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🌊 Swim in the ocean / Watch the sunrise on a beach / 🌅 Watch the sunset on a beach / Visit a lighthouse / See the ocean / Go Whale Watching in Newfoundland CANADA / Climb to the top of a lighthouse / Spend an entire day at the beach / 🌅 Watch a sunset on the beach / 🪁 Fly a kite at the beach / Go on a whale watch / Lay on the beach for a day / Visit the Bay of Fundy CANADA / Go to a lighthouse / Visit Denmark / 🌅 Watch the sun rise over the Atlantic and set over the Pacific in the same day / See the little penguins on Phillip Island AUSTRALIA / Have fish and chips on the beach / Explore Giant's Causeway UNITED KINGDOM / 🦕 See the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site ENGLAND / Tour a lighthouse / Visit Bondi Beach AUSTRALIA / Visit Fingal's Cave SCOTLAND / Visit the Canadian Maritimes CANADA / 🗼 Visit Cape Hatteras Lighthouse NORTH CAROLINA / Hang out on Cannon Beach OREGON / Visit the Glass Beach in Fort Bragg CALIFORNIA / Eat fish and chips on the lovely town of Whitby's harbour wall in Yorkshire ENGLAND / Ride on Pacific Coast Highway at Sunset CALIFORNIA / See the Moeraki Boulders NEW ZEALAND / Sail the Whitsundays AUSTRALIA / Bathe in the natural hot springs at Hot Water Beach NEW ZEALAND / Sea Kayak in Iceland ICELAND / Sea Kayak in Phang Nga Bay THAILAND / Take the Manly ferry AUSTRALIA / Take a walk through the Cornish Coastal Path ENGLAND / Visit the Giants Causeway UNITED KINGDOM / Walk along the Blackpool Pleasure Beach ENGLAND / 🌊 See Bay of Fundy's Hopewell Rocks CANADA / Whale-watch in Hervey Bay AUSTRALIA / Visit Orkney Isles SCOTLAND / Visit the Giant's Causeway / 🗼 See the Morris Island Lighthouse SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Block Island RHODE ISLAND / Take a boat out to see the Blue Hole BELIZE / Walk the beautiful beach at Wineglass Bay AUSTRALIA / Visit The Breakers RHODE ISLAND / Stroll along one of the black sandy beaches near Vik ICELAND / Visit Giant's Causeway UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Tintagel Castle ENGLAND / Drive across the Nullarbor Plain AUSTRALIA / 🐠 See the giant coral boulders in Bathsheba BARBADOS / Walk across the sand to Mont St Michel FRANCE / Explore Tortuguero National Park by boat COSTA RICA / Explore the fishing village of Peggy's Cove CANADA / Visit Hammonasset Beach State Park CONNECTICUT / Visit the Farne Islands ENGLAND / Visit Mornington Peninsula Hot Springs AUSTRALIA / 🦞 Visit Bar Harbor MAINE / Visit Holy Island ENGLAND / Take a ferry from the Eminonu dock in Istanbul to the Princes' Islands TURKEY / Visit the Shetland Islands SCOTLAND / Visit the Valdes Peninsula ARGENTINA / See the pinnacles at Nambung National Park AUSTRALIA / Kayak the Maine Island Trail MAINE / Watch a storm unfold on Vancouver Island CANADA / 🚴♀️ Bike along Vancouver's sea wall through Stanley Park CANADA / Visit Montauk NEW YORK / Walk along the island beach at Tavira PORTUGAL / Walk the beach at Grand Isle LOUISIANA / Take a ferry to the Isle of Arran and hike Goatfell UNITED KINGDOM / Paddle Santa Cruz Island CALIFORNIA / Camp in Big Sur CALIFORNIA / Reach Australia's northernmost point at Cape York AUSTRALIA / Catch a sunrise at Venus beach ROMANIA / Spend the day at the Coral Bay Beach CYPRUS / Visit Port Arthur AUSTRALIA / Collect white pebbles near the waters of Myrtos GREECE / Visit Cape Canaveral FLORIDA / Visit the Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama PANAMA / Catch a sunrise and sunset at secluded Ofu beach AMERICAN SAMOA / Go sailing in the Caribbean coast off Belize BELIZE / Visit Sea Lion Caves OREGON / Visit the D-Day Beaches FRANCE / Visit Tromsø NORWAY / Explore windswept Kolka where the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga crash together LATVIA / Visit Nordkapp NORWAY / Attend the Kieler Woche in Kiel GERMANY / Visit Conwy WALES / Visit Crosby Beach ENGLAND / Walk around the exposed reefs during low tide at the Tula Village AMERICAN SAMOA / Go swimming in Flamingo Bay CYPRUS / Cruise through the mangrove swamps on Havelock Island, Andaman & Nicobar Islands INDIA / Go sailing on the turquoise waters of the Ionian GREECE / Walk along the golden beaches at the Prince Edward Island National Park CANADA / See the “Mouth of Hell”, Boca do Inferno PORTUGAL / Watch the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race AUSTRALIA / Capture the views from the lookout point halfway across the Afsluitdijk NETHERLANDS / Go to Zanzibar by boat TANZANIA / Take a 4WD drive from Tutoia to Parque Nacional dos Lencois Maranhenses BRAZIL / Spot shipwrecks and desert adapted plants in the Skeleton Coast Park NAMIBIA / Visit Wollongong AUSTRALIA / Take an Amalfi Coast to Capri Boat Excursion ITALY / Visit Hot Water Beach NEW ZEALAND / Enjoy a drink at a local bar on the Patong Beach THAILAND / See the Petra tou Romiou, the Rock of Aphrodite, in the coast near Kouklia CYPRUS / Visit the Dun Aengus fort on Aran Islands IRELAND / See the Perce Rock at the tip of Gaspe Peninsula CANADA / Visit St Abbs SCOTLAND / Visit Arran SCOTLAND / Visit Holkham Beach ENGLAND / Visit Møre og Romsdal NORWAY / Visit Palliser Bay Seal Colony NEW ZEALAND / See the penguins in Punta Tombo ARGENTINA / See the seals and sea lions lounging at La Jolla Cove CALIFORNIA / Visit the Big Banana AUSTRALIA / Spend time in the beaches of the Black Sea Coast GEORGIA / Enjoy swimming along the Sri Lankan palm fringed coast SRI LANKA / Witness the Pigeon Rocks in Beirut LEBANON / Walk the Eastern Promenade in Portland MAINE / Visit Cape Perpetua OREGON / See orcas in the wild / Attend the Monterey Jazz Festival SAN FRANCISCO / Take a Black Sea boat trip TURKEY / Visit Miguasha National Park CANADA / 🌊 Take a dhow ride TANZANIA / Roam through the Queen Charlotte Islands by ferry or cruise CANADA / See an inunkshuk stone tower on Mallik Island near Cape Dorset CANADA / Catch the sunrise at the cliff top heights of Cabo de São Vicente PORTUGAL / Witness the Alofaaga Blowhole near Saleaula SAMOA / Indulge in a bottle of Port at the port houses of Vila Nova de Gaia PORTUGAL / See the Sigatoka sand dunes FIJI / Walk along the white sand stretch of the Diani beach KENYA / Swim in the beaches at Dakhla Bay MOROCCO / Visit Biarritz FRANCE / Visit the vineyards and beaches on Long Island NEW YORK / Spot seals at the Cape Cross near Walvis Bay NAMIBIA / See the Devil's Bridge in Indian Town ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / See the bird cliff of Latrabjarg in Westfjord ICELAND / Take a whale and dolphin watching trip in Torridon SCOTLAND / Visit Tasman Peninsula AUSTRALIA / Visit Kodiak Island ALASKA / Charter a gullet (traditional wooden boat) for a cruise along the Aegean TURKEY / 🗼 Visit Split Point Lighthouse AUSTRALIA / Visit St. Pierre SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON / Visit the Skelligs IRELAND / Stroll around the white sands of the Kolobrzeg POLAND / Visit Hook Head IRELAND / Visit Finnmark NORWAY / Watch a sunset at sea / 🦢 See the swans at Abbotsbury Swannery ENGLAND / Visit Bodmin ENGLAND / Visit Huanchaco PERU / 🗼 Visit Peggys Point Lighthouse, Nova Scotia CANADA / Kayak through caves / 🗼 Visit Portland Head Lighthouse MAINE / Snorkel in the coast off the Dahlak Archipelago ERITREA / Witness the Sulu waterfall plunging into the sea COMOROS / Go kayaking on Sanibel Island FLORIDA / Visit the Myrtle Beach State Park SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Seaham Hall ENGLAND / Windsurf on Tiree SCOTLAND / Make the shortest flight in the world from Westray to Papa Westray SCOTLAND / Watch the dolphins at Kizimkazi TANZANIA / Go sea-kayaking in the north of the country CANADA / Look out for dolphins in the Gulf seas BAHRAIN / Hit the beach with a Lusitano thoroughbred PORTUGAL / Do a coastal walk around the beaches of Samoa SAMOA / Participate in the Festival of the Sea PORTUGAL / Go whale watching in Magadan RUSSIA / Stroll though the idyllic Sugar Beach Sipalay PHILIPPINES / Visit the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland UNITED KINGDOM / Sunbathe at Bergen's best beach at Helleneset NORWAY / Attend Biketoberfest FLORIDA / Stroll around the palm-fringed Planet Plage Beach COMOROS / Visit Lebanese Tripoli LEBANON / Sail from Mumbai to Goa during the Kingfisher Sea bird race INDIA / Spend the weekend at the beaches of the twin islands of Pulau Perhentian MALAYSIA / Admire large colonies of pink flamingos at Parque Nacional Morrocoy VENEZUELA / Picnic on the Merizo Pier Park GUAM / Spend a weekend at the Protaras and Pernera beach resorts CYPRUS / 🌅 Hike the Abel Tasman Coast Track NEW ZEALAND / Visit Charleston Light, Sullivan's Island SOUTH CAROLINA / Stand at Australia's northernmost point AUSTRALIA / Visit Jimmy's Beach AUSTRALIA / Take the Riviera Railway from Cannes to Ventimiglia FRANCE / Visit the Kingsley Plantation FLORIDA / Visit Phillip Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Tamarama Beach, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Go whale watching in Peninsula Valdes ARGENTINA / Swim in the crystal clear waters of Tayrona National Park COLOMBIA / Visit Lunan Bay SCOTLAND / Visit Narragansett RHODE ISLAND / Visit the Saltees IRELAND / See the Cliffs of Moher / Visit Mullaghmore IRELAND / Travel to Chimp Island on a pleasure boat SCOTLAND / Visit John O'Groats (Land's End) SCOTLAND / Visit Kiholo Bay HAWAII / Go paragliding in Iquique CHILE / Visit Port Davey AUSTRALIA / Visit McNabs Island CANADA / Visit Derry UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Abalone Cove Shoreline Park CALIFORNIA / 🛳️ Take a ferry ride to the Aleutian Islands ALASKA / 🐳 Go whale watching off the coast of Bar Harbor MAINE / Cycle through the Outer Hebrides SCOTLAND / Kayak in sea caves / Visit the Big Lobster AUSTRALIA / Visit Boston Light MASSACHUSETTS / Travel to Land's End ENGLAND / Visit Bryggen NORWAY / Visit Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park SPAIN / Visit Kotu Beach THE GAMBIA / Visit Playa Mansa URUGUAY / Visit Bat Galim Beach ISRAEL / Visit Ventės Ragas LITHUANIA / Visit Parc National du Banc d'Arguin MAURITANIA / See the Diamond Mountains along the east coast of the country NORTH KOREA / Stroll along a beach in Kuchin MALAYSIA / Build sand-castles on the Akrotiri Peninsula's Mile Beach CYPRUS / Visit El Morro (Fuerte San Felipe del Morro) PUERTO RICO / Visit Carolina Beach (Balneario de Carolina) PUERTO RICO / Attend the Half Moon Bay Art and Pumpkin Festival CALIFORNIA / Attend the Kodiak Crab Festival ALASKA / Find a glass float on the Oregon Coast OREGON / Climb every lighthouse in New Jersey NEW JERSEY / Slide down the dunes at Marconi Beach in Wellfleet MASSACHUSETTS / Walk out the mudflats at sunset and low tide at Skaket Beach in Orleans MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Dunnottar Castle UNITED KINGDOM / Walk the pier at Pigeon Point TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Windsurf in Poole Harbour ENGLAND / Discover sandy creations at the Sand Sculpture Festival UKRAINE / Take a boat ride to the Hawar Islands BAHRAIN / Take a traditional boum and sambuk out to sea KUWAIT / See La Portada natural monument near Antofagasta CHILE / Tour the decks and go for a cruise on the Bluenose II CANADA / Haul in the lobster traps aboard a Shediac Bay cruise CANADA / See the open-air theatre at the Sidi Fredj peninsula ALGERIA / Spend the day at Mesilla Beach KUWAIT / Walk along the sandy stretches of Ocotal beach NICARAGUA / Surf on a Supertubes SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Kanthaya Beach MYANMAR / Watch the sunset behind wooden lenges in a Bandari village IRAN / Visit Svartisen NORWAY / Rent a surrey and ride it down the boardwalk in Wildwood NEW JERSEY / Boogie-board at Island Beach State Park NEW JERSEY / Kayak at Cape Henlopen DELAWARE / Sail on a yacht in Montenegro MONTENEGRO / Visit Southeast Lighthouse RHODE ISLAND / Visit Sun Bay (Vieques) PUERTO RICO / Kayak the islands of Ålesund NORWAY / Spend the day at the Grand Popo beach BENIN / Visit the Portland Observatory MAINE / Visit Hof HaCarmel Beach ISRAEL / Visit HaShaqet Beach ISRAEL / Spend the day at Cooper's Beach LIBERIA / Take in the wide sandy beaches and calm seas at Gugussum Beach ERITREA / Visit L'Anse aux Meadows CANADA / Visit Elmhurst Beach CANADA / Visit Pacific Rim National Park CANADA / Visit Holland Harbor Light, Ottawa County MICHIGAN / Visit Cape Florida Light, Key Biscayne FLORIDA / Visit Tombua ANGOLA / Play Golf at Torrey Pines CALIFORNIA / Try Ocean Kayaking / Paddle the Scottish Sea Kayak Trail SCOTLAND / Visit Cape Lookout Lighthouse, Core Banks NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Yaquina Bay Light, Newport OREGON / 🗼 Visit White Shoal Light, Emmet County MICHIGAN / 🦞 Take a lobster boat tour in Kennebunkport MAINE / Cruise across Lake Michigan on the S.S. Badger MICHIGAN / Visit Garnish Island IRELAND / Visit the La Serena Lighthouse CHILE / Take a boat tour of the Ballestas Islands PERU / Go surfing in Florianopolis BRAZIL / Visit Point Loma's Cabrillo National Monument CALIFORNIA / Surf around the Basque village of Mundaka SPAIN / Visit the Point Reyes Lighthouse CALIFORNIA / Witness a Yatch race and regatta in Tyrell Bay on Carriacou GRENADA /