Watch a sunrise in the Upper Peninsula MICHIGAN / Explore Ireland on foot, by walking the Wicklow Way IRELAND / Hike to High Point, the highest elevation in New Jersey NEW JERSEY / Try sleeping under the stars / Start jogging / 👀 Stay awake for 48 hours / Go on a picnic to Vondelpark NETHERLANDS / Go to the dog park / Go camping in Acadia National Park / Walk the dogs every day for a month / Play frisbee golf / Go hiking with my dog / Hike up Mont Royal CANADA / Visit the Swiss Alps SWITZERLAND / Hike at Rocks State Park MARYLAND / Go camping with my dog / 🪁 Fly a kite in the park / 🌳 Visit the park where I used to play as a child / 🏞️ Hike in the Seoraksan National Park SOUTH KOREA / 🌲 Hike at White Clay Creek State Park DELAWARE / Throw a garden party / Have a picnic in Jardin du Luxembourg FRANCE / 🌄 Hike the Drakensburg mountain trails SOUTH AFRICA / Hike Fiordland National Park NEW ZEALAND / 🚶♂️ Hike up Table Mountain SOUTH AFRICA / Hike Mt. Washington NEW HAMPSHIRE / Camp at Yosemite CALIFORNIA / 🚴♀️ Bike along Vancouver's sea wall through Stanley Park CANADA / Pack a breakfast picnic and watch the sun rise at Cape Sear CANADA / Explore the forests and pastures of Tyrol AUSTRIA / Go for a run on the beach / Visit Cradle Mountain AUSTRALIA / Take a walk every day for a week / Get away to the Lake Disctrict ARGENTINA / Climb the Sleeping Giant CONNECTICUT / Take a Hike at Great Falls Park WASHINGTON, D.C. / Walk the Thames Path National Trail ENGLAND / Go for a walk in the moonlight / Sleep outside in a hammock / Go on a breakfast picnic / Walk to work every day for a month / Roll down a really big hill / Start walking / Go on a full day hike / Join a hiking group / Have a picnic in the mountains / 🥾 Hike the Winds WYOMING / Visit Blue Mountains AUSTRALIA / Go on an early morning forest walk / Hike in Algonquin Park CANADA / Visit Westonbirt Arboretum ENGLAND / Hike Mt Lofty AUSTRALIA / Hike Red Rocks Park COLORADO / Climb Mt Pulag PHILIPPINES / Walk the Eastern Promenade in Portland MAINE / Go hiking in the trails of Kaledonia CYPRUS / Hike in Albania Alps in the north ALBANIA / Go camping for a night / Walk around a lake / Have a picnic on the banks of Lake Ohrid NORTH MACEDONIA / Hike the Long Trail VERMONT / Hike Mt. Timpanogos UTAH / Live in the country / Sleep outside for a week / Walk to work every day for a week / Hike Gros Morne Mountain CANADA / Hike Johnston Canyon CANADA / Swing on a tire swing / Have a picnic in all four seasons / Camp in a National Park / Sleep under the stars in a hammock / Take a vacation to a National Park / Live in a house with a garden / Visit Maroon Bells COLORADO / 🏔️ Go on a hike in the mountains / Relax in the forest town of Dilijan ARMENIA / 🥾 Go hiking by myself / Hike in New Zealand / Camp at Cairngorms National Park SCOTLAND / Hike Stone Mountain GEORGIA / Hike Olympic National Park WASHINGTON / Hike Mt. Carleton CANADA / Hike the Smoky Mountains TENNESSEE / Hike in the Adirondacks NEW YORK / Go on a bike ride through my old neighborhood / Walk across the Halifax Bridge CANADA / Visit Peyto Lake CANADA / Go camping in each of the seasons / Hike in Tiger Leaping Gorge CHINA / Complete the Pigeon House Mountain walk AUSTRALIA / Camp in Rocky Mountain National Park COLORADO / Go mountain biking in Dalby Forest ENGLAND / Visit Big Bear Mountain WASHINGTON / Walk all the Auckland Regional Park trails NEW ZEALAND / Hike Snowdonia WALES / Go hill walking in the Gran Paradiso National Park ITALY / Escape to the cooling heights of Thailand's highest peak, Doi Inthanon THAILAND / Take a long drive into the mountains around Huehuetenango GUATEMALA / Follow one of many hiking and climbing trails up the Blue Mountains JAMAICA / Spend the weekend at the Cerro Punta mountain resort PANAMA / Relax at the banks of the mountain lakes found in the Fagaras and Retezat ranges ROMANIA / Have a picnic on a rooftop / 👀 Stay awake for at least 24 hours straight / Roll in a pile of leaves / Hike in Rocky Mountain National Park / Go camping in our backyard / Have a Picnic at Golden Gate Park / 🥾 Hike in the Peak District ENGLAND / Hike Mount Monadnock NEW HAMPSHIRE / Go jogging once a week for a month / Run in Golden Gate Park / Camp in the Olympic National Park / Hike Acadia National Park MAINE / Find a favorite hiking trail / Climb Mount Mansfield VERMONT / Spend a week camping / Have a picnic in the woods / Watch the sunrise over a lake / Stroll around the Botanical Gardens of Cayenne FRENCH GUIANA / Hike in the trails of Westfjords ICELAND / Climb Laklouk Mountain LEBANON / Hike around Lake Louise / Go trekking in the Hohe Tauern National Park AUSTRIA / Hike through the nature trails of Atalante CYPRUS / Have a picnic at one of the parks in Pyongyang NORTH KOREA / Walk through Golden Gate Park / Visit the Kościeliska Valley POLAND / Attend the Newton Stewart Walk Fest SCOTLAND / Bike through the forest trails in the Harz National Park GERMANY / Go trekking in the wild Kackar Mountains TURKEY / Hike Blue Lakes in Ridgeway COLORADO / Hike Centennial Ridges CANADA / Hike Palouse Falls WASHINGTON / Visit the Apostle Island winter sea caves in Lake Superior WISCONSIN / Go for a morning jog in the Luxembourg Gardens FRANCE / Go Hiking in a Rainforest / Hike up Mt. Saint Victoire FRANCE / Walk Scafell Pike ENGLAND / Go Camping in Fundy National Park / Hike the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon PENNSYLVANIA / Hike Mt. Major NEW HAMPSHIRE / Have a picnic in a new park / Take a walk in Crissy Field CALIFORNIA / Run along a beach at sunrise / Hike Mount Warning AUSTRALIA / Camp out in the wild / Hike Fryman Canyon CALIFORNIA / Visit Wentworth Falls AUSTRALIA / Hike Kennesaw Mountain GEORGIA / Walk on the Ocean Springs Bridge MISSISSIPPI / Hike the Speyside Way SCOTLAND / Stand on Top of a Mountain / Hike Tahquitz Peak CALIFORNIA / Hike St Mark's Summit CANADA / Visit Beecraigs Park SCOTLAND / Ice skate on Lake Baikal RUSSIA / Ice skate Lake Bogstadvannet NORWAY / Hike Sleeping Giant Park CONNECTICUT / Visit California Country Park CALIFORNIA / 🌄 Watch a sunrise on a mountaintop / Hike the Saranac Six NEW YORK / Climb a mountain with the dog / 🥾 Hike Panola Mountain GEORGIA / Hike all trails at McCormick's Creek INDIANA / Hike the Diez Vistas Trail CANADA / Hike Mt. Ulap PHILIPPINES / Hike Mt. Pulag PHILIPPINES / Hike Mt. Batulao, Philippines PHILIPPINES / Hike Glacier National Park MONTANA / Hike Tubbs Hill IDAHO / Visit Lapinha da Serra BRAZIL / Hike Potato Chip Rock CALIFORNIA / Sit in nature and just breathe / Hike Duncan's Cove CANADA / Hike Bushkill Falls PENNSYLVANIA / Hike Dick's Creek GEORGIA / Hike Sweetwater Creek GEORGIA / Hike Cloudland Canyon GEORGIA / Hike Roosevelt Island NEW YORK / Walk the Clyde Walkway UNITED KINGDOM / Bike the Military Ridge Trail from Dodgeville to Madison WISCONSIN / Walk the Waikamoi Nature Trail HAWAII / Go hiking at Bradley Palmer State Park MASSACHUSETTS / Hike in Hordaland NORWAY / Hike Crowder's Mountain NORTH CAROLINA / Go camping in the Smokey Mountains / Hike in Parque Nacional del Chicamocha COLOMBIA / Hike in Logarska Dolina SLOVENIA / Fly a kite at Spencer Smith Park CANADA / Hike Pilot Mountain NORTH CAROLINA / Hike Chimney Rock NORTH CAROLINA / Hike the Conestoga Trail PENNSYLVANIA / Hike Croton Aqueduct Trail NEW YORK / Hike Elk Knob NORTH CAROLINA / Camp and sleep on top of a mountain / Camp overnight in the wilderness / Hike at Mount Magazine ARKANSAS / Hike Monrovia Canyon CALIFORNIA / Hike Mt. Bonnell TEXAS / Hike the Belknap Range NEW HAMPSHIRE / Hike Neffs Canyon UTAH / Hike the Franconia Ridge Traverse NEW HAMPSHIRE / Hike Beacon Heights /