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🚙 Go on a road trip / 🌍 Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / 🧭 Go Geocaching / 🚶♂️ Spend a day exploring my city / Visit 5 local restaurants I've never been to / Visit a state I've never been to before / Act like a tourist in my own town / Take a random road trip / Explore London on foot ENGLAND / Visit five local restaurants I've never been to / Spend a day exploring and photographing my neighborhood / Be a tourist in my own city / Visit/travel to a city in Europe I have never been to / Go to 5 new restaurants / Find 5 lesser known artists/bands to enjoy / Eat at five new restaurants / Organize a Scavenger Hunt around the city for my friends / Make a list of 1000 places I would like to visit in my lifetime / Visit Porto PORTUGAL / 🏰 Discover the bohemian quarters of Montmarte and the dome of Sacre-Coeur FRANCE / Go to 5 local restaurants I've never been to / 🚗 Drive the road to Hana HAWAII / Complete a photo scavenger hunt / Visit a state I have never been to / Try 5 new local restaurants / Try 10 new local restaurants / Visit a tourist attraction in my own town / Explore Edinburgh on foot SCOTLAND / Photograph local sights / Attend a unique small-town event / Visit Bucharest ROMANIA / Travel to state I've never been to / Stroll through the Southbank Book Market in London ENGLAND / Go to a new restaurant every month for a year / Find a Geocache in at least 5 states / Explore Chinatown / Take the Seattle Underground tour WASHINGTON / 🏜️ Hike Petra Through the Back Door JORDAN / Explore a new city / Relax in one of Fiji's hidden hot springs FIJI / Visit the Albanian Coast ALBANIA / Visit the Leake Street Graffiti Tunnel LONDON / Explore the Barri Gotic alleyways in Barcelona SPAIN / Go on a Banksy hunt in London LONDON / Explore the music scene in the alleyways of Paris FRANCE / Explore Melbourne's laneways AUSTRALIA / Stroll around the canals of Utrecht NETHERLANDS / Visit the Lost World Caverns VIRGINIA / See WWII bunkers on a tour of the Berliner Unterwelten GERMANY / Explore Sydney Harbour's Beaches AUSTRALIA / 🚗 Drive around the Ring of Kerry IRELAND / Visit Crystal Cave BERMUDA / Visit Brno CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit Sofia BULGARIA / Visit Tirana ALBANIA / Hike to Ciudad Perdida, the lost city COLOMBIA / Visit Nottingham ENGLAND / 🏰 Visit San Salvador EL SALVADOR / Discover charming historic quarters in Liège BELGIUM / Trawl Melbourne's laneways AUSTRALIA / Get lost in the alleyways of the great bazaar Khan al-Khalili EGYPT / Visit Uppsala SWEDEN / Explore the World War II tunnels under Dover Castle ENGLAND / Visit Albania / Discover the hidden oasis of the Jardin Majorelle at Djemaa MOROCCO / Visit Lost River Gorge and Boulder Caves NEW HAMPSHIRE / Discover the secret gardens, Biwon SOUTH KOREA / Stroll around the blue houses of Chefchaouen in the heart of the Rif Mountains MOROCCO / Explore the car-free cobbled back alleys of Rhodes' Old Town (UNESCO) GREECE / Take a stroll through the secluded Begijnhof garden NETHERLANDS / Explore markets and shops in the backstreets of Chinatown PHILIPPINES / 🔍 Make a list for a scavenger hunt / Find a new favorite film / Take a vacation to somewhere I never thought I would go / Visit Pristina KOSOVO / Visit the City of San Marino SAN MARINO / Take the Museum boat to witness many of Amsterdam's cultural attractions NETHERLANDS / Wander the cobblestone streets of Tallinn ESTONIA / Visit Puzzlewood ENGLAND / Visit Sheffield ENGLAND / Go underground on the Vatican Scavi Tour VATICAN CITY / Explore the steep staircases, hidden churches and traditional taverns of Alfama PORTUGAL / Visit Chişinău MOLDOVA / Visit Skopje NORTH MACEDONIA / Go on a road trip through France FRANCE / Visit the Paris Sewer Museum PARIS / Visit Turkmenistan / Visit Dorset ENGLAND / Visit Durham NORTH CAROLINA / Stroll through the alleyways of Coimbra, the university town PORTUGAL / Follow the Cockle Trail and discover local myths and legends ENGLAND / Visit Gramado BRAZIL / Travel to a state I haven't visited before / Discover deserted beaches in Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit the Paris Sewers Museum FRANCE / Visit Comino Island MALTA / Explore the traboules of Lyon FRANCE / Eat at the legendary Subterranean Chinese Restaurant under Plaza de España SPAIN / Discover Bucharest ROMANIA / See the Hidden Valley Falls BELIZE / Visit the Sassi di Matera ITALY / Eat a bowl of noodles at any 'dust cafe' VIETNAM / Take a dip in the swimming holes of Las Pozas in Xilitla MEXICO / Spend a day exploring and photographing my neighbourhood / Spend a day being a tourist in my own town / See the Puila Cave Pool SAMOA / Wander Trastervere in Rome ITALY / Discover lakes, waterfalls, grottoes and empty beaches at the Ile Sainte Marie MADAGASCAR / Get lost around the narrow cobbled streets and quaint houses of Plovdiv BULGARIA / Explore Zagreb CROATIA / Explore Eger HUNGARY / Visit Olomouc CZECH REPUBLIC / Tour the medieval tunnels and beer cellars beneath the PlzeÅ town centre CZECH REPUBLIC / Visit El Capricho park SPAIN / Visit São Tome das Letras BRAZIL / Visit Anglesey WALES / Visit Nancy Forrester's Secret Garden FLORIDA / Listen to 100 albums that I've not heard before / Visit Borth WALES / Visit Las Pozas MEXICO / Visit Perugia ITALY / Visit Tipperary IRELAND / Visit St Davids WALES / See the Vasari Corridor ITALY / Visit Haji Lane SINGAPORE / Attend the Secret Garden Party UNITED KINGDOM / Try the klappkak at Baklandet Skydsstation NORWAY / Find a new favourite music artist / Explore the hinterland's hidden reaches by a jeep safari tour DOMINICA / Explore the Iceri Seher AZERBAIJAN / Travel through a manmade tunnel at Devil's Throat Cave to see the underground waterfalls BULGARIA / Explore the Jeita Caverns LEBANON / Explore Banja Luka BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Explore the zig-zag alleyways of Algiers ALGERIA / Go geocaching in Kampala UGANDA / Explore the pastry houses and cocktail bars at Adliya BAHRAIN / Visit Tskhinvali SOUTH OSSETIA / Hire a Minsk 125cc and explore Ho Chi Minh VIETNAM / 🧚♀️ Visit Tumblestone Hollow ENGLAND / Visit Cartuesti Bookshop ROMANIA / Sleep in a former police lock-up in Erfurt GERMANY / Stroll down the side streets of Valle de Bravo MEXICO / Take a walking tour of Metro Manila PHILIPPINES / Visit Katowice POLAND / Visit Naypyidaw MYANMAR / Go on a geocaching adventure / Visit Asmara ERITREA / Visit Grodno BELARUS / Visit Voskopoja ALBANIA / Walk around the Neve Tzedek neighborhood in Tel Aviv ISRAEL / Explore Pristina KOSOVO / Visit Burnmouth SCOTLAND / Visit Crystal Onyx Cave KENTUCKY / Visit Begijnhof NETHERLANDS / Visit Louth IRELAND / Visit Westmeath IRELAND / Visit Nesso ITALY / Visit Monaghan IRELAND / Visit Roscommon IRELAND / Visit Grant Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Jackson Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Mackay AUSTRALIA / Visit Bihać BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Stouffville CANADA / Visit Fomboni COMOROS / Visit Siquijor PHILIPPINES / Visit Sequoyah Caverns ALABAMA / Visit Caffè San Marco ITALY / Visit Calakmul MEXICO / Visit Somers NEW YORK / Visit Welshpool WALES / Visit Corinaldo ITALY / Visit Bethnal Green LONDON / Visit Uku ANGOLA / Visit Bijeljina BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Goris ARMENIA / Visit Şəki AZERBAIJAN / Visit Yevlax AZERBAIJAN / Visit Mogilev BELARUS / Visit Baranovichi BELARUS / Visit Pinsk BELARUS / Visit Orsha BELARUS / Visit Poperechnoye RUSSIA / Visit Penns Cave PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Silo de Hortaleza SPAIN / Visit Dupont Underground WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Paddington Reservoir Gardens, Sydney AUSTRALIA / Visit Underfall Yard ENGLAND / Visit the Leake Street Graffiti Tunnel / Visit Leake Street LONDON / Explore Chor Bazaar INDIA / Hunt for treasure on the beach / Visit the historic city of Cochabamba BOLIVIA / Visit Zoetrope Whisky Bar in Tokyo JAPAN / Visit the Secret Caverns NEW YORK / 🏰 Visit Sopron HUNGARY / Visit the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum MALTA / Visit Tyrone UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Laois IRELAND / Visit as many places as possible on my Diners, Drive-ins and Dives List / Explore the Underground Cenotes in Mexico / Go to a city I've never heard of before / Visit Mystery Pier Books CALIFORNIA / Visit Torquay, Devon UNITED KINGDOM / Wander the Trastevere neighborhood in Rome ITALY / Take a tour of the Vasari Corridor ITALY / 🕵️♀️ Visit Portland's Shanghai Tunnels OREGON / Visit every nearby town around my home city / Visit Amarillo TEXAS / Visit Kamëz ALBANIA / Visit Kavajë ALBANIA / Visit Biula ANGOLA / Visit Cabamba ANGOLA / Visit Cabinda ANGOLA / Visit Cacolo ANGOLA / Visit Farah AFGHANISTAN / Visit Elbasan ALBANIA / Visit Cafunfo ANGOLA / Visit Capulo ANGOLA / Visit Catchiungo ANGOLA / Visit Calonda ANGOLA / Visit Dala ANGOLA / Visit Nharea ANGOLA / Visit Longonjo ANGOLA / Visit Quilengues ANGOLA / Visit Akhtala ARMENIA / Visit Salto URUGUAY / See the Siri Falls VANUATU / Explore the compact maze of alleyways at Zinder NIGER / Visit Kahakuloa Village HAWAII / Explore the pedestrianised ulitsa Alexander Batemberg BULGARIA / See the Haramiiska Cave BULGARIA / Explore Pinsk BELARUS / Visit the picturesque village of Raubichi BELARUS / Visit Troitskoye Predmestye BELARUS / Visit the palaces of Mogosoaia, Buftea and Heresti ROMANIA / Visit Bingerville CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Walk around the backstreets of Muharraq Island BAHRAIN / Stroll around the ancient streets of Spanish Town JAMAICA / Visit the isolated village of Todos Santos Cuchumatan GUATEMALA / Visit Lago Martel, one of the largest subterranean lakes SPAIN / Explore the catacombs of Sevastopol UKRAINE / Take a vacation to tiny towns in the German countryside / Discover the desert island off Tobelo on Halmahera INDONESIA / Visit Des Moines / Explore the ‘secret valley' hiding the West Radkan Tower IRAN / Try Manti / Explore the underground rivers of Caño Cristales COLOMBIA / Visit Lille FRANCE / Live like a local for a month / Visit Dijon FRANCE / Wander through the old city of Mosul IRAQ / Stroll through the winding alleys of Tashkent UZBEKISTAN / Drive along the Sailah sunken street in Sana'a YEMEN / Discover Yemeni tower houses on the streets of Sana'a YEMEN / Explore the city's defensive towers SAN MARINO / Visit Laguna Negra URUGUAY / Visit Shirak ARMENIA / Visit Ashtarak ARMENIA / Visit Ayrum ARMENIA / Visit Dastakert ARMENIA / Visit Gavar ARMENIA / Visit Quimavongo ANGOLA / Visit Sumbe ANGOLA / Visit Lucala ANGOLA / Visit Musserra ANGOLA / Visit Noqui ANGOLA / Visit Porto Amboim ANGOLA / Visit Quibaxe ANGOLA / Visit Lombe ANGOLA / Visit Calulo ANGOLA / Visit Candjimbe ANGOLA / Visit Coemba ANGOLA / Visit Colui ANGOLA / Visit Cuimba ANGOLA / Visit Cahama ANGOLA / Visit Fier ALBANIA / Visit Caconda ANGOLA / Visit Laghouat ALGERIA / Visit El Forn ANDORRA / Visit Canolich ANDORRA / Visit Ordino ANDORRA / Visit Qaraghandy KAZAKHSTAN / Visit Puli Khumri AFGHANISTAN / Visit Barrio de La Latina MADRID / Visit Chisinau MOLDOVA / Visit Abkhazia / Explore the Marais' nooks and crannies PARIS / Explore Saint-Germain-des-Pres and the Latin Quarter PARIS / Visit Las Piedras URUGUAY / Visit Garland TEXAS / Visit Rennes FRANCE / Visit Augsburg GERMANY / Visit Yekaterinburg RUSSIA / Visit Gyumri ARMENIA / Visit Maralik ARMENIA / Visit Martuni ARMENIA / Visit Sisian ARMENIA / Visit Stepanavan ARMENIA / Visit Campbelltown AUSTRALIA /