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Milk a cow / Get lost in a corn field / Build a scarecrow / 🏞️ Visit the Masurian Lake District POLAND / Spend a week working on a farm / 🛶 Visit the Mekong Delta VIETNAM / Visit a farm and milk a cow / 🇱🇦 Visit Laos / Visit the Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama JAPAN / Attend a unique small-town event / Visit Lesotho / Visit a farm / Milk a goat / Travel the Mountain Railways of India INDIA / Visit Giethoorn NETHERLANDS / Visit Transylvania ROMANIA / Visit Cartmel ENGLAND / Visit the Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela PORTUGAL / Read The Grapes of Wrath / Spend the morning in a small-town market TANZANIA / Visit Shelburne Farms VERMONT / Visit Batsto Village NEW JERSEY / Join a cattle drive in The Outback AUSTRALIA / Visit Batanes PHILIPPINES / Visit Conner Prairie Interactive History Park INDIANA / Visit the Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui CHINA / Step back into history at Zaanse Schans village outside Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Read Anne of Green Gables / Visit Viñales Valley CUBA / Visit Dartmoor ENGLAND / Tour a working farm / Visit Guizhou CHINA / Visit Beamish ENGLAND / Feed a Highland cow SCOTLAND / Visit the Ancient City of Ping Yao, Shanxi CHINA / Visit the Coffee Cultural Landscape COLOMBIA / Visit Sagada PHILIPPINES / Visit Molokai HAWAII / Celebrate folk traditions by attending Feile Iorras IRELAND / Take a trip to the Zona Cafetera COLOMBIA / Visit Kaiping Diaolou and Villages, Guangdong CHINA / Visit the Carpathian Mountains ROMANIA / Explore the folk museum at Geysir ICELAND / Explore the folk museum of Skogar ICELAND / Pet a llama/alpaca / Visit Old Sturbridge Village MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Bonanzaville USA NORTH DAKOTA / Visit Garzon URUGUAY / Visit Hancock Shaker Village in Pittsfield MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the National Farm Toy Museum IOWA / Drive around Inland Istria and its hill towns CROATIA / Trek in the Popa Mountain Park MYANMAR / Live in Alaska / Pick tea leaves with the locals at the Coorg tea estates INDIA / Discover the stunning landscapes around the Haa Valley BHUTAN / Visit the Wat Phu temples and traditional villages LAOS / Visit the Cornish Colony Museum VERMONT / Attend the Alaska State Fair ALASKA / Visit the 'Traditional' Cypriot house in Paralimni CYPRUS / Read Tobacco Road by Erskine Caldwell / Visit Bokrijk BELGIUM / See the rice terraces of Mu Cang Chai VIETNAM / Visit the Banaue Rice Terraces PHILIPPINES / Visit Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society Historic Homes SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit the Aflaj Irrigation System OMAN / Visit Churchill Island Heritage Farm AUSTRALIA / Visit Thomas Hardy's house ENGLAND / Visit Upper Canada Village CANADA / Read every Miles Franklin Prize winner / Visit Northern Kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN / Visit the Coggeshall Farm Museum in Bristol RHODE ISLAND / Go hiking around the Bulgarian countryside BULGARIA / Play a game of street cricket with the locals in the countryside GUYANA / See the Folk Park on the grounds of the Bunratty Castle IRELAND / Cycle one of the Romanian mountain trails ROMANIA / Discover the remote mountain village of Xinaliq AZERBAIJAN / Visit Bihac, the westernmost Muslim settlement in Europe BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Watch a Chilean Rodeo CHILE / Explore the old world traditions of Colonia Tovar VENEZUELA / Learn about Maasai culture by doing a homestead tour at the Amboseli National Park KENYA / 🐐 Pet a goat / Attend the Fiera di San Giuseppe ITALY / Witness India's largest livestock fair at the Sonepur Mela INDIA / Explore Amabalavao, ‘the home of the departed' MADAGASCAR / Explore Fianarantsoa, the centre for wine and rice production MADAGASCAR / Witness the annual agriculture show, La Rural ARGENTINA / See the traditional covered bridge at Paro BHUTAN / Visit Shiloh Museum of Ozark History ARKANSAS / Attend the Royal Welsh Show WALES / Visit Shatili GEORGIA / Get a taste of rural Hungary at the Sostoi Open-Air Museum HUNGARY / Visit Latta Plantation NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Brattonsville SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Walnut Grove Plantation SOUTH CAROLINA / Read Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck / Hike the Albanian Alps ALBANIA / Visit Thistle Ghost Town UTAH / Visit Ohio Village OHIO / Visit Poperechnoye RUSSIA / Visit the Wakarusa River Valley Heritage Museum KANSAS / Visit Gansu CHINA / 🌄 Visit the historic town of La Rioja ARGENTINA / Visit Penglipuran INDIA / Read a book from Laos / Visit Kupiškis LITHUANIA / Visit Tyrone UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Laois IRELAND / Visit Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni ITALY / Visit Mbaïki CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Visit Genesee Country Village NEW YORK / Visit Charters Towers AUSTRALIA / Visit to Guimaras PHILIPPINES / Visit Kachin State MYANMAR / Work on a ranch or farm / Visit Mihtarlam AFGHANISTAN / Visit Pul-i-Alam AFGHANISTAN / Visit Netherlands Open Air Museum NETHERLANDS / Explore Dečani KOSOVO / Visit Chitembo ANGOLA / Visit Cuchi ANGOLA / Visit Kandahar AFGHANISTAN / Visit Caluquembe ANGOLA / Visit the Museum of Appalachia TENNESSEE / Visit Shamlugh ARMENIA / Visit Akhtala ARMENIA / Visit Yevlax AZERBAIJAN / Visit Armidale AUSTRALIA / Visit Bugojno BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Ruyigi BURUNDI / Spend a day at the Tarabuco Market BOLIVIA / Visit Moc Chau VIETNAM / Visit Rumbek SOUTH SUDAN / Hike up to the ultra-isolated Skalefllå farm in Geirangerfjord NORWAY / Attend Nebraska Aland Days NEBRASKA / Attend the Amish Acres Arts & Crafts Festival INDIANA / Attend the Vermont Dairy Festival in Enosburg Falls VERMONT / Travel back in time at Hollokő ethnographic village HUNGARY / Explore Peja KOSOVO / Visit the Walsermuseum LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit Dogon Country MALI / Visit Kahakuloa Village HAWAII / Attend Lanesville Heritage Weekend INDIANA / Visit Daviess County Museum INDIANA / See traditional African villages on the Nimba Range GUINEA / Visit the town of Moca in the Moca Valley EQUATORIAL GUINEA / Visit Kuremäe and Mustvee on the banks of Lake Peipsi ESTONIA / Learn about traditional crafts and lifestyles at the Dudutki Museum of Material Culture BELARUS / Visit the Museum of Old Belarusian Culture BELARUS / Stroll around the Museum of Folk Architecture in Ozerto BELARUS / Visit the Musee Vivant, a reconstructed open-air village displaying Burundian culture BURUNDI / Visit Kirundo BURUNDI / Explore Tashi Yangtse BHUTAN / Visit the village of Biankouma CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Stroll through the orchards of Hama SYRIA / Cycle around Tashkent and the Ferghana Valley UZBEKISTAN / Celebrate the National Windmill and Pumping Station Day NETHERLANDS / Stay with a Vietnamese family at Mekong Delta VIETNAM / Visit the troglodyte settlement of Meymand IRAN / Attend the Innishannon Steam and Vintage Rally IRELAND / Visit Bathurst AUSTRALIA / Milk a cow by hand / Learn how to milk a cow / Take a vacation to tiny towns in the German countryside / Explore the Aras River Valley IRAN / See traditionally dressed men at the village of Todos Santos Cuchumatan GUATEMALA / Go on a Spanish Rural Tourism Plan Tour GUATEMALA / Witness the patchwork quilt scenery of small farms and villages in the western Usumbaras TANZANIA / See fig and olive groves in Kabylia ALGERIA / Discover the Doukhobour way of life at the Heritage Village near Veregin CANADA / Explore Charikar AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Valley of Paghman AFGHANISTAN / Watch a kowk (partridge) fight at Ka Faroshi AFGHANISTAN / Explore Amran YEMEN / Witness traditional Yemeni lifestyle at Huytaub village YEMEN / Learn about country life at Budesti and Sirbi villages ROMANIA / Observe the country culture and rituals at Calinesti ROMANIA / Watch the Chon Buri Buffalo Races THAILAND / Visit the Nahuizalco village EL SALVADOR / Explore the district of Wangdiphodrang BHUTAN / Visit Bishop Hill State Historic Site ILLINOIS / Visit the Weir Farm National Historic Site CONNECTICUT / Attend the Maine Potato Blossom Festival MAINE / Visit Buffalo Trails Museum NORTH DAKOTA / Visit Billings Farm and Museum VERMONT / Attend the National Farm Toy Show IOWA / Visit the Mountain Life Museum KENTUCKY / Visit the Stearns National Historic Site KENTUCKY / Visit the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Museum NEBRASKA / Visit the South County Museum RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Gardendweller's Farm NORTH DAKOTA / Attend Husker Harvest Days NEBRASKA / Visit Malopolskie POLAND / Visit Rutana BURUNDI / Visit Kayanza BURUNDI / Visit Muramvya BURUNDI / Visit Kampong Chhnang CAMBODIA / Visit Pursat CAMBODIA / Visit Mochudi BOTSWANA / Visit Ouahigouya BURKINA FASO / Visit Tamworth AUSTRALIA / Visit Sankt Andrä AUSTRIA / Visit Barisal BANGLADESH / Visit Rangpur BANGLADESH / Visit Gazipur BANGLADESH / Visit Benque Viejo del Carmen BELIZE / Visit Djougou BENIN / Visit Tsirang BHUTAN / Visit Pemagatshel BHUTAN / Visit Sarpang BHUTAN / Visit Samdrup Jongkhar BHUTAN / Visit Samtse BHUTAN / Visit Aparan ARMENIA / Visit Ayrum ARMENIA / Visit Tavush ARMENIA / Visit Byureghavan ARMENIA / Visit Charentsavan ARMENIA / Visit Gavar ARMENIA / Visit Vayots Dzor ARMENIA / Visit Stepanavan ARMENIA / Visit Tumanyan ARMENIA / Visit the Museum of the Arkansas Grand Prairie ARKANSAS / Visit Lucala ANGOLA / Visit Lucapa ANGOLA / Visit Menongue ANGOLA / Visit Namacunde ANGOLA / Visit Kotayk ARMENIA / Visit Camabatela ANGOLA / Visit Camacupa ANGOLA / Visit Caala ANGOLA / Visit Chipindo ANGOLA / Visit Jalalabad AFGHANISTAN / Visit Sar-e Pol AFGHANISTAN / Visit Chaghcharan AFGHANISTAN / Visit Damba ANGOLA / Visit Golungo Alto ANGOLA / Visit Scott County Museum TENNESSEE / Visit Samangan AFGHANISTAN / Visit Lushnjë ALBANIA / Visit Djelfa ALGERIA / Visit Relizane ALGERIA / Visit Bailundo ANGOLA / Visit Caimbambo ANGOLA / Visit the Hongcun Ancient Village CHINA / Let Ke collect chicken eggs from a nest / See the village people live / Visit Appennino Lucano - Val d'Agri - Lagonegrese National Park / Visit Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park ITALY / Visit Gennargentu National Park ITALY / Visit Monti Sibillini National Park ITALY / Visit the Longsheng Rice Terraces CHINA / Visit Tacuarembo URUGUAY /