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🌴 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / 🐦 Make a birdhouse / 🌴 Visit the Amazon Rainforest BRAZIL / Entertain the elderly at a nursing home / 🦅 Do some birdwatching / 🦁 Go on a safari in Africa / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Have a picnic in a forest / Go Whale Watching in Newfoundland CANADA / Get a new hobby / 🐢 See Costa Rica's Turtles and Birdlife COSTA RICA / 🦁 Go on an African safari / 🐧 See penguins in their natural habitat / Go to Norway / Have a picnic in a tree / Visit Costa Rica / 🐊 Visit Everglades National Park FLORIDA / Learn to identify 20 birds and their calls / Witness a starling murmuration at Brighton Pier ENGLAND / 🌳 Visit Shenandoah National Park VIRGINIA / See the little penguins on Phillip Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Big Bend National Park TEXAS / Travel to Costa Rica / See puffins in the wild / Visit the Outer Banks NORTH CAROLINA / 🐦 Make a bird feeder / 💦 Visit Victoria Falls ZAMBIA / Visit Khao Sok National Park THAILAND / Visit Wyoming UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🦁 Go on a safari in the Serengeti AFRICA / 🐘 Visit Taronga Zoo AUSTRALIA / 🐠 Visit Lord Howe Island AUSTRALIA / Spend a day in Islas Cies SPAIN / Visit Gatorland FLORIDA / Visit Papua New Guinea / Visit Kakadu National Park AUSTRALIA / Spot wildlife at the Monteverde Cloud Forest COSTA RICA / Learn to identify 10 birds / Witness the Kasanka bat migration ZAMBIA / Visit Hershey Gardens PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Sundarbans BANGLADESH / Visit Stewart Island NEW ZEALAND / See an owl in the wild / Visit Shark Bay, Western Australia AUSTRALIA / 🦀 Visit Chesapeake Bay MARYLAND / Visit Pikes Peak State Park IOWA / Hold an owl / Visit the Brazilian Pantanal BRAZIL / 🌲 Visit White Mountain National Forest NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit Black Hills National Forest SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Uganda / Explore the Waddeneilanden, an island chain off the coast of Friesland NETHERLANDS / Visit the Assateague Island National Seashore MARYLAND / Visit the Flint Hills Tall Grass Prairie (National Preserve) KANSAS / Hike the mud flats at low tide at Waddeneilanden NETHERLANDS / Spend the day with penguins at Boulders Beach SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Suriname / 🐧 Explore the Isle of Mull and see the puffins UNITED KINGDOM / Make a birdhouse or bird feeder / Go back to nature in Kakadu AUSTRALIA / Hike the Superior Trail MINNESOTA / 🌅 Visit Indiana Dunes National Park INDIANA / Visit the Delaware Seashore State Park DELAWARE / Visit the World Center for Birds of Prey IDAHO / Treetop Walking in Lamington National Park AUSTRALIA / Safari in Kenya KENYA / 🦜 Visit Zealandia NEW ZEALAND / Spot animals at the Barbados Wildlife Reserve BARBADOS / Visit Fort Snelling MINNESOTA / Visit Gandoca Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge COSTA RICA / Visit Pinnacles National Park CALIFORNIA / Visit Grand Haven State Park MICHIGAN / Visit Silver Sands State Park CONNECTICUT / Make a bird bath / Explore Tortuguero National Park by boat COSTA RICA / See the remote lakeside cabin of Grey Owlin Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan CANADA / Trek and Wildlife view on the Skeleton Coast / Visit Uppsala SWEDEN / Build a bird house / Paddle the Everglades FLORIDA / Visit Hammonasset Beach State Park CONNECTICUT / Visit the Farne Islands ENGLAND / Visit the Jurong Bird Park SINGAPORE / Canoe the Okeefenokee FLORIDA / Visit the Shetland Islands SCOTLAND / Visit Alejandro de Humboldt National Park CUBA / Ride an Ostrich in South Africa SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Zambia / Visit the Valdes Peninsula ARGENTINA / Visit Christmas Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Holland State Park MICHIGAN / 🦒 Visit South Luangwa National Park ZAMBIA / Swamp Tromp in Big Cypress National Preserve FLORIDA / 🐦 Visit Kapiti Island NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Jersey Shore NEW JERSEY / See the baby penguins on Magdalena Island CHILE / Visit Wood Buffalo National Park CANADA / Visit Twycross Zoo ENGLAND / See penguins in the wild / Explore Danube-Auen National Park AUSTRIA / Pack a breakfast picnic and watch the sun rise at Cape Sear CANADA / Cruise along the backwaters of Ernakulam on a houseboat in Kerala INDIA / Stay on a houseboat in Shikara in Kashmir INDIA / Spot wildlife from a tree canopy at the Kakum National Reserve GHANA / Enjoy secluded streams and forests in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve BELIZE / Travel through the hills and river valleys of the Corbett National Park INDIA / 🦩 Visit the Flamingo Reserve near San Pedro de Atacama CHILE / 🏖️ Visit Praia CAPE VERDE / Visit the Seven Sisters Country Park ENGLAND / Travel to Botswana / Visit Masai Mara National Reserve KENYA / See a kiwi in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Visit Toledo District BELIZE / Visit the Cocos (Keeling) Islands AUSTRALIA / Visit Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🌳 Visit Epping Forest ENGLAND / Visit the Monteverde Cloud Forest (Bosque Nuboso Monteverde) COSTA RICA / Visit the Cape Cod National Seashore MASSACHUSETTS / 🐘 Visit Kafue National Park ZAMBIA / Visit Chugach National Forest ALASKA / Visit Grand Portage State Park MINNESOTA / Visit the Azores PORTUGAL / See a kiwi in the wild NEW ZEALAND / Go wildlife spotting in Pantanal BRAZIL / Spend the day driving through Ngorongoro Crater TANZANIA / Spot monarch butterflies at the Point Pelee National Park CANADA / Explore the salt marshes and sheltered lagoons at Kouchibouguac National Park CANADA / Explore windswept Kolka where the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga crash together LATVIA / Visit Morne Trois Pitons National Park DOMINICA / Visit Manú National Park PERU / Visit Assateague Island UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Somes Island NEW ZEALAND / Live in Hawaii / See the red-footed booby at the Half Moon Caye Bird Sanctuary BELIZE / Explore Redona ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit the marine sanctuary of Pigeon Island SRI LANKA / Visit Hwange National Park ZIMBABWE / Explore the Central Kalahari Game Reserve BOTSWANA / Go on a safari at Chobe National Park BOTSWANA / Look for wildlife in the Lucayan National Park BAHAMAS / Go swimming in Flamingo Bay CYPRUS / Visit Sable Island CANADA / Visit Cotswold Wildlife Park ENGLAND / Witness a starling murmuration / Visit the London Wetland Centre ENGLAND / Spot wildlife is the Yala National Park SRI LANKA / Venture into the Amazon and stay at a jungle eco lodge BOLIVIA / Have a picnic in the shade and watch for wildlife near the salt ponds of Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Discover nature at the San Ignacio Botanical Gardens BELIZE / Travel to Malawi / Visit Pitcairn Islands / Visit Rocas Atoll (Atol das Rocas) BRAZIL / Go on a safari at the Corcovado National Park COSTA RICA / Admire the rainforest at Tortuguero National Park from the canals COSTA RICA / Explore Folkestone Marine Park BARBADOS / Visit the UNESCO biosphere reserve island of Menorca SPAIN / Camp at Killarney National Park IRELAND / Take a river-boat through the Sunderbans Tiger Reserve INDIA / Visit Manas Wildlife Sanctuary INDIA / Visit Montezuma Castle National Monument ARIZONA / Visit Mana Pools National Park ZIMBABWE / Visit Black River Gorges National Park MAURITIUS / Visit Caddo Lake TEXAS / Visit the Danube Delta ROMANIA / Visit Staglands Wildlife Reserve NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Larnaca Salt lakes CYPRUS / Visit Otago Peninsula NEW ZEALAND / Visit Chitwan National Park NEPAL / Visit Skomer Island UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Healesville Sanctuary AUSTRALIA / See the penguins in Punta Tombo ARGENTINA / Visit Wingham Wildlife Park ENGLAND / See the Big Penguin, Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Visit Bruce Peninsula National Park CANADA / Visit the Asa Wright Nature Centre TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit Devils Lake State Park NORTH DAKOTA / Visit Lorentz National Park INDONESIA / Visit Antigua ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Tsitsikamma National Park SOUTH AFRICA / Watch for fruit bats, parrots and marine turtles around Fiji FIJI / 🛬 Visit Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU / Visit Kaziranga National Park INDIA / Visit Cape May NEW JERSEY / Visit Point Pelee CANADA / Visit the Houston Arboretum TEXAS / See the flood plains of the Mary River wetlands AUSTRALIA / Explore the Frigate Bird Sanctuary in Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Explore Boquete PANAMA / Visit Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge TEXAS / Stay in a tree house in the Bokeo Nature Reserve LAOS / Catch a sunrise and sunset at Shell Beach GUYANA / Visit Palliser Bay Seal Colony NEW ZEALAND / Visit the Llanos COLOMBIA / Visit Malpais COSTA RICA / See the bird cliff of Latrabjarg in Westfjord ICELAND / Explore Andros and its creeks, forests and mangroves BAHAMAS / Go on a walking safari in one of the National Parks BOTSWANA / Witness wildlife in the Sutjeska National Park BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Spot wildlife from a boat as you cruise along the Danube Delta (UNESCO) ROMANIA / Spot wildlife in the Comoë National Park CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Take an excursion to Great Bird Island from Dickenson Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Soak up the sun at Ria Formosa PORTUGAL / Spot a rare flying fox at Kolovai TONGA / Visit Stanley FALKLAND ISLANDS / Visit Atlantic Forest BRAZIL / Visit Los Katios National Park COLOMBIA / Visit Kiribati / Visit Nauru / Explore Slītere National Park LATVIA / Go on a bird watching trip to Latvia's wetlands LATVIA / Take a boat trip on Lake Victoria UGANDA / Witness thousands of flamingos fringing the edge of the lake at Lake Nakuru National Park KENYA / Visit the 'Villa of the Birds' at Alexandria EGYPT / Enjoy the botanical gardens and the lakeside beach at Entebbe UGANDA / Visit Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area WYOMING / Hike the Smoky Mountains TENNESSEE / Visit Bird Kingdom CANADA / Visit Lake Eyre AUSTRALIA / Watch a starling murmuration / Visit Leticia COLOMBIA / Visit the Dauphin Island Bird Sanctuary ALABAMA / Spot seals at the Cape Cross near Walvis Bay NAMIBIA / Visit the Austin Nature and Science Center TEXAS / Visit Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen NETHERLANDS / Visit Vogelpark Avifauna NETHERLANDS / Visit Maya Biosphere Reserve GUATEMALA / Explore the Kerala backwaters INDIA / Visit Homer ALASKA / Visit Patuxent Research Refuge MARYLAND / Visit Lower Zambezi National Park ZAMBIA / Visit Royal National Park AUSTRALIA / Visit Malibu Creek State Park CALIFORNIA / Visit Murchison Falls UGANDA / Visit Murchison Falls National Park UGANDA / Visit Penitentiary Glen OHIO / Visit Lake Myvatn ICELAND / Visit Amboseli National Park KENYA / Visit Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary AUSTRALIA / Visit the Skelligs IRELAND / Visit Callaway Gardens GEORGIA / Hike Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail HAWAII / Go hiking at Ka'ena Point HAWAII / Visit Lochmara Lodge NEW ZEALAND / Visit Viðey island ICELAND / See the flamingos at Lake Nakuru KENYA / Experience the North Maine Woods MAINE / Visit Patapsco Valley State Park MARYLAND / Visit the Waterberg Plateau Park NAMIBIA / Have a picnic on the banks of the Okavango River NAMIBIA / Visit Chiricahua National Monument ARIZONA / Visit San Isabel National Forest COLORADO / Visit Lovers Key FLORIDA / Visit the Upper Rock Nature reserve GIBRALTAR / Visit Curieuse Marine National Park SEYCHELLES / Attend the Monte Vista Crane Festival COLORADO / Go wildlife spotting in the Selous Game Reserve (UNESCO) TANZANIA / Explore the Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve SOUTH AFRICA / Hop on a boat and explore the Ranganatittu Bird Sanctuary near Mysore INDIA / Visit Kerinci Seblat National Park INDONESIA / Visit Keoladeo National Park in Rajasthan INDIA / Visit Slimbridge ENGLAND / Trek in the Kasyoha Kitomi Forest, near the Albertine Rift Valley UGANDA / Go wildlife-spotting in the Rocky Mountains Parks World Heritage Site CANADA / Visit Torshavn FAROE ISLANDS / Visit Djibouti City DJIBOUTI / Visit Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve HONDURAS / Visit the Dallas World Aquarium TEXAS / See local mammals and birds in the Belize Zoo BELIZE / Explore the rainforests and jungles of the Templar Park MALAYSIA / Visit Parque Fray Jorge CHILE / Go for a bush safari in Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Get a bird's eye view of Antigua's rainforest via zip lines and swings ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Go wildlife spotting in any of the sanctuaries dotting the island SRI LANKA / 🏞️ Go hiking in Kakum Nature Reserve GHANA / Experience a Sundowner BOTSWANA / Take a boat to the Xakanaxa lagoon BOTSWANA / See the Gcobega lagoon BOTSWANA / Go on a safari in the Ulu Temburong National Park BRUNEI / Go on a safari in Zakouma National Park CHAD / Go bird-wathcing on the Hiiumaa Island ESTONIA / Hike in the El Cajas National Park ECUADOR / Visit Zambezi National Park ZIMBABWE / Visit Matopos National Park ZIMBABWE / Visit Holden Arboretum OHIO / Spot wildlife in the Borjami-Kharagauli National Park GEORGIA / Spot wildlife in the Westmann Islands ICELAND / Visit the Azraq Wetlands JORDAN / Spot wildlife in the Sapo National Park LIBERIA / Tour the Makasutu Culture Forest THE GAMBIA / Visit Yuraygir National Park AUSTRALIA / Go bird-watching in the La Sagesse Nature Reserve GRENADA / Visit the Fort Mose Historic State Park FLORIDA / 🐻 Visit the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge ALASKA / 🦢 See the swans at Abbotsbury Swannery ENGLAND / Visit Yyteri FINLAND / Visit Avoyelles Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Cameron Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Vermillion Parish LOUISIANA / Visit West Feliciana Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Shaw Nature Reserve MISSOURI /