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🎭 Watch a play at a local theater / 🍣 Go to a food festival / Stay at a Bed and Breakfast / Make my own jam / Attend a food festival / Have an all-day bus adventure / Attend a flea market / Spend a day exploring and photographing my neighborhood / Buy something on Etsy / Buy a house warming gift for a new neighbor / Go to a wine festival / Complete the A-Z travel challenge / Visit a museum on a free day / Make homemade cheese / Try a new flavour of ice cream / Make beeswax candles / Avoid Starbucks for a whole week / Visit 5 new restaurants / Shop around the bohemian seaside town of Brighton ENGLAND / Enjoy coffee and cake at a local Kaffeehaus AUSTRIA / Go to Oktoberfest in Germany / Start a neighborhood garden / Research the history of my hometown / Go shopping at North Laine in Brighton ENGLAND / Eat a Philly Cheesesteak in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Drink a cup of Jamaica's Blue Mountain cafe JAMAICA / 🎡 Go to a local fair and ride the Ferris wheel / Sip a steaming cup of Chai at a local tea shop lining the Himalayan Trekking path NEPAL / Visit Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Taste Sydney's rock oysters AUSTRALIA / Watch a local football match in Manchester ENGLAND / See the cheese market at Waagplein in Alkmaar NETHERLANDS / Visit Pike Place Market WASHINGTON / Go to the York Carnival ENGLAND / Get to know my neighbors / Visit a distillery / Try a new recipe every month for 6 months / Buy hand-painted, glass perfume bottles at Alexandria EGYPT / Tour Ontario's microbreweries CANADA / Go book-store hopping in Brigade Road in Bangalore INDIA / See local artists at work in the Niagara-on-the-Lake CANADA / Sell a handmade item / Visit Saskatoon CANADA / Drink mescal in Mexico MEXICO / Explore the festival stalls at the Christmas Market on Markt Square BELGIUM / Sip a perfect pint at Kehoe's IRELAND / Explore Graz on foot AUSTRIA / Explore Denmark via cycle DENMARK / Tour the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Drink a glass of Brandy Sour, a native cocktail CYPRUS / Take in the sights of Antananarivo's Zoma Market MADAGASCAR / Shop at the Ueno market JAPAN / Enjoy a drink at a local bar on the Patong Beach THAILAND / Sell lemonade at a lemonade stand / Visit Gokarna INDIA / Visit Harpoon Brewery VERMONT / Go to the strawberry festival / Go on a spontaneous day trip / Visit Brooklyn Brewery NEW YORK / Go shopping at the Smugglers' Market in Harar ETHIOPIA / Stroll through the craft centre at Dutch Fort of Galle SRI LANKA / Stroll through one of the local markets at junction of Valley and All Saints Roads ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Drink a shot of Slivovica, local plum brandy KOSOVO / Taste Andorran veal ANDORRA / Smoke a Shisha at a local cafe IRAN / Attend the Good Food & Wine Show SOUTH AFRICA / Spend a day exploring and photographing my neighbourhood / Attend a craft fair / Buy something off Craigslist / Visit Regina CANADA / Visit Huanchaco PERU / Shop for souvenirs in Sarajevo's Bascarsija district BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit my birthplace / Visit Tsukiji Fish Market JAPAN / Visit West Kirby Beach ENGLAND / Visit Albert Cuyp Market NETHERLANDS / Complete an A to Z Travel Challenge / Visit the Museum of Everyday Life VERMONT / Eat a Philly cheese steak in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Admire local ceramic craftsmanship at Jocotenango GUATEMALA / Follow a'Hafenklang' podcast tour around Hafen city GERMANY / Stroll through the Sailoame Market in Neiafu TONGA / Stroll around the bustling port market of Toamasina MADAGASCAR / Stroll through the bustling Grand Marche Market BURKINA FASO / Drink a glass of coconut rum punch, a local speciality DOMINICA / Sip a cup of native coffee at a local cafe DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Savour a plate of Pupusa and Tamal de Elote at a local restaurant EL SALVADOR / Taste the traditional brewed Rakija spirit KOSOVO / 🧄 Attend the Hudson Valley Garlic Festival NEW YORK / Visit the 18th Century Transylvania Store KENTUCKY / Attend the SLUG Queen festival OREGON / Visit Shiloh Museum of Ozark History ARKANSAS / Shop at the Nifty Nut House KANSAS / Attend the Love Affair Fine Arts Festival GEORGIA / Attend the Columbus Arts Festival OHIO / Go apple picking in Charlottesville VIRGINIA / Try goat's milk / Drink a glass of Manecome, local wine from Fogo CAPE VERDE / Discover the Itsandra fishing village COMOROS / Sample Cape Verdean rum or grog, produced on Santo Antão CAPE VERDE / Drink a bottle of traditional Bojalwa beer BOTSWANA / Walk around the Bazary Be market MADAGASCAR / Savour the Malagasy drink Litchel MADAGASCAR / Wander through the Aanliurfa Bazaar TURKEY / Buy local hand-woven textiles at San Antonio Aguascalientes GUATEMALA / Participate in the Festival of the Sea PORTUGAL / Travel in a traditional water taxi called a Panga PANAMA / Visit Maseru LESOTHO / Visit The Rabbit Hole in Colorado Springs COLORADO / Visit the market in Chichicastenango GUATEMALA / Visit the Grafton Museum VERMONT / Visit Northern Arkansas ARKANSAS / Visit an independently owned record store on Record Store Day / Drink a pint of Guiness in a pub in Ireland / Visit Sweet Moses Soda Shop OHIO / Visit the Chatuchak Weekend Market THAILAND / Visit Mars Cheese Castle WISCONSIN / Visit Jonquière CANADA / Visit Torreon MEXICO / Visit Laoag in Ilocos Norte, Philippines PHILIPPINES / Visit Himachal INDIA / Visit the Carmel Market ISRAEL / Cook a traditional dish in the country it originates from / Visit Watkins Museum in Lawrence KANSAS / Visit Eudora Community Museum KANSAS / Visit Barrie CANADA / Visit Narayanganj BANGLADESH / Visit Saint Philip BARBADOS / Visit Chilliwack CANADA / Visit Belleville CANADA / Visit Radstock museum ENGLAND / Visit Trowbridge museum ENGLAND / Spend the day taking pictures at a local sports event / Visit Moyobamba PERU / Attend the Fremont Art and Wine Festival CALIFORNIA / Visit Cortland NEW YORK / Visit Des Moines / Visit Lubbock TEXAS / Visit Leslieville CANADA / Visit Mölndals Museum SWEDEN / Make a lemonade stand / Ride through the rice paddie of China / Visit Dappermarkt NETHERLANDS / Wander the Trastevere neighborhood in Rome ITALY / Visit Mackay AUSTRALIA / Visit Manali INDIA / 🌲 Visit Portland MAINE / Visit Findlay Market OHIO / Attend a trivia night at a local bar / Visit the historic San Telmo Market ARGENTINA / Attend the Vermont Cheesemakers Festival VERMONT / Visit 10 microbreweries / Visit Karachi PAKISTAN / Visit Lincoln NEBRASKA / Observe local rituals during the Santa Semana festivities PANAMA / Buy a pearl in Hyderabad INDIA / Visit the Museum of Utensils in the outskirts of Ahmedabad INDIA / Attend the mid-Lent Carnival in Stavelot BELGIUM / Drink a cup of cardamom coffee at a local cafe BAHRAIN / Buy traditional lacquerware in Kyaukka MYANMAR / Take a walk through Darajani market in the morning TANZANIA / Drink a glass of Bil-Bil, a Cameroonian homemade beer CAMEROON / Visit the town of Encamp ANDORRA / Attend the Island Roots Heritage Festival BAHAMAS / Visit the weekly market at Boukoumbe BENIN / Savour a glass of NikÅ¡icko beer MONTENEGRO / Drink a glass of locally brewed Doina or Nistru brandy MOLDOVA / Drink a cup of Tic Tac and Torito, homebrewed alcohol made from sugar EL SALVADOR / Stroll around the Mount Bouet Market GABON / Visit the craft market in Suchitoto EL SALVADOR / Visit Daviess County Museum INDIANA / Eat Ellen's Ice Cream in Charleston WEST VIRGINIA / 🍎 Attend the Wisconsin Apple Festival WISCONSIN / Eat at Beefaroo ILLINOIS / Eat at Cakes by Bakin' Bishop TENNESSEE / Go to the Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival LOUISIANA / Go on a Pub Crawl in Old Ellicott City MARYLAND / Attend the Watonga Cheese Festival & Arts Show OKLAHOMA / Attend the Coconut Festival in Kauai HAWAII / Attend the Big Texas Beer Fest TEXAS / Attend the Hessler Street Fair OHIO / Attend the Ypsilanti Heritage Festival MICHIGAN / Attend West Side Nut Club Fall Festival INDIANA / Attend the Festival of Murals INDIANA / Visit the Galesville Heritage Museum MARYLAND / Visit Dexter Area Historical Society and Museum MICHIGAN / Attend the Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festival NEW MEXICO / Celebrate Old Dover Days DELAWARE / Attend the Inman Park Festival GEORGIA / Attend the Oregon Brewers Festival OREGON / Attend the Illinois Wine and Art Festival ILLINOIS / Attend the Old Port Festival MAINE / Attend the Santa Fe Spanish Market NEW MEXICO / Attend the Plymouth Cheese & Harvest Festival VERMONT / Attend the Dummerston Apple Pie Festival VERMONT / Catch a local game of volleyball MICRONESIA / Attend Pembrokeshire Fish Week WALES / Visit the lively Le Marche Central near the mosque DJIBOUTI / Join in the King Carnival festivities FRENCH GUIANA / Visit the Dan Tokpa Market BENIN / Shop for souvenirs at the Craftwares Village at Giheta BURUNDI / Visit Soarta, an Alpine-style village BOLIVIA / Participate in the Coffee Harvest Celebration in the Fraijanes GUATEMALA / Sample local Congolese beer DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Attend the Chiang Mai Arts and Culture Festival THAILAND / See the Iron Market at Port-au-Prince HAITI / Go fishing on a local fishing boat at the mouth of the Volta GHANA / Buy a traditional embroidered head dress at Souk al-Nahaas YEMEN / Bargain for souvenirs at the Izmaylovo Market RUSSIA / Visit Glendale CALIFORNIA / Visit Garland TEXAS / Visit Hialeah FLORIDA / Visit Modesto CALIFORNIA / Visit Toluca MEXICO / ☀️ Visit Hermosillo MEXICO / Visit a local museum or gallery to see a photography exhibit / Visit Bairnsdale AUSTRALIA / Visit Wörgl AUSTRIA / Visit Hollabrunn AUSTRIA / Visit Marsh Harbour BAHAMAS / Visit Rangpur BANGLADESH / Visit Chaghcharan AFGHANISTAN / Visit Lanús ARGENTINA / Visit Campbelltown AUSTRALIA / Visit El Rastro de Madrid MADRID / Visit Barrio de Malasaña MADRID / 🍫 Take the Lake Champlain Chocolates factory tour VERMONT / Explore the San Telmo market ARGENTINA / Visit Bakara Market SOMALIA / Visit Leduc CANADA / Visit Allentown PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Sliven BULGARIA / Visit Kampong Cham CAMBODIA / Visit Kelowna CANADA / Visit Chelyabinsk RUSSIA / Visit Westland Flea Market OHIO / Attend the Potato and Corn Festival in North Branford CONNECTICUT / Visit Molise ITALY / Visit Brantford CANADA / Visit Châteauguay CANADA /