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🚙 Go on a road trip / 🎲 Go to Las Vegas NEVADA / 👭 Go on holiday with friends / Drink from a coconut / Take a train somewhere / 🎉 Spend New Year's Eve in another country / Stay at a bed & breakfast / Visit a new state / Take a trip on a train / Visit a new city / Send my parents on a vacation / Make a list of cities I want to visit / Take a road trip with friends / Stay at a Bed and Breakfast / 🌴 Spend New Year's Eve in an exotic location / Take my Mom on the trip of her choice / Go to Mexico / Visit a state I've never been to / Stay in a bed and breakfast / Stay at a B&B / Visit 5 new cities / Spend an afternoon reading at a park / Spend an entire day reading by the ocean / Go on an unplanned flight / Go on a train trip / Take a trip to Vegas / Visit a friend out of state / Go to Prague / Visit 3 new cities / Go on a day trip to a nearby state / 🕌 Visit Alhambra palace SPAIN / Visit another state / Spend a weekend in a cabin / Go to the Bahamas / Visit a state I have never been to / 🌴 Visit the Bahamas / Take a trip by train / Visit Warsaw POLAND / Spend New Year's Eve in a different State / Go on a weekend road trip / Visit a city I've never been to / Travel out of state / Take a vacation to somewhere new / Visit at least 5 different cities / Go to Martha's Vineyard / Go to Vegas for my 21st birthday / Take a vacation to anywhere / Sleep in a hammock on a beach / See the sunrise on the beach / Visit Rabat MOROCCO / Drink a pina colada while getting caught in the rain / Visit Eureka Springs ARKANSAS / Visit Cartmel ENGLAND / Visit Brecon Beacons WALES / Take a cruise to Belize / Spend the day at Zandvoort beach in Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Visit Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Visit the Hamptons NEW YORK / Visit the Stanley Hotel COLORADO / Visit the Grand Casino in Monte Carlo MONACO / Visit Mornington Peninsula Hot Springs AUSTRALIA / Visit the Walled City of Baku AZERBAIJAN / Visit the Grand Bahama Island BAHAMAS / Visit Guadalupe MEXICO / Arrange for a day trip to Phi Phi Island THAILAND / Unwind in the golden sands of Koukounaries on Skiathos GREECE / Take a vacation to Ireland / Visit Albania / Take a vacation to the Carribean / Take a vacation to the Caribbean / Soak up the sun at the seaside resort of Scheveningen outside The Hague NETHERLANDS / Spend the weekend at a cabin in the woods / Visit the Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka Springs ARKANSAS / Visit Kerry IRELAND / Visit the Bellagio Hotel and Casino NEVADA / Take a vacation to anywhere! / 🏖️ Sunbathe at Kuta Beach INDONESIA / Visit Schiermonnikoog NETHERLANDS / Visit a country in Europe / Visit Fire Island NEW YORK / Visit Leavenworth WASHINGTON / Take a vacation to anywhere but here! / Take a vacation to Mexico / Go to Lisbon / Bathe in the Pedas Hot Springs MALAYSIA / Have a spontaneous weekend away / Spend New Year's in an exotic location / Spend a night in a hotel for no reason / 🏙️ Visit Tegucigalpa HONDURAS / 🏖️ Relax on sandy stretches of Agadir MOROCCO / Take a vacation to somewhere warm / Take a vacation to anywhere on a cruise ship / Visit Spokane WASHINGTON / Take a vacation to Germany / Visit Half Moon Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit West Baden Springs Hotel INDIANA / Visit Gramado BRAZIL / Take a ferry to Comino MALTA / Visit Garzon URUGUAY / Visit the Venetian Macau MACAU / Visit Segovia SPAIN / Sunbathe at the Grand Anse beach GRENADA / Visit the Seven Wonders of Portugal PORTUGAL / Take a vacation to Boston / Take a vacation to a different state / Fly to the tropical islands of San Andres COLOMBIA / Go on a spontaneous day trip / Take a vacation to Chicago / Visit the Finger Lakes NEW YORK / Take a vacation to Las Vegas / Visit Asuncion PARAGUAY / Go horseriding on the beach / Stay at a beach house / Swim at a beach after midnight / Spend a weekend in Vegas / Spend the day at the beaches of Sana Maria CUBA / Take a vacation to an island / Spend the weekend at Haapsalu resort town ESTONIA / Relax in the forest town of Dilijan ARMENIA / Visit St Kitts SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit the Terme di Saturnia ITALY / Drink champagne in a jacuzzi / Visit the Delano Hotel at Miami Beach FLORIDA / Visit Ávila SPAIN / Visit Staniel Cay BAHAMAS / Visit Leitrim IRELAND / Visit Thunder Bay CANADA / Visit Osborne House UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Wilhelminenberg AUSTRIA / Visit Erlangen GERMANY / Spend the weekend at Le Voile de la Mariee GUINEA / Spend the day at the Bouni Beach COMOROS / Spend the weekend in the Casa de Campo resort DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Sunbathe in Monotapu beach TONGA / Relax in the Riviera Beach Lodge in Beirut LEBANON / Spend the weekend at the Cerro Punta mountain resort PANAMA / Spend the day at Mamaia Beach ROMANIA / Visit a friend in a different city / Attend a beach party at Varadero CUBA / Go to Dallas / Soak up the sun at Playas del Este near Havana CUBA / Visit Tubac ARIZONA / Laze in the sun at Malugane beach MOZAMBIQUE / Sunbathe in the Oarsman's Bay Beach in Yasawas FIJI / Spend a couple of days in Managua NICARAGUA / Relax on the beaches of the coastal resort of Latakia SYRIA / Lounge all day on the Doctor's Cave Beach JAMAICA / Catch a sunrise at the Itsandra Beach COMOROS / Spend the day at Dorale beach DJIBOUTI / Visit Sarai-Batu RUSSIA / Visit all the places in the song "Kokomo" by Beach Boys / Sleep on a sailboat for a night / Visit Cuenca ECUADOR / Lay in a cabana in Riviera Maya MEXICO / Visit PortAventura SPAIN / Visit Prince Edward County CANADA / Take a vacation to somewhere sunny / Visit Oranjestad ARUBA / Visit KeyLime Cove Indoor Waterpark Resort ILLINOIS / Visit Orangeville CANADA / Visit Puebla MEXICO / Visit Nayarit MEXICO / Visit El-Jem TUNISIA / Visit Vashon WASHINGTON / Visit Mena ARKANSAS / Visit Umm al Quwain UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Necker Island BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS / Visit Northern Arkansas ARKANSAS / Visit Goulburn AUSTRALIA / Visit Belem BRAZIL / Visit Niagara CANADA / Visit Oshawa CANADA / Visit Barrie CANADA / Visit Savate ANGOLA / Visit Saint Peter BARBADOS / Visit Orsha BELARUS / Visit Goris ARMENIA / Visit Şəki AZERBAIJAN / Visit Clare Hall ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Cedar Grove ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Tagaytay PHILIPPINES / Visit Ajman UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Visit Aurora COLORADO / Visit Cinco Picos PHILIPPINES / Visit Pachuca MEXICO / Visit Northern Cyprus / Visit Białowieża Forest POLAND / Visit Tulsa OKLAHOMA / Visit Victoriaville CANADA / Visit Kalahari Indoor Waterpark WISCONSIN / Visit Fall Creek Falls State Park TENNESSEE / Visit Cuttyhunk MASSACHUSETTS / Relax at Anibore Bay NAURU / Sleep in a tree house at Maple Tree Camp in Rohrersville MARYLAND / Visit North Conway NEW HAMPSHIRE / Visit Becket MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Buccament Bay SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Visit Black Point Historic and Recreation Park SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Go on a holiday with my sister / Trip to a warm place / Visit Vila ANDORRA / Visit Cacuso ANGOLA / Visit Calonda ANGOLA / Visit Calucinga ANGOLA / Visit El Pas de la Casa ANDORRA / Visit Biula ANGOLA / Visit Camaxilo ANGOLA / Visit Chissamba ANGOLA / Visit Luxilo ANGOLA / Visit the picturesque village of Raubichi BELARUS / Go partying at a resort in the Mamanuca Group FIJI / Holiday in Barbados / Sun-bathe in Wimbe beach in Pemba MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Nuku'alofa TONGA / Relax in Parque Morazan COSTA RICA / Explore the President's Palace in Panama City PANAMA / See the Great Hamam in Rhodes GREECE / Visit Boise IDAHO / Visit the Scilly Isles ENGLAND / Visit Santa Clarita CALIFORNIA / Go on a road trip that lasts at least a week / Visit Ithaca GREECE / Visit Port Fairy AUSTRALIA / ☀️ Visit Hermosillo MEXICO / Bask in the sun at Congo's outlet to the sea in Pointe-Noire REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO / Soak up the sun in Maung-ma-ga Beach MYANMAR / Unwind on Enterprise Beach BARBADOS / Sunbathe in El Coco beach NICARAGUA / Visit Kenscoff HAITI / Lounge around in the Kuala Belait Beach BRUNEI / Lounge in the Khor-Ambado beach DJIBOUTI / Visit Soarta, an Alpine-style village BOLIVIA / Witness the magnificent scenery of Palmeirinhas beach ANGOLA / Spend the day at the Zula Bay Beaches ERITREA / Lounge in the sun at Almond Beach GUYANA / Visit Malembo ANGOLA / Visit Ekunha ANGOLA / Visit Cambambe ANGOLA / Visit Capenda Camulemba ANGOLA / Visit Caboledo ANGOLA / Visit Camacupa ANGOLA / Visit Medea ALGERIA / Visit Bousaada ALGERIA / Visit Ransol ANDORRA / Visit Ansalonga ANDORRA / Visit Arcalis ANDORRA / Visit La Cortinada ANDORRA / Visit Anyos ANDORRA / Visit Arinsal ANDORRA / Visit Escàs ANDORRA / Visit Mas de Ribafeta ANDORRA / Visit Santa Coloma ANDORRA / Visit Aixàs ANDORRA / Visit Bixessarri ANDORRA / Visit Canolich ANDORRA / Visit Certers ANDORRA / Visit Engolasters ANDORRA / Visit La Massana ANDORRA / Visit The Valley ANGUILLA / Take a vacation to a Civil War battle ground / Lounge in Kartong Beach THE GAMBIA / Visit Casa Pueblo URUGUAY / Visit Funafala Islet TUVALU / Attend the Newport Winter Festival RHODE ISLAND / Take a Galena Trolley Tour ILLINOIS / Visit ChocolateTown Square PENNSYLVANIA / Visit Blennerhassett Island WEST VIRGINIA / Visit Sorel-Tracy CANADA / Visit Midland CANADA / Visit Lloydminster CANADA / Visit Prescott ARIZONA / Visit Henderson NEVADA / Visit Puebla City MEXICO / Visit Cancún MEXICO / 🏨 Enjoy a sunset cocktail at the iconic Hotel Nacional de Cuba CUBA / Visit San Bernardino CALIFORNIA / Visit Jennings ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Liberta ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Old Road ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Pigotts ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Swetes ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Dilijan ARMENIA / Visit Benalla AUSTRALIA / Visit Melton AUSTRALIA / Visit Hallein AUSTRIA / Visit Traiskirchen AUSTRIA / Visit Braunau am Inn AUSTRIA / Visit Neunkirchen AUSTRIA / Visit Hollabrunn AUSTRIA / Visit High Rock BAHAMAS / Visit Rock Sound BAHAMAS / Visit Pirates Well BAHAMAS / Visit Port Nelson BAHAMAS / Visit Sanabis BAHRAIN / Visit Mahooz BAHRAIN / Visit Jermuk ARMENIA / Visit Maralik ARMENIA / Visit Talin ARMENIA / Visit All Saints ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Kuala Belait BRUNEI /