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🎭 Go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Have a Christmas tree / Host a holiday dinner / 💀 Experience the Day of the Dead in Mexico MEXICO / Go to Oktoberfest in Munich GERMANY / Have a Christmas movie night / Read a book set during Christmas / 🎄 Have a real Christmas tree / Throw tomatoes at strangers in the La Tomatina Festival in Bunol, Valencia SPAIN / Go to Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade / Go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade / Stroll through the Christkindlmarkt (Christmas Market) AUSTRIA / Attend a unique small-town event / 💋 Hang a mistletoe on my door / 🇳🇱 Participate in the Queen's Day Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / 🐂 Run with the bulls at the Festival of San Fermin in Pamplona SPAIN / Go to an outdoor music festival / 🎅🏼 See the Parade of Saint Nicholas NETHERLANDS / Celebrate St. Patrick's day in an Irish Pub every year / Attend a Cherry Blossom party JAPAN / Host a Christmas karaoke night / See fireworks over the Golden Gate Bridge SAN FRANCISCO / Experience the Yi Peng Lantern Festival THAILAND / Shop at the Christmas Markets in the small alleyways of a French town FRANCE / Attend the Salvador de Bahia Carnival BRAZIL / Attend the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade NEW YORK / Be part of a Chinese Spring Festival CHINA / 🎉 Participate in the Kings's Day Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Taste a glass of glühwein (mulled wine) at the Christkindlmarkt AUSTRIA / Spend New Year's Eve in London / 🐲 Attend the Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong HONG KONG / Attend the Rose Parade CALIFORNIA / Attend the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta ENGLAND / See the lighting of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree NEW YORK / Participate in the Nice Carnival FRANCE / Attend a pig roast / Participate in the World's Greatest Pub Fest in Australia AUSTRALIA / Assist in the Venetian 'Great Carnival' ITALY / Participate in the Water Splashing Festival CHINA / Fill my room with balloons / Attend the traditional French Pig Festival of La pourcailhade FRANCE / Attend The Cork Festival, a St. Patrick's Day event IRELAND / Celebrate Christmas season by attending the Cracow Christmas Festival POLAND / Ice-skate in open air at the Plaisirs d'Hiver festival BELGIUM / Attend the Limerick Christmas Racing Festival IRELAND / Attend the City of Aberdeen Hogmanay Street Party SCOTLAND / Join in the Ganesha Chaturthi festivities in Mumbai INDIA / Go to the Boise Music Festival IDAHO / Attend the Venezuelan Carnaval VENEZUELA / Participate in the Apokries Carnival GREECE / Attend the La Feria de Abril at Seville SPAIN / Visit Strasbourg Christmas Market FRANCE / Visit Budapest Christmas Market HUNGARY / Celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr in Zanzibar TANZANIA / Stroll through the malls and markets during the annual Malaysian Shopping Festival MALAYSIA / Attend an art and food fiesta in San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / Attend the Qinghai Folk Song Festival CHINA / Attend the Bacanal del Gnoco (Verona Carnival) ITALY / Celebrate New Year's Eve in a foreign country / Participate in the Water Festival CAMBODIA / Visit the Denver Botanical Gardens Trail of Lights COLORADO / Attend the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival CHINA / Attend the Portugal Day Festival NEW JERSEY / Attend the Oktoberfest in Windhoek NAMIBIA / Take part in an Eid al-Fitr feast AFGHANISTAN / Attend the Gasytsara Modern Music Festival MADAGASCAR / Attend the Sarajevo Film Festival BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Participate in the Fiesta de Paucartambo PERU / Welcome the Islamic New Year with the locals BAHRAIN / Enjoy the parade during La Griteria festival NICARAGUA / Party at the Ukrainian Festival in Dauphin CANADA / Attend the Eid al-Watani Parade BAHRAIN / Celebrate the Malay version of the Chinese New Year at Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA / Celebrate Easter in San Fernando PHILIPPINES / Attend the big April Fool's Day street parade UKRAINE / Participate in the Fiesta de San Isidro SPAIN / Attend the Winterfoor Funfair BELGIUM / Attend Pi Mai Lao (Lao New Year) LAOS / Attend the Spanish Fork Festival of Lights UTAH / Attend the Dorchester St. Patrick's Day Parade MASSACHUSETTS / Attend Lake Bled Candle Festival SLOVENIA / Visit the Richmond Night Market CANADA / Visit the Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree HONG KONG / Attend the Christmas Eve 'Pas del Niño' parade in Cuenca ECUADOR / Attend Epcot International Food and Wine Festival FLORIDA / Attend Festa de São João PORTUGAL / Go To Octoberfest in Munich GERMANY / Attend the Camel Cup in Alice Springs AUSTRALIA / Attend Junkanoo BAHAMAS / Participate in the King's Day (Koningsdag) Celebrations in Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Attend the Qingming Festival in Macau MACAU / Attend the Macao International Dragon Boat Festival MACAU / Visit a tree-lighting ceremony / Watch 'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving' / Experience New Year's Eve in Times Square NEW YORK / Drink mulled wine at a European Christmas market / Watch the New Year's Eve fireworks at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris FRANCE / Go to the Lampioanelor Flying Lantern Festival in Taiwan TAIWAN / Spend Christmas, with my family, in a Cabin, in the snow in the mountains / Attend the International Mariachi Festival MEXICO / Attend the Annual Lights of the Ozarks Festival ARKANSAS / Attend the Saint Paul Winter Carnival MINNESOTA / Attend the Nalut Spring Festival LIBYA / Attend Eid-Ul-Fitr MAURITIUS / Participate in the Gamlarskvold, New Year's Eve celebrations ICELAND / Attend the Salzburg New Year's Concert AUSTRIA / Attend the Jikinya Dance Festival ZIMBABWE / Attend the Nalawan Festival VANUATU / Celebrate the Nyem-Nyem Festival with the locals CAMEROON / Immerse yourself in the celebrations of the colourful Vel Festival SRI LANKA / Attend a New Year's Beach Party in Inchaca MOZAMBIQUE / Celebrate Liberation Day in Saigon VIETNAM / Cheer on your favourite team at the Festival Flamenco SPAIN / Celebrate Poland's national dish at the three day fête Pierogi Festival POLAND / Visit Belen during the Easter week COLOMBIA / Take to the street with the locals during the Conmemoracion de la Revolucion de 1944 GUATEMALA / Celebrate the Puja Umur (Sultan's Birthday) with the locals MALAYSIA / Participate in the Independence Day celebrations HAITI / Attend the winter carnival in Punta Arenas CHILE / Celebrate Greenland's National Day with the locals GREENLAND / Attend the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Experience Oktoberfest in Germany / Celebrate the Burmese New Year at the Maha Thingyan Festival MYANMAR / Attend the Thihoshin Pagoda Festival MYANMAR / Attend the Dawei Thingyan MYANMAR / Attend La Carlota's street party - Kabankalong Sinulog PHILIPPINES / Participate in the New Years Eve Pahela Baishak celebrations in Dhaka BANGLADESH / Stroll through the Bolsa de Natal, Christmas market PORTUGAL / Participate in the Carnival de Binche BELGIUM / Watch fireworks go off in Kuwait City during National Day KUWAIT / See the marching bands and parades the Bula Festival FIJI / Join the town in celebrating the festival of El Sagrado Corazon de Jesus GUATEMALA / Attend the Our Lady of Begoña Festival SPAIN / Watch the Chon Buri Buffalo Races THAILAND / Attend the Moya International Music Festival MOZAMBIQUE / Attend the Alfredo de Saint Malo Music Festival PANAMA / Attend the Independence Day festivities CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Welcome the New Year at the Nau Roz festival in Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Attend the Rato Machhendranath chariot festival NEPAL / Attend the Festival National des Arts et de la Culture (FENAC) CAMEROON / Participate in the Winter Festival in Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Join in the street party at the annual Bolivian Carnival BOLIVIA / Participate in street processions during the Junkanoo festivities BAHAMAS / Attend That Luang Festival LAOS / Celebrate St Mary's Day in Hetta, an old Sami tradition FINLAND / Attend the Louisiana Peach Festival in Ruston LOUISIANA / Visit Whipkey Tree Farm WEST VIRGINIA / Savour a plate of buuz during the Tsaagan Sar (New Year) Festival MONGOLIA / Attend the Connecticut Irish Festival CONNECTICUT / Attend the Stowe Winter Carnival VERMONT / Go to the balloon festival in Boise IDAHO / Attend the Oklahoma Festival of Light OKLAHOMA / Attend Saborea! PUERTO RICO / Attend Eid Al-Adha (Feast Of Sacrifice) SURINAME / Attend the Kurentovanje Carnival SLOVENIA / Attend the Festival of the Tem in Central Togo TOGO / Attend the Gibraltar Music Festival GIBRALTAR / Attend Dinagyang Festival PHILIPPINES / Take part in the Songkran festival THAILAND / Experience Oktoberfest in Munich / Attend Altitude Comedy Festival AUSTRIA / Experience New Year's Eve in Havana CUBA / Spend Christmas in a snowy cabin / Attend the Macaroni and Cheese Festival in Bakersfield CALIFORNIA / Ice skate at Munich Ice Magic GERMANY / Attend the Epcot International Festival of the Holidays FLORIDA / Document a cultural festival in a foreign country / Attend a music festival in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Attend a traditional Bolivian wedding BOLIVIA / Experience the Hogmanay festival in Edinburgh SCOTLAND / Celebrate New Year's Eve on a beach in Bali INDONESIA / Cruise the Sydney Harbour during the New Year's Eve fireworks AUSTRALIA / Ring in the New Year at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Party at Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro for New Year's Eve BRAZIL / Celebrate New Year's Eve in Tokyo's Shibuya Crossing JAPAN / Enjoy a beach party in Goa for New Year's Eve INDIA /