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🏖️ Write my name in the sand / 🌙 Go swimming in the sea at night / 🌙 Take a moonlit walk on the beach / 🪂 Go parasailing / 🔥 Have a bonfire at the beach / Go swimming in the sea / 👫 Take a romantic walk on the beach / 🦞 Eat lobster in Maine MAINE / 🌊 Visit the Cliffs of Moher IRELAND / Swim in the sea / Visit a lighthouse / 🏙 Visit Vancouver CANADA / Watch the sunrise on the beach / Visit Norway / Go horseback riding on the beach / Go Whale Watching in Newfoundland CANADA / Swim at the beach after midnight / Go to the top of a lighthouse / Climb to the top of a lighthouse / 🌅 Watch a sunset on the beach / Have a bonfire on the beach / Spend an entire day reading by the ocean / 🌲 Visit Redwood National and State Parks CALIFORNIA / Visit Maine UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🏖️ Camp on the beach / Visit the Bay of Fundy CANADA / Go to Norway / 🌅 Watch the sun rise over the Atlantic and set over the Pacific in the same day / Visit the seaside / Go sea kayaking / Watch the sunrise over the ocean / Go horseback riding along the beach / Go horse riding on the beach / Go to Maine / Visit the Amalfi Coast ITALY / Get lost in Redwood National Park CALIFORNIA / Eat fish and chips on the beach / Visit a local beach / Visit British Columbia CANADA / Go to the Gulf of Mexico / Visit Nova Scotia CANADA / Ride a jet ski / Swim in the mediterranean sea ITALY / Horseback ride on the beach / 🏞️ Visit Olympic National Park WASHINGTON / Go sea kayaking in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND / Visit Cinque Terre ITALY / Visit Charleston SOUTH CAROLINA / Go bike riding on the beach / Visit Newfoundland / Shop around the bohemian seaside town of Brighton ENGLAND / Visit the Norwegian Fjords NORWAY / 🪨 Throw a stone off the white cliffs of Dover ENGLAND / 🌅 Stay at the town of Cinque Terre ITALY / Go to Martha's Vineyard / Find the best beach in the world / Visit every state in Australia / Visit Savannah GEORGIA / Visit Hearst Castle CALIFORNIA / Go cliff diving / Make a sand sculpture / Visit the Fort Sumter National Monument SOUTH CAROLINA / Build a sand sculpture / Take a cruise to Alaska / Go to British Columbia / Go to Newfoundland / Visit the Glass Beach in Fort Bragg CALIFORNIA / 🐋 Visit Oregon Coast Aquarium OREGON / 🌅 Hike the Bay of Fires, Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Parasail / Walk England from Coast to Coast / 🌊 Visit Cathedral Cove NEW ZEALAND / Sleep in a hammock on a beach / Sea Kayak in Iceland ICELAND / Swim in the sea at night / See the sunrise on the beach / Visit the Giants Causeway UNITED KINGDOM / Stick a toe in Lake Erie OHIO / Road trip through the UK & Ireland / Swim in the Black Sea BULGARIA / Hike the length of New Zealand through the Te Araroa NEW ZEALAND / Go turtle Watching in Grande Rivière TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / 🌊 See Bay of Fundy's Hopewell Rocks CANADA / 🚴♂️ Bike the Pacific Coast Highway CALIFORNIA / Visit Gothenburg SWEDEN / 🏔️ Hike Newfoundland's Long Range Traverse CANADA / Visit Orkney Isles SCOTLAND / Go camping in Acadia National Park / Explore Sydney Harbour's Beaches AUSTRALIA / Hike the 75 kilometre West Coast Trail CANADA / Visit Block Island RHODE ISLAND / 🗼 See the Morris Island Lighthouse SOUTH CAROLINA / Eat fish and chips on the English seaside ENGLAND / Visit Whitby ENGLAND / Walk to an East Frisian island across the seabed at low tide GERMANY / 🥾 Hike the Abel Tasman National Park NEW ZEALAND / Take a year off and drive around Australia AUSTRALIA / Hike the mud flats at low tide at Waddeneilanden NETHERLANDS / Visit Land's End ENGLAND / Go clam digging / Sea Kayak Alaska's Kenai Fjords National Park / Ride a horse on a beach / 🐧 Explore the Isle of Mull and see the puffins UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Dover ENGLAND / Visit Giant's Causeway UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Old Town Lunenburg CANADA / See dolphins at Moray Firth SCOTLAND / Visit Cork IRELAND / Spend the day at Zandvoort beach in Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Relax at a tavern in Corfu GREECE / Fly in a seaplane / 🗼 Visit the Navesink Twin Lights NEW JERSEY / Visit Sorrento ITALY / Visit the Delaware Seashore State Park DELAWARE / Visit Beachy Head ENGLAND / Visit New Brunswick CANADA / Witness tide-carved caves at Fundy National Park CANADA / Visit Norfolk VIRGINIA / Taste Sydney's rock oysters AUSTRALIA / Dodge icebergs on a boat tour of Newfoundland's Iceberg Alley CANADA / Visit Carmel CALIFORNIA / Visit John O'Groats SCOTLAND / Visit Kaikoura NEW ZEALAND / Visit Portsmouth ENGLAND / Walk across the sand to Mont St Michel FRANCE / Visit Portofino ITALY / Visit Durdle Door, Dorset ENGLAND / Visit Eastern Canada CANADA / Visit Haida Gwaii CANADA / Reach Australia's northernmost point at Cape York AUSTRALIA / Cycle across the Afsluitdijk NETHERLANDS / Walk on the sandy stretches of the beaches in Sicily ITALY / 🚴♂️ Bike across the Golden Gate Bridge SAN FRANCISCO / Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day on the beach / Visit Cape Breton CANADA / Watch the sunset on Clearwater Beach FLORIDA / Tour the Newport mansions RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Lighthouses of Portland MAINE / Visit Silver Sands State Park CONNECTICUT / Visit Virginia Beach VIRGINIA / Kayak the Na Pali Coast HAWAII / Visit Mornington Peninsula Hot Springs AUSTRALIA / Eat a lobster in Maine MAINE / Explore the Atlantic beaches at Cadiz SPAIN / Unwind in the golden sands of Koukounaries on Skiathos GREECE / 🦞 Visit Bar Harbor MAINE / Catch a sunset at the Ipanema Beach BRAZIL / Take a yacht ride in St. Tropez FRANCE / Visit Pembrokeshire WALES / Swing in Tanjung Aan Beach in Indonesia INDONESIA / Take a ferry to the Isle of Arran and hike Goatfell UNITED KINGDOM / Explore Normandy and the neighbouring rocky islands FRANCE / Take surf lessons / Walk barefoot on the beach / Soak up the sun at Jūrmala LATVIA / Soak up the sun at the seaside resort of Scheveningen outside The Hague NETHERLANDS / Trek to the Bay of Fires AUSTRALIA / Watch a storm unfold on Vancouver Island CANADA / Visit Algarve (Benagil sea cave) PORTUGAL / Visit the White Cliffs of Dover ENGLAND / Visit Cinque Terre National Park ITALY / Kayak the Maine Island Trail MAINE / Enjoy a sunset on Tel Aviv beach ISRAEL / Visit Fort Moultrie SOUTH CAROLINA / Surf the Lost Coast CALIFORNIA / Paddle Santa Cruz Island CALIFORNIA / Visit Wexford IRELAND / Visit the Stockholm Archipelago SWEDEN / Visit the Cinque Terre / Visit all states of Australia AUSTRALIA / Go shell collecting on Sanibel Island FLORIDA / Visit Kerry IRELAND / Pack a breakfast picnic and watch the sun rise at Cape Sear CANADA / 🗼 Visit El Faro Monumental in La Serena CHILE / Take a boat out between the sandstone boulders of Ponta da Piedade PORTUGAL / Camp out on the beach / Swim in the world's largest swimming pool, off the coast of Chile CHILE / Visit the Seven Sisters Country Park ENGLAND / Catch a sunset at Crane Beach BARBADOS / Visit the Bay of Kotor MONTENEGRO / Visit Pebble Beaches of Nice FRANCE / Visit Plymouth ENGLAND / 🗼 Visit the Historic Cape Henry Lighthouse VIRGINIA / Walk on a black sand beach / Visit Norfolk ENGLAND / Visit the West Coast of the South Island NEW ZEALAND / Visit Bergen NORWAY / Visit Jersey UNITED KINGDOM / Go on a road trip around Scotland SCOTLAND / 🏰 Visit St David's City WALES / Cruise Tasmania's Macquarie Harbour AUSTRALIA / Visit the Cape Cod National Seashore MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Mont St-Michel FRANCE / Visit Coogee Beach AUSTRALIA / Catch the sunset over the Cayo Coco beach in Ciego de Ávila CUBA / Explore windswept Kolka where the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga crash together LATVIA / Explore the salt marshes and sheltered lagoons at Kouchibouguac National Park CANADA / Walk along the golden beaches at the Prince Edward Island National Park CANADA / Road-trip the Savannah Way AUSTRALIA / Kayak on Coles Bay AUSTRALIA / Explore the seaside town of Southwold ENGLAND / Explore Denmark via cycle DENMARK / Catch a sunrise at the Hikkaduwa beach SRI LANKA / Visit Tripoli LIBYA / Go ocean kayaking / Walk the Heaphy Track NEW ZEALAND / Explore castles and coves in Devon ENGLAND / Have a picnic in the shade and watch for wildlife near the salt ponds of Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Island-hop by ferry between the many Hebrides SCOTLAND / 🏖️ Relax on sandy stretches of Agadir MOROCCO / See the Perce Rock at the tip of Gaspe Peninsula CANADA / Visit the Minack Theatre ENGLAND / Cruise the fjords in Alaska ALASKA / Visit Aberystwyth WALES / Visit Bamburgh Castle ENGLAND / Visit Wollongong AUSTRALIA / Visit Rye ENGLAND / Visit Otago Peninsula NEW ZEALAND / Have a Beach Bonfire / Walk the Rakiura Track NEW ZEALAND / Visit Møns Klint DENMARK / Visit Crosby Beach ENGLAND / Visit Gwangalli Beach SOUTH KOREA / Visit Saint-Malo FRANCE / Visit Exmouth ENGLAND / Watch the sun set over the Pacific Ocean / Visit Tintagel, Cornwall UNITED KINGDOM / Explore the 700 year old town of Herceg Novi MONTENEGRO / Visit the bustling port of Kotor MONTENEGRO / Hike the Snæfellnes Peninsula ICELAND / Catch a sunrise and sunset at Shell Beach GUYANA / Catch a sunrise on the beaches neighbouring Morne Rouge GRENADA / Visit Llandudno WALES / See the seals and sea lions lounging at La Jolla Cove CALIFORNIA / Walk the Eastern Promenade in Portland MAINE / See the penguins in Punta Tombo ARGENTINA / Sail around the island of Capri ITALY / Visit St Abbs SCOTLAND / Roam through the Queen Charlotte Islands by ferry or cruise CANADA / Take a yacht trip on the Day of the Virgin of the Sea COSTA RICA / Visit Tsitsikamma National Park SOUTH AFRICA / Travel to the Hallyeo Maritime National Park in the southeast for a cruise around the archipelago SOUTH KOREA / Enjoy swimming along the Sri Lankan palm fringed coast SRI LANKA / Witness the Zlatni Rat, Golden Cape on the island of Brac CROATIA / Visit Queen Charlotte Sound NEW ZEALAND / Take a Black Sea boat trip TURKEY / See seals in the wild / Take a vacation to Norway / Visit the Joggins Fossil Cliffs CANADA / Visit St. Peter Port GUERNSEY / Make a hammock / Visit Bamburgh UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Barry Island WALES / Visit The Algarve PORTUGAL / Visit Tasman Peninsula AUSTRALIA / Go horseriding on the beach / Visit Monterey CALIFORNIA / 🐠 Go snorkeling in La Jolla CALIFORNIA / Attend a beach bonfire / Stay at a beach house / See the skyscrapers, steep peaks and fjords in Nanortalik GREENLAND / Soak up the sun at Ria Formosa PORTUGAL / Catch a sunrise at Lesolo Point SAMOA / Take a road trip from Bangalore to Goa INDIA / Catch a sunrise at the Cap- Haïtien beach HAITI / Lounge on the sands of Fig Tree Bay CYPRUS / Catch a sunrise at the Muara beach BRUNEI / Explore Andros and its creeks, forests and mangroves BAHAMAS / Navigate through the mangrove labyrinths of Cartagena COLOMBIA / Swim in the beaches at Dakhla Bay MOROCCO / Watch the sailing dhows in the Old Harbour at Mombasa KENYA / Spend the day at the beaches of Sana Maria CUBA / Hike in New Zealand / Explore Slītere National Park LATVIA / 🌊 Walk along a beach at night / Visit the Isle of Islay SCOTLAND / Visit Clovelly ENGLAND / 🗼 Visit Split Point Lighthouse AUSTRALIA / Visit Rockhampton AUSTRALIA / Visit Oslo Opera House NORWAY / Visit Paparoa National Park NEW ZEALAND / Visit Homer ALASKA / Visit Trondheim NORWAY / Visit Dingle IRELAND / See the beautiful colored buildings of Cinque Terre ITALY / Visit the Moeraki Boulders NEW ZEALAND / Visit Mont St Michel FRANCE / Visit The St. Augustine Light, St. Augustine FLORIDA / Visit Pointe du Raz FRANCE / See Grenada's oyster beds, reached along a trail from Tyrrel Bay GRENADA / Go beach hopping in Esmeraldas ECUADOR / Spend the weekend at Haapsalu resort town ESTONIA / Attend the Newport Seafood & Wine Festival OREGON / Picnic on the serene sea-facing Saint-Martin Gardens in Monaco-ville MONACO / Hike the Bay of Fires Trail AUSTRALIA / Explore the wide, sandy beaches of Utila HONDURAS / Visit Yuraygir National Park AUSTRALIA / Visit Seaham Hall ENGLAND / Visit West Kirby Beach ENGLAND / Go hiking at Ka'ena Point HAWAII /