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🇺🇸 Visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🌊 Visit Pearl Harbor HAWAII / Take a tour of Alcatraz Island CALIFORNIA / Visit the Gettysburg National Military Park PENNSYLVANIA / 🚶♂️ Walk along the 1800-year-old Hadrian's Wall that marks the northern boundary of the Roman Empire ENGLAND / Visit Arlington National Cemetery VIRGINIA / Visit the Korean War Veterans Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / 🚢 Visit the USS Arizona National Memorial on Oahu HAWAII / 🏰 Visit Edinburgh Castle SCOTLAND / Read 10 history books / 🏰 See the Edinburgh Castle atop a volcanic crag SCOTLAND / Visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Take a tour of the USS Alabama Battleship ALABAMA / Visit Antietam National Battlefield MARYLAND / Visit Portsmouth Historic Dockyard ENGLAND / Explore the Suomenlinna Maritime Fortress FINLAND / Visit Cape Canaveral Air Force Station FLORIDA / 🏛️ Visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps VIRGINIA / See WWII bunkers on a tour of the Berliner Unterwelten GERMANY / Visit Gallipoli TURKEY / Visit Waterloo, the scene of Napolean's defeat BELGIUM / Visit the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument MONTANA / Visit Fort McHenry MARYLAND / 🎖️ Visit the Iwo Jima Marine Corps Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Take a tour of the KGB museum in Karosta LATVIA / Visit the Battleship New Jersey NEW JERSEY / 🇦🇺 Join the dawn service at the Australian War Memorial AUSTRALIA / Attend the Anzac memorial at Anzac cove / 🏛️ Visit the National World War II Memorial WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Shiloh National Military Park TENNESSEE / Visit the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum KANSAS / Revisit the battlefields of World War I in Ypres BELGIUM / Visit the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit Fort Snelling MINNESOTA / Visit the Checkpoint Charlie Museum GERMANY / Crawl through the Cu Chi, Viet Cong tunnels in Tay Ninh VIETNAM / 🏰 Visit Dover Castle ENGLAND / See the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Guam UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Tour the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Museum in Saskatchewan CANADA / 🛩️ Visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force OHIO / Visit Fort Moultrie SOUTH CAROLINA / Visit Vicksburg National Cemetery MISSISSIPPI / 🗼 Visit the Historic Cape Henry Lighthouse VIRGINIA / Visit Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS / Tour the WWI battlefields and memorials in the Gallipoli Peninsula TURKEY / Visit the battlefield of Normandy FRANCE / Visit the Bendlerblock GERMANY / Visit Duxford Imperial War Museum ENGLAND / Visit the battlefield of the Battle of Fredericksburg VIRGINIA / Visit Verdun FRANCE / 🏞️ Tour Valley Forge National Historical Park PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Anglo-Boer War Battlefields SOUTH AFRICA / Learn about the wars between the Zulus and Afrikaans by exploring the frontline in KwaZulu-Natal SOUTH AFRICA / Visit the Diefenbunker CANADA / Explore the Spanish Fort in Niebla CHILE / Explore the Bastogne Historical Centre BELGIUM / Visit the U.S.S. Cairo Museum MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Gettysburg National Civil War Battle Reenactment PENNSYLVANIA / Visit a Civil War battlefield / Read a historical non-fiction book / Visit the Canberra War Museum / Visit the Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site ALABAMA / Visit Cadet Chapel COLORADO / Visit the Shrine of Remembrance AUSTRALIA / Spend a day on Angel Island CALIFORNIA / See the crusader castle of Crac des Chevaliers SYRIA / Visit the Fortress of Louisbourg CANADA / Visit Castillo de San Marcos FLORIDA / Tour the Antietam Battlefield MARYLAND / Visit Horseshoe Bend National Military Park ALABAMA / Visit the Civil War Park in Vicksburg MISSISSIPPI / Visit Fort Robinson Museum NEBRASKA / Visit Fort Omaha NEBRASKA / Visit Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park NORTH DAKOTA / Visit the Air Force Museum at Wigram NEW ZEALAND / Visit the WWII battle sites at the Pacific National Historical Park GUAM / See the stone forts of Portobelo PANAMA / Take a tour of the Fortress used to repel German forces in WWII in Brest BELARUS / Visit Castillo de San Pedro de la Roca CUBA / Visit Citadelle Laferrière HAITI / Attend a Civil War reenactment / Visit National Memorial Arboretum ENGLAND / Learn about the ‘Bay of Pigs' invasion at the Playa Giron museum CUBA / Visit Fort Point CALIFORNIA / Visit the Vietnam & Korean War Mounuments WASHINGTON, D.C. / Visit Liepāja LATVIA / Visit British Cemetery in Madrid SPAIN / Visit the Tuskegee Airmen National Historical Museum MICHIGAN / Visit the Technik Museum in Sinsheim GERMANY / Visit In Flanders Fields museum BELGIUM / Visit the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) ENGLAND / Visit Vernon Parish LOUISIANA / Visit Warsaw Uprising Museum POLAND / Visit the Garrison Border Town of Elvas and its Fortifications PORTUGAL / Visit the Cu Chi tunnels VIETNAM / Explore the Hadzibegova Kula Fortress BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Visit Vimy Ridge FRANCE / Discover the underground submarine base at Sevastopol UKRAINE / Visit Gettysberg PENNSYLVANIA / Visit the Azraq fortress, the HQ of Lawerence of Arabia JORDAN / Discover the ruins of Fort Shirley and Fort George on the Cabrits Peninsula DOMINICA / Visit the Apra Harbour Overlook GUAM / Attend the Warbirds Over Wanaka International Airshow NEW ZEALAND / Take a trip to Arnhem, the scene of ‘Operation Market Garden' NETHERLANDS / Visit the site of the Battle of the Bugle BELGIUM / Attend the Ochi Day Parade GREECE / Visit the crusader castle of Salaheddin, near Latakia SYRIA / See war relics in Betio KIRIBATI / Visit Angel Island CALIFORNIA / Visit Fort Denison AUSTRALIA / Wander around the Castillo de la Real Fuerza CUBA / Read a biography of Winston Churchill / Fly a MiG-29 in Moscow RUSSIA / Discover General MacArthur's Headquarters in Corregidor PHILIPPINES / Visit the Fort Laramie National Historic Site WYOMING / Visit the United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Fort Hays State Historic Site KANSAS / Visit the Combat Air Museum KANSAS / Visit the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor KENTUCKY / Visit the Arkansas Air and Military Museum ARKANSAS / Visit Fort Mifflin PHILADELPHIA / Visit the Falkland Islands UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Point Cook RAAF Museum AUSTRALIA / Visit Château de Vincennes FRANCE / Visit Upnor Castle ENGLAND / Visit the Wisconsin Veterans Museum WISCONSIN / 👨🏾✈️ Visit Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site ALABAMA / Explore the historic fortresses of Santiago de Cuba CUBA / Visit Fort Delaware DELAWARE / Read D-Day by Antony Beevor / Visit British Indian Ocean Territory UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the US Navy Submarine Force Museum, Groton CONNECTICUT / Visit Black Jack Battlefield KANSAS / Visit the Freedom Park Navy Museum NEBRASKA / Visit Fort Washington / Visit Culloden UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Indiana Military Museum, Vincennes INDIANA / 👨✈️ Tour the Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site ALABAMA / Visit the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, Dayton OHIO / Visit Flint Castle WALES / Visit the Jefferson Proving Ground INDIANA / Visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triangle VIRGINIA / Visit Birth Place of President Eisenhower, Denison TEXAS / Visit Krak des Chevaliers (Kalat el Hösn) SYRIA / Visit Caernarfon Castle (Caernarvon) WALES / Visit the Missouri Civil War Museum MISSOURI / Tour the General Daniel Bissell House MISSOURI / Visit Soldier's Memorial MISSOURI / Visit Cooch's Bridge, site of the only battle ever fought in Delaware DELAWARE / Watch the reenactment of Washington Cross the Delaware in Washington Crossing NEW JERSEY / Watch the dress rehearsal of Washington Crossing the Delaware in December in Washington Crossing NEW JERSEY / Visit The National Cemetery of the Pacific (The Punchbowl) HAWAII / Visit USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park HAWAII / Visit the Peter and Paul Fortress RUSSIA / Visit El Morro (Fuerte San Felipe del Morro) PUERTO RICO / Visit Fort Zeelandia SURINAME / Visit Pea Ridge National Military Park ARKANSAS / Visit the US Army Museum of Hawai'i HAWAII / Spot the remains of Japanese guns and bunkers left over from WWII at Yaren NAURU / Explore the Naval Museum and the Zoological Terraces of Fontvieille MONACO / Find a Japanese WWII war ship in Truk Lagoon MICRONESIA / Visit the Japanese Wartime Communication Centre at Xavier High School in Chuuk MICRONESIA / Visit the Hospital in the Rock HUNGARY / Visit Zokniai Military Airfield LITHUANIA / Visit the US Bullion Depository KENTUCKY / Visit the USS KIDD Veterans Memorial Museum LOUISIANA / Visit the Mississippi Armed Forces Museum MISSISSIPPI / Visit the New England Civil War Museum CONNECTICUT / Visit the Mine Creek Battlefield State Historic Site KANSAS / Visit the Titan Missile Museum ARIZONA / 🗡️ Visit the Higgins Armory Museum MASSACHUSETTS / Visit Vicksburg Battlefield Museum MISSISSIPPI / Visit the Strategic Air and Space Museum NEBRASKA / Visit Fort Myer - The Old Guard Museum VIRGINIA / Visit the West Virginia Veterans Memorial WEST VIRGINIA / Attend the Anniversary of Battle of Horseshoe Bend ALABAMA / Attend the Battle of Selma Re-enactment ALABAMA / Attend Custer's Last Stand Re-enactment & Little Bighorn Days MONTANA / Visit Fort Adams State Park RHODE ISLAND / Visit the former encampment of the United States, the Pettit Barracks PHILIPPINES / Explore the Moncada Barracks where Fidel Castro launched his uprising CUBA / Relive history at Santa Clara where Che defeated Batista's troops CUBA / Visit the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola FLORIDA / Visit the Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War BELARUS / See the Museum of Armed Forces at Luanda ANGOLA / Attend the Vertières Day/Armed Forces Day celebrations HAITI / Follow the ancient city walls from Bala Hissar fortress up the Kabul mountainside AFGHANISTAN / Visit the Fort of Coquimbo CHILE / Pay homage at the Memorial of the Unknown Soldier at Accra GHANA / Visit Frunzwe House-Museum KYRGYZSTAN / Attend the Victory Day festivities UKRAINE / Visit Fort Stark Historic Site NEW HAMPSHIRE / Attend Fort Sisseton Historical Festival SOUTH DAKOTA / Visit the Fort Caspar Museum WYOMING / Visit Fort Ward Museum & Historic Site VIRGINIA / Visit the Women in Military Service for America Memorial VIRGINIA / Visit the Frontier Army Museum KANSAS / Visit the Shiloh National Military Park TENNESSEE / Visit the Vicksburg National Military Park MISSISSIPPI / Visit Old Fort Western MAINE / Take a vacation to a Civil War battle ground / Take the Presidio Trail Historic Walking Tour ARIZONA / Visit George Rogers Clark National Historical Park INDIANA / Visit the Indiana Military Museum INDIANA / Visit the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum ARKANSAS / Visit the Fort Smith National Historic Site ARKANSAS / Visit Fort Siloso SINGAPORE / Visit the Great Siege Tunnels GIBRALTAR / Visit the Vulu War Museum SOLOMON ISLANDS / Visit Fort San Cristobal PUERTO RICO / Visit the Piskariovskoye Memorial Cemetery RUSSIA / Go on board the USS Intrepid in NYC NEW YORK / Visit Fort Ticonderoga NEW YORK / Visit pearl harbor / Visit Saone (Citadel of Salah Ed-Din, Saladin's Burcht) SYRIA / Visit Portchester Castle ENGLAND / Visit the Waterloo Monument UNITED KINGDOM / Visit the Gallipoli Cemeteries TURKEY / Visit Point Loma's Cabrillo National Monument CALIFORNIA / Visit Fayetteville NORTH CAROLINA /