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🚶♂️ Complete a 'Walk To Mordor' challenge / 🌳 Visit Central Park NEW YORK / Go on a hike / Go for a walk in the rain / Visit England / 🚶 Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge CALIFORNIA / Exercise regularly / 🚶♂️ Walk along Avenue des Champs-Elysees FRANCE / Spend a day just relaxing at the beach / 🏰 Visit Copenhagen DENMARK / Walk 10,000 steps every day for a year / Visit Bath ENGLAND / Walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / Buy a pedometer / Walk a marathon / Visit Central Park during autumn / 🚶♂️ Walk along the 1800-year-old Hadrian's Wall that marks the northern boundary of the Roman Empire ENGLAND / Walk 10,000 steps every day for a month / Visit Yorkshire ENGLAND / Explore Edinburgh on foot SCOTLAND / Go hiking in Ireland IRELAND / Go for a long walk every month / Travel across Brooklyn Bridge NEW YORK / Complete a Walk to Mordor challenge / Walk across the Royal Gorge Bridge COLORADO / 🌳 Explore Vondelpark in the summer NETHERLANDS / Walk to work / 🥾 Hike the Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail IRELAND / Explore Ireland on foot, by walking the Wicklow Way IRELAND / Learn how to walk in heels / Hike Hadrians Wall - UK / Start exercising / Explore the Barri Gotic alleyways in Barcelona SPAIN / Be more active / 🚶♂️ Travel the Pilgrim's Way and visit the Canterbury Cathedral ENGLAND / Explore a new hiking trail / Take a walk in the East Garden of the Imperial Palace JAPAN / Stroll around the canals of Utrecht NETHERLANDS / Wander through 22 hectares of flowers at Butchart Gardens in Victoria CANADA / Visit the Cotswolds ENGLAND / Walk the Golden Gate Bridge SAN FRANCISCO / Take a walking tour of Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Stroll along the banks of the river Seine in Paris FRANCE / 🐟 Take a stroll at the Fischmarkt in St. Pauli GERMANY / Walk to an East Frisian island across the seabed at low tide GERMANY / Visit La Rambla in Barcelona SPAIN / Go hiking with my dog / Visit Cartmel ENGLAND / Stroll along one of the black sandy beaches near Vik ICELAND / Stroll around the winding streets of Cordoba SPAIN / Hike up Mont Royal CANADA / 🚶🏼 Complete the Walk To Mordor challenge / Stroll down to the Ancient Agora in Athens GREECE / Walk around the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Harrogate ENGLAND / Walk a suspension bridge / Visit Vancouver's Seawall CANADA / Walk across the sand to Mont St Michel FRANCE / Take a moonlit walk around Andromeda Gardens BARBADOS / Take a walk through Georgetown WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit South Wales UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Hampstead Heath ENGLAND / Cross the Sundial Bridge CALIFORNIA / Visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park / Walk up Arthur's Seat SCOTLAND / Visit Pembrokeshire WALES / Walk barefoot on the beach / Take a stroll through the secluded Begijnhof garden NETHERLANDS / Soak up the sun at Jūrmala LATVIA / Walk the Nijmeegse Vierdaagse NETHERLANDS / Walk 10,000 steps by taking the stairs and parking farther away / Visit Kerry IRELAND / Visit the Oxford University Arboretum ENGLAND / Take a walk every day for a week / Take a stroll in "Paradise on Earth", Hangzhou CHINA / Stroll around the Blue Mountain coffee plantations JAMAICA / Go on a walking tour of Old Riga LATVIA / Visit Norfolk ENGLAND / Walk the Brooklyn Bridge at sunrise / Wander the cobblestone streets of Tallinn ESTONIA / Roam through the Vigeland sculpture park in Oslo NORWAY / Walk around the Monserrate gardens in Sintra PORTUGAL / Walk around the exposed reefs during low tide at the Tula Village AMERICAN SAMOA / Explore Graz on foot AUSTRIA / Stroll around the cobblestone streets of Mostar BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Explore the seaside town of Southwold ENGLAND / Visit Coogee Beach AUSTRALIA / 🌳 Visit Epping Forest ENGLAND / Visit Vondelpark NETHERLANDS / Visit Nara Park JAPAN / Visit Primrose Hill ENGLAND / Walk to work every day for a month / Walk across 25 de Abril Bridge in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Stroll the cobbled streets of the medieval town of Sighisoara ROMANIA / Walk the long riverside promenade in Guayaquil ECUADOR / Stroll the tree-lined avenues of Haapsalu ESTONIA / Stroll through one of the local markets at junction of Valley and All Saints Roads ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Hike the Camino de Santiago SPAIN / Visit St. Peter Port GUERNSEY / Walk to work every day for a week / Visit the Houston Arboretum TEXAS / Walk around the Schlacte promenade with a Beck's beer GERMANY / Visit Georgetown WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Westonbirt Arboretum ENGLAND / Walk the Eastern Promenade in Portland MAINE / Visit Oosterpark NETHERLANDS / Visit Clovelly ENGLAND / Visit Lund SWEDEN / Visit Dunstanburgh Castle, Northumberland ENGLAND / Walk the entre length of the river Thames ENGLAND / Visit Rye ENGLAND / Visit Ludlow ENGLAND / Take a riverside walk in Lyon FRANCE / Walk around the Temple of Heaven in Beijing / Walk on the high altitude cobblestone streets of San Cristobal de Las Casas MEXICO / Wander Trastervere in Rome ITALY / 🌳 Spend the day in Central Park NEW YORK / Walk the Purple People Bridge OHIO / Walk the Capital Ring ENGLAND / Get lost around the narrow cobbled streets and quaint houses of Plovdiv BULGARIA / Stroll the perennial gardens at The Forks in Winnipeg CANADA / Stroll around the Garden of the Sleeping Giant at the foot of the Sabeto Mountains FIJI / Stroll around Suva's botanical gardens FIJI / Walk across Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Visit Prospect Park NEW YORK / Stroll on the Mother Teresa Boulevard in Pristina KOSOVO / Stroll around Roseau's Botanical Gardens DOMINICA / Visit Cheeseman Park COLORADO / Take the Canal Walk in Richmond VIRGINIA / Stroll around the white sands of the Kolobrzeg POLAND / Visit St Davids WALES / Walk across the Forth Road Bridge SCOTLAND / Visit West Kirby Beach ENGLAND / Visit Conwy WALES / Visit Grasmere ENGLAND / Visit Ellicott City's Main Street MARYLAND / Walk the Skye Trail SCOTLAND / Visit Alden Biesen BELGIUM / Lead a photowalk / Walk Across the Bob Kerry Bridge NEBRASKA / Hike the Speyside Way SCOTLAND / Walk the Asheville Urban Trail NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Bodmin ENGLAND / Do the Coast to Coast walk in Auckland NEW ZEALAND / Walk on the Ocean Springs Bridge MISSISSIPPI / Hike the Robert Frost Trail MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Tamarama Beach, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit the Gardens at Marqueyssac FRANCE / Walk the entire length of the Brian Lara Promenade TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Hike the Scottish National Trail SCOTLAND / Visit Brabant NETHERLANDS / Visit Beatrixpark NETHERLANDS / Visit Sarphatipark NETHERLANDS / Visit The Norfolk Broads ENGLAND / Stroll around Parque Central COSTA RICA / Walk through Golden Gate Park / Attend the Newton Stewart Walk Fest SCOTLAND / Stroll down the side streets of Valle de Bravo MEXICO / Take a walking tour of Metro Manila PHILIPPINES / Stroll around the Festung castle GERMANY / Walk on the Golden Gate Bridge SAN FRANCISCO / Spend a day in Golden Gate Park / Visit Dallas Arboretum TEXAS / Walk around Ulcinj MONTENEGRO / Explore the Monon Trail in Indianapolis INDIANA / Walk across the George Washington Bridge NEW YORK / Take a walk in Crissy Field CALIFORNIA / Visit Boscastle UNITED KINGDOM / Stroll around the Botanical Gardens of Cayenne FRENCH GUIANA / Walk along the old Dutch canals of Georgetown GUYANA / Stroll around the Nano Fall Botanical Gardens in Agat GUAM / Walk on the Kale Fortress footbridge spanning River Vardar NORTH MACEDONIA / Walk around the Bazary Be market MADAGASCAR / Stroll around the palm-fringed Planet Plage Beach COMOROS / Explore the pedestrianised ulitsa Alexander Batemberg BULGARIA / Stroll in the Ambouli palm grove just outside Djibouti DJIBOUTI / Retrace Barbur's steps by walking on the Bibi Mahru Hill AFGHANISTAN / Hike through the Kennemerland National Park skirting Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Follow the hiking trail at the Gauja National Park LATVIA / Walk down Via Recta, the 'Street called Straight' SYRIA / Stroll through the orchards of Hama SYRIA / Stroll through the Tasek Perdana Lake Gardens MALAYSIA / Stroll in the deserted Pointe Denis Beach GABON / Visit Kilve Beach UNITED KINGDOM / Learn how to walk on stilts / Go on a Pub Crawl in Old Ellicott City MARYLAND / Go hiking at Bradley Palmer State Park MASSACHUSETTS / Attend Cape Times FNB Big Walk SOUTH AFRICA / Relax in Parque Morazan COSTA RICA / Stroll around the town of Esquipulas GUATEMALA / Walk across the Williamsburg Bridge NEW YORK / Cross the intersection at Abbey Road / Take 10,000 steps a day for a month / Visit Belsay Hall UNITED KINGDOM / Hike at Harrington Beach State Park WISCONSIN / Hike Croton Aqueduct Trail NEW YORK / Visit Leeuwarden NETHERLANDS / Take a stroll on Church Street VERMONT / Explore Forest Hills Cemetery MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Speyside Way SCOTLAND / Visit Clare IRELAND / Visit Morecambe ENGLAND / Visit Louth IRELAND / Visit Westmeath IRELAND / Visit Roscommon IRELAND / Read The Old Ways by Robert Macfarlane / Visit Narbeth WALES / Visit Parque del Capricho (Capricho Park) MADRID / Wander the Trastevere neighborhood in Rome ITALY / Walk across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge WASHINGTON / Visit Andres Institute Sculpture Garden NEW HAMPSHIRE / Hike Roosevelt Island NEW YORK / Visit Druidstone Park ENGLAND / Complete a 12 Hour Walk / Complete the Yorkshire Three Peaks ENGLAND / Visit Mödling AUSTRIA / Complete the 1000 Miles Challenge / Visit the Canal Du Midi FRANCE / Visit Margate, Kent UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Sportcentrum Kardinge NETHERLANDS / Visit Parque Madrid Rio MADRID / Visit Lavenham ENGLAND / Visit Darley Park ENGLAND / Stroll through the Parque Central in Guatemala City GUATEMALA / Take a walk on the Suffolk Heritage Coast ENGLAND / Stroll through Rizal Park PHILIPPINES / Walk along the Kolonia harbour MICRONESIA / Walk the winding route from Libreville to the beach of Cap Esterias GABON / Stroll on the sands of Kendaje Beach LIBERIA / Stroll through the winding alleys of Tashkent UZBEKISTAN / Go hikining in the Cami de les Pardines trails in Encamp ANDORRA / Explore the trails through the forests of Machairas and Limassol CYPRUS / Stroll around the National Library in Thimpu BHUTAN / Stroll around the Bandar Seri Begawan waterfront BRUNEI /