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Visit an art gallery / Buy a piece of original art / Buy an original piece of art / 🏛️ Visit the Tate Modern ENGLAND / Visit the National Portrait Gallery (DC) WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Guggenheim Museum NEW YORK / 🏛️ Visit the Seattle Art Museum WASHINGTON / Take an art history class / See the Eden Project in Cornwall ENGLAND / 🎭 Go to Edinburgh Festival SCOTLAND / Get my artwork displayed in a restaurant or bar downtown / Visit the National Gallery of Art WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit LACMA LOS ANGELES / Visit 5 art galleries / Visit the Parc de la Villette PARIS / 🖼️ Visit the Menil Collection TEXAS / Visit the Zocalo MEXICO / 🖼️ Visit the Neue Staatsgalerie GERMANY / Visit the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art ARKANSAS / 🖼️ Visit Tate Britain LONDON / 🖼️ Explore the art paradise at The Prado in Madrid SPAIN / Visit Ibirapuera Park BRAZIL / 🖼️ Visit the Walker Art Center MINNESOTA / Visit the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO / Visit the Indianapolis Museum of Art INDIANA / Visit the New Orleans Museum of Art LOUISIANA / Visit the National Art Center, Tokyo JAPAN / 🖼️ Visit the Saatchi Gallery LONDON / Stroll around the The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia SPAIN / 🖼️ Visit the Kunsthistorisches Museum AUSTRIA / See the 'Springtime of the Renaissance' exhibition in Florence ITALY / Visit the San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) TEXAS / Visit the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya SPAIN / Visit the Museo Reina Sofia SPAIN / Visit the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts CANADA / Visit the Freer and Sackler Galleries WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Paris Museum of Modern Art PARIS / Visit the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium BELGIUM / Paint something on a canvas / Attend the Borders Book Festival SCOTLAND / Visit the Hermitage Amsterdam museum NETHERLANDS / 🖼️ Visit the Frick Collection NEW YORK / 🖼️ Visit the Whitney Museum of American Art NEW YORK / See the masterpieces of Rembrandt van Rijn at De Lakenhal NETHERLANDS / See local artists at work in the Niagara-on-the-Lake CANADA / Visit the Art museums and galleries in Stuttgart GERMANY / Visit the Palais de Tokyo PARIS / Visit CaixaForum Barcelona SPAIN / 🖼️ Visit the Art Gallery of New South Wales AUSTRALIA / Visit the National Museum of Western Art JAPAN / Visit CaixaForum Madrid MADRID / 🖼️ Visit the Auckland Art Gallery NEW ZEALAND / Attend the World Ice Art Championships ALASKA / Visit the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Brussels Underpants Museum BELGIUM / Visit Albertina AUSTRIA / Visit the Museum of Glass: International Center for Contemporary Art WASHINGTON / Visit the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum CONNECTICUT / Visit the High Museum GEORGIA / Attend the Festival de Marseille FRANCE / Visit the Istanbul Modern Art Museum TURKEY / Visit the Tel Aviv Museum of Art ISRAEL / Visit Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum MADRID / Visit the Minneapolis Institute of Arts MINNESOTA / Visit the Hospicio Cabañas in Guadalajara MEXICO / Visit the Royal Alberta Museum CANADA / Visit the Winnipeg Art Gallery CANADA / See the ‘Inventing Abstraction' exhibition at MoMA / Visit the Dubuque Museum of Art IOWA / Stroll around the Dead Sea Panorama Museum JORDAN / Visit the Joslyn Art Museum NEBRASKA / Visit Gaasbeek Castle BELGIUM / Visit Mauritshuis NETHERLANDS / See the world's best art in Paris FRANCE / Visit Kunsthal NETHERLANDS / Visit Steepletop NEW YORK / Visit Tatton Park ENGLAND / Attend the International Cherry Blossom Festival GEORGIA / Tour the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts VIRGINIA / Attend the Klaipėda Sea Festival LITHUANIA / Visit the Morris Museum of Art GEORGIA / Learn about Thoman Mann and Gunter Grass in Lubeck museums GERMANY / Attend Istanbul Biennial, an arts festival TURKEY / Attend an art and food fiesta in San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / Attend the Spring Festival in Bourges FRANCE / Attend the Festival de la Bande Dessinee (Comic Strip Festival) FRANCE / Visit the National Museum of Bhutan in Paro BHUTAN / Attend the Morija Arts and Cultural Festival LESOTHO / Visit the Valencia Institute of Modern Art SPAIN / Visit the Getty Centre in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis MINNESOTA / Visit the California African American Museum in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Visit the Sainsbury Center for Art ENGLAND / Visit the Heide Museum AUSTRALIA / Visit the Los Angeles County Museum of Art CALIFORNIA / Visit the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art CALIFORNIA / Visit Bechtler Museum of Modern Art NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art DENMARK / Participate in the Perth International Arts Festival AUSTRALIA / Attend El Festival Internacional de las Artes COSTA RICA / Visit the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino CHILE / Enjoy Canadian art at the McMichael Gallery CANADA / Visit the Parque das Nacoes museum in Lisbon PORTUGAL / Visit the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Visit the Centro Cultural De Hidalgo in Pachuca MEXICO / Attend the Yogya Arts Festival INDONESIA / 🖼️ Visit Manchester Art Gallery ENGLAND / Visit Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / Visit the Columbus Museum of Art OHIO / Visit Boise Art Museum IDAHO / Visit Luxembourg's Modern Art Museum LUXEMBOURG / Visit the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts NEBRASKA / Visit the Ulrich Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit the Bronx Museum of the Arts NEW YORK / Visit the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum MINNESOTA / Visit the Hanf Museum Berlin (Hemp Museum) GERMANY / Visit the Menil Collection in Houston TEXAS / Visit Denver's Museum of Contemporary Art COLORADO / Visit Crystal Bridges Art Gallery ARKANSAS / Explore the New York Botanical Garden NEW YORK / Visit Persmuseum NETHERLANDS / Visit the Zimmerli Art Museum NEW JERSEY / Visit the Homer Watson Gallery CANADA / Visit the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art ILLINOIS / Visit the Berlinische Galerie (or Museum of Modern Art) GERMANY / Visit the Schwules Museum GERMANY / Attend the Smoky Hill River Festival in Salina KANSAS / Attend the Red River Revel Arts Festival LOUISIANA / Visit the Blanton Museum of Art TEXAS / Visit the Nicolaysen Art Museum WYOMING / Attend the Smoky Hill River Festival KANSAS / Visit the Spencer Museum of Art KANSAS / Visit Kiasma FINLAND / Visit the Mystetskyi Arsenal, a museum of arts and science UKRAINE / 🖼️ Stroll around the Nukus Art Gallery UZBEKISTAN / Participate in the Festival Palmares COSTA RICA / Attend the Brussels Antiques and Fine Arts Fair BELGIUM / Visit the Museum of Colonial Religious Art PANAMA / Discover local history and culture at the Museum of Antigua & Barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA / Attend the Sofia International Film Festival BULGARIA / Visit Astley Hall ENGLAND / Visit the Franklin Park Conservatory OHIO / Visit the Bergstrom Mahler Museum WISCONSIN / Visit the Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art MINNESOTA / Visit Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens FLORIDA / Visiit the Seattle Asian Art Museum WASHINGTON / Visit the Reginald F. Lewis Museum MARYLAND / Visit San Jose Art Museum CALIFORNIA / Visit the Rafael Coronel Museum MEXICO / Visit the Palazzo Strozzi museum ITALY / Visit the Chazen Museum of Art WISCONSIN / Visit St. Louis Contemporary Art Museum MISSOURI / Visit Clitheroe Castle ENGLAND / 🏛️ Visit the Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA / Visit the Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art in Guayaquil ECUADOR / 🏛️ Visit the Cafesjian Center for the Arts ARMENIA / Visit Cheekwood Estate TENNESSEE / Visit the McMichael Art Gallery CANADA / Visit the Neue Nationalgalerie GERMANY / Visit The Finlandia Hall, Helsinki FINLAND / Take a tour of the Palacio de la Moneda Cultural Center CHILE / Visit the Bolivian National Museum of Art BOLIVIA / Visit San Isidro Museum SPAIN / Visit Museo Lazaro Galdiano SPAIN / Visit the Kimbell Art Museum TEXAS / Visit Dupont Underground WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit the Museo del Prado MADRID / Visit the Museum of Old and New Art AUSTRALIA / Visit the Neue Galerie in the Herbenstrein Palace in Graz AUSTRIA / Discover unusual animal paintings at the National Art Gallery at Bhaktapur NEPAL / Visit the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein Museum of Fine Arts) LIECHTENSTEIN / Visit the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art HUNGARY / Attend Ghadames International Festival LIBYA / Visit the Institute of 13 Arts and Crafts in Tashi Yangtse BHUTAN / Discover the lively arts scene at Jacmel HAITI / Attend the Arte BA - Contemporary Art Fair ARGENTINA / Take part in the annual Kiev Days celebrations UKRAINE / Visit Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum SPAIN / Visit the Mulvane Art Museum KANSAS / Visit the Wiregrass Museum of Art ALABAMA / Attend the Grand Cities Art Fest MINNESOTA / Visit Mississippi Museum of Art MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Reynolda House Museum of American Art NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland OHIO / Visit the Fuller Craft Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Dragonfly Fine Arts Gallery MASSACHUSETTS / Visit the Austin Museum of Art (AMOA) - Downtown TEXAS / Visit the Austin Museum of Art (AMOA) - Laguna Gloria TEXAS / Attend the Santa Fe Indian Market NEW MEXICO / Visit Malmö Castle (Malmöhus Slott) SWEDEN / Visit Riverbank State Park NEW YORK / Visit the Geffrye Museum ENGLAND / Explore Laumeier Sculpture Park MISSOURI / Visit the National Museum of Mexican Art ILLINOIS / Visit Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis NETHERLANDS / Visit the Musee Jacquemart-Andre PARIS / Visit the National Maritime Museum (Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum) NETHERLANDS / Visit Château d'Angers FRANCE / Visit the Perez Art Museum FLORIDA / Visit Bekhzod National Museum TAJIKISTAN / Visit the National Museum of Antiquities of Tajikistan TAJIKISTAN / Visit the David Zwirner Gallery NEW YORK / Attend the Pink Parlour Festival CALIFORNIA / Attend the Vermont Quilt Festival VERMONT / Attend Summer in the City Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG / Attend the Mesa Verde Country Indian Arts COLORADO / Attend the Cultural programmes of the Moussem des Femmes MOROCCO / Attend the Love for Bogota Festival COLOMBIA / Participate in the Heritage and Cultural Festival at Janadriyah SAUDI ARABIA / Visit the Museum of Haitian Art in Port-au-Prince HAITI / Visit the Bongada Museum in Bangui CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC / Attend the Kotka Maritime Festival FINLAND / Visit the Museum of African Artefacts in Bissau GUINEA-BISSAU /