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Visit France / 🍺 Go to Oktoberfest GERMANY / Visit a new state / 🇹🇭 Visit Thailand / Travel to 10 new cities / Write a list of 100 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Visit Hong Kong CHINA / Go to Thailand / Take a trip to NYC / 🗺️ Travel to Asia / Visit/travel to a city in Europe I have never been to / Travel around Europe / 🌎 Travel to South America / Visit Texas UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Go couchsurfing / Travel alone in a country where you don't know the language / Make a list of 1000 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Visit Porto PORTUGAL / Visit Bangkok THAILAND / Travel through Europe / Visit Belgium / Visit Vietnam / Travel to Australia and New Zealand / 🧭 Get lost in a different country / 🇹🇭 Travel to Thailand / 🛫 Travel to 5 new countries / Backpack across Europe / Visit Mexico City MEXICO / Travel across Europe / Complete the A-Z city challenge (visit a town or city that starts with every letter of the alphabet) / Travel around the world / Road trip across Canada / 🇫🇯 Visit Fiji / Go to Vietnam / Visit Glasgow SCOTLAND / Go to Hong Kong / Visit a city I've never been to / Visit Christchurch NEW ZEALAND / Travel out of state / Visit the Philippines / Visit Chiang Mai THAILAND / Visit Calgary CANADA / Visit Indonesia / Visit Downtown Los Angeles LOS ANGELES / Go to Cambodia / 🎒 Backpack through Asia / Visit at least 5 different cities / Visit York / Explore Edinburgh on foot SCOTLAND / Visit Riga LATVIA / Visit Bucharest ROMANIA / Visit Bratislava SLOVAKIA / Go to the Philippines / Visit every state in Australia / 🏙️ Visit Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / 🏙️ Visit Lima PERU / Go backpacking around the world / Visit San Jose COSTA RICA / Explore Montreal CANADA / Visit Ljubljana SLOVENIA / Visit Hanoi VIETNAM / Visit Santiago CHILE / Take a vacation to a Spanish speaking country / Take a Trans-Siberian train trip across Russia RUSSIA / Visit Tajikistan / Explore Budapest HUNGARY / Follow in the footsteps of my favorite travel book / Visit Ukraine / Visit Kathmandu NEPAL / Visit Luxembourg City LUXEMBOURG / Visit Bogota COLOMBIA / Visit Manila PHILIPPINES / Travel around South America / Go to Malaysia / Visit Nairobi KENYA / Visit Pretoria SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Yogyakarta INDONESIA / Explore Ho Chi Minh City VIETNAM / Visit Alberta CANADA / Visit Da Nang VIETNAM / Start a travel blog / Visit Dallas TEXAS / Visit Mozambique / Wander through Ushuaia, the world's most southern city ARGENTINA / Visit New Delhi INDIA / Visit San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / 🌴 Visit Ishigaki Island JAPAN / Explore Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Interrail through Europe / Go on a Beer Tasting Tour in Brussels BELGIUM / Visit Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA / Visit Quito ECUADOR / Visit Ibirapuera Park BRAZIL / 🏰 Visit Aarhus DENMARK / 🏛️ Visit Amman JORDAN / Go Backpacking Through Dubrovnik CROATIA / Visit the city of Split, the capital of Dalmatia CROATIA / Attend the Holi Festival (colour festival) in India INDIA / Visit Quang Binh VIETNAM / Visit Ghana / Visit Nicosia CYPRUS / Visit Taipei CHINA / Take a walking tour of Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Visit Bangladesh / Visit Caracas VENEZUELA / Visit Jakarta INDONESIA / Visit Tirana ALBANIA / Visit Sofia BULGARIA / Visit Brno CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit Dar es Salaam TANZANIA / Eat kimchi in Korea SOUTH KOREA / Explore the old city of Chiang Mai by bicycle THAILAND / 🇧🇾 Visit Belarus / Visit Vientiane LAOS / Visit Cork IRELAND / Sip a steaming cup of Chai at a local tea shop lining the Himalayan Trekking path NEPAL / Ride Horseback in the Darhat Valley - Mongolia / Visit Hangzhou CHINA / Visit Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Spend a Carnival in Recife BRAZIL / Visit Santo Domingo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Explore Freiburg GERMANY / Visit Minsk BELARUS / Drink soju in South Korea SOUTH KOREA / Visit Barahona DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Limburg an der Lahn GERMANY / Visit Dalat VIETNAM / Visit Maputo MOZAMBIQUE / Explore Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Suva FIJI / Visit Port-au-Prince HAITI / Visit Colonia del Sacramento URUGUAY / Visit Uruguay / Visit Moldova / Visit Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Visit Yerevan ARMENIA / Visit Guadalupe MEXICO / Explore Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Explore Amman JORDAN / Visit Pisco PERU / Visit New Regent Street NEW ZEALAND / Visit Europe without a passport in the Barossa AUSTRALIA / Visit Mumbai INDIA / 🛬 Visit Accra GHANA / Visit Albania / Visit Utrecht NETHERLANDS / Travel South America / Visit Azerbaijan / Visit Senegal / Travel on the KTX high speed train SOUTH KOREA / Stroll around the blue houses of Chefchaouen in the heart of the Rif Mountains MOROCCO / Visit Lahore PAKISTAN / 🏰 Visit Malmö SWEDEN / Visit Pristina KOSOVO / Visit Coimbra PORTUGAL / Visit Poznań POLAND / Visit São Paulo BRAZIL / Visit Medicine Hat CANADA / Visit Guayaquil ECUADOR / Visit all states of Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit Bagan MYANMAR / Visit Hoi An VIETNAM / Visit Tashkent UZBEKISTAN / Take a vacation to the beach in another country / Take a vacation to Ireland / Visit one of Seoul's street fortune tellers for a reading of your future SOUTH KOREA / Visit Viñales Valley CUBA / Visit Brunei / Visit Kampala UGANDA / Visit Gaborone BOTSWANA / Visit Southeast Asia / Visit Central America / Visit Taos NEW MEXICO / Backpack through Australia AUSTRALIA / Visit all Canadian provinces / Visit Nigeria / Travel on a local bus TANZANIA / Visit the Grassmarket SCOTLAND / Explore Madeira PORTUGAL / Visit Odessa UKRAINE / Visit Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Visit Port Vila VANUATU / Visit Olympia GREECE / Explore Kampot CAMBODIA / Visit Guizhou CHINA / Visit Mannheim GERMANY / Visit Cesme TURKEY / Visit Prince George CANADA / Visit Portree SCOTLAND / Visit Vorarlberg AUSTRIA / Explore Phnom Penh CAMBODIA / Drink tequila in Mexico / Explore Bohemia CZECH REPUBLIC / Make a travel bucket list / Visit Jersey UNITED KINGDOM / Explore the capital city Tbilisi GEORGIA / Visit Almaty KAZAKHSTAN / Visit Skopje NORTH MACEDONIA / Visit Tripoli LIBYA / Visit Tehran IRAN / Visit Windhoek NAMIBIA / Go on a road trip through France FRANCE / Visit every county in Ireland IRELAND / Visit Java INDONESIA / Explore Leon NICARAGUA / Spend time with Berber people at the Rif Mountains MOROCCO / See Istanbul's Galata Bridge TURKEY / Visit Kilkenny IRELAND / Visit Guadalajara MEXICO / Learn about traditions and culture by signing up for the Bahamas' People-to-People scheme BAHAMAS / 🇸🇱 Visit Sierra Leone / Visit Timor-Leste (East Timor) / Travel to South East Asia / Visit Djibouti / Visit Chişinău MOLDOVA / Visit a country in South America / Go to Belfast / Spend a weekend in Paris / Visit Cali COLOMBIA / Visit Iraq / Visit Kinshasa DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Lusaka ZAMBIA / Visit Kuching MALAYSIA / Go mushroom picking with the locals in early autumn POLAND / Take a vacation to South America / Visit Ilocos PHILIPPINES / Go to Mexico City / 🏙️ Visit Tegucigalpa HONDURAS / Visit Gwangalli Beach SOUTH KOREA / Visit Aswan EGYPT / Visit Sumatra INDONESIA / Visit Liège BELGIUM / Visit Garzon URUGUAY / Visit Limerick IRELAND / Visit Segovia SPAIN / Visit Sherbrooke CANADA / Visit Western Japan JAPAN / Visit Guatape COLOMBIA / Visit Limburg NETHERLANDS / Get lost in a foreign country / Visit Portalegre PORTUGAL / Visit an eastern European country / Visit Kuopio FINLAND / Visit the traditional village of Kalinago Barana Aute DOMINICA / Visit the Zaanse Schans NETHERLANDS / Visit Hobart AUSTRALIA / Visit Riyadh SAUDI ARABIA / Visit Paramaribo SURINAME / Visit every state in Brazil BRAZIL / Walk around the Schlacte promenade with a Beck's beer GERMANY / Go to the Cajamarca Carnival PERU / Explore George Town MALAYSIA / Explore Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Explore Boquete PANAMA / Discover Bucharest ROMANIA / Stroll around the Alter Markt in Vienna AUSTRIA / Visit Mogadishu SOMALIA / Visit Libreville GABON / Visit Dili EAST TIMOR (TIMOR-LESTE) / 🌊 Visit Freetown SIERRA LEONE / Visit Dakar SENEGAL / Travel to Buenos Aires / Travel to a different state / Visit Charlotte NORTH CAROLINA / Visit all the Hawaiian Islands HAWAII / Visit Asuncion PARAGUAY / 🌴 Visit Luanda ANGOLA / Get lost around the narrow cobbled streets and quaint houses of Plovdiv BULGARIA / Explore the capital city of Minsk BELARUS / Wander Trastervere in Rome ITALY / Take a riverside walk in Lyon FRANCE / Go to Buenos Aires / Visit Niamey NIGER / Visit Dornbirn AUSTRIA / Explore Zagreb CROATIA / Explore Almaty KAZAKHSTAN / Visit Leticia COLOMBIA / Visit 25 capitals provinces of Spain SPAIN / Visit the West Village NEW YORK / Visit Kagoshima JAPAN / Visit Anglesey WALES / Visit Ahmedabad INDIA / Visit Pula CROATIA / Visit Edmonton CANADA / Visit Öland SWEDEN / Visit Bohemia CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit Tasman Peninsula AUSTRALIA / Visit Kaohsiung TAIWAN / Visit Kolkata INDIA / Visit Banja Luka BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Rockhampton AUSTRALIA / Visit Dingle IRELAND / Visit Arezzo ITALY / Visit Matjiesfontein SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Conwy WALES / Visit Cradock SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Airdrie CANADA / Visit Perugia ITALY / Visit Shimla INDIA / Visit Røros NORWAY /