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✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / 🍀 Visit Ireland / Read the entire bible / Read the Bible / 🙏🏽 Go to church / 🏰 Visit St Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / Make a list of 100 books I would like to read / Write a play / Write a list of 101 things I've already achieved / 🏯 Visit a Buddhist temple / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / 📚 Read a non-fiction book / Visit the Vatican VATICAN CITY / 🎨 See the famous ceiling of the Sistine Chapel VATICAN CITY / Visit Vatican City / 🏛️ Visit the Vatican Museum VATICAN CITY / Read the Bible (Old and New Testaments) / Go to church at least twice a month / Travel to India / Visit Africa / 🙏🏼 Read a book on Buddhism / See the Sistine Chapel VATICAN CITY / Watch 25 documentaries / 🇮🇱 Visit Israel / Visit the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine JAPAN / Read three CS Lewis books / 🕯️ Go to a church service / Watch 20 documentaries / Read The Qur'an / Visit the Great Cathedral and Mosque in Cordoba SPAIN / Visit a Hindu temple / Go to Israel / Visit a mosque / 🏰 Visit St Paul's Cathedral / Visit the Sistine Chapel VATICAN CITY / Read the Quran / Read the Koran / Travel to China / Read every book of the Bible / Visit La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona SPAIN / 📚 Learn more about Buddhism / Discover history in the Pantheon ITALY / Visit a synagogue / Travel to Israel / Travel to the Middle East / 📖 Read Dune / 🏰 Visit Salisbury Cathedral ENGLAND / 🙏🏼 Visit the Great Buddha of Kamakura JAPAN / 🏰 Visit Cologne Cathedral GERMANY / Tour the inside of St. Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / Read the Book of Mormon / Read the New Testament / Read the Torah / Visit Saint Mark's Basilica ITALY / 🕌 Visit Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / 🙏🏻 Visit Church of the Light JAPAN / Visit the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) TURKEY / 🏯 Visit the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery HONG KONG / Visit Iran / Visit Milan's Duomo ITALY / Visit Ethiopia / 🏯 Visit the Meiji Shrine JAPAN / 🚶♂️ Travel the Pilgrim's Way and visit the Canterbury Cathedral ENGLAND / Understand 1st century Roman lifestyles through the remains at Pompeii ITALY / Witness the grandeur of the Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal CANADA / Visit Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA / Learn about 5 different religions and rituals / Visit the Pantheon ITALY / Go to church every Sunday for a month / Climb the dome of St. Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / Find happiness / Walk to Santiago de Compostela / Visit the Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi INDIA / Visit Dar es Salaam TANZANIA / Visit St Patrick's Cathedral NEW YORK / Visit Saudi Arabia / Go people watching in St. Peter's Square VATICAN CITY / Visit St. Paul's Cathedral ENGLAND / Become an ordained minister / Visit Gurudwara Bangla Sahib INDIA / Visit the Milan Cathedral ITALY / Learn about Korean culture by attending the Hangeul Day festivities SOUTH KOREA / Explore Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Travel the Silk Road / See The Last Supper ITALY / Find a church to attend! / Visit the Basilica of St Stephen HUNGARY / Visit the New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum LOUISIANA / See the sculptures at Buddha Park LAOS / 🕊️ Visit the Western Wall ISRAEL / Explore Amman JORDAN / Visit Hallgrimskirkja ICELAND / 🕌 Visit the Mezquita, the Great Mosque (UNESCO) SPAIN / Visit Damascus SYRIA / 🕍 Tour the Old City of Jerusalem ISRAEL / Read an entire Encyclopedia / Find a new favorite book / See the All Hallows Church in London ENGLAND / Visit Pakistan / See the Dalai Lama speak / Visit the Middle East / Visit St. Patrick's Cathedral NEW YORK / Read Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie / Visit the Norwegian Church in Cardiff WALES / Read The God Delusion / Visit Nigeria / Travel to Bangladesh / Celebrate Natale di Roma (Rome's birthday) ITALY / Explore the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar INDIA / Visit Ephesus TURKEY / Visit Afghanistan / Visit the Temple and Cemetery of Confucius CHINA / Go underground on the Vatican Scavi Tour VATICAN CITY / Read Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh / Read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce / Read Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler / Visit the Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus GREECE / See the Rothko Chapel TEXAS / Visit Canterbury Cathedral UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Kinshasa DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Visit Iraq / Join in the Ganesha Chaturthi festivities in Mumbai INDIA / Understand Costa Rican lifestyles at San Jose COSTA RICA / Visit the Cao Dai Temple VIETNAM / Start reading my Bible / Visit Dakar SENEGAL / Go to Jerusalem / Visit Riyadh SAUDI ARABIA / Visit the Mapparium at the Mary Baker Eddy Library MASSACHUSETTS / See the Capuchin Catacombs in Sicily ITALY / Visit the Baha'i Gardens ISRAEL / Visit St. Olaf's Church ESTONIA / Read Go Tell it on the Mountain by James Baldwin / Read Light in August by William Faulkner / Read Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather / Visit the Great Buddha of Thailand THAILAND / Visit La Mezquita (Cathedral of Cordoba) SPAIN / Visit Kolkata INDIA / Visit Mosque of Cordoba SPAIN / Go to church every Sunday for a month straight / Discover Mtskheta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site GEORGIA / Visit Roslyn Chapel / Visit Vilnius Cathedral LITHUANIA / Visit the holy city of Kairouan TUNISIA / Learn Ancient Greek / Visit Palestine / Visit a country in Asia / Visit an Asian country / See the Lux in Arcana - The Vatican Secret Archive Revealed ITALY / Explore the Romanesque and Gothic architecture of San Juan de la Pena SPAIN / Do the Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima PORTUGAL / Enjoy the parade during La Griteria festival NICARAGUA / Discover Kiev, the ancient cradle of Russian civilisation UKRAINE / See Monks recount Buddhist history and myths through folk dances BHUTAN / Witness swirling dancers at the Diablos Danzantes festivals VENEZUELA / Explore Pyongyang NORTH KOREA / See the Great Mosque of Sana'a YEMEN / Visit N'Djamena CHAD / Go to the Baha'i House of Worship ILLINOIS / Attend a mass at the Vatican / Visit the Wang Saen Suk Hell Garden in Thailand THAILAND / Visit the Ebenezer Baptist Church GEORGIA / Visit The Ascension Cathedral (Zenkov Cathedralis) KAZAKHSTAN / Visit the Sydney Jewish Museum AUSTRALIA / See the Fathija Mosque in Bihac BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit the Grand Mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso BURKINA FASO / Choose a country (CO) learn its custom, its art and its history / Visit the Golden Temple INDIA / Visit Elevation Church NORTH CAROLINA / Read The Forty Rules Of Love by Elif Shafak / Read a book from Afghanistan / Visit Bethlehem / Visit the Guishan Guanyin of the Thousand Hands and Eyes statue / Visit the Batu Caves Murugan Statue MALAYSIA / Visit the Museum of the Holy Souls in Purgatory ITALY / Visit Shri Swaminarayan Mandir INDIA / Live as bahai for a month / Visit the Kashmir Valley INDIA / Be a Godparent / Visit the Cathedral of St. John the Divine NEW YORK / Visit Trinity Church MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Bucovina Monasteries ROMANIA / Visit the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore ITALY / Go to a Bible study / Visit Bijbels Museum NETHERLANDS / Become closer with God / See the Monastery of Debre Bizen ERITREA / Discover the Debre Sina monastery on the Asmara-Keren road ERITREA / Marvel at the Baha'i Gardens in Haifa ISRAEL / Visit the Jewish Museum on Fifth Avenue NEW YORK / Visit the Basilica of San Marino SAN MARINO / Visit Monte Cassino ITALY / Tour the Vatican / Discover the Kumbheshwor Temple and the Golden Temple in Patan NEPAL / Visit Peshawar PAKISTAN / Explore the colonial past in Santa Fe, Pampas ARGENTINA / See statues and murals from Hindu mythology at the Museum Cave MALAYSIA / Witness the Trinidad Way of the Cross Procession CUBA / Attend the Makha Puja, a Bhuddist festival for purification and candlelit ceremonies THAILAND / Commemorate the Buddhist lent by attending the Asarnha Puja Day THAILAND / Attend the St Stanislaw Procession POLAND / Explore Khartoum SUDAN / See the San Cristobal Acasaguastlan church GUATEMALA / See the huge Shweyattaw Buddha with its outstretched finger MYANMAR / Visit the Shah Mosque IRAN / See the ancient spirit possession ritual at Kannur INDIA / Visit Faisal Masjid - one of the largest mosques in the world PAKISTAN / Visit the Confucius Temple in Qufu CHINA / Celebrate the Semana Santa (Holy Week) VENEZUELA / See Jain temples on the Shratrunjya hills on a moonlit night at Palitana INDIA / Witness Euro-Fijian architecture at the Church of Saint Francis Xavier FIJI / Tour Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Discover the collection of temples and shrines in Durbar Square in Kathmandu NEPAL / Explore the holy sites of Bumthang BHUTAN / Look for onion-shaped domes of the Russian Orthodox churches in Logoysk BELARUS / Explore the Al-Muallaq Burtasiyat Madrassa in Tripoli LEBANON / Talk to God / Visit the California Missions CALIFORNIA / Visit Hebron / Visit the Jewish History Museum in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Witness Yom Kippur at the Western Wall ISRAEL / Visit the Grand Mosque of Touba SENEGAL / Visit the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage OHIO / Attend the Portland Greek Festival OREGON / Visit Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple ILLINOIS / Visit the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem ISRAEL / Visit the Mosta Church MALTA / Attend the Good Friday gathering at Saint Peter's Basilica VATICAN CITY / Go on a pilgrimage to Emberemi ERITREA / Explore the Museum of Cotonou BENIN / See the Sioni Cathedral GEORGIA / Visit and photograph Pura Ulun Danu Bratan INDONESIA / Visit the Sultan Ahmed Mosque TURKEY / Travel to an African country / Visit Trinity Lutheran Church MISSOURI / Visit the amazing temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia / Live in Jerusalem, Israel / Visit Herat AFGHANISTAN / Visit Farah AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Chapel of Bones PORTUGAL / Visit the Old City of Jerusalem ISRAEL / Visit Hokkaido Shrine JAPAN / Visit the Billy Graham Library NORTH CAROLINA / Read White Teeth by Zadie Smith / Visit a museum on a rainy day / Read a book from Saudi Arabia / Read a book from Algeria / Read a book from Iraq / Visit the Museum of Russian Icons MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Laykyun Setkyar Buddha MYANMAR / Visit Nuestra Señora de Loreto ARGENTINA / Visit the Buddha Dordenma statue BHUTAN / Attend a Shabbat service at a synagogue / Attend a Yom Kippur service and fast / Learn to recite traditional Jewish prayers / Read a book from Lebanon / Visit the Notre Dame d'Afrique / Vist the Notre Dame d'Afrique ALGERIA / Visit Abeche CHAD / Visit Florence Cathedral (Duomo Santa Maria di Fiore) ITALY / Attend church in another country / Daven every day / Visit a Latin American country / Visit Catedral Metropolitana BRAZIL / Attend a mass at St Peter's in the Vatican City / Learn about the Mandinka tribe at Bakau THE GAMBIA / Explore Porto Novo BENIN / Explore Conakry GUINEA / Attend Maha Shivratree MAURITIUS / Attend Hamshushalayim ISRAEL / Visit Bishop Hill State Historic Site ILLINOIS / Visit the Mosque and the Sultanate at Maradi NIGER / Go to church with President Jimmy Carter GEORGIA / Visit Linkoping Cathedral SWEDEN / Visit St John's Maroon Church SIERRA LEONE / Visit Ljubljana Cathedral SLOVENIA / Visit Roman Catholic Kathedraal SURINAME / Discover the Al-Qartâwiyat and Taynâl mosques in Tripoli LEBANON / Explore Yamoussoukro CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Light a candle at the Cathedrale Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Explore Foumban CAMEROON / Discover Cameroon culture and history at the National Museum in Yaounde CAMEROON / Light a candle at St. John's Cathedral ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Pay a visit to the Fetish Temple in Abomey BENIN / See the gold-leaf domed Nevski Memorial Church BULGARIA / Visit N'Djamena CHAD / Explore Asmara ERITREA / Discover the Doukhobour way of life at the Heritage Village near Veregin CANADA / Attend the Lord of the Earthquakes festival PERU / Visit the Islamic Arts Museum at Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Attend the Thaipusam Festival MALAYSIA / Go to the Qufu International Confucian Festival CHINA / Celebrate the Ascension of Ramses II at Abu Simbel EGYPT / Explore the San Agustin Acasaguastlan church GUATEMALA / Light a candle at the Cathedral in Guatemala City GUATEMALA /