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🐳 Go whale watching / 🌴 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / 🌴 Visit the Amazon Rainforest BRAZIL / 🦜 Explore the Amazon Rain Forest / 🌺 Visit a botanical garden / 🐼 Visit a Panda breeding facilty in China / 🐢 See Costa Rica's Turtles and Birdlife COSTA RICA / 🐋 Go whale-watching / 🌲 Visit Redwood National and State Parks CALIFORNIA / Volunteer at the zoo / 🌳 Visit El Yunque National Forest PUERTO RICO / Visit the Amazon Rain Forest / 🐊 See the Everglades FLORIDA / Volunteer for Earth Day / Visit the National Aquarium in Baltimore MARYLAND / See a Galapagos giant tortoise in person ECUADOR / Visit a bat sanctuary / See the Eden Project in Cornwall ENGLAND / Explore the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / Explore a rain forest / Visit the Everglades FLORIDA / Visit all 58 US National Parks / Volunteer on Earth Day / Witness the Kasanka bat migration ZAMBIA / Visit Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve MEXICO / 🏞️ Visit Katmai National Park ALASKA / Hug a koala / 🏞️ Visit North Cascades National Park WASHINGTON / Explore the Metro Toronto Zoo CANADA / Visit the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries CHINA / 🐟 See the salmon run in Alaska ALASKA / Volunteer with an environmental conservation non-profit organisation / Visit the source of one of the world's great rivers / Visit Macquarie Island AUSTRALIA / Visit the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument HAWAII / Visit the Flint Hills Tall Grass Prairie (National Preserve) KANSAS / Participate in the Earth Day Event ENGLAND / Visit the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Borneo MALAYSIA / Visit the World Center for Birds of Prey IDAHO / Visit Area de Conservacion Guanacaste COSTA RICA / Treetop Walking in Lamington National Park AUSTRALIA / Visit Shelburne Farms VERMONT / Visit Gandoca Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge COSTA RICA / 🦜 Visit Zealandia NEW ZEALAND / Explore the Koroyanitu National Heritage Park FIJI / Visit the National Mississippi River Museum IOWA / 🌳 Do a zipline canopy ecotour at Rincon de la Vieja National Park COSTA RICA / See baby turtles swim to the sea at the Tortuguero National Park COSTA RICA / Wade in a Cranberry Bog / Explore Danube-Auen National Park AUSTRIA / Swamp Tromp in Big Cypress National Preserve FLORIDA / Dive Florida's Freshwater Caves FLORIDA / Visit Mississippi Museum of Natural Science MISSISSIPPI / Walk the rainforest boardwalk suspended in the canopy of the Forest Research Institute MALAYSIA / Go to the Monarch Butterfly Reserve MEXICO / See the salmon run / Feed a giant tortoise at Prison Island TANZANIA / Hug a panda / Visit the Muttart Conservatory CANADA / Spot monarch butterflies at the Point Pelee National Park CANADA / Wash an elephant / Visit the Khama Rhino Sanctuary BOTSWANA / Explore the salt marshes and sheltered lagoons at Kouchibouguac National Park CANADA / Explore the Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary BELIZE / Go Turtle watching at the Ras Al Jinz Scientific and Visitor's Centre OMAN / Visit Oostvaardersplassen nature reserve NETHERLANDS / Visit the Monteverde Cloud Forest (Bosque Nuboso Monteverde) COSTA RICA / Visit Sable Island CANADA / Explore Daintree Rainforest AUSTRALIA / See sea turtle eggs hatch / Visit Seychelles National Botanical Gardens SEYCHELLES / Visit the Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium WASHINGTON, D.C. / Discover nature at the San Ignacio Botanical Gardens BELIZE / Watch for flying foxes in the Tafua Peninsula Rainforest Preserve SAMOA / Go on a guided rainforest walk into the Amazon BOLIVIA / Visit the Al Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve LEBANON / Visit the London Wetland Centre ENGLAND / Visit Manas Wildlife Sanctuary INDIA / Visit the Madras Crocodile Bank near Mahabalipuram INDIA / Visit the UNESCO biosphere reserve island of Menorca SPAIN / Support conservation activities by running the high altitude Lewa Marathon KENYA / Volunteer with an environmental organization / Visit the California Academy of Sciences CALIFORNIA / Visit the Houston Arboretum TEXAS / Visit Miguasha National Park CANADA / Explore the Frigate Bird Sanctuary in Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge TEXAS / See the flood plains of the Mary River wetlands AUSTRALIA / Watch Paslama turtles come ashore to lay eggs in the Rio Escalante-Chacocente Wildlife Refuge NICARAGUA / Visit Healesville Sanctuary AUSTRALIA / Visit the Asa Wright Nature Centre TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit Bruce Peninsula National Park CANADA / Visit Galapagos National Park ECUADOR / Visit Maya Biosphere Reserve GUATEMALA / See giant pandas in Sichuan province CHINA / Visit Vogelpark Avifauna NETHERLANDS / Visit Patuxent Research Refuge MARYLAND / Visit the Wind Animal Sanctuary COLORADO / Visit the Austin Nature and Science Center TEXAS / Visit Mosquito Bay (Bioluminescent Bay) PUERTO RICO / Spot a rare flying fox at Kolovai TONGA / Visit the Dauphin Island Bird Sanctuary ALABAMA / Explore Andros and its creeks, forests and mangroves BAHAMAS / Watch sperm whales, pilot and pygmy whales around the Dominican coast DOMINICA / Visit a sloth sanctuary / Visit Western Plains Zoo AUSTRALIA / Visit Los Katios National Park COLOMBIA / Visit Jaú National Park BRAZIL / See Devonian fossils at Miguasha Park CANADA / Go on a bird watching trip to Latvia's wetlands LATVIA / Scout for tigers while riding an elephant at the Corbett Tiger Reserve INDIA / Hop on a boat and explore the Ranganatittu Bird Sanctuary near Mysore INDIA / Visit Slimbridge ENGLAND / Go wildlife-spotting in the Rocky Mountains Parks World Heritage Site CANADA / See the forest ecotourism projects at rainforest sites around the country UGANDA / Visit Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve HONDURAS / Give an elephant a bath / Visit the Morton Arboretum ILLINOIS / Tour the Makasutu Culture Forest THE GAMBIA / Visit the Azraq Wetlands JORDAN / Go bird-watching in the La Sagesse Nature Reserve GRENADA / Go on a safari in the Ulu Temburong National Park BRUNEI / Visit Curonian Spit National Nature Museum LITHUANIA / Visit the Waterberg Plateau Park NAMIBIA / Spot wildlife in the Borjami-Kharagauli National Park GEORGIA / Visit the Zimbabwe National Botanic Gardens ZIMBABWE / Visit Parque Fray Jorge CHILE / Explore the rainforests and jungles of the Templar Park MALAYSIA / Attend the Monte Vista Crane Festival COLORADO / Visit the Missouri Botanical Garden MISSOURI / Visit Flathead National Wild and Scenic River MONTANA / Visit Willamette National Forest OREGON / Visit Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary AUSTRALIA / Visit the Zoo d'Amneville FRANCE / Visit the Devonian Botanic Garden CANADA / 🐻 Visit the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge ALASKA / Visit the Naturalis Biodiversity Center NETHERLANDS / Visit the Monarch butterfly roosts MEXICO / Visit Kosciuszko National Park AUSTRALIA / Air boat across an alligator infested swamp / Visit the Schlitz Audobon Nature Center WISCONSIN / Visit Theodore Roosevelt Island WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Sundarbans National Park INDIA / Visit 10 Woodland Trust sites UNITED KINGDOM / Take a tour of the Valdivian Rainforest CHILE / Go whale watching in Peninsula Valdes ARGENTINA / 🌳 Visit the Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve ECUADOR / Go on a wildlife safari in Madidi National Park BOLIVIA / 🐢 Visit Parc des Reptiles BURUNDI / Visit the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew ENGLAND / Visit Orlando Wetlands Park FLORIDA / Hug a Chimp / Visit Akin Conservation Easement KANSAS / Visit Baker Wetlands KANSAS / Visit the Seacrest Wolf Preserve FLORIDA / Visit a bog in New Hampshire NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit Amacayacu National Park COLOMBIA / Visit a wildlife rescue center / Visit the Endangered Wolf Center MISSOURI / Visit Zoo Miami FLORIDA / Visit Serenity Springs Wildlife Center COLORADO / Visit Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens MASSACHUSETTS / Visit St Aidan's RSPB reserve ENGLAND / Visit Baltimore's Conservatory MARYLAND / Complete the 30x30 Nature Challenge / Explore Parque Nacional Cahuinari COLOMBIA / Learn to identify poisonousness and edible plants in the wild / Visit Longmire, Paradise, Carbon/Mowich, Sunrise, and Ohanapecosh at Mount Rainier National Park WASHINGTON / Visit the Belle Isle Aquarium MICHIGAN / Visit Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge NORTH DAKOTA / Visit the International Crane Foundation WISCONSIN / Visit the Blue Hills Trailside Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Great Plains Nature Center KANSAS / Visit Wildlife Gardens LOUISIANA / Attend the Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird Festival DELAWARE / Visit the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary SIERRA LEONE / Visit the Owabi Forest Reserve and Bird Sanctuary GHANA / Explore the salt marshes of the Songow Lagoon GHANA / Visit the Marromeu National Park MOZAMBIQUE / Visit the Mokolodi Nature Reserve BOTSWANA / Explore the Pulau Selirong mangrove BRUNEI / Camp in Kissama National Park ANGOLA / Visit Pingüino de Humboldt National Park CHILE / Hike the walking trails at the Forest Research Institute MALAYSIA / Go hiking in the Parc Macaya National Park HAITI / Spot wildlife in the Bao Bolong Wetland Reserve THE GAMBIA / Attend the Birds of Prey Festival KYRGYZSTAN / Visit Wildlife Prairie State Park ILLINOIS / Spot wildlife at Matsalu Nature Reserve ESTONIA / Visit the Cordillera de Talamanca and La Amistad National Parks PANAMA / Visit Emas National Park BRAZIL / Bird-watch at the Prespa Lakes in Macedonia GREECE / Harvest seaweed with the locals in the tidal flats of Bwejuu TANZANIA / Cycle through the nature trails at Białowieża National Park POLAND / Get close to nature in Welchman Hall Gully's BARBADOS / Explore the Kalinzu Forest Reserve UGANDA / Spend the day with rescued Chimpanzees at Calabar NIGERIA / Go birdwatching in the Rajendrapur National Park and Game Sanctuary BANGLADESH / Explore the rainforests at Reserva de la Biosfera Los Tuxtlas MEXICO / Discover the equatorial forest surrounding Lake Ma Vallee DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Go on a ecotour at Hlawga National Park MYANMAR / Take a boat trip along the winding canals of the Cuero y Salado Wildlife Refuge HONDURAS / Go bird-watching in Slavonia's Kopački Rit Nature Park CROATIA / Discover wildlife at the Mouragues Nature Reserve FRENCH GUIANA / Visit the Mudumu and Mamili National Parks NAMIBIA / Spot indigenous flora and fauna in the Stanca-Jeloboc forest MOLDOVA / Visit Munda Wanga Environmental Park ZAMBIA / Visit the Lagodechi National Park and Nature Reserve GEORGIA / Go birdwatching in the Hortobagy National Park HUNGARY / Visit the Mukuvisi Woodlands ZIMBABWE / See the wetlands of Caño Negro COSTA RICA / See the Upsala glacier ARGENTINA / Hike in the Mombacho Volcano Natural Reserve NICARAGUA / Look for wildlife at the Indio Maiz Biological Reserve NICARAGUA / Explore the Al-Areen Wildlife Park & Reserve BAHRAIN / Explore Korup National Park CAMEROON / Explore the 'W' National Park BENIN / Visit the Gamboa Tropical Rainforest Reserve PANAMA / Discover wildlife at the Bia National Park GHANA / Visit the Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary GHANA / Visit the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary SIERRA LEONE / Visit Obo National Park SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE / Visit Langue de Barbarie National Park SENEGAL / Visit the Kisanto Botanical Gardens DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / See the elephant seals during mating season at Ano Nuevo Park CALIFORNIA / Visit the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science MISSISSIPPI / Visit Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve KANSAS / Visit Rend Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area ILLINOIS / Visit Mesker Park Zoo INDIANA / Visit the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden IOWA / Visit the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum VERMONT / Visit Chimpanzee Eden SWAZILAND / Visit Reedy Creek Nature Preserve NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Pacific Spirit Regional Park CANADA / Visit Wildcat Bluff Nature Preserve TEXAS / Visit the Baiyer River Wildlife Sanctuary PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Visit Wau Ecology Institute PAPUA NEW GUINEA / Explore the Shaw Nature Reserve MISSOURI / Visit the World Bird Sanctuary MISSOURI / Visit Reserva Faunistica Peninsula Valdes ARGENTINA / Visit the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Complex ALABAMA / Visit Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge ALABAMA / Visit Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge KENTUCKY / Visit the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge MICHIGAN / Visit Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge ILLINOIS / Witness the migration of waterfowl along the Mississippi Flyway at Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge ARKANSAS / Visit LLELA TEXAS / Visit the Baker Wetlands in Lawrence KANSAS / Visit the Real Jardin Botanico MADRID / Visit Hawk Mountain PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Walthamstow Wetlands Centre LONDON / Visit Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge TEXAS / Visit Rockefeller Greenhouse OHIO / Go birdwatching in the Esteros del Ibera wetlands ARGENTINA / Visit Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge DELAWARE / 🤿 Swim the snorkel trail in Kimmeridge Bay ENGLAND / Visit McNabs Island CANADA / Visit Doñana National Park SPAIN / Visit the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum PHILADELPHIA / Visit Kinabalu National Park MALAYSIA / Spend time in the Amazon Rainforest / Visit Steve Irwin's zoo in Australia / See pandas in the wild / Visit the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve MEXICO / Visit the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center WISCONSIN / Visit the Audubon Nature Center COLORADO / Visit Glacier Bay Basin ALASKA / Explore the everglades / Visit Guadarrama National Park SPAIN / Visit Monfragüe National Park SPAIN / Visit Tablas de Daimiel National Park SPAIN / Explore the shipwrecks of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary MICHIGAN / Visit the Tambopata National Reserve PERU / Visit the Chimborazo Wildlife Reserve ECUADOR / Visit Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge RHODE ISLAND / Visit Lost Lagoon Nature House CANADA / Attend the Alaska Bald Eagle Festival ALASKA / Attend the Festival of the Cranes in Socorro NEW MEXICO / Visit Galibi Nature Reserve SURINAME / Visit Saloum Delta National Park SENEGAL / Visit Mantenga Nature Reserve SWAZILAND / Visit Guelta Zemmour WESTERN SAHARA / Go birdwatching around Lake Uvs Nuur MONGOLIA / Visit Cache River State Natural Area ILLINOIS / Attend the Horseshoe Crab and Shorebird Festival DELAWARE / Explore the Bailusheva pine forests BULGARIA / Explore the mangroves of the Damas COSTA RICA /