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🌺 Visit Hawaii UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🌴 Go to Hawaii / ⛵ Go sailing / 🌴 Visit the Galapagos Islands ECUADOR / Drink from a coconut / 🌅 Visit Santorini GREECE / 🏝️ Visit the Maldives MALDIVES / 🌴 Spend New Year's Eve in an exotic location / 🗝️ Visit Alcatraz SAN FRANCISCO / Visit Hong Kong CHINA / 🚣♂️ Visit Halong Bay VIETNAM / 🇨🇺 Visit Cuba / Watch the entire series of Lost / Take a tour of Alcatraz Island CALIFORNIA / 🗿 Visit Easter Island CHILE / Go to the Caribbean / Vacation in Hawaii / Take a tropical vacation / Go to Bali / Go to Jamaica / Visit Tasmania AUSTRALIA / Visit the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine JAPAN / Go on a tropical holiday or cruise / Go to the Bahamas / Visit Malta / Visit Seychelles / Visit Bora Bora FRENCH POLYNESIA / Visit Martha's Vineyard MASSACHUSETTS / 🐢 Visit the Galapagos Islands National Park ECUADOR / 🚤 Go to Key West / 🌴 Visit Sicily ITALY / Go to Fiji / 🌴 Visit the Bahamas / Go to Singapore / 🇵🇷 Go to Puerto Rico / Visit Komodo National Park INDONESIA / Visit the Florida Keys FLORIDA / Visit Hawaii and see a volcano / Go to Hong Kong / 🇵🇷 Visit Puerto Rico UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🌴 Visit Waikiki Beach HAWAII / Travel to Puerto Rico / 🌴 Visit Havana CUBA / Watch the sunset over Santorini's rooftops GREECE / Visit Prince Edward Island CANADA / Go to Ibiza / 🇯🇲 Visit Jamaica / Visit Key West FLORIDA / Visit Maui HAWAII / Visit Taiwan / Go to Madagascar / 🏝️ Visit Fraser Island AUSTRALIA / 🛳️ Visit Nassau BAHAMAS / Visit Valletta MALTA / Visit Nantucket MASSACHUSETTS / Go to Tasmania / 🏝️ Visit the Bu Tinah Shoals UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / 🌇 Visit Singapore City SINGAPORE / 🐠 Visit Lord Howe Island AUSTRALIA / Spend a day in Islas Cies SPAIN / Go to Martha's Vineyard / Find the best beach in the world / 🌴 Visit Barbados / Visit Papua New Guinea / Travel to Hong Kong / Snorkel the reefs in Barbados BARBADOS / Visit Fingal's Cave SCOTLAND / 🗿 See the moai of Easter Island CHILE / Visit Fernando de Noronha BRAZIL / Take a vacation to anywhere / Visit Madeira PORTUGAL / Visit Macau CHINA / Visit Aruba NETHERLANDS ANTILLES / 🏝️ Visit Saint Lucia / Walk out across the causeway to St Michael's Mount during low tide ENGLAND / Visit Santorini's whitewashed towns of Ia and Thira GREECE / Visit the NaPali Coast on Kauai HAWAII / Visit Cyprus / Parasail / Visit the Isle of Wight UNITED KINGDOM / 🤿 Scuba dive in Hawaii / Visit Ibiza SPAIN / Visit Azores PORTUGAL / Drive across the Confederation Bridge from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island CANADA / Sleep in a hammock on a beach / 🏰 Visit Mont Saint-Michel FRANCE / Go to Easter Island / 🏝️ Visit Dry Tortugas National Park FLORIDA / Visit Mauritius / Visit Borneo INDONESIA / 🏰 Explore Corfu's Old Town, the medieval seaport protected by two castles (UNESCO) GREECE / Visit Okinawa JAPAN / Visit Boracay PHILIPPINES / Go to Malta / Explore the Suomenlinna Maritime Fortress FINLAND / Visit the Dole Pineapple Plantation HAWAII / Visit Alcatraz Island SAN FRANCISCO / Visit French Polynesia / Visit Old Havana and its Fortifications CUBA / Visit Hiroshima JAPAN / Go to Nagasaki / 🌴 Visit Ishigaki Island JAPAN / Spend the day at a beach in Okinawa JAPAN / Visit Socotra Island YEMEN / Visit Cape Verde / Visit Zanzibar / Drink a cup of Jamaica's Blue Mountain cafe JAMAICA / Visit Orkney Isles SCOTLAND / 🌴 Visit Virgin Islands National Park UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS / Drink a pina colada while getting caught in the rain / Visit Block Island RHODE ISLAND / Visit Crete GREECE / Visit Sardinia ITALY / Visit Oia, Santorini GREECE / Visit Antigua and Barbuda / Visit Vanuatu / Walk to an East Frisian island across the seabed at low tide GERMANY / Walk on the pale pink sands of Harbour Island BAHAMAS / Visit Isla Holbox MEXICO / Visit Capri ITALY / Take a junk boat in Ha Long Bay VIETNAM / Take a ferry across to Isla Cozumel MEXICO / Relax at a tavern in Corfu GREECE / Take a cruise to Belize / 🏝️ Visit Iona SCOTLAND / 🍹 Visit Phuket THAILAND / Visit Victoria CANADA / Visit Hvar CROATIA / Visit Korcula Island CROATIA / Visit Skye SCOTLAND / Vacation in the Bahamas BAHAMAS / Visit Cebu PHILIPPINES / Visit Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Visit Angra dos Reis BRAZIL / Visit Port of Spain TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit Rapa Nui National Park CHILE / Spend the day at the lagoons of Azores PORTUGAL / Visit Maya Bay THAILAND / Walk across the sand to Mont St Michel FRANCE / Drink a bottle of Banks BARBADOS / Visit the Elephanta Caves INDIA / Visit Mykonos GREECE / Visit Haida Gwaii CANADA / Visit Zlatni Rat (Golden Horn Beach) CROATIA / Watch all episodes of Lost / Visit St. George's GRENADA / Visit Port Louis MAURITIUS / See acres of orchids in the Garden of the Sleeping Giant FIJI / Spend the day on the shores of Caye Caulker BELIZE / Take the family to a Great Barrier Reef island AUSTRALIA / Visit the Grand Bahama Island BAHAMAS / Visit Mallorca SPAIN / Visit the old town of Mdina MALTA / Watch a sunset in Santorini GREECE / Visit Moorea FRENCH POLYNESIA / Look for souvenirs in the markets in Bay Street in Nassau BAHAMAS / Visit Split CROATIA / Visit the Blue Caves at Zakynthos Island GREECE / Unwind in the golden sands of Koukounaries on Skiathos GREECE / Take a vacation to Ireland / Visit Bahrain / Visit Batanes PHILIPPINES / Visit Bridgetown BARBADOS / Visit the Pitons SAINT LUCIA / Swing in Tanjung Aan Beach in Indonesia INDONESIA / Visit Curacao / Visit Saint Helena Island UNITED KINGDOM / Take a vacation to the Carribean / Take a vacation to the Caribbean / Snorkel in Hawaii HAWAII / Go on a pub crawl in Mykonos GREECE / Visit Yakushima JAPAN / Visit St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Heard and McDonald Islands AUSTRALIA / Holiday in the Maldives / Sail to Sicily ITALY / Visit Guam UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Visit Grenada / Visit Schiermonnikoog NETHERLANDS / Visit Saint Kitts and Nevis / Visit Castries SAINT LUCIA / Visit Kingstown SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES / Visit Male MALDIVES / Visit Corsica FRANCE / Visit Murano ITALY / Visit Kyushu Island / Visit Manama BAHRAIN / 🏖️ Visit Praia CAPE VERDE / Visit Philipsburg SINT MAARTEN / Visit Palau / Visit Dominica / Go to Cuba while Fidel is still alive / 🤿 Go snorkeling in Hawaii HAWAII / Visit Port Vila VANUATU / Catch sight of Santorini's caldera GREECE / Catch a sunset at Crane Beach BARBADOS / Drink a bottle of Fiji Bitter beer FIJI / Explore Madeira PORTUGAL / Visit Robinson Crusoe Island CHILE / Visit Flores INDONESIA / Visit the Island of Montecristo ITALY / Visit the Isle of Mull SCOTLAND / Travel somewhere tropical / Visit Waikiki HAWAII / Visit Jersey UNITED KINGDOM / Visit Galveston TEXAS / Visit the marine sanctuary of Pigeon Island SRI LANKA / See the black sand beaches that dot Dominica's east coast DOMINICA / Cruise Tasmania's Macquarie Harbour AUSTRALIA / Walk along the golden beaches at the Prince Edward Island National Park CANADA / Walk in the wilderness of Maria Island AUSTRALIA / Find hidden caves and shipwrecks BARBADOS / Catch the sunset over the Cayo Coco beach in Ciego de Ávila CUBA / Visit Corfu GREECE / Visit the Azores PORTUGAL / Visit Java INDONESIA / Visit Clare Island IRELAND / Visit the Canary Islands SPAIN / Visit Robben Island SOUTH AFRICA / Visit Sao Tome and Principe / Visit Timor-Leste (East Timor) / Visit Oahu HAWAII / Visit Molokai HAWAII / Spend New Year's in an exotic location / Visit Vlieland NETHERLANDS / Visit Mont St-Michel FRANCE / Visit Andros GREECE / Visit Comino Island MALTA / Go to Barbados / Visit Lanai HAWAII / Visit Trinidad TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Visit Papeete FRENCH POLYNESIA / Visit Roseau DOMINICA / Visit Guernsey UNITED KINGDOM / Take a vacation to somewhere warm / Visit the UNESCO biosphere reserve island of Menorca SPAIN / Go to Zanzibar by boat TANZANIA / Visit the “perfume” islands of Nossi Be MADAGASCAR / Visit Oia GREECE / Visit Isla Mujeres MEXICO / Visit Kangaroo Island AUSTRALIA / Visit Île de Re FRANCE / Have a picnic in the shade and watch for wildlife near the salt ponds of Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit Half Moon Bay ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Visit the Kilauea Volcano HAWAII / Take a ferry to Comino MALTA / Visit Anse Chastanet SAINT LUCIA / Stand at the landing place of Columbus' ‘New World' trip at San Salvador BAHAMAS / Enjoy swimming along the Sri Lankan palm fringed coast SRI LANKA / Witness the Zlatni Rat, Golden Cape on the island of Brac CROATIA / Visit Poreč CROATIA / Honeymoon in Hawaii / Go bat watching at the Gasparee Caves TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO / Kiteboard the Keys FLORIDA / Visit Skiathos GREECE / Visit Sanibel Island FLORIDA / Visit the Bazaruto Archipelago MOZAMBIQUE / Visit Queen Charlotte Sound NEW ZEALAND / Swim in the pools around Foggaafu Falls SAMOA / Witness the Alofaaga Blowhole near Saleaula SAMOA / Watch the sunrise over Lake Victoria from Lukuba Island TANZANIA / Attend a beach party at Psarou on Mykonos GREECE / Relax on Cayo Largo CUBA / Roam through the Queen Charlotte Islands by ferry or cruise CANADA / Listen and dance to calypso rhythms at a beach bar BARBADOS / Travel to the Hallyeo Maritime National Park in the southeast for a cruise around the archipelago SOUTH KOREA / Explore the Islas del Rosario COLOMBIA / Fly to the tropical islands of San Andres COLOMBIA / Take a banana boat ride in Phuket THAILAND / Visit Antigua ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Travel to Barbados / Visit St. Peter Port GUERNSEY / Visit Apia SAMOA / Visit Malabo EQUATORIAL GUINEA / Drink a cocktail out of a coconut / Visit Cozumel MEXICO / Visit Texel NETHERLANDS / Visit White Island NEW ZEALAND / Visit Koh Samed THAILAND / Visit Galapagos National Park ECUADOR / Visit Ni'ihau HAWAII / Visit Saint Barthelemy FRANCE / Visit Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / Visit Basseterre SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit Nukuʻalofa TONGA / Visit Palikir MICRONESIA / Visit Nauru / Visit the Toronto Islands CANADA / Visit Willemstad CURAÇAO / Visit St. Helier JERSEY / Visit Stanley FALKLAND ISLANDS / Explore Bridgetown BARBADOS / See the palm grove near the beach of Vai on Crete GREECE / Spend the day at the beaches of Sana Maria CUBA / See the New Fortress at Corfu GREECE / Visit Mont St Michel FRANCE / Visit Öland SWEDEN / Visit Granville Island CANADA / Visit St Kitts SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Visit the Dutch Antilles NETHERLANDS ANTILLES /