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🎶 Attend a music festival / 🎶 Go to an outdoor concert / Attend a music festival/concert / 🎉 Attend a multi-day music festival / Attend a hot air ballon festival / Go to a hot air balloon festival / Attend the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival LOUISIANA / Attend a monster truck rally / Go to Summerfest WISCONSIN / Attend the Sziget Music Festival in Budapest HUNGARY / 🎡 Attend a county fair and eat funnel cake / 🛡️ Participate in the Jorvik Viking Festival ENGLAND / Go to Gilroy Garlic Festival / See the Bulb District Flower Parade from Noordwijk to Haarlem NETHERLANDS / Attend the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta ENGLAND / 🎪 Attend the Cork Midsummer Festival IRELAND / Go to the Indianola Balloon Classic IOWA / Attend the Oxford Folk Festival ENGLAND / Watch chuckwagon races at the Calgary Stampede agricultural fair CANADA / Attend the traditional French Pig Festival of La pourcailhade FRANCE / Attend Tomorrowland BELGIUM / Attend the Festas dos Santos Populares (Festivals of the Saints) PORTUGAL / Attend the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival in March in Nashville TENNESSEE / 🎶 Attend the Montreux Jazz Festival SWITZERLAND / Attend the Philadelphia Flower Show PHILADELPHIA / Attend the Scottish Traditional Boat Festival SCOTLAND / See the Penang Dragon Boat Festival MALAYSIA / Witness the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling Festival ENGLAND / See the cultural travelling carnival at De Parade NETHERLANDS / Attend the Kilkenny Arts Festival IRELAND / Attend the Seoul Fringe Festival in Hongdae area SOUTH KOREA / Attend Bumbershoot WASHINGTON / Attend the Beltane Fire Festival SCOTLAND / Attend Oerol Festival NETHERLANDS / Attend the Bavarian Festival in Frankenmuth MICHIGAN / Attend the Colorado Balloon Classic COLORADO / Attend the International Cherry Blossom Festival GEORGIA / Attend the Spring Festival in Bourges FRANCE / Attend the Ohrid Summer Festival NORTH MACEDONIA / Attend the Klaipėda Sea Festival LITHUANIA / See the Colours Boat Race IRELAND / Attend the Kwakoe Festival NETHERLANDS / Attend a summer concert at the medieval Chorin Monastery GERMANY / Attend the Eigse Carlow Arts Festival IRELAND / Witness grease-wrestling at the Kirkpinar Festival TURKEY / Attend the Rockwave Festival in Malakassa GREECE / Attend the Fête de la Violette flower show FRANCE / 🍴 Attend the Taste of Chicago ILLINOIS / 🎷 Attend the Newport Jazz Festival RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Tulip Festival in Albany NEW YORK / Attend the North Carolina Pickle Festival NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the Woolly Worm Festival NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the State Snow Sculpture Competition NEW HAMPSHIRE / Attend the Quick Chek NJ Festival of Ballooning in Readington in July NEW JERSEY / Visit the Cowtown Rodeo in Pilesgrove NEW JERSEY / Attend the Tupelo Elvis Presley Festival MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Slugburger Festival MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Summer Arts Festival in Omaha NEBRASKA / Attend the Great Falls Balloon Festival MAINE / Attend the South Carolina Strawberry Festival SOUTH CAROLINA / Attend the Devon Horse Show PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the Pecan Street Festival TEXAS / Attend the Ashtabula County Covered Bridge Festival OHIO / Attend the Fall Kite Festival OREGON / Attend Wichita Riverfest KANSAS / Attend the Smoky Hill River Festival KANSAS / Attend the Great American Brass Band Festival KENTUCKY / Attend Beignet Fest LOUISIANA / Attend the Springtime Festival in Tallahassee FLORIDA / Attend BalloonaVista COLORADO / Attend the International Festival of Arts and Ideas CONNECTICUT / Attend the Riga Summer Festival LATVIA / Attend the Braemar Gathering SCOTLAND / Attend AfrikaBurn SOUTH AFRICA / Attend the Royal Welsh Show WALES / Attend the Cascais Summer Festival PORTUGAL / Go to a Full Moon party! / Attend the Henley-on-Todd Regatta AUSTRALIA / Attend the Texas Rose Festival TEXAS / Attend the Spanish Fork Festival of Lights UTAH / Attend the ancient midsummer celebration called Wianki POLAND / Attend the Off Festival POLAND / Attend the Baalbeck International Festival LEBANON / Attend the Harrogate Spring Flower Show ENGLAND / Attend the Covent Garden May Fayre and Puppet Festival ENGLAND / Attend a country music festival / Attend In-D-Negev ISRAEL / Participate in the Darwin Beer Regatta or the Henley on Todd Regatta AUSTRALIA / Attend Rototom Sunsplash Reggae Festival SPAIN / Attend the Macao International Dragon Boat Festival MACAU / Attend Festival do Caracol Saloio de Loures PORTUGAL / Attend the Singapore Dragon Boat Festival SINGAPORE / Attend the Spirit of America Festival ALABAMA / Attend the Anchorage Festival of Music ALASKA / Attend the Annual World Championship Cardboard Boat Races ARKANSAS / Attend the Wilmington Grand Prix DELAWARE / Attend the Wyoming Peach Festival DELAWARE / Attend Sweet Auburn Springfest GEORGIA / See the Kuhio Beach Hula Mound's Nightly Sunset Torch Lighting Ceremony HAWAII / Attend the Saint Paul Winter Carnival MINNESOTA / Attend the the Delcambre Shrimp Festival LOUISIANA / Attend Donkey Derby Days in Cripple Creek COLORADO / Attend the French Quarter Festival LOUISIANA / Attend the Southern Illinois Irish Festival ILLINOIS / Attend the Festival of Murals INDIANA / Attend the International Chainsaw Carvers Rendezvous PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the River To River Festival NEW YORK / Attend the Breitenbach Dandelion Festival OHIO / Attend the Oklahoma Azalea Festival OKLAHOMA / Attend the Fried Onion Burger Day Festival OKLAHOMA / Attend the Oklahoma State Prison Rodeo OKLAHOMA / Attend the Honobia Bigfoot Fall Festival OKLAHOMA / Visit Arrington Vineyards TENNESSEE / Attend the Three Rivers Arts Festival PENNSYLVANIA / Attend the Great Reno Balloon Race NEVADA / Attend the Mississippi Delta Blues Festival MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Polar Bear Plunge in the Lake of the Ozarks MISSOURI / Attend the Maple Leaf Festival MISSOURI / Attend the Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede MONTANA / Attend Nebraska Aland Days NEBRASKA / Attend the Fields of Lupine Festival NEW HAMPSHIRE / Attend the New Jersey Folk Festival NEW JERSEY / Attend the Hatch Valley Chile Festival NEW MEXICO / Attend the Riverfront Irish Festival OHIO / Attend the Lake Eden Arts Festival NORTH CAROLINA / Attend the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival NEVADA / Visit the South County Museum RHODE ISLAND / Attend the Texas Folklife Festival TEXAS / Attend the Poteau Balloonfest OKLAHOMA / Attend the Summer Camp Music Festival ILLINOIS / Attend the Glenn Miller Festival IOWA / Attend the Beauregard Watermelon Festival LOUISIANA / Attend the Rivergate Festival MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Maine Potato Blossom Festival MAINE / Go to the balloon festival in Boise IDAHO / Attend the Jacksonville Jazz Festival FLORIDA / Attend the Pink Parlour Festival CALIFORNIA / Attend the Sitka Summer Music Festival ALASKA / Attend the Great Connecticut Traditional Jazz Fest CONNECTICUT / Attend the Potato and Corn Festival in North Branford CONNECTICUT / Attend the Colorado Mountain Winefest COLORADO / Attend Metaltown Festival SWEDEN / Attend Festival Mawazine MOROCCO / See Chinese villagers throw molten iron at a wall / Attend a live polo match / Attend the SWN Festival WALES / Catch a car rally at Andorra la Vella ANDORRA / Attend the Supernatural Festival SERBIA / Participate in the Open-air rock music and film festival, Klinkers BELGIUM / Visit the Royal Chelsea Flower Show LONDON / Attend a music festival in Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL / Attend Kırkpınar oil-wrestling tournament TURKEY / Attend the Vancouver International Jazz Festival CANADA / Attend the Flake Out Festival WISCONSIN / Attend the Lumberjack World Championships WISCONSIN / Attend the US Open Snowboarding Championships VERMONT / Attend the Lexington Hot Air Balloon Rally VIRGINIA / Attend the Texas Sandfest TEXAS / Attend Tamar Festival ISRAEL / Attend La Carlota's street party - Kabankalong Sinulog PHILIPPINES / Attend Electric Daisy Carnival New York /