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Spend a night in a treehouse / 🌴 Visit the Amazon Rainforest BRAZIL / 🎒 Go backpacking through Europe / 🐢 Swim with sea turtles / 🐼 Visit a Panda breeding facilty in China / 🐢 See Costa Rica's Turtles and Birdlife COSTA RICA / 🚴♂️ Cross a country on a bicycle / Travel around Europe / Spend the night in a treehouse / See the Amazon Rainforest / 🦜 Visit Iguacu National Park BRAZIL / Visit Washington UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go on a bike trip / Stay in a yurt / 🏊♂️ Swim with whale sharks / 🚴♀️ Go on a multi-day biking trip / Visit the Amazon Rain Forest / Go snorkeling in a coral reef or a shipwreck / Sleep in a yurt / 🌴 Go jungle surfing at Cape Tribulation AUSTRALIA / Visit Wyoming UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit a bat sanctuary / Swim with a whale shark / 🏝️ Visit the Bu Tinah Shoals UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Feed and bathe an elephant at the Elephant Nature Park THAILAND / Ride a scooter / Cross a country using only public transportation / Go backpacking around the world / Spot wildlife at the Monteverde Cloud Forest COSTA RICA / Ride an elephant in Thailand THAILAND / Visit Torres del Paine CHILE / Visit all 58 US National Parks / 🐠 Visit Belize Barrier Reef BELIZE / Travel on the Eurostar / 🐠 Visit the Oceanario de Lisboa PORTUGAL / Visit Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve MEXICO / Sea Kayak in Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Visit the Wet Tropics of Queensland AUSTRALIA / Explore the Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park GRENADA / Visit the Atacama Desert CHILE / 🌍 Travel to every continent on Earth / Cross the country both ways by train AUSTRALIA / Take a shower under a waterfall / Visit the Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino MEXICO / Hike to Ciudad Perdida, the lost city COLOMBIA / 🌄 Visit Haleakala National Park HAWAII / Visit the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Borneo MALAYSIA / Visit the Sian Ka'an biosphere reserve MEXICO / Spend a night in a yurt / Sea Kayak to the San Rafael Glacier CHILE / Visit Area de Conservacion Guanacaste COSTA RICA / Treetop Walking in Lamington National Park AUSTRALIA / Visit Gandoca Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge COSTA RICA / Visit the Laikipia Plateau KENYA / Cycle across the Afsluitdijk NETHERLANDS / 🦜 Visit Zealandia NEW ZEALAND / Take a wildlife tour by dog-sled from Iqaluit CANADA / Visit Colca Canyon PERU / Share a cab with a stranger / Visit Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park BRAZIL / Swim with whales / Travel the Amazon River by boat / Go river-dolphin spotting at Kratie CAMBODIA / Visit Monkey World ENGLAND / Visit an elephant sanctuary / 💤 Sleep in a geodesic dome / Visit Darien National Park PANAMA / Take a Mud Bath in Volcano Totumo COLOMBIA / Spend the weekend in one of the limestone islands at Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Travel on a local bus TANZANIA / Watch turtles being released back into the wild at the Auala Green Turtle Conservation SAMOA / Visit Dominica / Raft the Mangoky River - Madagascar / 🌋 Climb the Masaya & Maderas Volcanoes NICARAGUA / Visit Yarra Ranges National Park AUSTRALIA / Ride an electric scooter / Cycle through the Netherlands NETHERLANDS / Go Turtle watching at the Ras Al Jinz Scientific and Visitor's Centre OMAN / Explore Inagua, an eco-lovers paradise BAHAMAS / Go on holiday with no luggage / Cruise through the mangrove swamps on Havelock Island, Andaman & Nicobar Islands INDIA / Explore the Royal Chitwan National Park on elephant back NEPAL / Explore the Maasai managed Maasai Mara National Reserve KENYA / Explore Harrison's Cave by electric cart BARBADOS / 🇱🇷 Visit Liberia / Go Wildlife watching in the National Park of Abruzzo ITALY / Visit the Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve LEBANON / Admire the rainforest at Tortuguero National Park from the canals COSTA RICA / Swim with dolphins in the wild / Visit the Madriu valley (UNESCO) ANDORRA / Venture into the Amazon and stay at a jungle eco lodge BOLIVIA / Take a train over the Oresund Bridge, between Malmo and Copenhagen SWEDEN / Explore Daintree Rainforest AUSTRALIA / Visit Victoria Falls National Park ZAMBIA / Walk the Trans Bhutan Trail BHUTAN / Sleep in a teepee in the desert / Stay in a tree house in the Bokeo Nature Reserve LAOS / Kiteboard the Keys FLORIDA / Visit Lorentz National Park INDONESIA / Explore the forests of the ‘City of Mists', Jinotega NICARAGUA / Spot loggerhead turtles at the Palm Islands Nature Reserve LEBANON / Explore fields of coral at Cinque Islands in the Andamans INDIA / Kayak around the waterways of the Spreewald Biosphere Reserve GERMANY / Dive at the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO) COLOMBIA / Stay on a farm in a coffee plantation COSTA RICA / Discover the tropical rainforest eco-lodge of Tanumapua SAMOA / Stay in a mountain hut in Narsarsuaq GREENLAND / Visit Coiba National Park PANAMA / Visit Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Central African Republic / Visit Jaú National Park BRAZIL / Visit Los Katios National Park COLOMBIA / Drive the Pan-American Highway / Visit Perhentian Island / Explore Andros and its creeks, forests and mangroves BAHAMAS / Visit a sloth sanctuary / Ride an elephant in Bali INDONESIA / Experience South Sea Island lifestyle in Eua Island TONGA / Spend a night in a yurt on the Mongolian steppes MONGOLIA / Explore Son Doong Cave VIETNAM / Visit Madagascar to watch Humpback Whales MADAGASCAR / Visit Maya Biosphere Reserve GUATEMALA / Hike Ciudad Perdida COLOMBIA / Kiteboard the Columbia River Gorge (& Washington) OREGON / Visit an Alpaca/Llama Farm / Visit Punta Gallinas the northernmost point in South America COLOMBIA / Ride in an autorickshaw in Bangalore INDIA / Explore the hinterland's hidden reaches by a jeep safari tour DOMINICA / Witness the Debed Canyon ARMENIA / Tour the Makasutu Culture Forest THE GAMBIA / Visit the Azraq Wetlands JORDAN / Walk the Kokoda Track PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Visit Curieuse Marine National Park SEYCHELLES / Visit Out ‘n' About Treehouses OREGON / Visit the Zimbabwe National Botanic Gardens ZIMBABWE / Visit Prince William Sound ALASKA / Spend a week barefoot / Visit Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve HONDURAS / Visit São Tome SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit the tribal villages of Kutch in Gujarat INDIA / Snorkel in the reeds of the Banda Islands INDONESIA / Make a boat trip through the mangrove forest along the Viti Levu coast FIJI / Explore the rainforests and jungles of the Templar Park MALAYSIA / Do a tree canopy tour of the El Nispero Botanical Gardens PANAMA / Cycle one of the Romanian mountain trails ROMANIA / 🏞️ Go hiking in Kakum Nature Reserve GHANA / Camp on the "volcanic wonderland" at Camiguin Island PHILIPPINES / Visit the tribal villages of Dalat VIETNAM / Ride in a Dalla-Dalla TANZANIA / Hike in the Usumbara Mountains TANZANIA / Escape to the cooling heights of Thailand's highest peak, Doi Inthanon THAILAND / Take a horse ride around the Tierrandentro National Park COLOMBIA / Cycle through the nature trails at Białowieża National Park POLAND / Trek in the Viñales areas of Pinar del Rio CUBA / Go wildlife spotting at Puerto Jimenez COSTA RICA / Explore Parque Nacional COSTA RICA / Stroll around the Osa Peninsula COSTA RICA / Mountain bike on the trails of Guimaras PHILIPPINES / Bike through the forest trails in the Harz National Park GERMANY / Explore the wonders of Altmuhltal Nature Park GERMANY / Trek along the headhunters' trail at Gunung Mulu National Park MALAYSIA / Dive in the reefs of Quirimbas National Park MOZAMBIQUE / Visit the Taman Negara National Park MALAYSIA / Visit the Owabi Forest Reserve and Bird Sanctuary GHANA / Swim in the clear waters of the unexploited beaches of Perhentian Besar islands MALAYSIA / Go hiking in the Parc Macaya National Park HAITI / Swim in the waters of Somoto Canyon NICARAGUA / Hike through cloud forests between the villages of Pueblos Mancomunados MEXICO / Visit Katowice POLAND / Visit the Cordillera de Talamanca and La Amistad National Parks PANAMA / Visit Emas National Park BRAZIL / Take an elephant shower / Visit Almatinsky Nature Reserve KAZAKHSTAN / Visit St Aidan's RSPB reserve ENGLAND / Visit the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary SIERRA LEONE / Stay at a Masai Boma at Machame TANZANIA / Visit the Mokolodi Nature Reserve BOTSWANA / Explore the virgin jungle of Iguazú National Park ARGENTINA / See the island's protected green turtle in the marine reserve off Moheli's southern coast COMOROS / Hike through the nature trails of Atalante CYPRUS / Visit a bamboo forest / Visit the Cocora Valley and see the tallest palm trees in the world COLOMBIA / Visit Sagarmatha National Park NEPAL / Visit Navala FIJI / 🦜 Visit the Tena Amazon Eco-Lodge ECUADOR / Go on a wildlife safari in Madidi National Park BOLIVIA / Visit the Pagsanjan Gorge National Park PHILIPPINES / Visit Amacayacu National Park COLOMBIA / Visit Val Grande National Park ITALY / Visit Danjugan Island PHILIPPINES / Stay in the Termales de Santa Rosa COLOMBIA / Walk the Kakum canopy GHANA / Swim with a Sea Turtle in the Wild / Spend time in the Amazon Rainforest / See a sloth up close / Visit Tokelau / Visit Farah AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve MEXICO / Visit Humpata ANGOLA / Visit Mavinga ANGOLA / Visit Quimbele ANGOLA / Visit Techamutete ANGOLA / Visit Chibanda ANGOLA / Visit Selebi-Phikwe BOTSWANA / Visit Makamba BURUNDI / Visit the Malapascua Islands PHILIPPINES / Visit Glover's Reef BELIZE / Visit to the Sierra Madres PHILIPPINES / Visit Bagby Hot Springs OREGON / Take the train between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem / Cycle around the Mljet National Park CROATIA / See indigenous forest tribes living in the Lobaye Region CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Spend a weekend at La Cocotera resort and ecolodge EL SALVADOR / Hike the El Imposible ecological reserve EL SALVADOR / Visit Kotu Beach THE GAMBIA / Experience Basotho lifestyles in the rural areas of Basothi LESOTHO / Visit the Mukuvisi Woodlands ZIMBABWE / Go elephant riding in the Boloven Plateau in Champassak LAOS / Visit the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary SIERRA LEONE / Visit Gola Forest National Park SIERRA LEONE / Visit Mlawula Nature Reserve SWAZILAND / Hike the Fynbos Trail SWAZILAND / Visit Chimpanzee Eden SWAZILAND / Visit Chia COLOMBIA / Visit Mamunta Mayosso Wildlife Sanctuary SIERRA LEONE / Hike in Logarska Dolina SLOVENIA / Visit Obo National Park SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit Guembeul Reserve SENEGAL / Take an elk safari in Laukkuluspa SWEDEN / Try a dog-sledding trip over the frozen Lake Khovsgol in the winter MONGOLIA / Go snorkelling in the coral reefs of Kosrae MICRONESIA / Visit Odzala National Park REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Okapi Reserve DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Explore the rainforests at Reserva de la Biosfera Los Tuxtlas MEXICO / Spend the day with rescued Chimpanzees at Calabar NIGERIA / See the wetlands of Caño Negro COSTA RICA / Go on a river expedition through thick jungles and rainforest of Rio San Juan NICARAGUA / Hike in the Mombacho Volcano Natural Reserve NICARAGUA / Climb the Pinnacles limestone outcrop MALAYSIA / Visit the Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary GHANA / Cycle through the Gramoz Mountains from Korca to Përmeti ALBANIA / Try using the Nomad's Toothbrush for a day ETHIOPIA / Pedal along one of the many vias verdes, railway tracks converted to cycle paths SPAIN / Go on a ecotour at Hlawga National Park MYANMAR / Explore Lampi Island MYANMAR / Hike among the dune landscape near List GERMANY / Drive around the highlands of Kitulo National Park TANZANIA / Stay at a Kurdish Mountain Resort at the foothills of Kurdistan IRAQ / Travel on horseback to Quetzaltepeque through San Luis Jiltepeque GUATEMALA / Go on a Spanish Rural Tourism Plan Tour GUATEMALA / Climb the Shahara mountain massif off Wadi Wa'aar YEMEN / Explore the mangroves of the Damas COSTA RICA / Celebrate San Juan (John the Baptist's Day) in Iquitos PERU / Hike along the Macal River BELIZE / Trek the Periyar Tiger Trail through the Periyar river valley INDIA / Visit the Gambia / Visit the Funafuti Marine Conservation Area TUVALU / Cycle the Coconut Coast HAWAII / Join the Amish Country Bike Tour DELAWARE / Visit Mkuwazi Forest Reserve MALAWI / Camp in Khovsgol National Park MONGOLIA / Visit Galibi Nature Reserve SURINAME / Visit Bassari Country SENEGAL / Visit the Santa Cruz Islands SOLOMON ISLANDS / Drop in on a traditional community in Ban Phanom LAOS / Tour Abaiang on local planes KIRIBATI / Explore Banjul THE GAMBIA / Go turtle spotting in Montjoly Beach FRENCH GUIANA / Explore the trails through the forests of Machairas and Limassol CYPRUS / Visit Parque Nacional Corcovado COSTA RICA / Visit the Chimborazo Wildlife Reserve ECUADOR / Visit the Tambopata National Reserve PERU / Hike Taman Negara National Park MALAYSIA / Visit Tablas de Daimiel National Park SPAIN / Visit Timanfaya National Park SPAIN / Visit Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park ITALY / Visit Arcipelago Toscano National Park ITALY / Visit Sila National Park ITALY / Visit Bertoua CAMEROON / Visit Cuvelai ANGOLA / Visit Whyalla AUSTRALIA / Visit Jakar BHUTAN / Visit the Škocjan Caves SLOVENIA / Visit Balombo ANGOLA / Visit Cahama ANGOLA / Visit Caimbambo ANGOLA / Visit Palau Aquarium PALAU / Visit Kwato Island PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Ski Inn-to-Inn on the Catamount Trail VERMONT / Ride and Bathe with ELEPHANTS in Thailand / Backpack across South America /