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🌅 Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day / 🎲 Go to Las Vegas NEVADA / 🎶 Attend a music festival in another country / 💋 Kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower PARIS / 🍁 Take a photo of a place through all four seasons / Throw a dart on a map and go to where it lands / Take a train somewhere / Visit a country I've never been to before / Go somewhere by train / Visit a new state / Send my parents on a vacation / Visit three states I have never been to before / Take my Mom on the trip of her choice / 💋 Kiss on top of the Eiffel Tower FRANCE / Go on a roadtrip with my best friends / Get another stamp in my passport / Throw a dart at a map and go where it lands / Visit a state I've never been to / See the New Years fireworks in Sydney Harbour AUSTRALIA / Go on an unplanned flight / Visit at least 5 states I haven't been to before / Visit one new state / Take a trip to Vegas / Go to Prague / Visit 3 new cities / Read a book set somewhere I have always wanted to visit / Bring in the New Year in another country / Visit 5 states I've never been to / Visit the Forum in Rome ITALY / Attend a music festival abroad / Go to a music festival in another country / Kiss under a waterfall / Complete the A-Z travel challenge / Visit Union Station WASHINGTON, D.C. / Spend New Year's Eve in a different State / Have my picture taken in front of the Sydney Opera House / Explore Mall of America MINNESOTA / Go to a UNESCO World Heritage site / Peruse the shelves at Powell's in Portland OREGON / Go to Las Vegas for New Years / Go to Williamsburg, VA / Go to Vegas for my 21st birthday / Kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower FRANCE / Go to the Sydney Opera House / Visit the bavarian themed town of Leavenworth WASHINGTON / Visit my state capitol / Write a travel book / Visit Dallas TEXAS / Visit every county in England / Sail around the world / Visit the Yokohama Port Terminal JAPAN / Visit Eureka Springs ARKANSAS / Relax at one of Budapest's thermal springs, the Gellert Baths HUNGARY / Visit Suzhou CHINA / Visit Pittsburgh PENNSYLVANIA / Relax in the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools NEW ZEALAND / Visit Bristol ENGLAND / Visit Harrogate ENGLAND / Visit Phoenix ARIZONA / Spend New Year's Eve in London / Visit the health resort of Pärnu ESTONIA / See the wisteria flower tunnel at Kawachi Fuji Gardens JAPAN / Visit Unicenter Shopping ARGENTINA / See the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne AUSTRALIA / Visit Uzbekistan / Visit Mall of America MINNESOTA / Kiss under the Eiffel Tower FRANCE / Visit Portmeirion WALES / See Europe's widest waterfall in Kuldīga LATVIA / Visit Daylesford AUSTRALIA / Visit Bridgetown BARBADOS / Visit Kansas City MISSOURI / Go to the York Carnival ENGLAND / Visit Azerbaijan / Visit Palm Springs CALIFORNIA / Visit Wexford IRELAND / Go to the Portland Art Museum OREGON / Take in the views around Hallstättersee Lake AUSTRIA / Have a picnic at Hanging Rock AUSTRALIA / See the Las Vegas Sign NEVADA / Go to Hell NORWAY / Visit Casablanca MOROCCO / Throw a coin in a fountain and make a wish / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (Brasilia) BRAZIL / Have a spontaneous weekend away / Spend New Year's in an exotic location / Shop at Bugis Junction SINGAPORE / Visit Legoland in Malaysia MALAYSIA / Visit Gramado BRAZIL / Take a ferry to Comino MALTA / See an opera in Verona ITALY / Go to Memphis / Visit the Istanbul Modern Art Museum TURKEY / Visit Spokane WASHINGTON / Attend a British and Irish Lions' tour match / Visit Union Station in Kansas City MISSOURI / Get a new stamp on my passport / Take a funicular ride to Cristo Redentor BRAZIL / Visit Madison / Take a vacation to Las Vegas / See an opera in Italy / Visit Arlington TEXAS / Visit Potala Palace CHINA / Visit Audrey Hepburn's grave SWITZERLAND / Kiss a girl on top of the Eifel Tower FRANCE / Visit Clovelly ENGLAND / Visit Columbus OHIO / Visit Eugene OREGON / Visit the Saskatchewan Railway Museum CANADA / Attend the Malta International Fireworks Festival MALTA / Visit Liverpool AUSTRALIA / See the Taj Mahal at sunrise INDIA / Visit Shepparton AUSTRALIA / Visit Guelph CANADA / Visit Tacoma WASHINGTON / Spend the weekend at Le Voile de la Mariee GUINEA / Ride the famous Flåm Railway NORWAY / Visit Cincinnati Union Terminal OHIO / Visit Grenada and the Alhambra, Spain / 🗼 Visit Portland Head Lighthouse MAINE / Visit Läckö Castle SWEDEN / Complete an A to Z Travel Challenge / Visit the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs COLORADO / Go to Dallas / Visit Leeds ENGLAND / Take a vacation to America / Visit Tubac ARIZONA / Visit Soltaniyeh IRAN / Attend the annual opera festival at the Roman Arena ITALY / Go to Las Vegas to see a UFC fight NEVADA / Visit the Allegheny County Courthouse PENNSYLVANIA / Fill at least one passport book / Buy a plane ticket for the first flight out, and go wherever it takes me / Visit Union Station in Los Angeles CALIFORNIA / Go to Hell! (Hell, Norway) NORWAY / See the World's Largest Six Pack in La Crosse WISCONSIN / Visit Glen Ellyn ILLINOIS / Visit Wichita KANSAS / 🏎️ Attend the Australian Grand Prix AUSTRALIA / Visit The Rabbit Hole in Colorado Springs COLORADO / Visit Swan Hill AUSTRALIA / Visit Belleville CANADA / Visit Saint-Hyacinthe CANADA / Visit Oranjestad ARUBA / Set sail from the peaks of the Blue Mountains at Berrydale to Margaret's Bay JAMAICA / Visit a country that starts with each letter of the alphabet / Visit Gəncə AZERBAIJAN / Visit Yaren NAURU / Attend the Anchorage Festival of Music ALASKA / Drink an exotic coffee at Starbucks in another country / Visit Turner Field GEORGIA / French kiss in France / Visit the American Sign Museum. Cincinnati OHIO / Visit Overland Park KANSAS / Visit Camera Obscura in Havana Vieja CUBA / Attend the Azerbaijan Grand Prix AZERBAIJAN / Go partying at a resort in the Mamanuca Group FIJI / Visit Kupiškis LITHUANIA / Publish an article about my travels / Visit Victoriaville CANADA / Visit Tulsa OKLAHOMA / Visit Madison WISCONSIN / Visit Le Mans FRANCE / Visit Laoag in Ilocos Norte, Philippines PHILIPPINES / Visit Samunona ANGOLA / Visit Tumba ANGOLA / Visit Brantford CANADA / Visit Drummondville CANADA / Visit Albury AUSTRALIA / Visit Palmerston AUSTRALIA / Visit Sale AUSTRALIA / Visit Belo Horizonte BRAZIL / Visit Gitega BURUNDI / 🏎️ Attend the Bahrain Grand Prix BAHRAIN / Visit Leesburg FLORIDA / Attend the Macao Lotus Flower Festival MACAU / Visit Fargo NORTH DAKOTA / Visit the historic town of Cordoba ARGENTINA / Visit the historic town of San Juan ARGENTINA / 🌄 Visit the historic town of La Rioja ARGENTINA / Visit the Plaza de Armas in Cusco PERU / Attend an F1 Grand Prix / Attend the Miami Grand Prix FLORIDA / Visit Moreno Valley CALIFORNIA / Visit Newark NEW JERSEY / Visit Mobile ALABAMA / Visit Brownsville TEXAS / Visit Lake Kaindy KAZAKHSTAN / Visit St Michael's Cave GIBRALTAR / Visit Chapel Hill NORTH CAROLINA / Visit the Boise Train Depot IDAHO / Visit the Museum of Transportation MISSOURI / Visit Sioux Falls SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Mariscal Lopez Shopping Mall PARAGUAY / Visit Jim Beam's American Outpost KENTUCKY / Visit the Sognefjord NORWAY / Love Lock Bridge Paris France / Visit State: Georgia / Visit every Hard Rock Cafe in America / Visit Cacolo ANGOLA / Visit Cacuso ANGOLA / Visit Chissamba ANGOLA / Visit Lumeje ANGOLA / Visit Irvine CALIFORNIA / Attend the Sintra Festival PORTUGAL / Picnic on the banks of Laguna de Xiloa NICARAGUA / Visit the port city of Nampo NORTH KOREA / Explore the President's Palace in Panama City PANAMA / Visit Bingerville CÔTE D'IVOIRE / Attend the summer Opera Festival in Savonlinna FINLAND / Whisper your wishes to Russia's Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug RUSSIA / Reach the end of the road in Zamboanga PHILIPPINES / Visit the Århus Teater DENMARK / Play a round of golf in the “Teeth of the Dog” golf course in Casa de Campo DOMINICAN REPUBLIC / Visit the Valley of Paghman AFGHANISTAN / Visit Dijon FRANCE / Visit Namacunde ANGOLA / Visit Quibala ANGOLA / Visit Golungo Alto ANGOLA / Visit Guri ANGOLA / Visit Cassanguide ANGOLA / Visit Skikda ALGERIA / Visit La Mosquera ANDORRA / Visit Llorts ANDORRA / Visit Arinsal ANDORRA / Visit Aixovall ANDORRA / Visit Nagol ANDORRA / Visit Bimbe ANGOLA / Buy a same day plane ticket to a foreign country / See Vegas / Share a kiss on the Eiffel Tower / Meet my favorite (living) travel writer / Visit ChocolateTown Square PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Swiss village of Helvetia WEST VIRGINIA / See a game at Estadio Defensores del Chaco PARAGUAY / Attend the Sitka Summer Music Festival ALASKA / Attend the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival NEVADA / Visit Fantast Castle SERBIA / Visit Soldier Field ILLINOIS / Visit Maracaibo / ☀️ Visit Hermosillo MEXICO / Visit Aguascalientes MEXICO / Visit Le Havre FRANCE / Visit Cergy-Pontoise FRANCE / Visit St John's CANADA / Visit Jersey City NEW JERSEY / Visit Laredo TEXAS / Visit Gilbert ARIZONA / Visit Winston-Salem NORTH CAROLINA / Visit Garland TEXAS / Visit Irving TEXAS / Visit Grand Prairie TEXAS / Visit Henderson NEVADA / Visit Leon MEXICO / Visit Zapopan MEXICO / 🏨 Enjoy a sunset cocktail at the iconic Hotel Nacional de Cuba CUBA / Visit San Jose CALIFORNIA / Visit Santa Ana CALIFORNIA / Visit Saint Paul MINNESOTA / Visit Babur Tomb in Kabul AFGHANISTAN / Visit Naqsh-e Jahan IRAN / Visit Kelowna CANADA / Visit Saint John CANADA / Visit Charentsavan ARMENIA / Visit Maralik ARMENIA / Visit Talin ARMENIA / Visit Saalfelden AUSTRIA / Visit Korneuburg AUSTRIA / Visit Neunkirchen AUSTRIA / Visit Ebreichsdorf AUSTRIA / Visit Kanye BOTSWANA / Visit Grounds For Sculpture NEW JERSEY / Visit Cerro Fitz Roy ARGENTINA / Visit Spruce Grove CANADA / Visit Lloydminster CANADA / Visit Leduc CANADA / Visit Tianjin CHINA / Visit Wuhan CHINA / Visit Dongguan CHINA / Visit Malembo ANGOLA / Visit the Old Florida Museum FLORIDA / Visit the Mark Martin Museum ARKANSAS / Do the Run Barbados Marathon BARBADOS / Visit Tempe ARIZONA / Visit Senado Square MACAU / Attend the Singapore Airlines International Cup SINGAPORE / Sail from one country to another / Visit Chuzhou CHINA / Visit Khenchela ALGERIA / Attend the Dubai Formula F4 Powerboat Race UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Watch a football match at PSV's Philips Stadion in Eindhoven NETHERLANDS /