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🌅 Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day / 🧺 Go on a picnic / 🚢 Go on a cruise / 🏖 Spend a day at the beach / 🏖️ Build a sandcastle / 🏖️ Write my name in the sand / 🏄♂️ Learn to surf / Go to the beach / 🌴 Go to Hawaii / 🏄♂️ Try surfing / ⛵ Go sailing / 🧺 Have a picnic in the park / Go swimming in the sea / 👙 Wear a bikini / 🔍 Start a fire with a magnifying glass / 🎶 Go to an outdoor concert / 🌞 Get a tan / Visit Spain / 🌅 Watch the sunset on a beach / Swim in the sea / 💦 Swim in an infinity pool / Go on a vacation / See the ocean / 🧺 Have a picnic in a park / Go to Mexico / Make a sand castle / Watch a sunrise and sunset in the same day / Swim in an ocean / Watch the sunrise on the beach / Visit Miami FLORIDA / 💨 Go jetskiing / Have a picnic on the beach / Travel to Spain / Build a sand castle / Spend a whole day at the beach / Spend a day just relaxing at the beach / 🌊 Ride a jetski / Visit Portugal / Spend an entire day reading by the ocean / Visit Brazil / Swim in the Mediterranean / Lay on the beach for a day / Go to the seaside / Watch a solar eclipse / Spend an entire day outside / Go to the Caribbean / Wear a bathing suit in public / Visit the seaside / Take a tropical vacation / 🇲🇽 Travel to Mexico / Surf in Hawaii / Go to Jamaica / Go on a tropical holiday or cruise / Go to Brazil / Go to the Bahamas / Eat fish and chips on the beach / Visit Bora Bora FRENCH POLYNESIA / Go to San Diego / Visit a local beach / Celebrate the spring and autumn equinox / 🎉 Visit Brazil during Carnivale / Go to Portugal / Stroll Venice Beach and the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles LOS ANGELES / 🌴 Visit the Bahamas / Go to the Gulf of Mexico / 🌴 Visit Waikiki Beach HAWAII / Ride a jet ski / Surf / Swim in the mediterranean sea ITALY / Play a game of beach vollyball / Visit Cabo San Lucas MEXICO / 🪁 Go kite surfing / Go to Ibiza / 🇯🇲 Visit Jamaica / Visit Key West FLORIDA / Go to the Florida Keys / Visit the southern hemisphere / 🛳️ Visit Nassau BAHAMAS / Visit Valletta MALTA / 🇩🇴 Visit the Dominican Republic / Picnic at the beach / Celebrate the solstice / Find the best beach in the world / 🌴 Visit Barbados / Make a sand sculpture / Visit Malaga SPAIN / Take a vacation to anywhere / Build a sand sculpture / Visit Aruba NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / 🌴 Visit Cancun MEXICO / Visit Rehoboth Beach's Boardwalk DELAWARE / Visit Cyprus / Parasail / Visit the Pacific Ocean / 🤿 Scuba dive in Hawaii / Visit Ibiza SPAIN / Sleep in a hammock on a beach / See the sunrise on the beach / Visit Marseille FRANCE / 🏖️ Build a sandcastle at the beach / Go to Malta / Visit Boracay PHILIPPINES / Sunbathe at the Copacabana beach BRAZIL / Visit Old Havana and its Fortifications CUBA / Spend the day at a beach in Okinawa JAPAN / Ride on a jet ski / Visit Cape Verde / Swim in the Atlantic / Go on a picnic to Vondelpark NETHERLANDS / Visit Crete GREECE / Take a surf lesson in San Diego CALIFORNIA / Spend the day at Zandvoort beach in Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Visit Hvar CROATIA / Vacation in the Bahamas BAHAMAS / Drink a margarita in Mexico MEXICO / Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day on the beach / Walk on the sandy stretches of the beaches in Sicily ITALY / Explore the Atlantic beaches at Cadiz SPAIN / Visit the Grand Bahama Island BAHAMAS / Visit South Beach FLORIDA / Take a yacht ride in St. Tropez FRANCE / Unwind in the golden sands of Koukounaries on Skiathos GREECE / Visit Bridgetown BARBADOS / Swing in Tanjung Aan Beach in Indonesia INDONESIA / Visit Curacao / Snorkel in Hawaii HAWAII / Take a vacation to the Caribbean / Take a vacation to Spain / Take a vacation to the Carribean / Live at the beach / Visit a tropical island / Walk barefoot on the beach / Swim in the Pacific / Soak up the sun at the seaside resort of Scheveningen outside The Hague NETHERLANDS / Walk the beach at Grand Isle LOUISIANA / Spend a day at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk CALIFORNIA / Visit the Jersey Shore NEW JERSEY / Visit Haeundae Beach SOUTH KOREA / 🏖️ Sunbathe at Kuta Beach INDONESIA / Go for a run on the beach / Go on a Mediterranean cruise / Take a vacation to anywhere! / Visit Palm Springs CALIFORNIA / Swim in the world's largest swimming pool, off the coast of Chile CHILE / Visit Male MALDIVES / Visit St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Go on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera / Take a vacation to Mexico / Take a vacation to Hawaii / Visit Jacksonville FLORIDA / Spend a day at a beach / Build a sandcastle on the beach / Spend the day at the beach at Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Travel somewhere tropical / Visit Waikiki HAWAII / Stroll on the baby-pink sands of cliff-flanked Crane Beach BARBADOS / Watch a sunset on Sal Island CAPE VERDE / Go swimming in Flamingo Bay CYPRUS / Visit the Canary Islands SPAIN / Walk on a nude beach / Spend New Year's in an exotic location / Go to Barbados / Go to the beach every day for a week / Take a vacation to Florida / Play beach cricket / Take a vacation to somewhere warm / 🏖️ Relax on sandy stretches of Agadir MOROCCO / Visit Gwangalli Beach SOUTH KOREA / Visit Ipanema beach BRAZIL / Visit The Algarve PORTUGAL / Visit Skiathos GREECE / Have a picnic on the banks of Lake Ohrid NORTH MACEDONIA / Sunbathe at the Grand Anse beach GRENADA / Go windsurfing in the Essaouira Beach MOROCCO / Attend a beach party at Psarou on Mykonos GREECE / Relax on Cayo Largo CUBA / Enjoy swimming along the Sri Lankan palm fringed coast SRI LANKA / Travel to Barbados / Relax under the palm trees of the Nha Trang beach VIETNAM / Take a vacation to an island / Build a sandcastle on a beach / Visit South Padre Island TEXAS / Build a huge sandcastle / Have a picnic on Sheikh Said Island ERITREA / Go beach hopping in Esmeraldas ECUADOR / Attend a beach barbecue at Isla Tortuga COSTA RICA / Spend the day at the beaches of Sana Maria CUBA / Spend the Day at Kailua Beach HAWAII / Visit Palm Beach FLORIDA / Visit Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA / Watch a sunset at sea / Go to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk CALIFORNIA / Visit Isla de Margarita VENEZUELA / Bodysurf the Wedge CALIFORNIA / Put My Feet in the Ocean / Go island hopping in the Caribbean / Bask at the Levera Bay beach GRENADA / Explore the wide, sandy beaches of Utila HONDURAS / Attend a beach party at Varadero CUBA / Go windsurfing on Rio Dulce GUATEMALA / Spend the weekend at the beaches of Big Corn Island NICARAGUA / Swim at Oholei Beach TONGA / Spend the day at Anahulu Beach TONGA / Sunbathe in Monotapu beach TONGA / Swim in the coastal resorts of Isla de Margarita VENEZUELA / Go surfing in the beaches of Montañita ECUADOR / Spend the day at Mamaia Beach ROMANIA / Spend the day at the Bouni Beach COMOROS / Swim naked in the ocean / Stroll the white sandy beaches of Inhassoro MOZAMBIQUE / Take a vacation to Miami / Attend a beach party on Warnemunde's beach GERMANY / Take a vacation to Cuba / 🌊 Visit Banjul THE GAMBIA / Have a picnic at one of the parks in Pyongyang NORTH KOREA / Go beach-hopping on Inhaca Island MOZAMBIQUE / Go surfing in Midigama SRI LANKA / Spend the day at Dorale beach DJIBOUTI / Participate in the Dubrovnik Summer Festival CROATIA / Spend the day at Labadi Pleasure Beach GHANA / Relax on the beaches of the coastal resort of Latakia SYRIA / Lounge all day on the Doctor's Cave Beach JAMAICA / Sunbathe in the Oarsman's Bay Beach in Yasawas FIJI / Picnic at the seaside park at Liepāja LATVIA / Stay at the Côte d'Azur resort FRANCE / Visit Oranjestad ARUBA / Spend the day at the beaches in Pohjanmaa FINLAND / Go swimming in Bernard's Beach LIBERIA / Sunbathe at Bergen's best beach at Helleneset NORWAY / Take a vacation to somewhere sunny / Visit Huntington Beach CALIFORNIA / Go Sand Surfing / Go surfing... In Hawaii / Snorkel at Kailua Beach Park HAWAII / Snorkel at Malaekahana Beach Park HAWAII / Go topless on the beaches of the French Riviera FRANCE / Lay in a cabana in Riviera Maya MEXICO / Visit Menorca SPAIN / Visit Anguilla UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Laguna Beach CALIFORNIA / Watch a sunrise at sea / Visit Lanzarote CANARY ISLANDS / Visit Bronte Beach, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Compete in a surf competition / Find my version of “The Beach" / Visit Saint Michael BARBADOS / Visit Saint Peter BARBADOS / Visit Hurgada EGYPT / Take a photo of a beautiful sunset / Go on a major cruise / Visit Butterfly Beach HONG KONG / Visit Buccament Bay SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Ride on a jet-ski / Trip to a warm place / Visit Rio for Carnival / Vist Cabo San Lucas / Visit Bolans ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Cedar Grove ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Relax at Anibore Bay NAURU / Take a vacation to someplace exotic / Visit Keawakapu Beach HAWAII / Visit Donkey Beach HAWAII / Visit Pinney's Beach SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Swim in the Ekwata Beach GABON / Visit Playa Mansa URUGUAY / Windsurf at South Point BARBADOS / Holiday in Barbados / Spend the day at Manase beach SAMOA / Dance barefoot on the beach with the locals CAPE VERDE / Spend the day at the Ilha beaches ANGOLA / Surf at Alofay Bay AMERICAN SAMOA / Have a picnic at the banks of Lake Tasek Merimbun BRUNEI / Sun-bathe in Wimbe beach in Pemba MOZAMBIQUE / Attend a New Year's Beach Party in Inchaca MOZAMBIQUE / Go surfing on the Pacific coastal town of San Juan del Sur NICARAGUA / Surf in the Desert Point in Lombok INDONESIA / Bask in the sun at Congo's outlet to the sea in Pointe-Noire REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Go for a swim in Inhambane beach MOZAMBIQUE / Spend the day at Chonguene beach MOZAMBIQUE / Go surfing on Venado and Rio Mar beaches PANAMA / Spend the day at Serasa beach BRUNEI / Sail at the Yacht Club in Cotonou BENIN / Witness the magnificent scenery of Palmeirinhas beach ANGOLA / Windsurf in the Golden Cape CROATIA / Go swimming in Layou DOMINICA / Spend the day at the Zula Bay Beaches ERITREA / Wander the Barra de Santiago Beach EL SALVADOR / Sunbathe in El Coco beach NICARAGUA / Go swimming in Ada beach GHANA / Do the Run Barbados Marathon BARBADOS / Unwind on Enterprise Beach BARBADOS / Soak up the sun in Maung-ma-ga Beach MYANMAR / Spend the day at Chaung-tha Beach MYANMAR / Visit Silver Beach LIBERIA / Visit Hof HaCarmel Beach ISRAEL / Attend Maldives Breakout Festival MALDIVES / Spend the day at the Gunjur Beach THE GAMBIA / Stroll on the sands of Kendaje Beach LIBERIA / Relax on the sands of Saxacalli Beach GUYANA / Go surfing on the swells at Levera Bay GRENADA /